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As a roleplaying game primarily centered on the military (and to some extent, large corporations), the Star Army universe has many detailed examples of uniforms. This page is a hub page for finding them.

Uniforms of the Star Army Setting


Uniforms have been used for centuries as a way to identify and distinguish members of various organizations and groups. In the context of the Star Army role-playing game, uniforms can serve as a visual representation of a character's profession, rank, or allegiance (faction). They can also help to establish a sense of unity and solidarity within a group, and can serve as a form of protection or identification in dangerous or hostile environments.


In YE 22, the Star Army of Yamatai created its uniforms and look, which has been updated occasionally through the years. It started with the Star Army Duty Uniform, Type 22 and Star Army Female Bodysuit, Type 22.

In YE 28, the Star Army of Nepleslia adopted the Star Army of Nepleslia Uniform (YE 28).


In YE 30, Nepleslian Space Marine Corps adopted the YE 30 NSMC Standard Uniform. In YE 33, the Star Military of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia added the Nepleslian Dress Uniform (YE 33).

During the Second Mishhuvurthyar War era, the Star Army of Yamatai used the Star Army Duty Uniform, Type 30A and Star Army Duty Uniform, Type 30B. In YE 32 the Star Army added the iconic Star Army Cap, Type 32 and Star Army Coat, Type 32. The original Type 22 look of the Star Army made a comeback in YE 35 in the form of the Star Army Duty Uniform, Type 35.


In YE 42, the Star Army introduced the Star Army Duty Uniform, Type 42 and Star Army Bodysuit, Type 42.

In YE 43, Nepleslia saw the addition of the YE 43 Tactical Kilt.

In YE 45, the Nepleslian Reds introduce their first uniform redesign with the Type 45 FSDF Dress Uniform of the Fujiko Self-Defense Force.


In SARP, uniforms can vary greatly in their appearance and function. They may be simple or elaborate, functional or decorative, and can be made from a wide range of materials such as cloth, leather, or armor. Uniforms often include insignia or symbols that represent the wearer's organization, rank, profession, or affiliation, while others may be more subtle or understated.

Typically, we'll see these types of uniforms:

  1. Dress Uniforms: Used for formal occasions, such as ceremonies or parades
    • These tend to be the most colorful
    • Medals are worn on these
  2. Duty Uniforms (Service Dress): Everyday uniforms used by members of a military or police force.
  3. Field uniforms: Outdoor uniforms used in the field (e.g. while deployed or on a mission).
    • These tend to be in camouflage colors or patterns.
  4. Exercise uniforms (PT uniforms): Workout clothing used by an organization for physical training events
  5. Utility uniforms: Special purpose clothing such as firefighting gear, space suits, mechanic coveralls, etc.
  6. School uniforms: Commercially available uniforms made to fit a school's dress code
    • Gyakuran and Serafuku are great examples of these.
  7. Corporate uniforms: Uniforms worn by employees of a business.
    • These tend to be simple such as a polo short with the business logo on it.


Uniforms can be used in a variety of ways in SARP. They can be used to indicate a character's profession or role within a group, such as a soldier, a scientist, or a member of the clergy. They can also be used to distinguish between different ranks or positions within an organization, such as officers and enlisted personnel, or between different factions or groups. In addition, uniforms can be used to convey information about a character's skills or abilities, such as specialized equipment or training, for example Star Army Medics wear teal with a red diamond patch.

It is common for corporations in the Star Army setting to have employee uniforms, such as the Origin Industries Uniform.

Overall, uniforms can be a useful tool for adding depth and realism to characters and groups, and can help to establish a sense of identity and purpose within the game world.

OOC Notes

Wes created this article on 2022/12/20 16:06.

Daniel Becker and Cherry art by Marugo-chi, commissioned by Wes

items/clothing/uniforms.txt ยท Last modified: 2025/01/07 17:08 by 2a03:2880:f800:1::