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Tokyo Brewing Company Beers

These brews are produced by the Tokyo Brewing Company. They began production in YE 42.

Tokyo Brewing Company Beers
Designer Tokyo Brewing Company
Nomenclature See Products Listed
Manufacturer Tokyo Brewing Company
Fielded by Tokyo Brewing Company
Availability Mass Production



Beers are produced at the Tokyo Brewing Company Breweries using the the freshest and highest quality ingredients available.

Formats and Pricing

All Beers are sold in the following formats. Listed is the suggested retail price. Wholesale prices are 20% lower.

  • Full Barrel Keg (59L) - 700 KS
  • Quarter Barrel Keg (29L) - 430 KS
  • Bottle (755mL) - 2 KS
  • Can (325mL) - 1 KS

Current Beers

These Tokyo Brewing Company Beers are for YE 45 sales season.

Colony Fleet Pale Ale

The statistics and information for the Colony Fleet Pale Ale.

Colony Fleet Pale Ale
YE Introduced YE 45 Master Brewer Ishikawa Matsusuke Pale Ale
Promo Picture Description
In the spirit of the Colonial Initiative, Tokyo Brewing Company brings another great smooth-drinking pale ale. It has a defined and crisp flavor profile with a light peppery note from the Nabari Hops.
% Abv./vol. 5.0% Production Level1) Mass Production
Formats Can (325mL) Bottle (755mL) Quarter Barrel Keg (29L) Full Barrel Keg (59L)
Product IDs Yu-N1-2A Yu-N1-2B Yu-N1-2C Yu-N1-2D
Water, Top-Fermenting Yeast, Nabari Hops, Pale Malted Barley

Leviathan Dark Lager

The statistics and information for the Leviathan Dark Lager.

Leviathan Dark Lager
YE Introduced YE 45 Master Brewer Ishikawa Matsusuke Dark(Dunkel-Style) Lager
Promo Picture Description
Welcome our new friends, the Norian from Tsenlan and their fascinating Leviathan Technology. This Dark (Dunkel-Style) Lager has a rich caramel malty decadence that will leave you in the darkness.
% Abv./vol. 5.2% Production Level2) Mass Production
Formats Can (325mL) Bottle (755mL) Quarter Barrel Keg (29L) Full Barrel Keg (59L)
Product IDs Yu-N2-2A Yu-N2-2B Yu-N2-2C Yu-N2-2D
Water, Double-roasted Caramel Malted Barley, Koukotsu Hops, Bottom-Fermenting Yeast. Produced using the decoction mashing technique.

Hummingbird Pilsner

The statistics and information for the Hummingbird Pilsner.

Hummingbird Pilsner
YE Introduced YE 45 Master Brewer Ishikawa Matsusuke Pilsner
Promo Picture Description
Celebrating the return of the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet of the Star Army of Yamatai. This light pale lager is something special with a golden color and a rich unique flavor that has just a hint from the Yamatai Special Hops.
% Abv./vol. 5.2% Production Level3) Mass Production
Formats Can (325mL) Bottle (755mL) Quarter Barrel Keg (29L) Full Barrel Keg (59L)
Product IDs Yu-N2-3A Yu-N2-3B Yu-N2-3C Yu-N2-3D
Soft Water, Freedom City Light Malted Barley, Yamatai Special Hops, Bottom-Fermenting Yeast.

Imperial Senate IPA

The statistics and information for the Imperial Senate IPA.

Imperial Senate IPA
YE Introduced YE 45 Master Brewer Ishikawa Matsusuke IPA
Promo Picture Description
Celebrating spicy politics of the Senate of Yamatai over the last two years. We don't care what party you support, just so long as you support the right to enjoy a good beer. This IPA is potent, for those who love hops and a drink with excitement.
% Abv./vol. 3.9% Production Level4) Mass Production
Formats Can (325mL) Bottle (755mL) Quarter Barrel Keg (29L) Full Barrel Keg (59L)
Product IDs Yu-N3-2A Yu-N3-2B Yu-N3-2C Yu-N3-2D
Water, Dry Roasted Barley Malt, A blend of Tiasho, Koukotsu Paradise Hop and Kameyama Hops, Top-Fermenting Ale Yeast.

Past Beers

Beers from the YE 42 to YE 44 sales seasons. Still available in cans and bottles with limited production.

Forty-Two Pale Ale

The statistics and information for the Forty-Two Pale Ale.

Forty-Two Pale Ale
YE Introduced YE 42 Master Brewer Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Taro Pale Ale
Promo Picture Description
The Forty-Two Yamatai Pale Ale is a smooth-drinking pale ale. It has a very dry and crisp flavor profile with a refreshing finish thanks to the Yamatai Special Hops. A great way to celebrate YE 42. Only available in YE 45 in limited can or bottle at Tokyo Brewing Company Brewpub locations.
% Abv./vol. 5.0% Production Level5) Limited Production
Formats Can (325mL) Bottle (755mL) Quarter Barrel Keg (29L)6) Full Barrel Keg (59L)7)
Product IDs Yu-N1-1A Yu-N1-1B Yu-N1-1C Yu-N1-1D
Water, Top-Fermenting Yeast, Yamatai Special Hops, Pale Malted Barley

Gunship Lager

The statistics and information for the Gunship Lager.

Gunship Lager
YE Introduced YE 42 Master Brewer Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Taro Lager
Promo Picture Description
Gunship Lager is named with the mighty gunships of the Star Army of Yamatai past in mind; like the Sakura-class Light Gunship and Irim-class Heavy Gunship and features images of these two ships on their labels. Gunship Lager is a hearty deep flavored brew with undertones of peppery flavors from the blend of Nabari and Koukotsu Hops. Only available in YE 45 in limited can or bottle at Tokyo Brewing Company Brewpub locations.
% Abv./vol. 4.8% Production Level8) Limited Production
Formats Can (325mL) Bottle (755mL) Quarter Barrel Keg (29L)9) Full Barrel Keg (59L)10)
Product IDs Yu-N2-1A Yu-N2-1B Yu-N2-1C Yu-N2-1D
Water, Caramel Malted Barley, Nabari and Koukotsu Hops, Bottom-Fermenting Yeast

Minori IPA

The statistics and information for the Minori IPA.

Minori IPA
YE Introduced YE 42 Master Brewer Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Taro IPA
Promo Picture Description
A strong-willed Star Army of Yamatai Chujo with a long and distinguished service record deserves a beer that is equally as potent. In celebration of the retirement of Star Army Personnel Command's Director, Chujo Ketsurui-Chinomai Minori the Tokyo Brewing Company has formulated a power blend of hops for this brew that is fragrant and herbal in flavor and packs a punch that will send any other beer into retirement. Only available in YE 45 in limited can or bottle at Tokyo Brewing Company Brewpub locations.
% Abv./vol. 4.0% Production Level11) Limited Production
Formats Can (325mL) Bottle (755mL) Quarter Barrel Keg (29L)12) Full Barrel Keg (59L)13)
Product IDs Yu-N3-1A Yu-N3-1B Yu-N3-1C Yu-N3-1D
Water, Dry Roasted Barley Malt, A blend of Tiasho, Nabari and Kameyama Hops, Top-Fermenting Ale Yeast

A suggested menu layout for the YE 45 product lineup.

Tokyo Brewing Company Beers YE 45
Picture Name Type Price
Colony Fleet Pale Ale Pale Ale 1 KS (Can or Tap Pint), 2KS (Bottle)
Leviathan Dark Lager Dark(Dunkel-Style) Lager 1 KS (Can or Tap Pint), 2KS (Bottle)
Hummingbird Pilsner Pilsner 1 KS (Can or Tap Pint), 2KS (Bottle)
Imperial Senate IPA IPA 1 KS (Can or Tap Pint), 2KS (Bottle)


This is an adult beverage, for those over the age of 18 in the Yamatai Star Empire. Subject to the regulations of the Star Army of Yamatai where applicable. Over-indulgence may cause intoxication and impaired judgment. Do not operate starships or small craft, including power armor and other units when consuming these beverages.

OOC Notes

Andrew created this article on 2022/11/16 17:55.

  • Logo by Yuuki.
  • Cans by Andrew using Midjourney Bot.
  • This was approved by Wes on 2022/11/20.14)
Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesdrinks
Product NameTokyo Brewing Company Beers
ManufacturerTokyo Brewing Company
Price (KS)1.00 KS

items/drinks/tbc_beers.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/29 04:18 by