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ISS Expatriate

The ISS Expatriate is a Mule Ultralight Freighter registered in the Yamatai Star Empire as PYL-P31-0456, commissioned in YE 31 at Dawn Station. It is Independent and operated by Rurunaru Kamatara.


Deciding they had enough of Sood Zadra, during the Year-End Festival Gift Fest of YE 44, Rurunaru Kamatara and Narapara Aparatta decided to ask Empress Himiko I for a way off of Sood Zadra1). The Empress took pity on the pair of stray kittens and granted them an old Mule Ultralight Freighter2), which the pair named the ISS Expatriate. Leaving the frozen world of UX-3 III behind, with Rurunaru Kamatara as the captain and Narapara Aparatta as the first officer, they took to the stars and fled their old lives once more.


The ISS Expatriate is a stock, unmodified Mule Ultralight Freighter. It is (somewhat crudely) painted a vibrant red and gold scheme similar to the NMX colors.

OOC Notes

Yuuki created this article on 2023/01/27 07:37. Approval Thread

Map Locations
Map Display NameISS Expatriate
Map ImportanceMinor RP Location
Map Marker
Map Tooltip ContentA Mule Ultralight Freighted piloted by two former NMX Nekovalkyrja
Show label?yes
Marker AnchorBottom Center
Places of the SARPiverse
Opened/Settled (YE)YE 44
Place Categoriesstarship
Year CommissionedYE 31

starships/iss_expatriate.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 18:22 by