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Stork-class Personnel Transport

The Personnel Transport is a Shuttle based Star ship used by the Mining Guild beginning in YE 41. This article can also be found on the Mining Guild Equipment page

About the Ship

The Mining Guild needed a way to transport their Personnel to the mining camps and the other Mining operations, and so they chose to create their own. This was the reason why they had the ship built since the Industrial shuttle they used to ferry ore wouldn’t be comfortable.

Key Features

The VHS that lets people sleep, and the Hard light entertainment system.

Mission Specialization

  • Transport Personnel to and from the Camps near the entrances to the Mines
  • Transporting Personnel from Planet to Asteroid camp and to Terra Multa eventually.


The Mining Guild’s Personnel transport, nicknamed the Stork, is a shuttle that can be described as a Metallic cockroach, which merged with a brick. This left the shuttle curved in some places, round at the back, on landing 6 “legs” come out, and once safely on the ground the door opens and a set of stairs come out. There are weapons on it, but it's meant for defense

Top View
Bottom View

History and Background

The Mining Guild trio knew they needed to find some way to transport their Personnel to the Mining camps, and off-world, they chose not to use a military-based Transport shuttle, because they were worried that something clearly military might be targeted so they came up with The Stork, named after the little white lie that parents tell their young children. Costs were spent on safety and comfort costs for bedding, was instead spent on the VHS program.

Statistics and Performance

Here are stats for the Personnel transport


General information about the Starship


Crew: 2 are Recommended and 1 is required

Maximum Capacity: There are accommodations for 18 people. About 25 people can fit aboard in an emergency, but the shuttle would be extremely cramped.


Here are the Dimensions of the Starship.

  • Length: 20 meters
  • Width: 10 meters
  • Height: 8 meters
  • Decks: 1 1/2

Propulsion and Range

  • Falcon Tunnel Drive: 0.2ly/m with a jump range of 15ly max per jump.
  • Sublight Engines: .30c
  • Range: 1 month
  • Lifespan: 20 years
  • Refit Cycle: yearly.

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

  • Tier: 8 (Medium Mecha)
  • Shields: 8 (Medium Mecha)

Deck Layout

The interior of the shuttle is laid out with the cockpit being to the left of an individual that enters the transport on the left side. Near the entrance, there’s a cabinet for first aid requirements, and the wall, it's attached to ends up in a set of railings that allows the viewing of the lower observation area. In between the raining is a ramp that leads into the Lower observation area for about two steps. Then it’s five steps until the entrance to the passenger seating area. At the back is a bulkhead hatch, which would take an individual into a lower area that holds the Miners Power armor, which has a ramp that could be lowered so they can leave.


The cockpit of the Stork-class Personnel Transport is meticulously designed to ensure both functionality and comfort for the pilots. It accommodates two individuals, each with their own dedicated pilot station, creating an efficient and collaborative environment for operating the vessel. The layout of the cockpit emphasizes advanced technology and ergonomic considerations, enhancing the overall piloting experience.

Each pilot station is equipped with its own control alcove, designed to provide a personalized and intuitive interface for the pilot. The alcoves are integrated with volumetric displays and controls that envelop the pilot seat in a square configuration. This arrangement allows for quick access to all necessary instruments and data, ensuring that pilots can manage the transport effectively and respond promptly to any situation.

The volumetric displays offer a three-dimensional visualization of critical flight data, system statuses, and navigational information. These displays provide a comprehensive view of the transport’s operational parameters, enhancing situational awareness and enabling precise control. The surrounding controls are strategically placed to be within easy reach, minimizing the need for pilots to shift their focus away from the displays.

Instead of a traditional transparent windshield, the Stork-class Personnel Transport features a false windshield. This is essentially a high-resolution screen that relays real-time feeds from the hull’s embedded optical sensors. These sensors capture a wide field of view around the transport, providing a seamless and detailed visual representation of the external environment. This setup not only offers a clear and uninterrupted view but also enhances the structural integrity of the cockpit by eliminating the need for large glass panels.

Understanding the importance of rest for optimal performance, the cockpit is equipped with a Virtual Home Sleep. Under each armrest, there is a connected helmet designed to facilitate restful sleep for the pilots whenever conditions allow. The Virtual Home Sleep device uses advanced technology to simulate a home-like sleeping environment, promoting deep and restorative rest. This feature is particularly beneficial during long missions, ensuring that pilots remain alert and effective when on duty.

Personnel seating

The Personnel section of the shuttle is designed with a tall and open layout, aimed at ensuring that taller individuals, such as Separa'Shan and taller Nekovalkyrja, can move comfortably within the space. The interior seating configuration mirrors that of other non-Mining Guild shuttles, accommodating 18 seats arranged in rows of three. The first and last rows of seats face inwards, while the second row faces the first, creating a sociable and practical arrangement.

Above the seats, there are overhead compartments that can drop down to store the passengers' and pilot's luggage securely. Each seat is equipped with a slot under the left armrest that holds a helmet connected to the Virtual Home Sleep System, allowing passengers to rest during the journey. An aisle runs through the center of the Personnel section, leading from the seating area to the hatch that connects the cockpit to the passenger bay, facilitating easy movement and access throughout the shuttle.

Recreational technology

For the recreation of passengers and crew, the shuttle is equipped with advanced hard-light holograms that can appear between the seats. These holograms provide an interactive platform for passengers to engage in various activities during their journey. Two passengers can use the holograms to play card games, enjoying a shared recreational experience that helps pass the time. Additionally, the holograms can be used by individuals to read books, offering a private and immersive reading experience.

These entertainment options are designed to alleviate boredom and enhance the overall travel experience as passengers are transported to various mining operations or different ships within the Mining Guild. By incorporating these interactive and versatile holographic systems, the shuttle ensures that both passengers and crew have access to engaging activities, making long journeys more enjoyable and less monotonous.

Refresher Areas

For hygienic needs, the shuttle includes a compact but thoughtfully designed enclosed area that caters to the diverse requirements of its passengers. This hygienic facility features species-specific accommodations to ensure comfort and usability for all. Within this area, there is a sink for washing hands and a toilet, both designed to meet the ergonomic needs of various species.

Additionally, the facility includes a slot stocked with toiletry supplies and towels, ensuring that passengers have access to essential hygiene items during their journey. Special provisions are made to address specific medical and hygiene needs, particularly for women, ensuring that all passengers are well-cared for.

Despite the space constraints, the enclosed area is carefully designed to provide enough room for one person to stand and move about without feeling cramped. This balance of compactness and functionality ensures that passengers can maintain their hygiene comfortably even in the limited space available on the shuttle.

Power Armor Bays

At the back of the shuttle, there is a dedicated level specifically reserved for ANT Power Armor, reflecting the shuttle’s role in supporting mining operations. This area is equipped with rows of power armor bays, each designed to securely store and maintain the ANT Power Armor used by the miners.

The power armor bays are organized to maximize space efficiency while ensuring easy access and secure storage for each suit of armor. Each bay includes docking and charging stations to keep the power armor in optimal condition, ready for immediate use upon arrival at the mining site. Additionally, maintenance tools and diagnostic interfaces are integrated into the bays, allowing for quick checks and minor repairs as needed during transit.

This dedicated power armor storage level not only ensures that new miners have their equipment securely stowed but also provides a streamlined process for gearing up and deploying quickly upon reaching their destination. By reserving this space specifically for ANT Power Armor, the shuttle enhances its functionality and supports the efficiency and readiness of mining operations within the Mining Guild.

Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

A tier 8 Ships hull structure is composed of a combination Durandium and ADNR (Aggregated Diamond Nanorods). It also has a layer of a gel that is resistant to heat, energy, and kinetic-based damage. This gel is flexible, and because of that and its state of matter, it can also fill in space between the layers of graphene sandwiched Osmanium spread throughout. the gel is also very resistant to kinetic forces -as the force of an impact is simply absorbed and spread outward by the jiggly substance. The gel is resistant to excess energy exposure (including magnetic) due to being composed of silicon-based materials and traces of rubber-like matter; it is not, however, immune to electromagnetic pulse weapons - it's simply more resistant than usual. Lastly, the gel is highly absorbent to heat - and will radiate it off over time - due to the properties of its state of matter and composition. This is within a shell of Aegium, which also makes up the support structure deeper within.

Computers and Electronics

The computer that is installed on the Stork is a AI that’s a part of the list in which is linked to the one on their Space Station, could be so without concerns of problems.It has access to a wide range of sensors.

communications: Aurum Type communication system

Emergency Systems

A bank of 40 BW-PC-1B "PowerPak", acts as an emergency power source in the event that the main drive's power cores die. This will ensure that comms, life support, and sensors continue to receive power for three weeks. Alternatively, power can be routed to the engines for one week to all systems for at a maximum of up to one week.

Life Support Systems

On all Mining Guild ships and the Space Station have External Respiration Kit provided some air, as well as cleaning and also Life Support which aids in cleaning the air that the organics breath out as well as the water needs of Organics. due to the lack of beds, there are Virtual Home Sleep for long term flights


Ionix Vortex Engine of large sizes arranged at the back of of the craft, as well as the thrusters. The drive system for these are powered by 8 Ion based Power cores, providing them 1 month of power, and therefore 1 month of flight time.

Shield Systems

The Personnel transport is protected by the New Dusk Conclave's Paladin Barrier System

Weapons Systems

For defense only, the shuttle is armed with the New dusk conclave's Rotary Chain gun numbering in 6, which has a damage rating of 3

OOC Notes

  • Charaa created this article on 2019/09/06 10:02.
  • Jack Pine was kind enough to help with the images as well as help me with getting them here.
  • new art by Charaa using copilot
Products & Items Database
Product Categoriessmall craft
Product NamePersonnel Transport "Stork"
ManufacturerMining Guild
Year ReleasedYE 41
Price (KS)400.00 KS
DR v3 maxTier 8

corp/mining_guild/starships/personnel_transport.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/21 13:58 by charaa