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Star Army Duty Uniform, Type 35

The Duty Uniform is the Service Dress Uniform used by the Star Army of Yamatai for everyday non-tactical use as well as formal events. It became standard in YE 35.

Hanako wearing a Type 35 Duty Uniform

Cost of a complete uniform (includes footwear): 200 KS


The duty uniform consists of an high-collared Star Army Regal Blue Type 35 Jacket worn with cadet blue dress pants (trousers), a black or dark gray pistol belt, and black glossy shoes. The pants can optionally be replaced with cadet blue tights and a short skirt matching the jacket color. Both pants and skirts are authorized for any gender. In practice, males typically wear pants and females tend to wear one of the two types of skirts. Type 35 jackets are color-coded to show the soldier's occupation.

The uniform is shown in the examples above:

  1. Warrant officer (intelligence black) with Type 32 cap and wearing the optional pleated skirt
  2. Officer (command white) with Type 36 Officer Cap and standard skirt
  3. Enlisted (logistics orange) with Type 32 cap and pants (trousers)
  4. The Type 32 Coat is worn over the uniform in cold and rainy conditions.


In YE 37, use of the Type 35 Duty Uniform was designated in two configurations:

  • The Class A Formal configuration is worn with award ribbons and a metal rank badge on the chest. The formal configuration was introduced on the first day of YE 37. This is considered to be equivalent of black tie.
  • The Class B Everyday configuration is worn without insignia on the chest. It is the standard uniform of the Star Army of Yamatai and is equivalent to business casual. The Class B allows for the optional wear of boots and cargo pants.

Two soldiers in Type 35 Duty Uniform


The YE 35 version is heavily based on the original YE 22 pattern but makes some cosmetic improvements. Changes from previous duty uniforms include:

  • Shoulder straps (epaulettes) have been added to present a more militaristic appearance.
  • A decorative piping has been added, similar to that of the working uniform and the type 30 duty uniform.
  • The occupational color patches on the shoulders were removed and the occupational color panel extends higher now so it looks less corset-like.
  • A stand-up band collar (rounded)
  • The jacket uses a flat texture instead of a Type 30's ribbed one to give a more formal, polished look.
  • the cargo pockets seen on earlier versions of the pants are no longer present.
  • Skirt length is now standardized as are the styles.

This also was the first uniform to allow for the wear of foreign awards.

YE 30s

Star Army Logistics began issuing the Type 35 Duty Uniform to soldiers near the end of YE 34, replacing the Type 30.

In mid-YE 35, an updated, identical version of the jacket was introduced that introduced that made the jacket more resistant to radiation and added insect repellent (see the jacket article for more information).

In YE 36, the uniform become mandatory throughout the Star Army of Yamatai and completely replaced the previous style of duty uniform.

In YE 37, white dress slacks and white opaque tights were authorized for wear in the Class A Formal uniform configuration. However, these were used very rarely and in YE 41.2 the use these was discontinued.

YE 40s

In YE 41, the Star Army introduced a new version of the uniform made of biodegradable fabric, due to environmental concerns. The new material was a blend of biodegradable polyester and wool (see the jacket article for more information). It is identical in appearance and function. The Star Army Insignia Set, Type 41 was also introduced and became part of this uniform. It is being gradually phased in.

Insignia Set, Type 41

In YE 45, the Star Army gave the Type 35 Duty Uniform its five-year review and decided to continue its use. It also added Dataweave and Omnihue color panels. It also added the Star Army Communicator, Type 42, a glowing teal triangular communicator/volumetric projector first used in the Star Army Duty Uniform, Type 421).

Uniform Components

The uniform consists of a color-coded jacket, cadet blue pants or a regal blue skirt with cadet blue stockings, shoes or boots, a pistol belt, a blue flat sailor cap, and an optional black overcoat, which is available for weather or formal use and is worn as needed.

By default, the uniform is issued with pants. However, skirts and leggings can be substituted and in practice the vast majority of female soldiers in the Star Army choose to wear a skirt due to Yamataian cultural preferences. Neither the skirts or pants are restricted by gender. There are male skirt variants available (often referred to as kilts) but they are not commonly used and may have to be special ordered from a Star Army Clothing Store.

The details of each are listed below in this chart, and links to detailed descriptions of the individual component items are provided if available.

Class A Formal Class B Everyday Notes
Jacket Star Army Jacket, Type 35 See jacket page for patches & ranks
Trousers Dress Pants, Type 35 Dress Pants, Type 35 or Cargo Pants, Type 21 Cadet blue
Skirts Star Army Skirt, Type 35 or Star Army Skirt, Pleated, Type 35 Optional replacement for trousers
Award Ribbons See Medals and Awards not worn on class B
Belt and buckle Star Army Belt, Type 35, Jet Black Includes pistol holster
Cap Options Star Army Cap, Type 32 or Star Army Officer's Cap, Type 36 (officer only) Worn when outdoors
Footwear options Gloss black dress shoes or heels Jet black shoes, boots, or jika-tabi
Gloves Cadet blue gloves Jet black (utility) or cadet blue gloves Optional, used for cold weather.
Rank Insignia See Ranks Pins are not worn on class B
Shirt Undershirt, Regal Blue
Socks Socks, Cadet Blue Not worn with tights
Tights Cadet blue tights Cadet blue Star Army Tights Must be worn with skirt

Nekovalkyrja Itto Hei in gray operations uniform Kodian warrant officer in science green version of the uniform Human Itto Heisho in Type 35 uniform with technician red jacket

Uniform Accessories

This duty uniform has several authorized accessories:

Color Scheme

Here are the specified colors for the uniform:

For the color panel on the torso, see Star Army Uniform Colors.


OOC Notes & History

Joto Hei Ayane Akagawa in Type 35 Duty Uniform with Type 32 Cap

Wes originally proposed the idea of a female version of the male uniform that featured a “male uniform with a pleated skirt” on July 29, 2006.

The Star Army sailor cap was adopted November 30, 2010 and the black coat followed shortly afterward, with the two becoming the main combination used for chibi art for over a year. This was referred to as the “Star Army Service Dress Uniform” at the time. The idea was to replace the assortment of coats and cloaks previously worn as weather gear with the Star Army uniform, and to vastly reduce the number of complications and inaccuracies created when using various commissions artists.

The design was supposed to be easy to draw so the Service Dress Uniform did not feature different hat types, skirt types, unit patches, occupational colors, and fleet-specific rank pins that added complexity to an art commission. But using the coat as the “main” look was awkward and visually boring. Members were displeased and began to discuss alternatives. On March 18, 2012, Doshii Jun posted: “I think that if you're going to push for a formal-occasion, medal-wearing uniform, you need to design something that is simple for artists and sensible for soldiers.” Over the next two months, Wes began thinking over what the replacement uniform might look like.

On May 5, 2012, Wes conducted a survey about uniform updates and by July 12, 2012, Wes posted the first concepts of the Type 35 Duty Uniforms in the Star Army Uniform Updates thread and got feedback, deciding to go with a very traditional-looking design that lacked visible buttons and was strongly based on the original Star Army uniforms from the site's early years. On September 20, 2012, Wes created the uniform article and got more feedback from members. The uniform became officially approved as canon shortly afterward. From then on, almost all new art commissions used the Type 35 uniform design to keep the art from becoming outdated. On January 1, 2013, YE 35 began and this marked the in-character adoption of the Type 35 uniform.

Some additional tweaks have been made since then: On January 1, 2015, Wes added the white-topped officer cap and specified the Class A and Class B configurations. On August 18, 2015, Wes decided to allow white pants based on feedback in the uniform thread; however, this option was used so rarely that on February 24, 2019, Wes discontinued it.

In December 2024, a poll on the Star Army Discord showed that the Type 35 Duty uniform was considered the best-looking Star Army uniform2).

Art Credits

Artwork on this page is by:

  • Arcelle: character near the bottom
  • Hyeoii: characters at the top of the page
  • Helloimtea: original art for the diagram
  • Nicoy: Kodian bear dude and characters next to him
  • Raph (ichan): chibis
  • Zairyo: officer with data pad
  • Wes: uniform design
Star Army Logistics
First UsedYE 35
Last ReviewYE 45
Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesclothing, uniforms
Product NameStar Army Duty Uniform, Type 35
ManufacturerKetsurui Zaibatsu
Year ReleasedYE 35
Price (KS)200.00 KS

stararmy/uniforms/duty_uniform_type_35.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/31 11:19 by wes