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Star Army is huge universe with over 600 unique places to visit, including star systems, planets, cities, military bases, shops, and many more locations. This page is the hub for finding them.

Note: Currently the staff is working on a vast quality update for all Star Army places, including using the new Places Template, which adds information about the local population, an automated list of characters in the location, RP Opportunities, and local rumors. If you'd like to help ith this, contact Wes on the forum.

List Filters

You can filter the list of places below by using these tag clouds to filter by faction or location type.

Places should be categorized by what they actually are, not what they happen to contain. For example, just because a planet or a military base has a restaurant, does not make those places a restaurant.

List of Places

This is a list of canon places in the Star Army universe. You can filter it using the search boxes at the top of each column.

Filtered by "Place Categories" equals "city"

#Place ImagePagePlace CategoriesFactionParent PlaceRisk Level
2Shenhong Citycitysafe
3KyopelinvuoricityInterstellar Kingdom Of KuvexiaAzoreasafe
4BakufucityYamatai Star EmpireDaichisafe
5JoukaicityYamatai Star EmpireDaichisafe
6RyoucityYamatai Star EmpireDaichisafe
7EmpyreancityElysian Celestial EmpireElysia Novussafe
8FukuokacityYamatai Star EmpireFort Hankousafe
9Francia CitycityDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaFranciasafe
10NishitamacityYamatai Star EmpireJiyuu IIIsafe
11TsucityYamatai Star EmpireJiyuu IIIsafe
12TokyocityYamatai Star EmpireJiyuu Systemsafe
13Nakajima Star Fortresscity, destroyed, military facility, space stationYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sector
14Kohana CitycityIndependentKohana Cloudsafe
15MasayumecityYamatai Star EmpireMinatosafe
16IchidoucityYamatai Star EmpireMinatosafe
17SargassocityDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaNepleslia Primelow
18Ne'ushaecityKingdom of NeshatenNetoshenlow
19PoarycityPoku Saeruo DegonjoNew Geiessafe
20QamiscityPoku Saeruo DegonjoNew Roisiasafe
21GenseirincityYamatai Star EmpirePlanet Kotorisafe
22ItadakicityYamatai Star EmpirePlanet Kotorisafe
23DoshingtoncityDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaPlanet Neplesliamoderate
24funky_city.jpgFunky CitycityDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaPlanet Neplesliamoderate
25Roger Wilco CitycityDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaPlanet Nepleslialow
27Keiyō CitycityYamatai Star EmpireShugosha Ilow
28Dawn CitycityNew Dusk ConclaveSirris VIsafe
29Obsidian CitycityNew Dusk ConclaveSirris VIsafe
30Spirit Citycity, military facility, space stationYamatai Star EmpireTalori
31Sood ZadracityIndependentUX-3 IIImoderate
32Chiharu no Ioricity, military facility, space stationYamatai Star EmpireVeronicasafe
33Central UesureyacityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
34Geshrinopoliscity, destroyedYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)high
35HeavenscityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
36HimeshimacityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
37JskitacityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
38Ketsurui no IoricityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
39Kyotocity, government facility, military facilityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
40KyousoucityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
41MalifarcityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
42MeicityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
43Nataliacity, military facilityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
44Pagoda No UesureyacityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
45Port XenncityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
46RaltcityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
47ShingōcityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
48TakekumoricityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
49TaniacityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
50TeisenjoucityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe

places.txt Β· Last modified: 2023/12/28 09:01 by wes