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Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia

The Interstellar Kingdom of Kuvexia was a capitalist monarchy primarily inhabited by members of the Kuvexian species.

Flag of the Kuvexian Kingdom


From YE 38 to YE 43, the Kingdom of Kuvexia engaged in a war with the Yamatai Star Empire, which Yamatai called The Kuvexian War.

After the Battle Of Glimmergold in YE 43, the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia collapsed when King Kalapom was ousted, then assassinated, leaving no surviving heirs. Without pay, the Kuvexian Navy struggled to operate at all and soldiers abandoned their posts. Thousands of worlds' economies were left in shambles and hundreds of species were freed from their Kuvexian yoke.1).

At present, many of the corporations and factions previously under Kuvexian rule, such as Quallox Vaibal, are vying for control and influence in the resulting power vacuum.


Kuvexian culture prizes personal achievement, and believes that one's worth is largely reflected by one's net worth. They strive constantly to do better, to do more, and to work harder to get ahead. While more conservative Kuvexians will take the view that increasing one's self-worth is an end-goal in itself, the more progressive minded view increasing the entire society's worth as their end-goal.

Their relationship towards family is one of partnership. Two or more will join together because their skill sets compliment each other, pooling assets to be greater than the sum of their parts. Kuvexians have great freedom in marital structure, and marriages can often take on additional mates simply for status.

Children are expected to start contributing to the household at an early age, and are often entrusted with chores early in life, with parents expected to teach their children good work habits. This also means that the Taboo against discarding children is not as strong in Kuvexian culture as it is elsewhere, under performing children are often seen as lazy or as mooches, and if their attitude is not able to be corrected they are often ejected from the household. This attitude is extended to school, with students being taught to deal with authority and solve problems through negotiation and evaluation of what needs to be done and what can be discarded. Those that have problems with authority are often less interested in hiding from the principal, than they are with striking a sweet deal that will allow them the freedom they want. Usually in their teenage years their coming of age party involves both getting their first job and opening their first bank account, signifying they have their own real assets and are their own person.

While their culture may seem cut-throat, they do recognize that value comes in many forms. Older grandparents who have helped raise kids are expected to be looked after by the children that they helped raise, and 'Owing someone one' is considered a near sacred debt to repay in kind.

Politeness, however, is less straight forward. While wasting someone's time is considered an insult, refusing to listen to someone is considered an indication that they are wasting your time. Tipping is expected everywhere. Talking fast is seen as normal while talking slow is often the mark of someone wealthy who has the time to spend.

Class is often expressed with how gaudy and expensive one's clothing is, but getting a good deal on such finery is an expected skill for those that wear such clothing. It is acceptable to ask how much someone paid for something, and it is expected that you'll lie and say you paid less than you really did. Clothing can be expensive, and the wealthy wear a lot of it to show their status, and while nudity is not taboo, there is a nudity surcharge leveled by the government. Rixxor often get around this by just wearing a shirt.

Kuvexian Government

Government is seen as a necessary function of society, and Kuvexians feel they have earned the right to determine how much government each is willing to have. This is done through an elaborate tax system and corporate government structure. Citizens are expected to pay base level taxes to both the federal and local government where they reside. Not paying these taxes is considered being a leech on society and will often result in being sent to a debtor's prison where you can work off your debt either through working at the prison, or by having someone pay your debts, leaving you obligated to repay them.

But wait, there's more!

The basic taxes are responsible for roads and the overall protection the government provides society. When moving between local government territory such as city to city, citizens are expected to pay the various local taxes upon arrival at the border.

Citizens can then choose to pay additional taxes for services like Police, Fire, and Healthcare. They can then pay additional micro-taxes for additional services within the main services like skipping to the head of a waiting list or priority fire suppression and cleanup.

This makes their economy incredibly complex, with large scale security and services companies operating like insurance providers, selling package deals on various tax-levels providing their customers with service areas where they can expect top-tier service. Of course this also means that the wealthier areas will have cleaner air, better water, and tougher security while the more poor areas will cut back on various services until there is little to no government presence. While the poor may not be happy with their situation, they at least feel they got a good deal from having to pay few taxes while the better off are satisfied knowing they can afford the best. This leaves those in-between feeling annoyed with having to keep up with the shifting red tape and often poor customer service but more or less satisfied.


This culture produces a very robust economy based largely around services as post-scarcity technology has largely destroyed commodities. Successful areas tend to thrive, and have less-successful areas pop up around them, though there are plenty of examples of once-great areas having a single bad turn, with major services disappearing nearly overnight, leaving near ghost-towns behind. Due to the large number of local governments, there is also a large side-industry for those who can help navigate the local red-tape and it is common for entire industries to spring up around helping an organization spread its reach. This allows for a few large corporations that span the empire, followed by many small little city-states that have their own economic ecosystem protected by import and export taxes.

Major Corporations

Corporate entities hold tremendous power in the Kingdom of Kuvexia. Some of the most notable corporations are:

Government Divisions

Some known territories can be found here: Kuvexian Planets

DescriptionThe Interstellar Kingdom of Kuvexia was a capitalist monarchy primarily inhabited by members of the Kuvexian species.
Last Checked2023/01/19

faction/kuvexia/interstellar_kingdom_of_kuvexia.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 00:59 (external edit)