Abart’huse Theilisis is a player character played by BRindustries.
Abart’huse “Barry” Theisilis | |
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Species & Gender: | Separa'Shan (Pythus) Male |
Year of Birth: | YE 16 |
Organization: | Star Army Reserve |
Occupation: | Star Army Infantry |
Rank: | Nitô Heisho |
Current Placement: | Fort Victory Reserve Center |
Preferred Plots:
Abert’huse Theisilis is a tall, tanned Separa’Shan of the Pythus lineage.
His facial features consist of a pair of pale green slitted eyes, lightly pointed ears, a small patch of scales on both of his cheeks and a fairly wide jaw, which has multiple joints that allow it to slack. Topping it off is his fairly short, light brown hair that is usually combed back, with a single, small braid hanging from his right temple.
As a Separa’Shan, his most distinguishable feature is his long, sandy beige serpentine tail, coloured in a fairly plain pattern of grey, with some yellow/black highlights painted on as per family tradition. One notable difference compared to other Pythy is his belly scales being a much darker colour than his “top scales”(the same dark shade of grey as his pattern. While deemed to be a birth defect by local physicians, it doesn’t seem to have any adverse effects on his body.
With a total length of 18 feet (head to tail), he is usually a little over 6 feet high. While he can vary his height to some extent, this is the one he’s the most comfortable with. He sports a fairly sturdy body type, broad but not particularly muscular, though his physical strength is somewhat above average.
Abart’huse is a fairly calm and attentive individual, albeit a bit naïve sometimes. Due to his sheltered, peaceful upbringing he hasn’t experienced all that much hardship in his life, which could become a problem in combat. Being raised in a large family, he’s pretty sociable with others and can read people’s feelings quite well. While he’s a thoughtful and caring individual, he’s often more prone to acting on his gut feeling rather than rational thought.
As one might expect from a half-snake, he likes warm places and relaxing after a hard-day’s work. In his spare time he likes to indulge in his hobbies. While he does enjoy goldsmithing a good bit, he also likes the occasional sketching as well as music and sculpting other small things. He also shows a lot of interest in learning new things about life beyond the skies of his planet, lending a sharp eye and ear to all the new experiences that await him.
His favourite food is plain boiled eggs.
Abart’huse Theilisis was born in YE 16 on planet Essia System.
Born into a family that runs a small but fairly successful jewelry business, Abart’huse grew up in a peaceful environment, along with his other sliblings. His father is a goldsmith with renowned skill, as well as the current head of the business, while his mother originally descended from a small warrior clan, associated with the Order of the Templar, which is primarily where Abart’huse’s sturdy build hails from.
Soon after his ascension into adulthood, he was tought by his father in the art or goldsmithing and other skills typical to the making of fine jewelry. Despite not being the best among his sliblings, his fine motor skills and keen eye for detail allow him to make most impressive pieces of jewelry.
As he grew older, he learned more and more about cultures and civilizations beyond the stars, especially of the Yamatai Star Empire, fascinated by the vast and colourful diversity.
However, due to ever growing competition, their family business was having a harder time to run properly. Knowing that they’d need to improve and expand their business, he as well as some other sliblings set out to travel the world in search of new opportinuties for their business, be it materials, techinques, or anything else useful.
After not-so careful consideration, he decided for himself that the Star Army of Yamatai would be an excellent opportunity to travel the galaxy, partially influenced by his mother’s combatant background. He would enlist soon after that, following the basic training regime and signing up for the base 3-year service contract.
YSS Kaiyō
Post-Mission Four: Shinjitsu! - Abart's debut into the Kaiyo crew via a most interesting truth and lie game. Embarassing secrets make for great first impressions.
Mission five: Dôshiyô - Abart holds his own as hordes of Misshuu board the Kaiyo out of nowhere. Exhilerating tail-on-enemy action.
Post-Mission Five: Wabi-Sabi - Country snek in the big city. Things happen! Almost.
Post-Mission Five: Kekkon - Country snek attends a wedding and does things! Almost.
Post-Mission Five: Foxes - A snake and a fox walk into a bar. Loads more folks join in and don't question how a snake walks into a bar with no legs. Folks welcome new Focks.
Post-Mission Five: Beach Party! - It's a party at the beach, go figure. Exhilerating snake-on-cattail-on-cat-on-snaketail action.
Post Mission Five: Kyūka - Country snek in the Big City part 2: Hekkin' Boogaloo.
Pre-Mission Six: Much ado about……something? -
Abart chills in his room after duty hours with Orion, his birb roommate. Talks about crushes ensue, concluded with more embarassing secrets. 2lewd4me
Mission Roku: Genjitsu Tōhi pt. I - A rescue mission gets out of hand as the kaiyo crew is ambushed by women with giant racks!…on their heads. Again! An intense battle between ships, bombers and armors concludes in big fireworks!
Mission Roku: Genjitsu Tōhi pt. II - After the intense battle, Kaiyo finds itself in an alternate universe! Meetup with IYS Kaiyo results in odd cuture shock. Doppelganger snek is surprisingly un-sneklike.
Mission Shichi: Yugen - A month after being captured by the IYS Kaiyo the crew goes about their daily business aboard the ship as usual, still figuring out how to get home. Abart knows how to lift thanks to friend Hanna.
Strange omnipotent people show up and help Kaiyo escape their captors. Abart is helpful in fending off another boarding attempt.
Taking the fight to the enemy, the crew successfully makes it back to their world, at the cost of the Kaiyo herself.
YSS Kaiyō II
Pre-Mission Eight: Kaminari - Crew goes through theit briefing for the next mission. Auntsnek Nerai'tha joins the team!
Pre-Mission Eight: Heckin'autocorrect….. - Abart texts a friend from a while back. Shenanigans ensue.
Pre-Mission Eight: I Double Dare You… More Dare games mean more shenanigans to ensue.
Mission Eight: Hangeki - The brand spanking new Kaiyo II goes back to Komorebi in response to a distress signal. Mean birdfolk are found on arrival and met with accordingly. Abart helps secure a captive with burritto powers.
Mission Nine: Mamemameshi - Intel fro the captive leads to a hidden L'kor space base. Here even meaner fishpeople appear. No prisoners were held this time. Abart does the shooty with big bearfriend and kaiyo takes in another civvy.
Post-Mission Nine: Of Gold and Wood - Abart chats with knife-happy medic snek roommate. Also shows some crafting skills.
Post-Mission Nine: Scales of a Kind - It's the flashback episode! abart and Nerai share a touching moment.
Post-Mission Nine: Snekflix and chill - A relaxing cold-blooded soak in the tub is interrupted by kawaii kitty cuddles.
Post_mission Nine: Mizu - A shore trip to waterworld puts Abart out of his comfort zone. Should've brought a thicker sweater.
Mission Ten: Takaramono - An exploration mission in underground ice caverns puts Abart and auntsnek out of their comfortzone. Jawdropping cavern drop ensues.
Mission Thirteen: Miyabi Kaiyo crew investigate stange signals coming from backwater Planet H. Feces hit the air circulation device as the planet half-explodes into a celestial rocket. Also Kuvexians. Snakes do their jobs and some introspection.
YSS Kaiyo II: Ayenee Adventures
Mission Eleven: Sakidō - Kaiyo crew does some exploring in alternate universe Ayenee! Snakes go dragonwatching.
Mission twelve: Naze Sorairo the Kaiyo crew is tasked with finding and destroying a proposed star hidden within a planet. Abart takes robot medic for a sunny walk along the beach.
Abart’huse Theilisis has the following notable skills:
Abart'huse Theisilis is connected to:
Left Shoulder | Dorsal | Right Shoulder |
Ke-M2-W2906 Shoulder-Fired Missile Pod | Ke-M2-W3000 General Equipment Pack | Ke-M2-W3900 Shoulder-Fired 20mm Gauss Cannon |
Leg Pods | utility/cargo | Handheld |
Ke-M2-W3002 Leg NSB Launchers | 2 Star Army Incendiary Grenade, Type 30 | Ke-M4-W2901 Light Armor Service Rifle + Ke-M4-W2902 LASR-SLAG |
Left Waist | Wings / Tail | Right Waist |
Armor Service Pistol, Type 29 | Yes, Ke-M2-4S (Separa'shan model) | 2 Type 30 Scalar Pulse Grenades |
Note: the left arm's Ke-M2-W2910 Forearm Pulse Cannon has been replaced with a Ke-M2-D3000 Forearm Ellipsoid Shield
Abart'huse Theisilis has the Star Army Standard Issue Items.
In the case BRindustries becomes inactive:
Character Data | |
Character Name | Abart'huse Theisilis |
Character Owner | BRindustries |
Character Status | Adoptable Player Character |
Approval Thread URL | stararmy.com/… |
Star Army Personnel Database | |
SAOY Career Status | Reserve |
SAOY Rank | Nitô Heisho |
SAOY Occupation | Star Army Infantry |
SAOY Assignment | Fort Victory Reserve Center |
Orders | Orders |