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Colonization Initiative Alliance fleet

This page details the combined fleet following the Motoyoshi on their adventure. And, also to explore the Kosuke Sector.

About the Fleet

The Fleet is a massively organized expeditionary fleet Using the Motoyoshi Corporate fleet, Takeda Fleet, the Mining Guild Contingent and additional other ships joining the Motoyoshi’s with the bulk of the 5th expeditionary fleet, and assets from the First fleet joining them on their journey. 


In preparing for the adventure, Clan Matriarch Katsuko had asked Motoyoshi-Igarashi Yuka and Motoyoshi-Igarashi Yue to begin stress tests on the Ports Jiyuu and Siren to test them for the journey.   The Seventh Princess had asked about Contacting the Mining Guild and was given the go ahead to do so.

It had been a lucky time, as the Mining Guild had been in the middle of construction of a new station, as part of another plan of theirs. 1) The new Station became Station Decacron. With the Ports, all three stations became a sort of command part of the fleet.

The Ports and Decacron both have shipyard capability which would allow for the construction of ships which the main three agreed to share responsibility if need be.(This will need to be discussed and agreed on to be canon)

With the command structure set up, the Motoyoshis began setting up the rest of the fleet for their part, which included the Yugumo Corporate Fleet, Takeda Fleet, and the 5th Expeditionary fleet with assets the first Expeditionary fleet. While the mining Guild had begun allocating their own ships for the group, they would soon call the Mining Guild Contingent. The leader of this group was Kali Firewalker, handpicked by the Kurosaki sisters themselves.  

With The Daikoku ships relegated to liveship status, for the production of food2), a small 1 percent of which is also produced by Decacron. The other mining guild ships, namely the Dragon and Magpie Class, would be a part of the mining and industrial, with the entire fleet serving as the client for the Mining Guild. In addition to the ships brought by Takeda Minerals and Mining.

Fleet Stats

Fleet Profile
Formation YE 44
Leadership Titles Motoyoshi Clan Matriarch, Patriarch, Yugumo Corp CEO, Mining Guild Contingent Leader3),
Leader of the Motoyoshi Clan Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko, Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Taro
Leader of Yugumo Corp Motoyoshi-Igarashi Yuka
Leader of Mining Guild Kali Firewalker
Fielded By Motoyoshi Clan, Yugumo Corporation, Mining Guild, Ryu Keiretsu
Mission Profile Expedition
Current Focus Motoyoshi Yugumo Colonization Initiative, Expedition
Base of Operations The three Stations4)
Flagships YSS Mazu5) Evenstar6) YSS Battle of Ayenee Capital City 7) Durandium Phoenix 8)
No. of Warships Total: 2,4789), Gunships:207 10) Cruisers: 21011) Battleships:8 12) Escort Destroyers:2813), Explorers 514)
No. of Liveships 31 15)
No. of Hospital ships 12
No. of Logistics 55216)
Total Number 3,749
Industrial capable yes
Infrastructure Alliance Fleet Infrastructure
Alternate Names Colonial Fleet17), Combined Fleet18)


All Fleets need a command structure of some kind, and this is the head of that fleet with Port Jyuu at the head of the fleet, and Siren and Decacron being a close second, due to the positions they both fill in the fleet. Decacron will always move to the left of Port Jyuu, with Siren in position to Jiyuu’s right. It was felt that taking the left-hand position was appropriate to the Mining Guild Contingent themselves. As Yugumo was the main client and by extension the leader of the fleet as far as they were aware

Heavy Cruisers

The Fleets Heavy Cruisers were in a special place of their very own in the fleet, as they were placed close to the stations to better defend if need be.

Tanya-Class Expeditionary Heavy Cruiser
Fore Aft
Plan Elevation

Civilian Fleet

The Civilian Fleet is composed of a great deal of the combined fleet as anything non-military and command is positioned here, which is nestled in between the Defense Fleet, and the expanse of space. The Civilian fleet holds the Yugumo and Takeda corporate fleets, the liveships, and the transports, for inter-ship transport, and from mining sites to ship if the fleet has stopped at an asteroid field. The Dragon and Magpie Class ships are also included in the civilian fleet.

Takeda Fleet Examples


The ships designated live ships are the ships that produce the food 21) for the entire fleet. Every ice that is mined from asteroids is taken to one of these ships to melt the ice into water, and filter that water for drinking, and bathing needs. Overall, there are over 22 Dakoku class ships as part of the live ship group, though as time passes as the trip is prepared for and the adventure eventually gets underway the number might rise depending on need.

Named Agriculture Ships

Brewing Variant

The other is a special variant called Sukunabikona that uses the space granted to it. It uses this space, for grains, vineyards, orchards, and apiary like a traditional Daikoku Horticulture variant, however, those aren't the only things that were on the ship. It had a massive brewery facility which also contains a much larger water tank, in addition to water purification facilities. Additional systems include fermenting and finishing vats, with the specific kinds for beer, whiskey, wine, cider, plum and apricot wine, mead, and Moon’s Nectar. In addition to aging cellars to aid it. This variant is owned and operated by the Tokyo Brewing Company.

Named Brewing Variant ship

  • The Brewer's Bounty,

Mining and Industrial

This part of the fleet is primarily civilian and it handles everything to do with Mining and the Industrial complex of the combined fleet. The Mining part of the civilian side are primarily Mining Guild with some extra additions from the Ryu Keiretsu.

Takumi-Class Expeditionary Command CruiserThe Takumi also has fabrication/industrial capabilities


Ports Jiyuu and Siren and Station Decacron are primarily in charge of ship manufacturing, as they have shipyards23) attached to them, in addition to those used on the Stations. In addition, Both the explorers, destroyers, and the Tanya have large multistructs on them.


In addition to the shipyards, the fleet have fabrication units in many of the ships, including a variant of the Daikoku-Class Agricultural Ship called Kagutsuchi Class, which has fabrication units inside it. Station Decacron also has Fabrication units, including a business specifically for that function. This allows for an excess amount of things that could be used for other purposes.

Additional Ships

Takumi-Class Expeditionary Command CruiserThe Takumi also has fabrication/industrial capabilities
Kagutsuchi ClassHephaestus' Forge24)

Cargo Ships

  • The Beast of Burden
  • The Stevedore.

Fifth Expedition Fleet with First Fleet Assets

Hospital Ships

Out of all parts of the fleet, Hospital ships provide probably one of the two most important duties of the fleet. Medical welfare for the fleets, so that the Station’s Hospitals and ships medical bays, are not overwhelmed and their medical staff to become overworked. The fleet has around 12 hospital ships but if the need came, more could be construction.

Unique Hospital Ships

YSS Sukunahikona

The YSS Sukunahikona is one of many Minori-Class Hospital Ships in the Alliance fleet. It is commonly called the flagship of the Medical Fleet, due to its position at the head of the Hospital section of the Lives Ships part of the Fleet. 25)

Science Division

The Science Division handles the fleet's science requirements. They may perform science experiments and use science to figure out problems that may occur. In addition they research planetary, and Asteroid environments, as a part of research to find a new habitable colony.

Unique Science Vessels

YSS Omoikane

YSS Omoikane is one of the many Science vessels in the Alliance Fleet, used to do research for the Fleet. It is also considered to be the flagship of the Science Vessels. 26)


The transports are smaller ships that take passengers in the fleet to one of the other ships or the stations. When the fleet has arrived at an asteroid field, Stork Transport shuttles will take waiting miners to these asteroids to dig for ore to be refined into metal, gems to be made into jewelry, and ice for water. When not at a mining opportunity, the fleet will use Yugumo transport, though the storks could be used.

Unique Transports

Gold Star

The Gold Star is a unique transport, reserved for the leadership of the Alliance fleet, as such, it is a transport that is usually escorted to either of the Stations, or either of the ships in the fleet.

The Orchid Fleet

The Orchid Fleet is the special name, given to the fleet of ships owned by members of the Motoyoshi Clan. In other words, these would be their own personal vessels, and each adult Motoyoshi owns one, which is a Misha class ship. Except for the Hanabi, which is a Princess Class Yacht. The Fleet is headed by The Evenstar, which is a Tanya Class Heavy Cruiser.

The Orchid Fleet is also protected by Evenstar Escort Group when alone, but by the whole alliance when joined with the other fleets.

Independent Orchid Fleet Ships

The ships here are a part of the Orchid fleet, but for reasons they are listed as Independent for reasons.

ISS Asagiri33)Non Misha


The Defense group acts as protection for the fleet guarding and blocking civilians and the command from attack from Pirates, Kuvexian Remnant who refused to believe the war is over, Feral Elysian ships, or other space born creatures. Yugumo and assets from the Star army of Yamatai fill this section, in addition to Night Guard, Iron Company and Black Crane Securities.

Fighter craft

The Wings operate in fighter craft aiding in protection of the fleet in addition to other military ships.

Ship Groups

Main Battle Group

The main battle group of both Fifth Expeditionary Fleet, and Delta Fleet both have a Main battle group. Pioneer’s Sword and Knight’s Shield respectively, as a result of being unable to pick one or the other, they have chosen to use both in some capacity. As both are important to their fleets.

Tanya Operational Group

In a typical Tanya Heavy Cruiser operation. The idea is that the Tanya Heavy Cruiser along with 2 Daikoku dock in orbit, and the Tanya is mainly used as a platform for the Misha to run off and return to. The Destroyers act as security for the Misha ships as they have for the rest of the fleet. The Shuryoku-Class Super Freighters just hover nearby mainly used for storage 34). While 2 Misha are away on missions, each with 2 destroyer escorts, the rest of the 2 Mishas and 2-4 yūgures hanging out for security and operations and evacuation if need be at the base. Shuttles are likely used to go to the Freighters and get what was needed before returning to where they came from.

With raw materials, the Tanya's frigate repair bay could build Misha and the Destroyers, though it isn’t as efficient as Ports Jyuu, Siren and Station Decacron’s shipyards35). But it can make them in a pinch if need be, every ship in the group has a Mineral Scanner, and the Tanya, Explorers, and Destroyers are able to launch Mining Probes. The Mining Guild also provides a Dragon Class Mobile Refinery for use.

Group statistics

Ice Cracker

In a Typical Ice Cracker operation, the group uses ships that are able to drill through it, should they encounter ice drifts like those in the Draco Eridanus System. Members in this group of ships and crew are skilled when it comes to ice, and they know how to be careful. They will always have a spotter watching on the off chance an ice rift comes flying towards them. But on the of chance that the fleet encounters a huge wall of ice, than a ship with systems similar to the Durandium Phoenix with its vents capable of expelling heat, before weapons.

Special variant of the Magpie-class Industrial Cargo shuttle called the Kraken is also used to carry water.

Evenstar Escort Group

The Evenstar escort group is a group of ships designed to escort the Evenstar . It also serves as escort for The Orchid Fleet when needed. It is fielded by.

Yūgure-class Merchant Destroyer8
Misha-Class Explorer5(docked)
Daikoku-Class Agricultural Ship4((2Standard Daikoku, and 2Horticulture variant
Automated Super Freighters 1-2
Tug based ships2

The Escort fleet is armed with the various weapons onboard the Evenstar, as well as the other ships. In addition, to the Daikoku’s significant point defense weapons. The fleet also holds hundreds of Military based Power armor, as well as Fighters.

Taihō Expeditionary Strike Group

An Expeditionary Strike Group. Its homeport is Legacy Bastion (Katsuko no Iori).

Name IRN Class Commander Status/Remarks
YSS Taihō Maru NF-X1-4205 Yamato-Class Flagship Active
YSS Zuihō Maru NB-X1-4205 Sharie-class Battleship Active
YSS Shouhou NC-X1-4204 Heitan-Class (1B) Carrier Active
YSS Ryuujou NC-X1-4205 Heitan-Class (1B) Carrier Active
Taihō Asagao Escort Group
Asagao-One Fuji Group 2 Fuji-class Expeditionary Gunship Active
Asagao-Two Plumeria Group 5 Plumeria-class (2E) Medium Gunship Active
Asagao-Three Azusa Group 5 Azusa-class Light Gunship Active
Asagao-Four Chiaki Group 20 Chiaki-class (1B) Escort Destroyer Active

Fighter Groups

The Fighter wing group are various groups of fighters in the fleet. Some examples are below.

Fighter Expedition Squadron

The 17th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron, also known as Pathfinder Squadron, is a Super Kawarime squadron formed from hand picked pilots to act act as part of the fighter contingent for the flag ship of the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet, the YSS Resurrection Of Taiie. They called Deck 3 of the Resurrection's starboard hanger home. They were reassigned to the YSS Battle Of Ayenee Capital City in YE 44.8, the 5xF's new flagship. They serve as the premiere strike fighter squadron of the Carrier Group Operations Wing.

Alpha Wing

Alpha Wing was created and filled using BW-V-Starbreakers after Conclave Ship works sent Starbreakers, and their build plans to the Mining Guild specifically for the Contingent group’s use. The first ones were put on the Alpha Wing.

Special Fighter Group

In hopes of acting cooperatively, special groups were created for this purpose.

Crimson Squadron

Crimson Squadron was an attempt at getting a fighter squadron that was filled with fighters and personnel from each and every part of the fleet. From the Motoyoshi, Yugumo Corp, Mining Guild, Takeda, Fifth and first fleet. It was made as part of the belief that everyone can work together. For that purpose, the Mining Guild provides a Starbreaker that they have just constructed.

Scout Battalion

The Scout Battalion is a group of the fastest Fighter and Mid-level ships in the entire fleet. Their job is simply to scout ahead of the fleet to look out for any threat. They report back with an instant message of any kind of danger, whether Pirate, creature, or simply a star going supernova.

OOC Notes

Charaa created this article on 2022/10/07 20:15.

This article is used mainly in rp

though not a part of the previously announced Project Terra.
Branch Head
Flagship of the 1XF
Flagship of the Takeda Fleet, and Orchid Fleet
Flagship of the 5XF
Delta Fleet Flagship
from both Fifth Expedition Fleet, First Expedition Fleet, and Delta fleet
Gunships of Various Kinds
Cruisers of Various kinds
Battle ships of various kinds
13) , 14)
of various kinds
Daikoku, and Nougaku-Class Agriculture Vessels
Fifth and Delta Fleet logistics
Most Used
OOC used by Charaa
as part of the Fifth Fleet
Meat, vegetables, fruit, water, and juices including alcoholic beverages
Daikoku also have a specialized mobile brewery to make drinks and water
1 ship
Sukunahikona is the name of a shinto shrine, close to hospitals in the real world
Omoikane, is a Shinto god of wisdom and intelligence.
Tachiko's Personal Ship
Yue slept over when missing Tachiko
Kage Yaichiro's ship
The Kikyo Scouts
Katsuko's ship
Yue's ship
Kaieda Auda's ship
As they are completely automated, they are literally just the shed in the backyard
Both the explorers, destroyers, and he Tanya have large multistructs on them

faction/motoyoshi/combined_fleet.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/27 14:56 by charaa