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Our shared universe includes thousands of detailed characters to meet. There's over 3042 character pages (about 23% of the the wiki) including both player-made characters (PCs) and non-player characters (NPCs) that are controlled by plot Game Masters (GMs) or Faction Managers (FMs) as needed.

Any player character and any named characters that appear in the roleplay are considered notable and should be included on the wiki so that their information can be used for future appearances and for historical purposes.

On Star Army, we call individuals in the universe characters so they're not confused with the people who play them.

Types of Characters

On Star Army, there are two primary types of characters that appear in the roleplay: player characters (PCs) and non-player characters (NPCs). characters are further divided into one of several character statuses:

  • Player Characters (characters: namespace)
    • Active - played currently or recently
    • Inactive - player inactive for 30 days or more
    • Adoptable - flagged as available to adopt
  • Non-Player Characters (characters:npc: namespace
    • In Use - A GM or FM is currently using or reserving this character
    • Available - GMs and FMs can post for this character as needed
    • On Loan - GM or FM has loaned this character to someone

Character Status is marked in the Struct field on their character page (visible during editing).

Player Characters

Player characters (PCs) are the characters whose speech and actions are controlled by players instead of by the GM. They're the β€œmain characters” of the story. Maybe even the heroes. The storyline will follow them.

Role-Players put themselves in the role of player characters characters adventuring in the Star Army universe. Quite simply, a player character (PC) is a character that any player primarily controls in any sort of game setting. Usually, these are the characters you spend the most time developing in a roleplay setting because they are the ones that the story will revolve around.

Non-Player Characters

In contrast, non-player characters (NPCs) are controlled by a plot's Game Master (typical), a faction manager, or the creator of the roleplaying thread. They're are part of the imaginary environment in which the player characters are adventuring. Control of NPCs can be shared in some cases.

Create NPCs articles in the characters:NPC: namespace using the NPC Template. There are Random Generators 🎲 for NPCs available.

Non-Player Characters (NPCs) are characters that are part of the imaginary environment that the characters are adventuring in. They are controlled by a plot's Game Master.

Archived Characters

Characters we don't expect to be played or use again may be moved into the Archived Characters namespace, which is hidden to most users. This helps avoid clutter in search results.

Character Creation and Review

For character creation guides, see: Creating a Character

A Game Master is responsible for evaluation and approval of characters made for his/her plot.

  1. Be original. No characters from other media such as movie, books, and games.
  2. Put your character on the wiki.
  3. Use the provided template.
  4. Keep the page up to date.
  5. Until a character is approved by a Game Master or a Character Approver, the character is limited to the Open RP and Freeform RP forums.
  6. Once approved by a GM, a character can join that GM's plot.
  7. If you want your character to be related to an existing character, get permission from that character's player first.

Characters can be adopted too. See Character Adoption for details.

Character Directory

This is an automatically-updated list of characters pulled from the structured data on their wiki pages (see: Characters Schema).

#PageSpeciesFactionCharacter OwnerCharacter Status
1"Deacon"Democratic Imperium of NeplesliaAvatar of KohanaAdoptable Player Character
2"Spinner"LorathIndependentKaiNPC Available for GM or FM use
3"Stripe" DoaneHumanDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaTalonis WolfAdoptable Player Character
4Aaki LolethIromakuanheIromakuanhe Astral CommonwealthAmethelianaNPC In Use By GM or FM
5Aala DashIromakuanheIromakuanhe Astral CommonwealthAmethelianaInactive Player Character
6Aalto, SuleviMinkanYamatai Star EmpireViseActive Player Character
7Aaron AndersonNepleslianDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaAaronAdoptable Player Character
8Aashi Nath WernerIromakuanheIromakuanhe Astral CommonwealthAmethelianaActive Player Character
9Aavi VinakaIromakuanheIndependentAmethelianaActive Player Character
10Aayliah FurvenElfYamatai Star EmpireBloodyscarletNPC Available for GM or FM use
11Abart'huse TheisilisSepara'ShanYamatai Star EmpireBRindustriesAdoptable Player Character
12Abdullah bin "Ben" Al-husseinHumanNew Dusk ConclaveSobanInactive Player Character
13Abeck WinstonNepleslianDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaMoon ManNPC Available for GM or FM use
14Abeni Van LaarHelashioLorath MatriarchyEyanaareAdoptable Player Character
15Abigayl DorkleyNepleslianIndependentSemjaxAdoptable Player Character
16AceNepleslianDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaAceInactive Player Character
17Achilles SlitherSepara'ShanNew Dusk ConclaveCharaaNPC Available for GM or FM use
18Adam EdisonNepleslianDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaWhitehartInactive Player Character
19Adam FossNepleslianDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaJimmyInactive Player Character
20Addaiel RyuNekovalkyrjaYamatai Star EmpireBlizzardInactive Player Character
21Adele 'Just Adele' WhiteNepleslianDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaDeathevnInactive Player Character
22Adelheid VogelAbwehranAbwehran Star EmpireScotInactive Player Character
23Adelphress SvenghouliSepara'ShanYamatai Star EmpireZekecAdoptable Player Character
24Aden DrakeNepleslianIndependentenutterInactive Player Character
25AdeptLorathIndependentCharmaylargInactive Player Character
26Adi PineRandom AlienNew Dusk ConclaveNoodlewerferInactive Player Character
27Adiel AvrahamElysianIndependentBlizzardInactive Player Character
28Adley HayabusaNekovalkyrjaIndependentSirSkullyInactive Player Character
29AdrahasisKuvexianInterstellar Kingdom Of KuvexiaRawolfeNPC Available for GM or FM use
30Adria PineRandom AlienNew Dusk ConclaveNoodlewerferInactive Player Character
31Adrian DecaneNepleslianDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaSUBLIMEinalInactive Player Character
32Adrian HaleNepleslianDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaRabbitInactive Player Character
33Adrian TsukaiNH-22C YamataianUnited Outer ColoniesloonyInactive Player Character
34Adrin EitanNorianUnited Norian ImperiumAndrewNPC In Use By GM or FM
35Aekara TenuiNorianTsenlanGingerGlitchActive Player Character
36Aelya EitanNorianTsenlanGingerGlitchActive Player Character
37Aendri Shasos'SholNH-22C YamataianYamatai Star EmpireAendriInactive Player Character
38Aeon AllisonNekovalkyrjaYamatai Star EmpireNashobaNPC In Use By GM or FM
39Aeon JessicaNekovalkyrjaYamatai Star EmpireNashobaNPC In Use By GM or FM
40Aeon JodiNekovalkyrjaYamatai Star EmpireNashobaNPC In Use By GM or FM
41Aeon MisaNekovalkyrjaYamatai Star EmpireNashobaNPC In Use By GM or FM
42Aeon TashaNekovalkyrjaYamatai Star EmpireNashobaNPC In Use By GM or FM
43Aera MarenAnthroYamatai Star EmpireWesNPC In Use By GM or FM
44Aerin TatstNH-22C YamataianIndependentKaiActive Player Character
45Aerlia Lei'ShelaSepara'ShanYamatai Star EmpireNPC Available for GM or FM use
46Aesa ArashiNekovalkyrjaYamatai Star EmpireIzokia78Inactive Player Character
47Aeta KurosakiNekovalkyrjaNew Dusk ConclaveCharaaNPC In Use By GM or FM
48Aetreille EitanNorianUnited Norian ImperiumAndrewNPC In Use By GM or FM
49Affin Bariyye-ae ShratTsumiNew Dusk ConclaveIQInactive Player Character
50Agafya Sasha IrinushkaNepleslianIndependentEhwhaAdoptable Player Character
51Agrael AbdielElysianIndependentFayInactive Player Character
52Agrippina RossaMinkanYamatai Star EmpireWesNPC In Use By GM or FM
53Ahmound MumtiIromakuanheIromakuanhe Astral CommonwealthCordinarrNPC Available for GM or FM use
54Ahn Ha-neulMinkanYamatai Star EmpireWesNPC In Use By GM or FM
55Ahrim Ehrish Anyu Cu'SeddirIromakuanheIromakuanhe Astral CommonwealthSoresu
56Aiaru DahraIromakuanheIromakuanhe Astral CommonwealthAendriAdoptable Player Character
57Aida La RostislavovnaShukaren Daur (Sub-Species)Yamatai Star EmpireRawolfeInactive Player Character
58Aida YuichiMinkanYamatai Star EmpireInactive Player Character
59Aidan BuchananMinkanYamatai Star EmpirecirnechInactive Player Character
60Aika KakoNekovalkyrjaYamatai Star EmpireKittyAdoptable Player Character
61Aikawa KiyoshiNekovalkyrjaYamatai Star EmpireMatthew (Abwehran Commander)Adoptable Player Character
62AimiNekosoldat NH-29/YNNX-2Yamatai Star EmpireCowboyNPC In Use By GM or FM
63Aisupetaru KurisutaruNekovalkyrjaYamatai Star EmpireValona LongweaveInactive Player Character
64Aiura CaeyaraNorianYamatai Star EmpireAndrewNPC In Use By GM or FM
65Ajit LysanderNepleslianDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaSobanActive Player Character
66Aka AkiHumanYamatai Star Empireohm195Adoptable Player Character
67Aka'ashe'na Suha'laisneShukaren Daur (Sub-Species)Kingdom of NeshatenKyleInactive Player Character
68Akakios SolonElysianYamatai Star EmpireZakalweAdoptable Player Character
69Akamaru DatenshiNekovalkyrjaYamatai Star EmpireSageshooterInactive Player Character
70Akamaru ReikoNekovalkyrjaYamatai Star EmpireWolf626Inactive Player Character
71Akamine BrynhildrNekovalkyrjaYamatai Star EmpireZekecAdoptable Player Character
72Akane SiskoNekovalkyrjaYamatai Star EmpireSobanActive Player Character
73Akaris TenuiNorianYamatai Star EmpireiaincarterActive Player Character
74Akechi KirikoNekovalkyrjaYamatai Star EmpirerazNPC In Use By GM or FM
75Akechi MinoruMinkanYamatai Star EmpireAnfortasAdoptable Player Character
76Akechi Shika (あけけ しか)MinkanYamatai Star EmpireWesNPC In Use By GM or FM
77Akiashiro AikikoNekovalkyrjaYamatai Star EmpireSamanthiaInactive Player Character
78Akimoto AkiraNekovalkyrjaYamatai Star EmpireNPC Available for GM or FM use
79Akimoto MichikoNekovalkyrjaYamatai Star EmpireFayInactive Player Character
80Akio NoboruMinkanDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaTeslaTornadoInactive Player Character
81Akira SasakiMinkanYamatai Star EmpireEric R. SelvidgeInactive Player Character
82Akitoku YuaNekovalkyrjaYamatai Star EmpireKyokiAdoptable Player Character
83Akiyama TakashiMinkanIndependentPerilous SiegeInactive Player Character
84Akiyama YuriaNekovalkyrjaLorath MatriarchyRevolverInactive Player Character
85Aku KontonMinkanYamatai Star EmpireGingerGlitchNPC In Use By GM or FM
86Akuma KageNekovalkyrjaYamatai Star EmpireSirSkullyInactive Player Character
87Alan Douglas WagnerNepleslianDemocratic Imperium of Nepleslia
88Alara BotkidHumanNew Dusk ConclaveCharaaNPC In Use By GM or FM
89Alastair BelmontMinkanYamatai Star EmpireSpaceeyeActive Player Character
90Alaster LangfordID-SOLDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaSoresuInactive Player Character
91Albert Ethan GisgardNepleslianDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliawildjokerInactive Player Character
92Albert Schunigraz WeissNepleslianIndependentLambInactive Player Character
93Albert SteinerHumanIndependentCommissar FarziActive Player Character
94Alec CorbinNepleslianSirSPTInactive Player Character
95Alec WyrickNepleslianYamatai Star EmpireKyoshiroAdoptable Player Character
96Aleksandra VoloshynMinkanYamatai Star EmpireSensualCoderInactive Player Character
97Aleksei VoronovNepleslianDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaFenixInactive Player Character
98Alena VolontanySepara'ShanYamatai Star EmpireSobanActive Player Character
99Alex 1274OperatorNew Dusk ConclaveseldonActive Player Character
100Alex BurningNH-22C YamataianIndependentToshiroInactive Player Character

For a list of all characters page on the wiki, see Character Directory

Characters by Birthday

Character Namespaces

  • characters: 3042 pages
    • characters:archived: 171 pages
    • characters:fictional: 6 pages
    • characters:freespacers: 31 pages
    • characters:independent: 372 pages
    • characters:iromakuanhe: 77 pages
    • characters:lorath: 45 pages
    • characters:mishhuvurthyar: 16 pages
    • characters:ndc: 111 pages
    • characters:nepleslia: 452 pages
    • characters:uesureya: 2 pages
    • characters:yamatai: 1396 pages

characters.txt Β· Last modified: 2024/10/26 05:45 by wes