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Yui 7-class Scout

The Yui 7; sometimes known as the Type 32 Yui Scout, the Yui Kai, or simply as the Yui, is a collective term for the Yui 2 through 5 upgrade which brings the craft up to date for YE 32. The restriction of resources and the prevalence of the old craft made it prudent to call the classic scout back into service to help combat the NMX threat.

About the Yui 7

The Yui 7 is an extensive refit to the Yui-class Scout to allow it to continue functioning in spite of its 10 year old design.

Parts from the Midori-class Scout Ship, where applicable, are actually used in this upgrade, especially in the sensors. This is to minimize cost by using existing mass production parts.

Key Features

The Yui 7 is a cost effective refit of one of the most common Star Army craft ever produced – an important element in resource-stretched times. The ship frames and elements are tried and true, while new systems have allowed the machine to have easier to repair components and more standardized systems. The resulting ship is fairly fast, very reliable, has decent weapons coverage, can field modern support craft and drones, and decent shielding for its size.

Another benefit that these refitted Yui 7s bring to the table is another key resource which is rarely considered – some of the most experienced MEGAMI and sprites in the entirety of the Army.

Mission Specialization

This ship is good for most, if not all, of its original functions. It can operate autonomously and scout an area for an advance force, it can escort other craft as part of a larger group, it can use its modernized sensor package for scientific studies with the Scientific Studies Service (SSS), and it can be used to meet with diplomats and other ships when larger craft may be inappropriate or overly intimidating. The weapons and shields, as well as its compliment of vehicles, allow it to fill these roles with a measure of protection.

  • Scouting
  • Escort Duty
  • Scientific Studies
  • Diplomacy


The Yui 7 is a modernized version of the classic Yui-class Scout, in modern Star Army of Yamatai light blue colors. It comes complete with a Hinomaru as well, and the various hatches along the ship which contained weapons pods have been repurposed for assorted things like turrets and streamlined. The seams are now almost imperceptible.

The craft is akin to a somewhat flattened teardrop with a sharp front edge – though nowhere near as sharp as the unsafe Zesuaium edge of the Yui 2-5. Its engines are also teardrop shaped and mounted directly to the sides, giving the craft a classic look when compared to other modern SAoY vessels. It is still sleek though, and eye-catching.

These ships are actually upgraded Yui 2-5 craft, so though the vast majority are fully repainted, a small few may have the front be modern painted Yamataium armor, while the rear may still be the old darker blue Zesuaium. This is not very common, however, and goes against accepted standardization practices. It is only permissible when paint is scarce at a location or when the unit is for some reason rushed to active duty.

Some of the more noteworthy ships of the class are able to keep their classic paint job even after the hull change, and some are even awarded custom coloring.

History and Background

With the destruction of the Nataria Fleet Depot at Nataria, ships which the Star Army of Yamatai could field became scarce. Due to this fact, the Yamatai Star Empire began to preserve resources where and when it could. When Kage Yaichiro learned of the development of the Midori-Class Scout Ship, he wondered why a brand new ship was necessary when the refit of the old Yui-class Scout could be an option as well – especially since the oldest ones were only a decade into their 30 year projected life span. Though the Midori-class Scout Ship was already approved for production and turned out to be a size class up from the old Yui-class scout, he decided to devise an upgrade which could be used on the Yui 2 through 5 models to utilize what could be among the most common warship hulls ever constructed. Rather than compete against the Midori-class, however, he hoped that the two ships could both be used together, from a common pool of parts.

Statistics and Performance

Though the original Yui Scout Ship had 20 Structure Points, the Zesuaium Frame and Hull parts are to be replaced with Yamataium parts as the resources become available. The flatter Zesuaium parts along the front are replaced first, and the blade is required to be replaced as part of the upgrade. Due to this IC explanation, its Ship Resource Points are being lowered to a more realistic value for its size of 15. Faction age multiplies the points available by 1.2, for a total of 18 Stat points to allocate.



Crew: 9 operators are recommended (one captain and four crew for each of two shifts), 1 is required. Maximum Capacity: There are accommodations for 30 people and escape pods for 40. About 100 people can fit aboard in an emergency, but the ship would be extremely cramped.


  • Length: 76.2 meters (250 feet)
  • Width: 26.2 meters (86 feet)
  • Height: 6.7 meters (22 feet)
  • Decks: 2 (~2.5 meters each, but widely varies. Main deck and subdeck. Some areas have 3 floors, but these are classified as upper main deck.)

Propulsion and Range

  • Continuum Distortion Drive: 0 to 25,125c (2.87 ly/h)
  • Hyperspace Fold Drive: 394,470c (0.75 ly/m)
  • Sublight Engines: 0.35c
  • Range: Indefinite

Lifespan: 20 or more years, extendable with gradual Yamataium replacement and replacement of warn parts via Fabrication Bay. (Yui-class Scouts were originally rated for 30 years, the oldest of which are 10 years old as of YE 32.)

Refit Cycle: Frequent minor updates through the PANTHEON system and a refit once every three years, though the latter may be extended by combining the Fabrication Bay and the Matter Collection System.

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

  • Hull: 15
  • Shields: 20 (Threshold 2)

Inside the Ship

Deck Layout

Compartment Layouts

All rooms have phones and firefighting stations as standard, which can operate without main power if needed. It is also possible to plug a Star Army Communicator, Type 29 into the side of any phone and use it through an encrypted, wired connection to the ship’s network, though this function has password locks and relies on the Communicator’s PSC to verify the user’s identity.


There are two different armories, one for personnel weapons and one for Power Armor support. The personnel weapons armory is located behind the bridge, is heavily armored, lacks the Nodal System, and allows direct access from the bridge. This allows the Bridge Crew to rapidly arm themselves if needed, and also allows the soldiers in the surrounding cabins access if a second external door is opened. The second armory is for supporting the needs of the adjacent Power Armor Bay, though it has some personnel weaponry available as well.

Both Armories are locked by default with Blast Shutters, lack any Nodal System, and are heavily armored. They can be completely isolated from the ship if need be, even having their own backup environmental systems.


The Yui 7's bridge is a Standard Small Starship Bridge which has been adapted into the old bridge area. The area above and around the bridge has a supplemental 0.5 meter thick layer of Yamataium shielding it, to provide additional protection from attack – especially from above.

This bridge has been somewhat modified, however. The door to the rear actually leads directly into the armory, and a side door to the Captain’s left serves as the exit to the rest of the ship.

Captain's Suite

The Captain’s Suite starts out as identical to the Standard Star Army Officers' Cabin, though it is the Captain’s privilege to stock and decorate the room however they see fit – provided it can be restored to its original configuration. Some permanent improvements are permitted however, and it’s not unusual to see larger beds or even mini-bars installed. This room truly reflects the tastes and nature of the Captain.

The Captain’s Suite has Volumetric Windows facing out of the side of the ship, which sees almost nothing but the red glow of the nacelle’s Hydrogen Collector, but this and the engine itself are digitally removed from the screen to provide a clear and unhindered view of the outside.

Cargo Bay

The Cargo Bay is limited when compared to far larger craft, but is still capable of holding the standard two Small Trucks or Tankettes and one STV, in addition to 30 items when salvaging. Like the Plumeria’s Cargo Bay, it has white padded walls and a metal floor with plenty of tie-down points. Some parts of the floor have strips of rollers so that crates can be moved easily up and down the length of the bay. There are wheel and tread locks built into sections of the floor to secure vehicles in Zero-G or open Cargo Bay Door situations.

Cargo is typically loaded through the door and is in Medium Standard Starship Cargo Containers. Loading is assisted by a robotic arm on the ceiling which can carry loads all the way back through the Fabrication Bay to Engineering if needed. It can be manually controlled or set to automatic voice command.

Computer Room

The Comptuer Room is like that of the Plumeria-class Gunship’s, in that it contains the core of the MEGAMI Integrated Electronics System. It is normally inaccessible except to the ship's captain and certified technicians, and is protected by armored walls and closed blast shutters. The interior is lined with various access panels, control panels, and displays. Other items inside include a coffin-like bed for the ship's avatar and a generator system which powers the mainframe.

Unlike the standard MEGAMI, various original systems from years prior are still installed, as some elements of the hardware have not changed. A mix of old and new is used to ensure maximum reliability, and a few cables and parts still bear the colors and mark of the old Grand Star Army.

Crew Cabins and Facilities

The Yui 7 contains the standard elements for a crew to sleep, bathe, do laundry, and generally take care of their bodily needs.

All rooms have Volumetric Windows facing out of the sides of the ship from the cabins. The Officer’s Cabin and the Neko Nests see almost nothing but the red glow of the nacelle’s Hydrogen Collector or the nacelle irself, but this glow and the engine itself are digitally removed from the screen to provide a clear and unhindered view of the outside.

If an Officer or Warrant Officer is not available, the Officer’s Cabin can be reserved for guests or given to an Enlisted of the Captain’s choice. Some Captains rotate the room on a regular basis or award it to crewmen who do exceptionally well. It all depends on how the Captain runs her ship.

The following facilities are also present:

Drone Bay

What was once the Cold Storage Room has been completely remodeled as the Drone Room, for the purposes of storing and facilitating the launch of various drones. These include:

The number of drones that can be carried in this room depends on their size, but is notable. A special robotic arm on a ceiling track can select the drone to be used and transport it to the Shuttle Bay for deployment. The Drone bay can be used to store any number of small space-ready vehicles, including spare torpedoes if desired.


While similar to a Standard Star Army Engineering Bay, the Yui’s frame design did not permit a two-deck system to be implemented. Instead it is installed on one deck, compact systems spanning the width of the craft. The center of the room is marked by the Aether Generator, while Fusion Generators indicate the ends of the room on each side of its width. Environmental control has been moved here as well. All in all; the ten year old technology has been upgraded, shrunken, and placed in this room. The track of a robotic arm allows items to go to and from the Cargo Bay and the Fabrication Bay from this room, vastly aiding in the installation of heavier systems.

Maintenance Guidelines
  • Aether generator's Zesuaium internal panels should be replaced every 6 months.
  • Fusion generators should be occasionally replaced
  • Capacitors should be inspected every month and after battle.
  • Most equipment on the ship is self-cooling, but major power lines use a liquid coolant system. Check for leaky fittings.

Fabrication Bay

In light of the fact that the Yui 7 is a Zesuaium ship which will over time be converted to having a Yamataium hull as needed, a fabrication bay was installed near Main Engineering. It isn't nearly as large the one the Plumeria-class, though it spans the width of the ship in its area on the lower deck. As such, it is sufficient to produce the parts needed to keep the ship going, especially as many of its systems were adapted from the easy-to-repair Midori-class.

The Fabrication Bay is capable of producing Yamataium, suitable for replacing damaged panels or gradually replacing Zesuaium ones. Durandium Alloy plating is far easier to produce, and is used to temporarily fix cracked or damaged Zesuaium armor which will no doubt be entirely replaced with Yamataium when the opportunity arises. Given enough time, the ships will be able to completely replace their Yamataium hulls in the field.

Since this chamber contains robotic arms, nanomachine colonies, matter-to-energy converters and refiners, and other implements of industrial construction, it is capable of building items such as Power Armor, vehicles, and torpedoes (but not organic materials) without having to collect external resources. The Matter Collector matrix only serves to speed up the process. Larger and/or more complex items take longer amounts of time to fabricate. An robotic arm on a ceiling track allows transport of items and raw materials between this room, the Cargo Bay, and Engineering.


The Kitchen is upstairs of the Wardroom, and is one of the few rooms located in the upper subdeck space. The kitchen is a Standard Star Army Galley with an attached scullery. Though technically not off limits, there is little reason for anyone other than a cook to enter the Kitchen, and it is usually considered the cook’s exclusive territory. As such, these are sometimes permitted a slight degree of customization, though there are those eccentric cooks who even set up traps for those who would try to steal food between meals.


The Lounge is not as centrally placed as on other ships, but the Yui 7 is small enough to where this is of little concern. It features a sofa and several chairs, end tables, a bookshelf with books and magazines that came with the upgraded ship or were added by the crew in their travels, a volumetric media player with movie disks selected by the Captain, a pair of Ke-T8-M3102 Comfort Modules, and Volumetric Windows. All furniture is secured via magnets against gravity loss or excessive force. Dark Blue carpet is used in this room.

Maintenance Conduits

The Yui 7 has Standard Star Army Maintenance Conduits running in a loop around the ship between the two decks as well as down the centerline. Most rooms in the ship can be accessed via maintenance conduit quite quickly. The escape pods can be accessed by standing-height conduits in the engines, which allow the evacuation of personnel in an emergency but are otherwise restricted.


The Medbay is a Standard Medical Center which has one side of itself partitioned as a standard Autonomous Medical Treatment Center. In addition to the standard fare for a nurse and/or doctor to do their jobs, it is equipped with:


Yui 7 scouts have been upgraded to use Standard Passageways and Standard Star Army Zero-Gravity Passageways. As such the old lift systems have been removed for the sake of expediency. These passageways run through the decks of the ship vertically as well as horizontally. Eating or drinking in the passageways is forbidden.

Power Armor Bay

The Power Armor Bay is nonstandard due to the Yui’s dated design, but it has been made to work smoothly in spite of the limitations. The room once dedicated to stasis has been split into two rooms – one with a dedicated Armory containing Power Armor Systems and Weaponry and a few basic personnel weapons for emergencies. The components are delivered by robotic arm to the Armor Storage Rack (Type 31)s in the Power Armor Bay and installed. After the Power Armor is ready, it can move directly to the Shuttle Bay and emerge from the ship quickly via a dedicated exit in its ceiling.

Recreation Area

The Recreation Area is night next to the Lounge, which it connects to via an open doorway rather than any form of real door. Due to this, it’s one of the few places that lacks a blast shutter in that spot, though both the Lounge and Recreation area combined can be isolated from the ship. It is somewhat small, so there is no division of chambers or segmentation – the crew have to handle who has access to how much of the room by themselves.

Due to its compact size, some imagination had to be used, and the room has had volumetric screens installed on the ceilings and walls. They are used to provide visual and audio simulations to the people inside to help them relax, though the room is sometimes used to prank new crew by making them step into “open space” or some other unexpected simulation. Tactile simulations are not possible in this room. The volumetric panels on low on the walls have a special transparent coating that keeps them clean and helps avoid damage or scuff-marks. The projectors can obscure the floor, the door, and the lounge from view; though these are usually left visible to give the user some perspective in the room –- one can walk right into a wall if they aren’t careful.

Sensor and Communications Cluster

The Sensor and Communications takes up the top half of the Yui 7’s front “blade” area, and is accessible by maintenance conduit. Its contents have been completely redesigned, the decade old technology replaced by modern equipment.

Shuttle Bay and Launch Deck

The Shuttle Bay in the Yui 7 makes optimal use of what space is available. The Shuttle Bay holds 4 Starfighters and can hold one Ke-T8 "Kuma" Multi-role Shuttle. Two anterooms have been connected to the Shuttle Bay in this refit, one which stores VCMAD and FTL Sensor Drones and one that acts as the Power Armor Bay, but both must exit through the Shuttle Bay to deploy. The Shuttle Bay doors have had a standard force field added, to prevent depressurization or the loss of personnel to open space.

The empty weapons pod hatches have been removed and replaced with an armored pair of doors as well, which allow Power Armor to leave their Bay and enter and leave freely without inhibiting the shuttles or the Starfighters. It is also equipped with the same force field.

The Launch Deck is exposed to space, and while it is a bit dated compared to modern craft, it has uses which are being rediscovered. The magnetic surface can be turned on and off, or even help accelerate craft to velocity. This tactic is often used to help launch Drones as well as Starfighters.

Torpedo Room

The Torpedo Room spans the width of the ship, ending with a launcher on each side with two tubes built into the ship's hull – one facing forward and one facing backward. These are typically closed by shutters. Four robotic arms mounted in the ceiling, one for each tube, receive commands to load and launch torpedoes. These arms can go to a torpedo rack, select the type of torpedo, lift up to four of them at a time, and load the tubes. They are also capable of swapping out the contents of the torpedo tubes. They can do this faster and more safely than crew can do manually, though if the power goes out they cease to move.


Built a flight of stairs down from the Kitchen and just aft of the Medbay, the Wardroom is debatably the center of the ship. Meals are eaten here, briefings take place here, and this is where much of the crew’s mission is discussed. Volumetric screens line the walls and ceiling; as well as the very center of the table, though the walls and table are protected by the same kind of coating as found on the walls of the Recreation Area. With this, the room can take on any appearance. This is typically used to go over the finer points of a mission, change the setting of meals to break the daily grind, or even to make a diplomat or visitor feel more at ease by placing them in a familiar environment.

A staircase leads upstairs to the Kitchen, where the meals are cooked, while the Medbay can be accessed directly from the wardroom. In this way, a person in the Medbay can get a steaming hot meal fairly quickly, though this is more so that busy medical personnel can listen in on mission briefings and comment.

Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

The frame of the Yui family of ships is made of Zesuaium, and always has been. However, the Yui 7’s armor calls for Xiulurium-coated Yamataium, where the original Yui-class Scout used Xiulurium-coated Zesuaium armor. Due to the stretching of resources, these panels are not always completely replaced at the time of refit, but are replaced as needed or as resources become available. The entire front part of the Yui's armor is replaced during the refit however, the flat Zesuaium panels used for producing Zesuaium Blast Shutters for the ships as well as for many other Star Army craft, and the very edge of the blade is crafted into the Yui Scout Ceremonial Sword.

Windows are sometimes made of made of transparent Zesuaium as in the original Yui and in most Star Army craft to this point, but are often replaced with Yamataium armor sandwiched between volumetric panels at the earliest opportunity to form Volumetric Windows.

All interior passageways and rooms are surrounded by Yarvex sheeting and protected from scalar fields by the internal gravity systems.


The old airlocks on the sides of the ship’s nose have been removed, and are purely decorative plating on the hull now. The true airlocks are on the dorsal surface, connecting directly to the new Zero-G passageways. The traditional circular “nubs” that once indicated the top of the lift now open armored shutters to reveal two Standard Star Army Airlocks, the front one being a Docking Airlock. The bottom nubs on the ventral surface are purely decorative now.

Combined Field System

For its size, the Yui 7’s Combined Field System is quite impressive. It is capable of generating an Anti-FTL Field with a 1.5 au radius. The field generators are designed to mask the ship's movement and minimize the ship's effect on surrounding space. A “silent running” mode is also available, similar to the one first used on the Yuuko-class Gunboat. Many elements have been imported from the Plumeria class, though at lower degrees of magnitude.

Computers and Electronics

The Yui 7 uses the MEGAMI Integrated Electronics System package and is also equipped with a Psionic Signal Controller and an Active Jamming System. The MEGAMI is typically the same MEGAMI as originally installed in the craft, to allow the experience of the much more experienced units to continue their service. Due to their age, the MEGAMI self-scan for errors more frequently and run extra error checking. Data is routinely sent bask to KFY to observe the benefits, detriments, and the general effects of aging on the eldest MEGAMI.

The primary sensors are identical to the ones for the Midori-class Scout Ship for the sake of parts compatibility and mass production. Due to the advancement of technology, These sensors take up less room than the 8-10 year old versions. They are located at the fore of the upper deck.

Passive Omni-directional Sensors

Active Omnidirectional Sensors

Uni-directional Sensors (Passive)

Electronic Counter Measures

Detection Systems

The Yui 7 also has other sensor systems, inspired or imported from existing systems found on other starships for serving additional internal needs.


This device at the very front of the ship is used to push aside debris and space dust, to keep the ship from taking collisions when the CFS is disabled or turned off. It is a more modern version, and functions like the spike of a more modern spacecraft.

Graviton Beam Projector Array

The original two KFY Graviton Beam Projectors have been supplemented with more projectors to form a Scalable Graviton Beam Projector Array, capable of aiding the turrets in defense against the unshielded NMX Battlepod (Type 30A) and the NMX Bomber Pod (Type 31A) – as well as for more utilitarian uses.

Primary Graviton Beam Projectors shown in blue, other smaller ones across ship hull not shown

Emergency Systems

The Yui 7’s refit has brought her up to code with the Star Army Standard Starship Emergency Systems.

Blast Shutters

Since parts of the Zesuaium hull are removed from the Yui 7’s blade upon the upgrade, the flat parts are actually cut and re-installed as Zesuaium Blast Shutters rather than discarded. Excess shutters are saved for use on other ship classes. Due to this reuse of Zesuaium, the Yui 7 has these shutters installed on virtually every door by default; giving it notably increased security. In some areas, where horizontal Blast Shutters aren’t possible, the blast shutters come down vertically from the upper subdeck. They are located at almost every room and system, as indicated in the diagram below in red.

On the Yui 7, Blast Shutters are locked and closed by default in the following places unless opened for a specific purpose:

  • at the entrances to the Armories
  • at the entrances to the Computer
  • at the entrances to the Engines
  • at the entrances to the Torpedo Room
  • over the Cargo Bay Doors
  • over the Shuttle Bay Doors

Damage Control Stations

Standard Damage Control Stations can be found at these locations:

  • Armories
  • Bridge
  • Cargo Bay
  • Computer Room
  • Drone Bay
  • Each Engine
  • Engineering
  • Medbay
  • Outside Crew Cabins 1 and 4
  • Outside Sprite Quarters
  • Power Armor Bay
  • Recreation Area
  • Shuttle Bay
  • Torpedo Room
  • Wardroom

Escape Pods (8)

The ship's eight Star Army Escape Pod, Type 30s are located near the engines, and are visible from the ship's hull. Normally, only qualified Technicians, Medics, and Command Personnel are permitted entry into the standing-height Maintenance Conduits leading to the Escape Pods. When an evacuation order is given, however, access to the area is granted to all personnel. The escape pods can carry 40 people, more than sufficient to handle the estimated 30 crew members intended to serve aboard the Yui 7.

Soul Savior Pod (1)

The Soul Savior Pod is located in a launcher hidden in the ship's hull, behind a turret and above the MEGAMI's Computer Room.

SS Pod shown in red

Emergency Soul Savior Database

The ship is also capable of communicating with the ESS Database at Yamatai, to keep an up-to-date ST backup on file with it. However, this is typically recommended only for incremental ST backups, not total ones, and is heavily encrypted. Its use is not always desired, so this is a decision made by the ship's CO.

Life Support Systems

The designer of this upgrade spent the majority of his combat time on Sakura and Plumeria-class Gunships, from which this design borrows.

Atmospheric control is broken into six specific areas. Aft Upper Deck, Medbay, Bridge/MEGAMI, Center Upper Deck, Forward Upper Deck, Aft Lower Deck, and Forward Lower Deck. 100 Yamataian or NH-29 personnel can be supported for up to 20 years (indefinitely if the Matter Collectors are used), and it can help to prevent the spread of contaminants and insects.

After the start of the Second Mishhuvurthyar War, gunships were equipped with various anti-infestation countermeasures such as small laser turrets and ultra-sonic beams inside the ventilation tubes. This has been implemented in the Yui 7 as well.

Waste is broken into its atomic components; useful elements are stored for later use in the new Fabrication Bay. Water can be recycled for twenty years (indefinitely if the Matter Collectors are used) and is stored in fairly large quantities for use in firefighting. By YE 31, Plumeria gunships had the ability to land in a body of water and refill the ship's tanks with pure water in about ten minutes through pumps, filters, and osmosis mechanisms. This feature has also been imported to the Yui 7.

Psionic Signal Controllers have replaced the aging and sometimes detrimental AND Devices which were previously installed. They are always on, and help to protect the crew from psychic attack as well as add some security to telepathic communications.

The life support system takes relatively little power to operate; attempting to route power from life support to other, more powerful systems like shields is not an effective tactic.

Cooling Systems

All major heat-generating pieces of equipment are paired with appropriately-sized scalar-based heat absorbers, which rapidly and effectively absorb thermal radiation and convert it to usable energy. Energy conduits throughout the ship are also lined with liquid cooling systems.

Excess heat can be routed out the sublight engines or as energy into the Combined Field System. It can even be vented out the torpedo launchers in an emergency.

Propulsion and Range

The Yui 7’s engines have been modernized, and mix a high STL speed with a respectable FTL and Fold speed for its size. This ship has been upgraded to carry Anti-FTL field countermeasures.

Auxiliary Engines

Though the costlier and less stealthy Aether Turbo Plasma Engines have been omitted in favor of the older conventional STL systems, they are still respectably fast. Due to this, the Yui 7 is able to use its full speed of 0.35c in a stealthier way than the more in-your-face assault vessels like the Plumeria-class (2D) Medium Gunship. The Engine is also far easier and safer to make repairs to with limited support.

Continuum Distortion Drive

This craft’s Continuum Distortion Drive has been refitted with the same drive as that in the Midori-class Scout Ship, but the Yui 7’s smaller size and thicker nacelles have translated to a higher maximum speed of 25,125c (2.87 ly/h). The ability of the upgraded CFS to have a higher cruising speed was removed in favor of properly calibrating the drive for the Yui 7. As a result, however, the Yui 7 has inherited the same ease of repair.


Hyperspace Travel has been implemented on the Yui 7 to allow it to cross large expanses of space at 394,470c, or a rate of 0.75 light-years per minute. The hyperspace fold generator takes approximately one minute to charge, but will not function when in an Anti-FTL field.

Landing Gear

The Yui 7 can land on a planet using retractable landing gear. Two pads at the rear, two in the middle, and one at the front of the ship. These emerge from some of the unused weapon pod hatches at the bottom of the craft from its previous configuration. They are magnetic and are isolated from the rest of the ship.

Landing Gear shown in green

Matter Collection Matrix

The old Hydrogen Collection Matrix has been left installed on the Yui to allow the use of emergency fusion reactors, hence the preservation of its unique nacelle configuration, but is now capable of capturing heavier elements as well. These heavier elements are typically fed into the Fabrication bay as raw materials, after in depth scanning and the killing off of organic material.

It should be noted that each nacelle contains a hard-wired set of Chemical, Emission, and Scalar scanners which scan all matter collected and carried into the ship for various substances. A Life Form scanner on each deck serves the needs of scanning for life, as the engines are within its range.

Oxygen collected by the emitter, once sterilized and scanned in depth, can be used for the purposes of restocking the air supply of the ship or by being combined with hydrogen to produce water. This can extend the Yui 7’s range indefinitely. However, this is typically not used save in emergency situations.

Volumetric Windows

For a long time, Transparent Zesuaium windows have been used in Star Army vessels, but the Yui 7 is a departure from this tradition. Rather than use conventional windows, the Yui 7 utilizes Volumetric Windows.

This is the first use of Volumetric Windows in a starship, and they typically are replaced as part of the refit, though the original Zesuaium Windows may be left in certain key areas if the materials available do not permit their replacement. An example of this would be a shortage of Yamataium.

Vehicle Complement

Upgrades and modernizations to the configuration of the Shuttle Bay have increased the capacity of the craft to where it can hold and launch modern Shuttles, Power Armor, and Starfighters. Unfortunately, its cargo hold size is still limited.


Room for 2 Small Trucks or Tankettes and 1 STV in the cargo hold. Wheels and treads are typically locked in place when not in use to prevent sliding.



Room for 12 Power Armor (Typically Mindy 2) in Power Armor Bay off of Shuttle Bay. Launched through the Launch Deck or the dorsal Shuttle Bay hatch. Room for 4 Ke-V6-1C "Hayabusa" Starfighter or Ke-V8 "Kawarime" Fighter in Shuttle Bay.

Weapon Systems

The Yui 7 is armed fairly well with the following weapons:

Turrets shown in grey, Main Gun labeled at front of ship

OOC Notes

Star Army Logistics
Supply ClassificationClass A - STARSHIPS
First UsedYE 32
Last ReviewYE 32
Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesstarships
Product NameYui 7-class Scout
ManufacturerKetsurui Fleet Yards

stararmy/starship_classes/yui_7_scout.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/01 23:18 by ametheliana