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YE 30

The thirtieth year of the Yamataian Calendar. YE 30 lasted from summer 2007, until December 31, 2008.


Notable Events


  • Kakutama Heavy Industries was founded, owned, and operated by the Shichou Clan.
  • The Guild of Cyberempathy usurps crime lords on Halna and other worlds in order to finance their operations. Drug and slave trading operations are systematically shut down in these sectors. Automata begin to police in force, in turn leading to a sharp decline in the number of violent crimes. Attempts are made to infiltrate Nepleslian criminal infrastructure, but are only successful in small, limited increments.
  • Freespacer survivors exodus to Port Hope in Nepleslian space, and north into the Blue Rift Expanse. The Ley Lines network established to this end.
  • Lorath Starship Storage Depot is established.

International Events



United Outer Colonies

Rise of the Bakufu

  • Under the reigns of Koyanagi Mayumi the Fleet is restored and the Motoyoshi Bafuku increases its power adding tribute families from within the population of survivors of Taiie and the personnel of the fleet.
  • The Tange, one of the tribute families within the Bakufu begins to gain power by concentrating high ranking members of the fleet into its membership.
  • Motoyoshi Kiyoko becomes heavily influenced by the Tange, who have begun to voice treasonous opinions towards the Empire.
  • The Fleet proceeds to Pisces Station to confront its commander about the treatment of Taiie survivors. Thanks to the involvement of Kessaku Irim a potentially volatile situation is adverted.
  • Motoyoshi Tio among those recovered from Pisces.
  • Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko is restored. Returns to duty after evaluation as commander of the fleet.
  • Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko creates Motoyoshi Fleet Yards and Koyanagi Mayumi retires from the Star Army to take control.

Politics & Betrayals

Battle of the Great Lighthouse

Aftermath of The Battle of the Great Lighthouse

Colonization of the Yugumo Cluster

The colonization of the Yugumo Cluster was conducted by the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet.

International Relations Conference of YE 30

Operation Freedom Cake

Operation Freedom Cake was the official declaration of the United Outer Colonies independence.

Building A New Nation

Angelica and the SMX

  • Angelica and her Shlarvasseroth-class Flagship are spotted in the Yugumo Cluster several times presumably meeting with Tange officials in secret. No investigation was ever made into this matter. It was dismissed as the activity of the Hanabusa Traitors.

Piracy Issues

  • After the UOC was forced to send its Star Army of Yamatai military ships and equipment, the UOC's ability to protect itself is severely diminished. This causes an explosion of piracy, as vengeful Yamataian loyalists and opportunistic Nepleslians prey on UOC shipping.

Other Events

  • The United Manufacturing Cooperative is formed through the cooperation of several corporate conglomerates in the region.
  • Citizens of the Colonies gain a cultural identity defining themselves as Jiyuuian

Ships Launched

New Ship Classes

Technologies Released

Products Released

These are some products released in YE 30. This list is automatic. To update it edit the release year in struct fields on the product page.

Product ImagePageManufacturer
Ge-F7-1B - Jinsoku Cargo RunnerGeshrinari Shipyards
Ge-L5-1A - Issoku-Class Cargo RunnerGeshrinari Shipyards
Princess Class YachtOrigin Industries
MedicaGelAdvancer Enterprises
Tenshi no Yoru 'Tenshi' Light Mechanized Power ArmorMotoyoshi Fleet Yards
Forcefield-Nested Isolation DoorsYugumo Corporation
Yumeoibito Hyperspace Fold DriveYugumo Corporation, Yugumo Fleetworks
"Mobile Spanner" DroneZen Armaments, Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing
Na-W/P-08 Heavy Automatic SidearmNepleslian Arms and Munitions
NAM HPAR-01a Heavy Penetrating Assault Rifle - "The Money Shot"Nepleslian Arms and Munitions
NAM Infantry GrenadesNepleslian Arms and Munitions
Ocelot Hover carOrigin Motor Corporation
Mugen Armories E1 Energy PistolYugumo Corporation
Star Army Concussion Grenade, Type 30Star Army of Yamatai
Star Army Electromagnetic Pulse Grenade, Type 30Star Army of Yamatai
Star Army Flashbang/Stun Grenade, Type 30Star Army of Yamatai
Star Army Fragmentation Grenade, Type 30Star Army of Yamatai
Star Army Incendiary Grenade, Type 30Star Army of Yamatai
Star Army Scalar Pulse Grenade, Type 30Star Army of Yamatai
Star Army Signal Smoke (Colored) Grenade, Type 30Star Army of Yamatai
Star Army Gas Grenade, Sleeping, Type 30Star Army of Yamatai
Star Army Smokescreen Grenade, Type 30Star Army of Yamatai
Star Army Tear Gas Grenade, Type 30Star Army of Yamatai
Star Army Training Grenade, Type 38Star Army of Yamatai
Camouflage FabricKetsurui Zaibatsu
Star Army Engineering Protective Jumpsuit, Type 31
Ke-M2-E3000 Leader Support PackKetsurui Fleet Yards
Ke-S4-E3000 Moua Active JammerKetsurui Fleet Yards
Ke-M2-G3000 Shoulder CapacitorKetsurui Fleet Yards
Portable Medical Scanner PMS-1MKetsurui Zaibatsu
Star Army Portable Shelter, Type 30Shimizu Fleet Yards
Star Army Field Rations, Type 30Ketsurui Zaibatsu
Ke-T7 "Raccoon" Transport ShuttleKetsurui Fleet Yards
Star Army Escape Pod, Type 30Ketsurui Fleet Yards
Ayame Layer-class Logistics ShipKetsurui Fleet Yards
Sharie-class BattleshipKetsurui Fleet Yards
Star Army Duty Uniform, Type 30A
Star Army Duty Uniform, Type 30B
Star Army Female Bodysuit, Type 30
Star Army Female Jumpsuit, Type 30
Star Army Field Uniform, Type 31
Enclosed Surface Terrain Vehicle
Cargo STVKetsurui Zaibatsu
Type 30 Akira-class HoverbikeKetsurui Zaibatsu
Type 30 Container Handling VehicleKetsurui Zaibatsu
Machine Gun, 35mm, Type 30
Scatter Gun, Accelerated Charged Plasma, Type 30Ketsurui Zaibatsu
Aether Gatling RifleKetsurui Fleet Yards
Ke-M2-W3001 Shoulder-Mounted Aetheric Pulse CannonKetsurui Fleet Yards
Ke-M6-W3000 50mm Gauss BazookaKetsurui Zaibatsu
Ke-S2-W3000 Main Weapon ArrayKetsurui Fleet Yards
Ke-S2-W3002 Missile LaunchersKetsurui Fleet Yards
Ke-S3-W3020 Main Weapon ArrayKetsurui Fleet Yards
Nekovalkyrja Service Pistol, Type 30Ketsurui Zaibatsu
Shoulder-Fired Launcher, Anti-Armor Missile, Type 30Ketsurui Zaibatsu
Timeline: Years
OOC Start Date07/01/2006
OOC End Date12/21/2008
Neshaten EoRER 774
ElysianAD 4001
HSC (Poku)749 CY
IromakuanheAR 935.25
Abwehran259 AF - Fourth Quarter

timeline/ye_30.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/08 11:11 by andrew