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Adrahasis is a NPC played by Rawolfe.

Species & Gender: Kuvexian Male
Date of Birth: ?ๆ—ฅ ?ๆœˆ YE?
Organization: Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia
Occupation: Navy Admiral
Rank: Sobo Deilfir
Current Placement: IKKS The Azure Oath

Physical Description

Adrahasis has a speckled very light blue skin and his body structure matches that of an average Kuvexian. Being about 152 cm in length and an average weight of 54 kg adds to his muscled and yet thin body. His eyes are dark green and yet for the military purpose he chooses not to have any hair. It is worth mentioning that he has scars on his body due to military service.


Harsh, violent and dominance are the first few words that come to mind when meeting Adrahasis. He is a firm believer that violence is the solution to keep his men and any other being in line. Yet he approaches situations calmly and tactful. He will do anything if not everything to achieve his mission and doesn't mind to go over the bodies of his enemies if it's military or civilian, he doesn't care.


Adrahasis was born in a wealthy family with great social status within the Interstellar Kingdom of Kuvexia. This didn't make his life as a child any easier, how much the pressure of status was there, how more Adrahasis had to work to earn his social position within the Kingdom. Children are expected to contribute to their household at a young age after all. His father sent him to a strict school, gets correction measures and has to earn his wealthy clothing.

When his age was proper, he was sent towards the military academy with the main goal to achieve prestige and nationalism. Adrahasis joined the Kuvexian Interstellar Navy and starts making a name for himself as a Navy officer. After various victories, Adrahasis was promoted to the role of Navy Admiral and was part and guide various attacks. He was part of the invasion force at the Battle of Hanako's Star and now given the operational command to take care of the planetary forces on Hanako's World.

Social Connections

Adrahasis is connected to:

  • Nikanuur (Father)
  • Sarpanitum (Mother)
  • Davke (First Wife)
    • Ishtar (Daugther)
    • Shamash (Son)
  • Iltani (Second Wife)
    • Rimsin (Son)
    • Adadanu (Son)

Inventory & Finance

Adrahasis wealth is reflected to what he owns, he already claimed various lands in name of his household and got money, jewelry in various located planets. His power reaches out to various legions within the army and political figures in the Kingdom.

OOC Information

This article was created on 2019/10/21 19:18 using the namespace template.

In the case rawolfe becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? YES
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? NO
Character Data
Character NameAdrahasis
Character OwnerRawolfe
Character StatusNPC Available for GM or FM use
Approval Threadโ€ฆ

characters/kuvexia/adrahasis.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/21 00:54 by