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YSS Wakaba Plot

YSS Wakaba is a plot set to begin in 2021 by Game Master Rawolfe. The plot is set to be set in the aftermath of Resolutions Of The Ghost and is part of the Hinomaru Sunrises.

Currently the YSS Wakaba is lost in space seeking its way home. The plot is being Game Master by Cowboy as Rawolfe has stepped down from the forms.


The YSS Wakaba has to encounter an ambush on one of the abandoned space station and moved further into the Ayumi Nebula where they encountered a large graveyard of Kuvexian ships that suddenly pulled them into an unknown but very strong anomaly. Where they are now, the crew has no idea.

YSS Wakaba
Forum Link Subforum Link & OOC Thread
Faction Yamatai Star Empire
Game Master Cowboy
Pacing Joint Posts and Single Posts 1-2 times a week/varies
Number of Players 9
Accepting Players? Yes, but speak with Cowboy
Joining Requirements Speak with Cowboy

Plot Overview

The Kuvaxian war is over, peace has finally returned to Kikyo space, but the task is not yet done. Kuvexians, pirates, and chaos are still present in various locations. the 48th, a flotilla of the 1XF, has been deployed in the Tange System to provide humanitarian aid to these planets. But there are still some Kuvexians left on these planets, or hiding in the Tange system. The YSS Wakaba, a Shari-Class vessel that is the flagship of the 48th is there to provide protection over the 48th and clear out the sector. Players will join the Wakaba crew to venture into the (un)known for defensive, search and rescue and retaking the system planet by planet.​

Plots will continue to focus on Characters development and stories.

Episode 1: The Ghost Outpost

With Task Force 48 deployed at Tange System the flotilla began their humanitarian duties to help with the rebuild of the capital homeworld of the Tange star system. The duties were provided to all ships as was expected of them. The duty of YSS Wakaba was to perform a sweep of the star system and get rid of any remnants of the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia that dared to stay behind. However, Wakaba Inaho reports to her Captain that there is a signal coming from Tange V. The Wakaba is ordered to deploy immediately to investigate the unknown signal.

Episode 2: We ain't in Yamatai No More

After pushing the Kuvexians remnants from the outpost off and securing the Tange system even more. The Wakaba went into a pursuit to find more Kuvexians hidding in the nebula. However what they found was anything but that, they arrived at a large Kuvexian starships graveyard, unknown what happened to these ships, they soon find themselves trapped into a gravity pulled anomaly that pulled them into an unknown location. The ship received severe damage, crew injured or worse dead and they didn't know what kind adventure awaited them right now.

Episode 3: The scenic route home

After surviving one of the toughest fights in the Wakaba's history, the ship attempts to find it's way home. Severely damaged, and with supplies beginning to run low, they search for an inhabitable planet or some traders. Instead they find more danger and hardships than they ever imagined. But courage, valor and a little bit of love keeps them going.


The Wakaba has been crashed on a habitable planet for almost 8 months. The ship has been repaired as best as it could be with the available tools and resources but without a new Aether generator the ship will never fly again. The crew has increased by almost 200 new nekos who have been born to the current ships crew. Just as the Wakaba begins to settle down into its seeming new life, they are found my the YSS Resurgence. The Resurgence crew rescues the Wakaba by boarding an attacking Mishhu cruiser and stealing its Aether Generator. The mighty Wakaba takes to the heavens again and is escorted back to Yamatai space.


Returned to Yamatai space, the crew receives some much deserved rest. Before then, Captain Thomas Canterbury holds a final dinner for the crew before they go their separate ways. Many of the crew are awarded special honors but no one was expecting Mistress Taisho Yui herself coming and presenting four of the crew with the Order of the Blazing Sun for their heroism.

Episode 4 Return to the Battle

Repaired and rested, the YSS Wakaba takes to the stars again. Joining the 1st Fleet in it's fight against the returned Mishhu threat, the Wakaba faces new challenges and dangers.



The roster for the first feature ship YSS Wakaba.

Character PicSAOY RankPageSAOY OccupationCharacter OwnerCharacter StatusOrders
Jôtô HeiAimiStar Army Intelligence OperativeCowboyNPC In Use By GM or FM
ChuiAmaneStar Army MedicalCowboyNPC In Use By GM or FM
Ittô HeishoAuda SakuraiStar Army CookRawolfeNPC In Use By GM or FMOrders
Nitô HeiCalandri ValtokStar Army Science OfficerBloodyscarletActive Player CharacterOrders
Nitô HeiCrysta OneilStar Army TechnicianDamaskeActive Player CharacterOrders
Jôtô HeishoHarukaStar Army TechnicianCowboyNPC In Use By GM or FM
Shoi KohoseiHotaruStar Army Science OfficerCowboyNPC In Use By GM or FMOrders
Ittô HeishoMichiruStar Army Science OfficerCowboyActive Player Character
Jôtô HeiRaijin NarikoStar Army CookCowboyNPC In Use By GM or FM
Jôtô HeiReikaStar Army Combat EngineerCowboyNPC In Use By GM or FM
Ittô HeiRuna SeoStar Army PilotCharaaActive Player CharacterOrders
Nitô HeiRyokoStar Army TechnicianCowboyNPC In Use By GM or FMOrders
Jôtô HeishoSetsunu MeioseiSenior Enlisted AdvisorCowboyActive Player CharacterOrders
ShoiShima HoshikoStar Army NavigatoriaincarterActive Player CharacterOrders
TaisaThomas CanterburyStar Army Starship CaptainCowboyActive Player CharacterOrders
Jôtô HeiTsuki TenshiStar Army CaretakerCowboyNPC In Use By GM or FM
Ittô HeiValdia MasaoStar Army MedicalRawolfeInactive Player CharacterOrders
ShosaWakaba InahoStar Army Starship OperatorRawolfeNPC In Use By GM or FMOrders
TaiiWakaba YukikoStar Army Starship OperatorAndrewNPC In Use By GM or FMOrders
ShosaWilliam Fletcher IIStar Army MedicalSobanActive Player CharacterOrders
Ittô HeishoZedarius BrooksStar Army ClerkRawolfeNPC Available for GM or FM useOrders

Plot Will

When this plot becomes inactive, its story and the structure remain their own and can't be reproduced without the consent of the GM.

OOC Notes

Rawolfe created this article on 2021/01/28 10:40.

OOC ManagerCowboy
OOC ThreadOOC Thread
Last Checked2023/09/01
Posting TempoJoint Posts and Single Posts 1-2 times a week/varies
Characters WantedAny is welcome!

plots/yss_wakaba.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/30 19:48 by wes