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Star Army Uniforms

The uniforms of the Star Army of Yamatai have been widely recognized throughout space since their creation in YE 22. Comfortable, functional, and form fitting, the uniforms incorporate traditional blue flag color of the Yamatai Star Empire.

The Star Army's main uniform is the Duty Uniform, which comes in multiple configurations. There is also a working uniform which is for work on starships, a field uniform for planet-side use, and a exercise uniform for physical training. Additionally, the Star Army has a Spacesuit, a bodysuit, a pilot suit, and a variety of other specialized uniforms.

OOC: According to a December 2024 poll, the Star Army has the best uniforms on the site1).

To discuss updates to Star Army uniforms, use this forum thread: Uniform Updates for the Star Army of Yamatai.


The Star Army uniforms have kept a relatively consistent look over the years, typically using Star Army Regal Blue colored top and a cadet blue-gray bottom with black accessories such as boots.

YE 20s

Star Army forces initially used the Star Army Coverall, Type 01 from the Army Of Uesureya before developing distinctive uniform designs in YE 22 called the Type 22 Duty Uniform and Type 22 Bodysuit Uniform. This was followed by the Type 23 Dress Uniform in YE 23. A Spacesuit, the AMES, was added in YE 28. In YE 29, the Star Army introduced the Type 29 Exercise Uniform, which replaced an unofficial exercise uniform comprising of black shorts and a black T-shirt.

Early YE 30s

In YE 30, the Star Army of Yamatai made several attempts at redesigning their uniform such as the Type 30A Duty Uniform and Type 30B Duty Uniform. The Star Army adopted the utilitarian Type 31 Working Uniform, the Type 31 Field Uniform, and the Type 31 Engineering Protective Jumpsuit in YE 31 during the Second Mishhuvurthyar War era.

In YE 32 the Star Army added the iconic Type 32 Cap (a flat blue sailor hat) and the Type 32 Service Dress Coat for cold and rainy days. In YE 33, the Star Army added a barebones prisoner uniform for captured NMX Nekovalkyrja. There was a question of where to put medals, which resulted in the short-lived Type 34 Ceremonial Sash.

Late YE 30s

The original Type 22 look of the Star Army made a comeback in YE 35 in the form of the excellent Type 35 Duty Uniform. Officers got the Star Army Officer's Cap, Type 36 in YE 36. The Star Army also introduced the NMX-inspired Type 36 Coverall as a stopgap field uniform.

In YE 37, the Kuvexian War began. The Type 37 Field Uniform replaced the previous field uniform and the Star Army Duty Uniform, Type 30C came into service for cold weather use. The Star Army switched to the Type 38 Exercise Uniform in YE 38, which was almost entirely Star Army blue.

YE 40s

In YE 40, the Star Army updated the exercise uniform into the Type 40 Exercise Uniform, by adding cold weather items and changing the shirt color from blue to white to increase visibility. This also mostly restored the visual look of the Type 29.

In YE 42, the Star Army introduced the Type 42 Duty Uniform (replacing the Type 32 Working Uniform) and Type 42 Bodysuit Uniform (an updated version of the Type 22 Bodysuit). In YE 43, the Star Army added a maternity version of the Type 42 called the Type 43 Duty Uniform. In YE 44 the Star Army adopted the Sweater, Type 44.

In YE 45, the age of exploration outside of the Kikyo Sector in the larger Kagami Galaxy began with urgency due to the Third Mishhuvurthyar War. To meet this need, the Star Army added specifications and standards for various combat skinsuits collectively referred to as the Star Army Explorer Uniform, which offered a middle ground between standard uniforms, spacesuits, and power armor.

Uniform Classifications

The Star Army classifies uniforms based on their functions. Sometimes more than one uniform will be available for a particular class.

Class Function Issue
A Formal; Dress uniforms, parade wear General standard issue
B Everyday duty uniforms General standard issue
C Tactical, Field, Working, & Operational Uniforms Issued based on mission or assignment
D Utility, Protective Suits Issued based on mission or assignment
E Casual Wear, Exercise & Sportswear, Sleepwear Standard Issue

Suits of power armor are considered equipment rather than uniforms.

Current Uniforms

These uniforms are in active use by Star Army forces.

Uniform Class Usage
Star Army Duty Uniform, Type 35 A & B General use, formal events
Star Army Duty Uniform, Type 42 B General use fleet operational
Star Army Duty Uniform, Maternity, Type 43 B Special use fleet operational
Star Army Duty Uniform, Type 30C B General use, cool weather
Star Army Bodysuit, Type 42 B General use, power armor operations
Star Army Field Uniform, Type 37 C General use (Star Army Rikugun), field use, combat, training
Shinobi Active Cloaking Suit, Type 41 C Infantry, recon, covert operations
SAINT Operative Field Suit, Type 31 C Intelligence operations
Star Army Coverall, Type 36 C & D Work details, combat, training
Environmental Suit, Type 28 (AMES) D Space, hazardous environment
Star Army Aerospace Flight Suit, Type 32 D Starfighter pilots
Star Army Explorer Uniform:
Star Army Explorer Uniform, Type 47
D Ground combat hazard suit
Star Army Exercise Uniform, Type 40 E Physical training, sleepwear, swimwear
Star Army Prisoner Uniform, Type 33 E Provided to prisoners

Shown above:

  1. Duty Uniform, Type 35 (Technician Red) with standard cap
  2. Bodysuit, Type 22 (Technician Red)
  3. Coverall, Type 36
  4. Duty Uniform, Type 35 (Medical Teal)
  5. Coat, Type 32
  6. Duty Uniform, Type 30C (Technician Red)
  7. Exercise Uniform, Type 40
  8. Field Uniform, Type 37
  9. Working Uniform, Type 32 (Starship Operations Gray)

Uniform Parts & Accessories

Obsolete Uniforms

These uniforms are no longer in regular service.

Uniform Type Usage
Star Army Coverall, Type 01 Tactical Combat
Star Army Duty Uniform, Type 22 Everyday General use
Star Army Dress Uniform, Type 23 Everyday, Formal General use, formal events; Had a formal white variant.
Star Army Duty Uniform, Type 30 Everyday (male) General use; Formal when worn with sash
Star Army Duty Uniform, Type 30A Everyday (female) General use; Formal when worn with sash
Star Army Duty Uniform, Type 30B Everyday (female) General use; Formal when worn with sash
Star Army Exercise Uniform, Type 29 Class E Casual Physical training, sleepwear, swimwear
Star Army Exercise Uniform, Type 38 Class E Casual Physical training, sleepwear, swimwear
Star Army Female Bodysuit, Type 22 B Female only. General use, power armor operations
Star Army Female Bodysuit, Type 30 Everyday (female) General use
Star Army Female Jumpsuit, Type 30 Utility Maintenance
Star Army Field Uniform, Type 31 Tactical (Camo) Combat
Star Army Engineering Protective Jumpsuit, Type 31 Utility Maintenance, hazardous environment
Star Army Working Uniform, Type 31 C Work details, combat, training

Obsolete Uniform Parts & Accessories

These uniform components and accessories are no longer regularly used.

Additional Uniform Information

stararmy/uniforms.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/31 11:00 by wes