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Tanya-Class Expeditionary Heavy Cruiser

The Tanya-Class Expeditionary Heavy Cruiser is a civilian exploration vessel produced by the Yugumo Corporation. Development began in YE 42, and the first was produced in late YE 44.

Tanya-Class Expeditionary Heavy Cruiser
Fore Aft

Plan Elevation

History and Background of the Tanya-Class

In YE 42, the Yugumo Corporation once again began to produce ships for the civilian market. Under the mandates set by Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko and Motoyoshi-Igarashi Yuka, the new ships were to capture the adventurer spirit of the citizens of the Yamatai Star Empire. Using lessons learned from the protoype deployment of the economical, fast, and long-range/long-duration operations capable Misha-Class Explorer, the path to a larger-scale expeditionary vessel became apparent.

With the Kuvexian War in full swing and the Star Army of Yamatai consumed with defending the astral territories of the Yamatai Star Empire, it left open the thrill of exploration, pioneering, and adventure in the Kikyo Sector up to private citizens and Corporations. Customers, of course, are encouraged to avoid war-affected or dangerous regions. The ship plays a general role as a heavy Explorer-Class (YX) ship but fits multiple roles and is easily converted into a palatial home in the stars for business or pleasure.

Economical consideration was placed into the design, including refurbished and rebuilt parts from part stockpiles and salvage from the former Motoyoshi Fleet Yards produced ships, especially the Amaterasu-Class Cruiser. There was additional design inspiration from the Ayame-class Cruiser and its predecessor, the Qel'noran Shipyards Integrated Strike Force Battleship, as well as the Takumi-Class Expeditionary Command Cruiser and Amatsuotome Expeditionary Command Cruiser. As the Tanya-class is the largest and most ambitious ship produced by Yugumo Fleetworks, Osman Heavy Industries consulted on significant portions of the design and architecture, due to their experience with capital ship design such as the Hephaestus Class Industrial Vessel.


The Tanya-class is classified as an Expeditionary Heavy Cruiser. It is designed to be capable, self-sufficient and powerful to serve as a fleet command ship or frontier exploration vessel. It can just as easily serve as a luxurious mansion among the stars.

Mission Specialization

This ship is ideal for fulfilling the following mission profiles.

  1. Unsupported deep space exploration
  2. Fleet command, control, and support
  3. Mobile commercial or industrial platform
  4. Ultra-luxury residential or hospitality


Sharing much in common with the Amaterasu-Class Cruiser platform on which it is based, the Tanya-Class Expeditionary Heavy Cruiser has Yugumo Fleetworks latest maritime design theme and Yūzuki (夕月, ”Evening Moon”) hull texture and color superimposed atop it for a ship with a commanding presence that seems very agile for its size. Perhaps its most striking feature is the enormous, elliptical docking ring around its stern, supported by the nacelle pylons.

Statistics and Performance

The Tanya-Class Expeditionary Heavy Cruiser is a powerful, economical addition to any Yamataian Fleet. A vessel truly built for those few civilians that not only seek the thrill of adventure, but also at a scale of which most others wouldn't dream.


General Information for the Expeditionary Cruiser.

General Statistics for the Tanya-Class Expeditionary Heavy Cruiser
Year Introduced YE 44
Type Expeditionary Heavy Cruiser
Class/Nomenclature Yu-C1-1a
Designers Yugumo Fleetworks, Osman Heavy Industries
Manufacturer Yugumo Corporation, Jiyuu System
Brand Yugumo Fleetworks
Fielded By Yugumo Corporation and Yamatai Star Empire
Range Unlimited
Maintenance Cycle Every 5 Years
Lifespan 50 Years of Continual Use
Base Price 3,578,000 KS
With Chairman Package 22,362,500 KS
Umikagami Aquatic Package +436,000 KS Factory, +654,000 KS Retrofit

Like all Yugumo Corporation designs, any sales outside of the Yamatai Star Empire are adjusted to be sold without weapons. In such a case, the weapon mounts are still present on the ship and the customer is welcome to outfit the vessel themselves.

The Tanya-class is not capable of landing on a solid surface due to its docking ring, but is capable of maneuvering in an atmosphere or even submerged in or on the surface of a liquid. It relies on shuttles, transports, and frigates to maintain physical contact with the ground.


Crew: Due to automation, only one operator is required, but there are stations for a full complement. There are typically 8 officers to cover all of the stations in a single watch, in addition to the captain, and support crew as needed. Overall there is space for about 500 crew maximum, to include mission specialists, although the ship generally operates with far fewer.

Maximum Capacity: There are accommodations for up to about 2500 people, mostly passengers with crew included. Emergency evacuation accomodations for up to 20,000 are available with reasonable hygiene comforts, although about 250,000 people maximum can fit aboard in an extreme emergency, leaving the ship extremely cramped with little to no room for cargo or vehicles.


  • Length: 1000 meters (≈3,275 feet)
  • Width: 750 meters (≈2,480 feet)
  • Height (docking ring): 380 meters (≈1,270 feet)
  • Height (main hull): 210 meters (≈690 feet)
  • Decks: see below

Propulsion and Range

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

  • Hull: Tier 13 (Light Capital Ship)
  • Shields: Tier 13 (Barrier)

Docking Ring

Taking a cue from the Ayame-class Cruiser and Amatsuotome Expeditionary Command Cruiser, the Tanya-Class features an elliptical docking ring capable of supporting four frigates, generally intended to be Misha-Class Explorer, but a wide variety of similarly-sized ships are compatible. Generally, the docking ring's gravity is always towards the center of the ship, no matter what angle. Entry into the main body of the ship is at either side of the ring where it connects. Traffic is routed around the entrance coming from above, relative to the ship's orientation, and admitted from below, also relative. A gentle, curving hyperbolic path transitions smoothly from the two gravitational directions, making it similar to walking down a shallow hill, then upwards at the inflection point halfway. The gravity in the docking ring is adjustable separately from the rest of the ship, to facilitate cargo handling with a zero-gravity environment. To further ease the loading and unloading of cargo to and from docked ships, many of the cargo-handling features found in the cargo bays are also found in the docking ring's transit deck.

The four ports are at 45° angles from the horizontal plane of the ship, above and below. They feature a Scalable Graviton Beam Projector Array, gripping fingers, and an electromagnetic seal, all working together to guide smaller precisely into position and hold them snugly to the ring. Flexible extensions from the grippers interface with most ships' airlock doors and provide stairs, ramps, cranes, and lifts to embark, disembark, and load and unload.

Hyperspace Fold Array

The geometry of the docking ring allows for an optimized placement of apparatus relating to the Hyperspace Fold Drive, giving the ship a very fast Hyperspace Travel for its size.


The winglike structures on the port and starboard ends of the ship are the Swiss Army knives of the Tanya-class. They conceal multiple systems for emergency use. Each section may extend a retractable solar panel array, solar sail, antenna array, or radiator.

Wingtip Docking Module

The Tanya is part of a docking module that allows it to connect to other, compatibly-equipped ships in order to act like a “bridge” between them, wearing them like nacelles. Extensions of the transverse route of the transit system are opened to allow transportation to and from the connected ships.

Inside The Ship

The Tanya-Class is a massive ship, roomy and spacious inside so that it is more like a small city than a vessel.

Deck Layout

Some decks are only partial-length.

  • Crew Decks are 5m
  • Transit Maintenance Decks are 5m
  • Transit Decks are 10m
  • Engineering Decks are 15m
  • Small Craft Hangar Decks are 15m
  • Cargo Decks are 20m

The “wings” of the ship past the transit station are simply maintenance conduits to access the CDD system, sensor arrays, and any wing-mounted weaponry and their magazines. Only the thickest part of the wing structures closest to the main body contain any crew deck space.

The dome at the top of the ship straddles the mid and stern sections, and is an observation deck and sensor dome four decks high with a lounge at the top. The Admiral's Suite is on the lower two levels, facing aft. It also contains sensor arrays around the perimeter, between windows.

Standard Deck Features

  • Escape pods, emergency lockers, and emergency sound-powered telephones are present in abundance on every deck, including the hangar pods and docking ring. Other security features are present where appropriate as well.
  • Other safety equipment such as panic buttons, intercoms, fire extinguishers, AEDs, eyewash stations, and safety showers are readily accessible on every deck.
  • Public toilets and water fountains, vending machines, and housekeeping closets are ubiquitous and conveniently accessible on every deck.
  • Lifts are convenient and easy to access, strategically and thoughtfully placed to efficiently and thoroughly cover the entier ship, while minimizing wait times. There are also stairs and ramps, both general use and emergency, as appropriate to the purpose of the deck.
  • Multilingual signage, both physical and volumetric, are conspicuously and frequently posted, clearly marking compartments, features, and directions at every intersection. There are information kiosks with interactive displays as well. A personalized guide may projected on the floor to help individuals find their way, and also have alert and emergency modes. Sectors oh the ship have color-coded recognition-aid features
  • Magazines are fully automated and only accessible via maintenance conduits and their loading ports, irrespective of what deck they are on, as are the weapons systems themselves.
  • Maintenance conduits crisscross every deck, and between decks, parallel to the main passageways. In populated areas they have inconspicuous entrances.


Main Body

Upper Bay
Deck Compartments
BU Dorsal Large Craft Bay
Upper Flight Tower Access
Public Facilities Decks
Deck Bow Amidships Stern
01 Offices
VIP Suites
Arboretum Overstory Greenhouse Upper
02 Offices
VIP Suites
Passenger Residential
Arboretum Upper Canopy Greenhouse Middle
03 Offices
Library Upper
Passenger Residential
Educational Facility Upper
Arboretum Lower Canopy Greenhouse Lower
04 Offices
Library Middle
Passenger Residential
Educational Facility Middle
Auditorium and Theater Mezzanine
Arboretum Understory Volumetrics Recreation Complex
05 Library Lower
Passenger Residential
Educational Facility Lower
Auditorium Theater and Upper Level
Arboretum Shrub Layer Community Room
Public Gym
Public Baths
06 Tavern
Auditorium and Theater Lower Level
Arboretum Floor Central Cafeteria
Central Kitchen
Central Laundry
Upper Transit
Deck Bow Amidships Stern
TU Upper Transit Bow Station Upper Transit Hub Station Upper Transit Stern Station
MU Upper Transit Maintenance
Medical and Science Complex
Deck Bow Amidships Stern
07 Medical Administration
MSC Conference Rooms
Medical Bay Complex Upper
Chief Medical Officer's Office
Laboratory Complex Upper
Chief Science Officer's Office
08 MSC Educational Unit Upper Medical Bay Complex Upper Middle Laboratory Complex Upper Middle
09 MSC Educational Unit Lower
MSC Multipurpose Room
Medical Bay Complex Middle Laboratory Complex Middle
10 MSC Dining Facility
MSC Foodservice Facility
MSC Laundry Facility
Medical Bay Complex Lower Middle Laboratory Complex Lower Middle
11 MSC Officer Quarters
MSC Lounge
MSC Wellness and Fitness Center
Medical Bay Complex Lower Laboratory Complex Lower
Central Transit
Deck Bow Amidships Stern
TC Central Transit Bow Station Central Transit Hub Station Central Transit Stern Station
MC Central Transit Maintenance
Operations Decks
Command and Fleet
Deck Bow Amidships Fore Amidships Aft Stern
12 Pilot's Lounge
Pilot Quarters
Conference Room
Recreation Room
Admiral's Ready Room
Fleet Conference Room
Fleet Command Center Mezzanine Level
13 Captain's Stateroom
Command Lounge
Captain's Ready Room
Bridge Mission Operations Center
Command Conference Room
Fleet Command Center Lower Level
Deck Bow Amidships Fore Amidships Aft Stern
14 First Officer's Stateroom
Officer Lounge
Officer Quarters
Power Armor Bays, Port/Starboard
Conference Room
Recreation Room
Volumetrics Chamber
Officer Quarters
15 Lounge Wardroom
Galley and Scullery
Dining Hall
Multipurpose Room
Bath House
16 Crew Quarters Power Armor Bays, Port/Starboard
Conference Room
Recreation Room
Volumetrics Chamber
Crew Quarters
17 Crew Quarters Power Armor Bays, Port/Starboard
Conference Room
Recreation Room
Volumetrics Chamber
Crew Quarters
18 Security Barracks Power Armor Bays, Port/Starboard
Conference Room
Recreation Room
Volumetrics Chamber
Security Barracks
Security Decks
Deck Bow Amidships Stern
19 Security Lounge
Security Dojo
Security Gym
Power Armor Bays, Port/Starboard
Security Station Upper Level
Weapons Parts Storage
20 High Security VIP Suites
Security Chief's Office
Power Armor Bays, Port/Starboard
Security Station Lower Level
KAIMON Chamber
Auxiliary Bridge
Lower Transit
Deck Bow Amidships Stern
TL Lower Transit Bow Station Lower Transit Hub Station Lower Transit Stern Station
ML Transt Maintenance
Engineering Decks
Deck Bow Amidships Stern
E1 Chief Engineer's Office
Engineering Conference Room
Engineering Lounge
Fabrication Facility Upper Engineering Upper
E2 Power Armor Repair Bay Fabrication Facility Middle Engineering Middle
E3 Drone Launch, Port and Starboard
Drone Storage
Drone Repair Bay
Fabrication Facility Lower Engineering Lower
Orlop Transit
Deck Bow Amidships Stern
TO Orlop Transit Bow Station Orlop Transit Hub Station Orlop Transit Stern Station
MO Orlop Transit Maintenance
Cargo Decks
Deck Bow Amidships Stern
C1 Cargo Bay One
C2 Cargo Bay Two
C3 Cargo Bay Three Frigate Drydock
Lower Bay
Deck Compartments
BL Vehicle Garage
Frame Bay
Large Craft Bay
Lower Flight Tower Access

Hangar Pods

There are four small craft bays, upper and lower, port and starboard. Hangar decks are 15m and the flight deck has a 6m bay door. Lower bays are inverted, with the launch deck and deck one at the bottom, and port and starboard bays are mirrored. They have otherwise identical layouts. The two upper and lower bays to either side share a transit deck.

Docking Ring

Compartment Descriptions

The descriptions below are for a single instance of a particular compartment. There may be only one, or several of any given one.

Admiral's Suite

As the Tanya-Class was designed with the role of being an expeditionary fleet command vessel, it has provisions for an admiral or commodore, who is in charge of the fleet but not concerned with the day-to-day operation of the ship as the captain would be. To that end, it has a large luxury apartment two decks tall to house such a personage. It has ready access to the ship's Fleet Command Center, with a private lift just for the occupant. The suite has its own private laundry as well. Two VIP Suites are adjacent for the occupant's family or personal guests.


Upstairs is the master bedroom. There is a Yamataian-style washroom, featuring separate shower, steam-room, and soaking tub with whirlpool jets. A spacious walk in closet has a built-in wardrobe and vanity. It has entrances from both the bedroom and washroom, and features gear storage. A multifunction all-in-one exercise unit is cleverly out of the way, and there is a large entertainment system built in to the ceiling and wall, with a sitting area and library around it.


Downstairs is the reception foyer, office, and lounge. The reception foyer has a desk for an assistant to screen visitors, and a waiting room with comfortable seating, art, and entertainment. Behind that is a lounge with a full bar and kitchen used as the living quarters. There is an office with a pair of assistants desks in a separate room before the main office.

Admiral's Ready Room

An office that sits off to the side of the Fleet Command Center, it is the private office of the ship's resident fleet commander. In addition to a desk with computer terminal and guest chairs, there is a sitting area, kitchenette, mini-bar, and a private head and shower. The Ready Room is accessible from the Fleet Command Center and by private lift from the Admiral's Suite.


On the upper level of the main body of the ship, towards the middle, just below and fore of the domed section topped by the observation deck, the arboretum is a sprawling chamber that truly highlights the massive size of the Tanya class. The enormous roof's armored panels can retract to allow a view through the Transparent Durandium ceiling.

The arboretum is a well-manicured nature park with walking trails winding among the trees, shrubs, and flowers, benches, water fountains and toilets, picnic shelters, and gazebos. Lighting and sprinklers simulate the day-night cycle and rain for the trees and other plants. In the standard version, there are koi ponds with foot bridges across them, rock gardens, and other Yamataian touches.

Like the transit decks, the port and starboard sides of the arboretum are lined with fountains, toilets, and vending machines, and room for other amenities such as snack bars and retail kiosks. Upper tiers of the arboretum's port and starboard sides are surrounded by mezzanines, with the fore and aft sides the balconies of the rooms overlooking the arboretum.


The Tanya-Class features a Shiori Style Standard Armory, albeit a very large example of one.


Most airlocks aboard the Tanya-Class are Forcefield-Nested Isolation Doors. Their force-fields have a semipermeable setting that allows massive objects such as ships and power armor through, but retain atmospheric pressure by preventing lighter gases from escaping.

Auditorium and Theater

Used for classes, training, and briefings, as well as for concerts, plays, and other entertainment, the auditorium is amphitheater-style with long, shared, semicircular desks, comfortable chairs set in tiers, and an elevated stage at the focus. There are entrances at the bottom and top of the of the auditorium, and in the backstage area. Backstage there is ample space for storage and working and there are a pair of green rooms with lighted vanity mirrors and their own showers, toilets, and lockers. The public address, sound system, lighting, and projectors are state of the art.the

Auxiliary Bridge

An updated version of the MFY Type 30 Auxilary Control to be compatible with KAIMON, this highly-secure room has redundant-failover power and life support completely disconnected from the main systems on the ship. It is capable of all ship operations, if not as efficiently as the main bridge.

Bath House

The Tanya-Class has two spaces for the communal bathing prevalent in Yamataian Culture:

When a Tanya-Class is commissioned, for the crew bath house, there is a choice between the default traditional-Yamataian-style Onsen, similar to the Star Army Onsen, styled like a natural hot springs, or an Elysian-style Thermae with its frigidarium, tepidarium, caldarium and laconicum, from coolest to hottest, respectively.

The Public Baths, are, by default, similar to municipal public baths seen throughout Yamataian space, but can be more ornate in one of the styles above, or entirely custom, depending on the time and expense allowed.


Despite the large size of the Tanya Class, the Yugumo Standard Bridge is more than sufficient for all operations. As the ship may be theoreticaly, albeit inefficiently, operated by one individual, itself a marvel of automation, not many bridge crew are required.


The brig features a bench with a rail for attaching restraints for short-term detention, with an open shower and head, and a water fountain. Windows made of Transparent Durandium look in on holding cells that are for longer-term occupancy, with floor drains, spartan bunks featuring restraints, and sink/fountain/toilet combos.

Captain's Stateroom

This luxurious stateroom, near to the bridge, is designed for comfort, entertainment, and convenience. It features a Yamataian-style washroom, featuring separate shower, steam-room, and soaking tub with whirlpool jets, it occupies a corner of the space, cutting the room into an L-shape. The small end of the L is a walk in closet with wardrobe and vanity. It has entrances from both the bedroom and washroom, and features gear storage. At the crux of the L is a kitchenette and breakfast nook, with small, angled canopy bar with full back and stools on the opposite corner, while the entrance at the long side of the L opens into a foyer and sitting room with couches and Coffee tables huddled around a simulated fireplace. Beyond it, before the kitchenette and private laundry room, is a well-appointed office alcove with a desk and chair with computer terminal for conducting business without leaving the stateroom. The wall between the office alcove and the soaking tub is mostly a large aquarium. Across from the desk, a multifunction all-in-one exercise unit is cleverly out of the way in another alcove. On such a large ship, it's more than the average Yugumo Standard Shipmaster's Cabin.

Captain's Ready Room

An office that sits off to the side of the bridge, it is the private office of the ship's commanding officer. In addition to a desk with computer terminal and guest chairs, there is a sitting area, kitchenette, mini-bar, and a private head and shower. The Ready Room is accessible from the bridge and the Captain's Stateroom.

Cargo Bay

Each cargo deck is a Yugumo Standard Cargo Bay, albeit on a massive scale.

Conference Room

These rooms feature long tables with luxurious chairs. There is projection, presentation, and telepresence equipment here for almost any purpose.


The classroom is a state-of-the-art learning center designed to incorporate multiple volumetric interfaces and media as well as virtual reality for enhanced visualization. The integrated projection system allows the entire structure of the room to become the medium for presentations, remote viewing of music and art performances and even attendance to various classroom environments at different academies across the Yamatai Star Empire.

Crew Quarters

Based on the MFY Type 30 Standard Enlisted Bunkroom, but slightly larger, the Crew Quarters have been upgraded with Type 40 Bunk Beds in the Deluxe Three Bunks, Desk, and Drawer/Wheels configuration that face each other from across the narrower dimension of the room. Each desk is connected to a Ge-T8-E3103 - Computer Array as well as the ship's systems, and below each one is a footlocker. Each cluster of crew quarters has its own laundry facilities and communal showers and latrines. Though there is space for six individuals, generally only two are assigned to a room, with the usual maximum being four.

Dining Hall

Based on the MFY Type 30 Standard Enlisted Dining Hall, the dining hall is adjacent to the galley and wardroom. It is large enough for more than half of the crew to eat at once, comfortably. The entire crew complement can squeeze inside if necessary but it would be very cramped.


A large, open area for practicing various martial arts and dance, the dojo is a dedicated space for no other purpose. The floor of the dojo is a smooth, slightly slick surface, but there are mats in storage to cover the entire area. Three sides of the dojo area are mirrored, offering viewpoints to ensure correct form. The non-mirrored sides have racks for weapons and other equipment.

Drone Launch

Towards the nose of the ship are launch bays for probes, satellites, and other generally-torpedo-shaped drones. Inside is a system of racks, gantries, and conveyors similar to those in the magazines to load the drones into one of the vertically-stacked Variable Launch Tube banks.

Examples of compatible drones include "Whisker" Sensor Drone, Sensor Cruise Missiles2), the Mining Probe, Remote Medical Drones, and the EM-O2 "Houmen" Communication Satellite and EM-O3 "Hirakeru" Communication Satellite in their launch tubes. There is ample storage for the various payloads available.

Drone Storage

Racks of Yugumo Standard Anthroform Drone Berth and their matching storage cabinets line the walls of this bay, with a catwalk mezzanine accesible by stairs and lifts giving a second story for more capacity. There are also racks for storing spare parts and accessories, as well as smaller, non-anthroform drones. There are also docking stations for charging repair drones.

On a Yugumo Corporation vessel, the berths contain Consorts, standard security, and general-purpose drones.

Drone Hives

Several hexagonal prisms rise from floor to ceiling, their sides covered in hemispherical sockets that each house a KAIMON/Ascendant Companion for quick charging and diagnostics. Internal systems allow the installation and removal of their various attachments.


Similar to, but larger and more modern than, the MFY Type 30 Warship Engineering on which it is based, Engineering takes up a large portion of the aft of the ship, in front of the engines, and is no less than three decks of triple-height high.

The upper compartment houses the Mizu II Series - Nami II CDD Control Systems and the Yumeoibito Hyperspace Fold Drive as well as other critical systems of the craft. The lower deck of the Engineering compartment houses storage tanks for water and several other systems related to the environmental and life support systems of the ship. Between them are the Kaminari Quantum Foam Generators and backup Tsuyosa Series Matter-Antimatter Reactor. Gantry cranes and a Scalable Graviton Beam Projector Array assist moving. There are lockers for storing personal protective equipment, first-aid supplies, tools, and spare parts, and a locker and shower room (as well as emergency showers and eyewash stations).

There are stairs and lifts that lead to the decks above and below in this compartment.

Escape Pod Banks

Many of the ship's escape pods (see below), are arranged in mass banks. They are along both sides of nearly every deck, all along the length of the ship, and contain more than enough to evacuate everyone accommodated aboard, with excess capacity to spare. Certain areas, such as residential sections and other heavily populated parts of the ship, have more dense banks than others, while some areas such as the docking ring, have them more sparsely. In general, everyone aboard is less than a minute's desperate dash from a bank of escape pods, assuming the way is clear.

Fabrication Facility

Based on the Ionoche Automated Fabrication Facility, but modernized and updated, the centerpiece of the Fab, as it is called colloquially, is a Star Army Fabrication Chamber, Type 39. It includes a Civilian Synthesis Reactor Module and a backup Aether generator for emergency use.

First Officer's Stateroom

Similar to, but smaller than, the captain's stateroom, this spacious, comfortable suite also features an office for the First Officer, and its own laundry facilities. Rather than near the bridge, it is close to, but separate from, the other officer quarters. On a ship the size of a Tanya, the First Officer's Stateroom is more like a Yugumo Standard Shipmaster's Cabin on a smaller vessel.

Fleet Command Center

Like the Fleet Information Center on the Ascendancy-class Flagship, the Fleet Command Center of the Tanya-class is for coordinating and managing the other ships accompanying the Tanya on expeditions.

Powerful volumetric projectors allow realtime, four-dimensional visualization of the fleet's mission space. Terminals and consoles for the analysis of intelligence, sensor data, and fleet ship systems dominate the room along with dedicated communications equipment for direct lines to their bridges.

Flight Tower

Overlooking the hangar pods and large craft bays, the flight towers coordinate traffic entering, leaving, and maneuvering around the ship. There is one each above and below the center of the ship for the large craft bays. They have 360-degree viewports, as well as access to the sensors, computers, and communications needed to perform their function. The one on the bottom of the ship is not a “tower” proper, as one descends it to reach the control center at the bottom. Smaller observation pods above the upper and below the lower hangar pods provide small-craft traffic control.

Frame Bay

The ventral Large Craft Bay contains the Tanya-Class' Frame Bay, which is used to store and maintain the ship's complement of frames and other mecha. It is capable of holding even very large mecha and their equipment, and has the facilities to perform maintenance and repair on them. Frame pilots have a briefing room, lockers, and showers located in the bay.

Frigate Drydock

At the bottom stern of the ship is a set of grappling arms and graviton beam arrays to maneuver a small starship into place and hold it securely. Immediately above are the repair facilities for deploying workers and drones to repair the grappled ship.

Galley and Scullery

The ship's galley offers a variety of cooking stations for various cuisines, such as stoves and ovens, microwaves, food preparation areas, and temperature-controlled refrigerator, freezer, and pantry storage. There are sinks and dishwashing machines in the attached scullery.


Much larger than its counterpart on the Misha, there is the expectation that the ship would one day lead colony fleets from the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector.

A greenhouse complex designed for the growing of fruit and vegetables, it includes sprinkler systems, advanced temperature control systems, modified spectrum lighting, and storage areas for fertilizer, soil, and seeds. It was designed with possible survival situations in mind to provide fresh food. The facility is capable of traditiona soil-based agriculture, as well as Hydroponics or Aeroponics, as well as Aquaponics for the production of fish and seafood. As some customers may want to garden flowers or other ornamental plants for hobby purposes, there is a dedicated viewing area for them at the entrance of the greenouse complex.

Guest Cabin

The guest cabins are highly customizable. Each suite provides a spacious bedroom, a corner “L” seat, a desk, a closet, and a shower and head bathroom attached. Customers can choose from a variety of bed styles, from Nest-style to bunk beds for the children. In some cases, these rooms can be modified into offices or other uses depending on the needs of the customer.


Featuring a complement of state-of-the-art workout machinery as well as more traditional equipment, the gym's locker room also features a communal shower and head, a sauna, a steam room, massage tables, a whirlpool hot tub, and a therapeutic soaking tub.

Hangar Pod

Located in the pods at the aft half of the ship, the hangar pods contain all of the facilities to store, maintain, and launch the Tanya's complement of small craft. There are four pods, with one set on the dorsal side of the ship and the other on the ventral, whose layout and gravity is inverted. Each pod has a flight deck located at the top, with a launch elevator leading to it and observer pods to help coordinate takeoffs towards the fore and landings from the aft. Located below 3) the flight deck are two 15m hangar decks and below those a deck dedicated to maintenance and repair. Finally, a transit deck is located between the dorsal and vertical hangar pods on either side of the ship, connecting the pods and containing a transit station for the shipwide tram system. As with the docking ring, the pathway into the transit deck from below is a gentle, hyperbolic slope to make a gentle transition to its gravitational direction. Rotating “lifts” in the shared floor between the upper and lower pods have their own, independent gravity deck on both sides allow for ships and cargo to be transported between the upper and lower bays by flipping 180° along the fore-aft axis.

The launch catapult bay is 15m wide by 6m tall, and the elevator 18m wide and 35m long

High-Speed Transit

Given that the docking ring of the ship has a circumference of nearly 2.5km, and the ship itself is a kilometer long and three-quarters of one at its widest, the need to move people and cargo around the ship quickly, safely, and efficiently was paramount. Similar to the system aboard a Kisaki or Amatsuotome, a Monorail Maglev system operates aboard the Tanya-Class. It is based mostly on the High-Speed Rail at Nemesis Bastion.

There is a transit station at each of the four docking ports of the ring, one at either end of the ship fore and aft, one each port and starboard at the points where the docking ring tracks intersect the transverse ones, and a large, central one in the center where the fore-aft and port-starboard lines meet. The two lines in the main body of the ship are in the vertical center on Deck 20. Each line features two sets of tracks, allowing one tram to move in each direction. While the ones in the main body of the ship travel back and forth, in the docking ring, one always goes clockwise and the other counterclockwise around. Each transit station features a maintenance area for extra cars to be stored and maintained and damaged cars to be repaired.

A car is generally 15 meters long, and four wide, and three high if enclosed. The largest cargo cars are 20m long and five wide, in order to accommodate an SSCC-Huge Passenger cars are comfortable and enclosed, while cargo cars are flatbed for carrying Standard Starship Cargo Containers or palleted skids. The system has a normal, safe operating speed of about 30km/h, but in an emergency can nearly triple that.

In general, the transit system takes up its entire deck, but there is plenty of room to either side for seating areas, standing room, and walking paths, as well as autowalks traveling in both directions. Besides water fountains, toilets, and vending machines, there is generally room for other amenities such as snack bars and retail kiosks, making transit stations social hubs aboard the ship, even though wait times aren't generally for more than a few minutes.

KAIMON Chamber

The KAIMON Chamber is a secured and locked chamber in which the KAIMON-Super Gate Core is housed. Access is limited to the ship's owner and authorized personnel.

The chamber contains an Yugumo Standard Anthroform Drone Berth to accomodate the ship's KAIMON/Ascendant Consort avatar it may opt to use instead of a volumetric projection.


As an exploration vessel, the Tanya-class's laboratory complex is very large, even for a ship its size, comprising several wings across multiple decks roughly sorted by scientific discipline. In addition to essential science equipment such as microscopes, centrifuges, and a fume hood, burners, glassware, and other paraphenalia, there are more specialized equipment such as mass spectrometers, nanoscopes, electron microscopes, and even more exotic scientific apparatus. Each unit in the laboratory is similar to a Star Army Combined Sciences Laboratory.

Large Craft Bay

Meant to be as much a very fast, miniature starbase as a vessel, it is very common for craft larger than shuttles but smaller than starships to come and go to and from a Tanya-class. To that end, at the top and bottom of the sternmost section are larger hangars, their aft-opening and vertically-opening bays overseen by the flight control towers. The upper and lower bays are connected by cargo elevators, and also to the cargo bays themselves. While the dorsal bay is primarily dedicated to non-operations activity, such as day-to-day traffic and nonmilitary shuttlecraft, the ventral bay is primarily dedicated to operations activity, and contains the ship's Vehicle Garage and Frame Bay. Each vertical bay in the Large Craft Bay is connected by the bay's transit hangar, which serves to allow craft entering through the aft-opening hangar door to be navigated to their assigned position. The ventral large craft bay has a similar reversed-gravity system setup to the hangar pods, with the hyperbolic entrance and independent-gravity rotating lift setup to allow easy transitions between the two gravity directional planes.

The 41m maximum-vehicle-height bay has a 30m wide by 15m tall entrance to the stern. There are eight spots in each bay, and each one has a vertical launch opening 25m wide by 30m deep.


Both based on the MFY Type 30 Standard Laundry Facility, there are the large laundry facilities used by ship's housekeeping, and smaller ones for individual use by the crew. All feature are washing and drying machines as well as tables for folding or stacking clothing and other linens.


A symbol of the Tanya-class's exploration mission and the knowledge it brings, the ship features a large library. Not only row after row of tall shelves of books, with old-style wheeled ladders for accessing those out of reach, the library also contains state-of-the-art multimedia equipment, exceedingy comfortable seating and ample table space, and private reading rooms, soundproofed and broken off from the main section. There are dedicated places to display art, both on the walls and in alcoves, as well as display diases on the floor of the library itself.


Lifts aboard the Tanya-class are similar to, and compatible with, the ones used by Star Army vessels. there are larger lifts for cargo, and even larger ones still for small craft in the hangar bays.


The lounge is a comfortable room with plenty of Transparent Durandium observation windows, a bar, and ample, comfortable seating in couch, booth, and table formats. There is a small stage and dancefloor, a sound system, and projectors and screens for entertainment.


Located near each weapons array is a Yugumo Standard Magazine that services the nearby weapons with automated loading.

Maintenance Conduit

Similar to those on Star Army Ships, the conduits crisscross the vessel, linking passageways and decks all around the ship.

Medical Bay

Taking inspriation from the Hospital and Medical Laboratory Complex of the Ascendancy-class Flagship, and Takumi-Class Expeditionary Command Cruiser, the Tanya-Class's medical bay isn't just large for the average ship, it's large for the massive Tanya. It is a fully-functional trauma center and medical research lab, capable of everything from routine checkups, to complex surgeries, to dentistry, mental health, and physical and occupational therapy, it rivals a Star Army Standard Hospital Center in capability. With offices for a full complement of healthcare staff, waiting rooms, examination rooms, laboratories, and operating rooms, it has everything one would expect from a large hospital, but with somewhat less bed space for inpatients as individual cabins can suffice for non-critical care. There are fully-automated medical systems such as the ATMC with its Ke-J1-E3301 - Autonomous Configurable Medical Unit unit and components and Treatment and Examination Bed.

Mission Operations

Featuring displays of every time, embedded in the walls and tables, the mission operations room is off of the bridge. It is replete with communications and intelligence equipment, with desks for analysts and communications officers. The room is intended for real-time monitoring and intelligence gathering for any missions such as planetary away teams or small-craft operations.

Multipurpose Room

A large, open room with storage spaces for configurable, removable dividers, the Multipurpose room has a stage and bleachers that fold down for the walls. It may easily be configured for various sports, parties, dances, and other social gatherings.

Officer Quarters

Based on the MFY Type 30 Standard Officer's Cabin, officers and many mission specialists have their own cabins with ensuite toilet and shower/bath. Each cluster of officer quarters has its own laundry facilities.


The innumerable business responsibilities of modern leader means that they be able to perform their duties from anywhere, at any time. An executive office with a semicircular desk, featuring every technological convenience and advantage available dominates the end of the room farthest from the door. Its luxurious arm chair faces off against a trio of lesser chairs across the desk's surface, for face to face meetings. Another desk is off to one side, not quite as impressive, but equally as comfortable and perhaps more well-appointed from a technology and control systems standpoint.

Closer to the door, a pair of smaller desks with less ostentatious chairs face each other, requiring anyone entering the office to walk between them. Every desk is outfitted with a computer terminal. To one side of the office is a kitchenette, and on the other, a conference chamber with an oval table, eight chairs, and a state of the art telepresence and teleconferencing suite. One wall is dominated by a great aquarium.

Observation Deck

Deck One consists of the top level of the large dorsal pod in the Tanya-class's design, taking a cue from the continuing the architectural language of the Misha-Class Explorer, albeit on a much more massive scale. It is dominated by a large observation lounge with panoramic views through Transparent Durandium windows that can be revealed by retracting the armored dome that covers it. Depending on the customer, different chairs and seating arrangements are available and a dance floor, swimming pool, or hot tub can be installed upon request. There is a staircase and lift that lead down to the lower decks of the ship here. Like the Yūgure-class Merchant Destroyer, the Tanya-class has a briefing theatre structure in the observation lounge with chairs and a Volumetric Display.


The corridors on the ship are around five meters wide and tall each, and lined with Yugumo Standard Housekeeping Closets, Yugumo Standard Damage Control Alcoves, Yugumo Standard First Aid Lockers, Yugumo Standard Armory, and Yugumo Standard Survival Lockers. They are well-lit and monitored by security cameras.

Power Armor Bay

Located in the pods in the aft-most section of the ship, port and starboard, power armor storage bays hold racks for the storage of power armor and their weapons such as the Yoru no Tenshi 'Tenshi II' Light Mechanized Power Armor. Each bay has its own launch airlock, mission briefing room, locker room, and showers, as well as a small maintenance bay and office for the technician in charge. Equipment and systems are compatible with the Standard Star Army Power Armor Bay.

Recreation Room

Full of comfortable couches, gaming and hobby tables, and electronic entertainment, the recreation room is a spacious, yet cozy, room for the crew to unwind between shifts.

Security Station

The security station has the security chief's office, a monitoring station, and a reception desk and waiting area. There are lockers, showers, a lounge with kitchenette and entertainment, and a briefing room for the security team. It is adjacent the armory, weapons parts storage and brig, guarding access to those sensitive areas.

Shower Room

Based on the MFY Type 30 Standard Enlisted Bath House, communal showers are located around the ship, especially near the crew cabins, gymnasium, dojo, and power armor bay, and at the entrance to the Bath House.


Usually patterened after a traditional Yamataian Izakaya, the tavern, separate from the lounge, is one of the hearts of the ship. It has its own kitchen and scullery, public toilets, and, most importantly, a large bar with plenty of room to stock libations.

VIP Suite

VIP Suites are similar to the captain's stateroom. though without as much long-term storage space. They are well-decorated, luxuriously comfortable, and thoughtfully positioned within the ship to afford both privacy and accessibility to conveniences.

Vehicle Garage

Although the Tanya-class cannot land, it has ample garage space for storing, maintaining, and repairing a substantial fleet of ground vehicles. The large garage is located in ventral large craft bay. Cranes, ramps, and conveyors facilitate the efficient and effortless loading of even fairly large vehicles onto large vehicles onto dropships and larger shuttlecraft that are also kept in the bay.

Volumetrics Chamber

Similar to the volumetrics room on a Plumeria-class (2E) Medium Gunship, this room's walls, ceiling, and floor are all Volumetric Windows coated with anti-scuff coatings, and the Volumetric Displays in the room are capable of projecting Solid Volumetrics. The Volumetrics Room is intended for recreation, training, and briefings.Force fields have been added to provide tactile feedback to simulations as well as to slide people back imperceptibly when they try to walk too close to a wall or change elevation. In this way, simulations larger than the room would normally permit are possible and can be safely employed. Simulations can also make people appear and sound further away than they are and nudge them away from collisions with each other if necessary to further add to the illusion.

This force field sliding can be disabled easily if desired; but small markers will appear to show the walls, floor, and ceiling boundaries while the door to the room becomes visible as a safety measure. All people will be shown in their actual locations as well.

Uses of the Volumetric Room include consuming media en masse, holding briefings with visual aids, relaying briefings from alternate locations, training, running combat simulations, showing simulations of home or other relaxing venues, large scale communications, as a pre-mission staging area, or even for making crew members run laps as punishment.

The Volumetric Room was modified may be to be sealed with Forcefield-Nested Isolation Doors. The pipes, vents, and drains allow for the sealed room to be partially or completely flooded with water, or the atmospheric pressure changed, made heavy or vacuum. The temperature, humidity, atmospheric composition, and gravity are adjustable to extremes not available on the rest of the ship.

There are also a variety of specialty equipment built into in retractable ceiling, wall, and floor panels relating to laser tag.


Based on the MFY Type 30 Standard Wardroom, it is used for officer and guest dining and special occasions such as parties. Due to the size of the ship and its potential officer complement, the wardroom is quite large.

Weapons Parts Storage

Separate from the armory and workshop storage area is stocked with parts for the ship's weapons systems and minor assembly facilities to assist with installation and repair of these offensive systems.


The workshop is a place for the tinkerer and inventor. It is an ideal space for performing repairs or crafting required tools or accessories. A wide array of powered equipment is available making for a serviceable machine shop, and there is ample and organized storage.


Below are the systems of the Tanya-Class Expeditionary Heavy Cruiser.

Tanya-class Hull and Frame Construct

The Tanya-class utilizes a primarily Yamataium 4) hull structure. All windows and viewports utilize Transparent Durandium, and most have a retractable armored exterior covering for opacity against beam weaponry.

Tanya-class Hull and Frame Assembly
Primary SpaceFrameForcefield Reinforced Yama-Dura Major Truss
Secondary SpaceFrameYama-Dura Secondary Truss and Rod Assembly
Outer PlatesSitearium coated Yamataium Plate with Omnihue matrix
LiningYarvex Lining

Power Systems

The Tanya-class uses Kaminari Quantum Foam Generators with an integrated capacitor system to provide secondary power. Secondary Power can last 5-7 days (non-combat) or 18 hours (combat) in an emergency.

Auxiliary Power System

A Tsuyosa Series Matter-Antimatter Reactor has been added for an auxiliary power generator to keep the capacitors filled and power the ship for extended periods without using an easily-detected zero-point energy source, or for additional power if more is needed than the primary system has available. This system also includes a Matter Collection System to increase its useful range.

Emergency Power System

The Omnihue may be configured to allow the hull surface to perform as solar panels. Additionally, emergency solar panels may be deployed from the tips of the “wings,” along with the emergency radiators, antennae, and solar sails.

Propulsion Systems

The Tanya-class utilizes a modified Mizu II Series - Umi II CDD which maximizes the CDD performance at 16,500c. Distortion coils are located in the wing pods on both sides of the craft.

In addition to the CDD, the Tanya-class is equipped with four Hoshi III Series Multi-stage Turbo Plasma Drives for sublight speed. They are located in the central region of the pylons. Sublight performance for this craft usually can withstand 0.275c. Maneuvering Thrusters (ion thrusters) and the Plasma Projection System are used primarily for attitude adjustment, docking, and station keeping. The pps renders the vessel to be extraordinarily (relative to its size) agile and nimble even without any inertial dampening or gravitational manipulating systems active.

For hyperspace fold, the Expeditionary Cruiser uses a Yumeoibito - Max Hyperspace Fold Drive.

Emergency solar sails may be deployed from the tips of the wings, along with emergency solar panels, antennae, and radiators, for efficient, if not fast, sublight travel if the engines are offline.

Integrated Electronics

The Tanya-class is equipped with the KAIMON-Super Gate suite with its included communications and sensor systems. It also has the uplink and PANTHEON/SYNC connect module.

In addition to its KAIMON Kagami sensors, there are also a Mineral Scanner and SachiTech Tech-Scanner available to the science officer.

Given the Tanya's small-craft-operations-centric mission focus, it includes the Sorakagami Aerospace Operations Suite's Battlespace Communications, Command, and Control feature for advanced air traffic control functionality.

The Tanya is software-upgradable to the ELECTRA system for qualified customers, and optionally has the Umikagami Subsurface Operations Suite available both from the factory as an option, and also as a minimal-labor, plug-and play, zero configuration aftermarket refit.

Auxiliary antenna arrays may be extended from the wingtips, along with the radiators, solar panels and solar sails.

Life Support and Environmental

The Tanya-class is equipped with Yugumo Standard Life Support Systems.

Cooling System

All major heat-generating pieces of equipment, as well as the ablative plates on the armor, are paired with appropriately-sized heat sinks, liquid cooling systems, and radiators, which rapidly and effectively absorb waste heat and convert it to usable energy. Much of this heat is fed back into the plasma system to decrease the energy requirements to maintain a plasma-supporting temperature in the system. Some is sent to heat the onsen. Emergency radiators, as well as emergency solar panels, antennae, and solar sails, may be deployed from the tips of the “wings” if necessary.


The Tanya-class's Mizu II Series - Umi II CDD is equipped with a (Civilian) Combined Field System, supplementary shields, and navigational shielding. The primary shields create a six-faced barrier.

Supplementary Shielding

For times when the (C)CFS is unavailable or its operation is undesirable such as when sitearium is energized. Running both supplementary defensive systems at the same time does not increase the effective tier of the barrier, rather, they are used against different threats and the responding selected in realtime after threat analysis by the computer. As the supplementary shields do not contribute to the ship's defensive profile when the (C)CFS is active, it is wasteful to have the supplementary shields active while the primary shields are as well.

Electromagnetic shielding

The Electromagnetic shields are particularly good at deflecting the charged particles in many beam weapons. The shield created is a six-faced barrier.

Gravitic shielding

Gravitic shielding are effective against kinetic weaponry and collisions. This shield also serves the special purpose of counteracting graviton beams. The shield created is a six-faced barrier.

Not intended for, or effective at, defense against starship weaponry, navigational shielding protects the ship against navigational hazards, such as fast-moving small masses and slow collisions with large masses. The deflectors allow for safe maneuvering without raising the profile of its sensor signature as much as the defensive shielding.

Emergency Systems

The Tanya-Class Expeditionary Heavy Cruiser is equipped with Yugumo Standard Emergency Systems. It has its own fire suppression system and Forcefield-Nested Isolation Doors, and Yugumo Standard Damage Control Alcoves to assist with the repair of damage to the ship in the event an emergency occurs. All windows and viewports are Transparent Durandium, with retractable armored blast shields to provide further protection or opacity against beam weaponry.

Escape Pods

In the event of a catastrophic failure or impending doom, the ship has 3200 "Ikigai" Escape Pods.

Emergency Lockers

There are more than enough Yugumo Standard Damage Control Alcoves, Yugumo Standard First Aid Lockers, Yugumo Standard Armory, and Yugumo Standard Survival Lockers easily accessible at key points throughout the ship, all fully-stocked, for any emergency.

Secure Rooms

A sealed and access-controlled panic room designed for the protection or escape of individuals in the event of an emergency or the ship is compromised. Each room has its own independent life support and two each of each kind of emergency locker. The security system uses Forcefield-Nested Isolation Doors to secure the compartment.

There are 12 "Ikigai" Escape Pods in each compartment.

Internal Security

Internally, there are enough pop-out automated weapons turrets positioned as to cover nearly the entire interior, or at least all common areas except the arboretum, with at least three of them able to aim at any one spot with no blind spots or effective cover. These weapons are equivalent to a Yugumo E2 Energy Pistol each, but draw power directly from the ship's power systems5). They are capable of firing in lethal and nonlethal modes, independently of each other. They are not capable of firing at targets outside of the ship. Additionally, hidden, armored vaults in strategic places around the ship contain actual Yugumo E2 Energy Pistols, ready to open at the mental command of an authorized person6).

Hidden Drone Berths

Along each deck's corridors are Yugumo Standard Anthroform Drone Berth in pairs with a storage unit between each pair. These, designed to house anthroform security drones, are masterfully concealed behind panels in such a way that their deployment cannot be obstructed.

On Yugumo Corporation ships, they are Yugumo's standard security drone. End users' drone and equipment loadouts may vary.

Signature Reduction

The armor layer is impregnated with an Omnihue matrix, allowing effectively unlimited control over the coloration, pattern, text, and insignia of the surface. This serves as thermoptic camouflage and signature reduction, if set properly.


The Tanya-Class's armor, in addition to the Omnihue, has layers of sitearium coating it, that allow for even more effectively reduced signature than the Omnihue alone. Note that when the sitearium is energized, acceleration or maneuvering under power, or moving in an atmosphere, disrupts the signature reduction effect, and any zero-point energy such as QF Generator or Aether Generator onboard must be shut down, switching to more traditional forms of secondary power, or the ship remains detectable by anyone looking for such signatures.

Utility Turrets

In various places around the outside of the ship are mounted pop-out turrets for non-weapons systems including the a few of the Large variant of the MultiStruct Multitool for collecting matter and resources from nearby asteroids and debris, several strategically-placed Scalable Graviton Beam Projector Array and articulated grappling arms for manipulating objects outside the ship, and Harpoon Cables, adapted from the Courier 2c 'Collector', for anchoring and towing.


As a civilian expeditionary ship, the Tanya's armaments are based around point defense and protecting itself against smaller ships. It does not have the firepower to go toe-to-toe with a capital warship in its default configuration.

In its default configuration, it has Three free On-Tier-Weapons7) or Tier-Equivalent Weapons Groups slots.

Plasma Projection System

The ship is armed with a Plasma Projection System array comprising various sizes of emitters. These also serve as secondary engines and maneuvering verniers, increasing the acceleration profile, maximum speed, and maneuverability of the ship. Both the point-defense and anti-starship turret systems are pop-up/retractable so during non-combat situations they are enclosed beneath the hull plates. By redirecting power from the plasma system that powers the ship's propulsion, it may use excess weapons limitation capacity8) to muster up the remaining Tier Equivalent Weapon Groups9) worth of firepower in variably-sized plasma cannons and smaller plasma guns by using magnetic direction to weaponize the ship's drive and maneuvering engine nozzle output. This negatively impacts the ships speed and maneuverability, however, the more power diverted from propulsion to weaponry. The effect is more and more pronounced the more free capacity that is used in this manner.

Default Defensive Loadout

Per corporate policy, the ship may only be sold armed within the Yamatai Star Empire. It is sold commensurately more cheaply if unarmed.

SAoY Variant

Tanya 1B (SAoY)

The Tanya-class may easily be made into a Star Army of Yamatai-worthy vessel by adding a few additional, restricted systems. The SAoY variant's nomenclature is Yu-C1-1b, and as a heavy cruiser, is classified by them as a capital ship.

Increased Speed

The military-spec upgrades to this variant bring the Tanya-class in line with Star Army of Yamatai Starship Speeds.

OOC Notes

Yuuki created this article on 2020/03/11 18:53. Art and much other assistance by Alex Hart.

Approved by Wes on 2022/11/07.10)

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesstarships
Product NameTanya-Class Expeditionary Heavy Cruiser
ManufacturerYugumo Corporation, Yugumo Fleetworks
Year ReleasedYE 44
Price (KS)3 ,578 ,000.00 KS
DR v3 maxTier 13
Mass (kg)70,000,000,000 kg
Gravity reversed
the ship does not by default come configured with the systems to arm and launch anti-ship torpedoes such as the OI-Z1b Anti-Ship Cruise Missile (Refit)
Or above in the case of the dorsal hangar pods
Yugumo Corporation is a major corporation in the Yamatai Star Empire with authorization to produce products with this material.
With backup power equivalent to its typical battery.
or the correct keypad sequence
Three On-Tier-Weapons worth in the default configuration
individual weapons limited to a maximum DR 10

corp/yugumo_corporation/ships/tanya-class_expeditionary_heavy_cruiser.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/04 21:39 by demibear