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Star Army is huge universe with over 600 unique places to visit, including star systems, planets, cities, military bases, shops, and many more locations. This page is the hub for finding them.

Note: Currently the staff is working on a vast quality update for all Star Army places, including using the new Places Template, which adds information about the local population, an automated list of characters in the location, RP Opportunities, and local rumors. If you'd like to help ith this, contact Wes on the forum.

List Filters

You can filter the list of places below by using these tag clouds to filter by faction or location type.

Places should be categorized by what they actually are, not what they happen to contain. For example, just because a planet or a military base has a restaurant, does not make those places a restaurant.

List of Places

This is a list of canon places in the Star Army universe. You can filter it using the search boxes at the top of each column.

#Place ImagePagePlace CategoriesFactionParent PlaceRisk Level
551rufusland_by_matthewjmimnaugh.jpgRufuslandstar systemYamatai Star EmpireGreat Southern Nebulalow
552RyoucityYamatai Star EmpireDaichisafe
553Saiki Clusterstar clusterYamatai Star EmpireKagami Galaxysafe
554SaleloriaresidenceYamatai Star EmpireKyotosafe
555Sam's Island Grillbar, restaurantYamatai Star EmpireHanako's Worldsafe
556Samurai SectorrestaurantYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sectorsafe
557SamurrmoonYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sectorsafe
558Sharie Systemstar systemYamatai Star Empirehigh
559ShingōcityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
560Shinjuku Market Districtbusiness, regionYamatai Star EmpireHanako's Worldmoderate
561Shiro Suzume CastleresidenceYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
562Shuristaspace station, star systemYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sectormoderate
563The Snowdrop Hotel and Barbar, hotelYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
564Daichi Campusgovernment facilityYamatai Star EmpireDaichisafe
565Sunrise Stationspace stationYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sectorsafe
566taiie_nebula_1a.jpegTaiie Nebulacemetery, memorial, nebulaYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sectorlow
567TakekumoricityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
568TaniacityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
569Tatianastar systemYamatai Star EmpireKagami Galaxysafe
570TeisenjoucityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
571Temple Of Chiharuplace of worshipYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
572Tenbun Starportgovernment facility, starportYamatai Star EmpireRonica (Planet)safe
573TernifaccityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
574The Admiral's GrillrestaurantYamatai Star EmpireShinjuku Market Districtsafe
575The Chrome CatgirlbarYamatai Star EmpireKyotosafe
576The Furious SoundbarYamatai Star EmpireKyotosafe
577The Pitched Battlefieldbar, sports venueYamatai Star EmpirePort Jiyuuhigh
578The ThronebarYamatai Star EmpireKyotosafe
579TokyocityYamatai Star EmpireJiyuu Systemsafe
580Toyotomi Training Institutebusiness, schoolYamatai Star EmpireTernifacsafe
581TsucityYamatai Star EmpireJiyuu IIIsafe
582TsubomicityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
583Uesureyan Fieldscity, government facility, military facility, starportYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
584Uesureyan Fortressbuilding, military facilityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
585UsuikukimoonYamatai Star EmpireUshobrakflug Systemsafe
586VelacityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
587Kachimi (Victory) Parkgovernment facility, parkYamatai Star EmpireTeisenjousafe
588wazu_nebula_1.jpegWazu NebulaYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sectorsafe
589White Harbor Stationspace stationYamatai Star EmpireAnisa Systemsafe
590WinsonvillecityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
591Xyainbor Systemstar systemYamatai Star EmpireKagami Galaxylow
592Yamada RefugeYamada Refugebar, hotel, residenceYamatai Star EmpireJiyuu IIIsafe
593Ypperlig CafΓ© and Izakayabusiness, restaurantYamatai Star EmpireKyotosafe
594Yugumo Corporation Headquarters and OperationsbusinessYamatai Star EmpirePort Jiyuusafe
595Yugumo NebulanebulaYamatai Star EmpireMotoyoshi Colonial Sectorsafe
596Yugumo Science SymposiumbuildingYamatai Star EmpirePort Jiyuuhigh
597YumiukicityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
598lonely_yuujou_i.jpegYuujou Systemstar systemYamatai Star EmpireKagami Galaxysafe
599AeguplanetYamatai Star EmpireGensou Systemsafe
600aisu.jpegAisuplanetYamatai Star EmpireUX-27 Systemsafe

places.txt Β· Last modified: 2023/12/28 09:01 by wes