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In the Star Army RP starships are the most important vehicle in the Star Army RP SARPiverse's setting. They enable Characters to travel between places like star systems, planets, starports and space stations. Starships are also the typical setting for plots, and starship crews are frequently the way characters are grouped.


In the Star Army setting, starships are common and they've been in use for thousands of years.

Types of Starships

You can find a list of starship classes on the products page (filter by type). Most factions also have a list of starship classes, such as Star Army Starship Classes.

More About Starships

List of Starships

#PageRegistry NumberShip's ClassShip StatusShip's Captain
1The Alyelumetirion-class_cruiseractiveAdrin Eitan
2ECS PanoptelesEl-S1-2a Panopteles-class Exploreractive
3The Synth-Class Corvette Night StarThe Synth-Class Corvette Night StaractiveNyx Pine
4ISS AsagiriMersina-Class Ship, PNUgen VariantactiveKaieda Auda
5ISS SobekactiveFuji, Lenna
6ISS Eyesore2274-7DG22AGe-F6-1A - Light FreighteractiveLisa Alice "Thorn" Ironhart
7OIF InquestAY-02Assayer Class StarshipactiveDyna Shevi
8ISS Hikari OneCYP-C03-0227StarlyteactiveKetsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko
9Ship-faced NutcrackerICS-X1-000activeTacho
10ISS ExpatriatePYL-P31-0456Mule Ultralight FreighteractiveRurunaru Kamatara
11ISS Evenstar (Yoi-no-Myōjō)PYX-C02-0001Tanya-Class Expeditionary Heavy CruiseractiveMotoyoshi Eidan
12ISS ShioriPYX-C05-0001Misha-Class ExploreractiveMotoyoshi Eidan
13ISS MitsuPYX-C5X-0002Misha-Class ExploreractiveKage Yaichiro
14Ketsurui-no-ArashiPYX-P02-0002Tanya-Class Expeditionary Heavy Cruiseractive
15ISS Haru No HanabiPYY-CPY-0064Princess Class YachtactiveMotoyoshi Tachiko
16NSS CanaryNS-LFS-1CIV Red Hill Class REVISEDactive
17NSS SurpriseLongsword Class FrigateactiveJacob "Lucky Jack" Canterbury II
18SS Danger DancerGe-F6-1A - Light Freighteractive
19SS Smuggler's PrideGe-F6-1A - Light Freighteractive
20SS MishenGe-L3-1A - Vampire-Class Patrol CraftactiveTakeyu Nayacesen
21SS YugamiGe-F6-1A - Light FreighteractiveTakeyu Nayacesen
22YCS Bastion of WinterCYE-CYU-0036Yūgure-class Merchant DestroyeractiveCecily Winters
23YCS Midnight ExpressCYL-C69-2021Hauler-class Logistics ShipactiveMotoyoshi Kaoru
24YSS KanagawaPlumeria-class (2E) Medium Gunshipactive
25YSS TenguAJ-TF22-501Nuwa Class Multipurpose FrigateactiveSakurai Mizuki
26YSS WickedGD-232Yui-class Scoutin storage
27YSS HeitanNA-X2-001Heitan-Class (1B) CarrieractiveNuma Atsui
28YSS IllustriousNB-X1-10Sharie-class BattleshipactiveRufus Sydney
29YSS WakabaNB-X1-4227Sharie-class Battleshipin repairThomas Canterbury
30YSS Battle Of YamataiNF-S1-01Izanagi-Class Dreadnoughtactive
31YSS Battle Of NatariaNF-S1-02Izanagi-Class Dreadnoughtactive
32YSS YamakuzureNF-S4-0011Yamato-Class Flagshipactive
33YSS NadareNF-S4-02Chiharu-class Flagshipdestroyed
34YSS TokyoNF-X1-4201Izanagi-Class DreadnoughtactiveMotoyoshi-Yamada Ayano
35YSS TeisenjouNF-X2-910Tanya-Class Expeditionary Heavy CruiseractiveKurusu Misaki
36YSS Resurrection Of TaiieNF-X5-00Takumi-Class Expeditionary Command CruiseractiveKetsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko
37YSS AkuroNF-X5-01Chiharu-class Flagshipdestroyed
38The Akuro IIINF-X5-05Ascendancy-class Flagshipin storage
39YSS Battle of BecurnNF-X5-15Izanagi-Class Dreadnoughtactive
40YSS ChrysanthemumNG-S1-363Plumeria-class (2E) Medium Gunshipactive
41YSS NadeshikoNG-S1-365Plumeria-class (2D) Medium Gunshipactive
42YSS KōunNG-S1-469Plumeria-class (2E) Medium GunshipactiveAlastair Belmont
43YSS ResurgenceNG-S1-575Fuji-class Expeditionary GunshipactiveAoba Kuranosuke
44YSS RenaissanceNG-S1-576Fuji-class Expeditionary GunshipactiveBenna
45YSS ValiantNG-S2-02Sakura-class Light GunshipdestroyedArild Bard
46YSS PlumeriaNG-X1-390Plumeria-class (2D) Medium GunshipdestroyedHanako
47YSS EucharisNG-X1-408Plumeria-class (2D) Medium GunshipactiveSakura Blackberry
48YSS Aeon IING-X1-409APlumeria-class (2E) Medium GunshipactiveIse Katae
49YSS IntegrityNG-X1-413Plumeria-class (2D) Medium Gunshipactive
50YSS Azalea IING-X1-424Plumeria-class (2E) Medium GunshipactiveHotaru Sasaki
51YSS ErytheiaNG-X1-431Plumeria-class (2D) Medium Gunshipactive
52YSS NyxNG-X1-435Plumeria-class (2D) Medium Gunshipactive
53YSS Kaiyō IING-X1-501Fuji-class Expeditionary GunshipactiveTaiyou Hoshi
54YSS WyvernNG-X1-517Fuji-class Expeditionary GunshipactiveAerlia Lei'Shela
55YSS ArtemisNJ-S2-217Urufu-Class Light Cruiseractive
56YSS AsamoyaNJ-X1-10Himiko-class Light Escortin storage
57YSS MazuNJ-X1-4224Takumi-Class Expeditionary Command CruiseractiveShimizu-Motoyoshi Akina (清水本吉明菜)
58YSS SheathNR-X1-05Anri-Class Deep-Space Repair Vesselactive
59YSS SenbuNR-X1-10Anri-Class Deep-Space Repair Vesselactive
60YSS NozomiNS-X1-250Nozomi-class ScoutactiveKessaku Eris
61YSS MiraiNS-X1-252Nozomi-class Scoutactive
62YSS YukikaNS-X5-12Nozomi-class Scout
63YSS Yukika IINS-X5-1212Nozomi II-class ScoutactiveMotoyoshi Tachiko
64YSS Ketsurui YuiYB-05Yuumi-class Battleshipdestroyed
65YSS YuiYD-30Yui-class Scoutin storage
66YSS TansakuYX-C1-0001Tansaku-class Science Vesselactive

List of Notable Starships (Old)

This list details individual ships that have appeared in the Star Army roleplay.

Star Army of Nepleslia

Star Army of Yamatai

See also: Star Army Starships

Lorath Self Defense Force

Azorean Commonwealth

Origin Industries

Poku Saeruo Degonjo

Elysian Celestial Empire


List of Starship Classes

This is a list of starship classes. For ship components, see the List of Starship Systems. For smaller craft, see the List of Aerospace Craft and/or the List of Mecha and Power Armors. Only approved ship classes are allowed on this page. (Unapproved ships should be on the WIP.)

Size Guidelines by Class

Military Examples Civilian Examples Base Tier Length
Patrol Craft & Small Escorts Light Freighters 10 30~100 meters
Destroyers, Escorts, and Gunships Medium Freighters 11 100~250 meters
Cruisers Heavy Freighters 12 250~500 meters
Carriers & Heavy Cruisers Superheavy Freighters 13 500~1,000 meters
Battleships Mobile Refineries 14 750~1,500 meters
Dreadnoughts Colony Ships 15 ~1,500+ meters

Abwehran Imperial Yards

Henatu Citystate (Azorean)


Elysian Celestial Empire

Freespacer Cadre Independent Shipworks

Galactic Horizon

Geshrinari Shipyards

See Geshrinari Shipyards for a list of current and discontinued starship classes.

Gillian Manufacturing


Solan Startworks

Ahmida Civiltech

Ketsurui Fleet Yards

See Ketsurui Fleet Yards for a list of current starship classes as well as a list of retired ones.



Qel'noran Shipyards


Nepleslian Arms and Munitions


Origin Industries

Posedeia Heavy Industries

New Dusk Conclave

Sunflower Corporation


For Yamataian military starships, see the list of Star Army Starship Classes.


starships.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/18 08:18 by andrew