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Character Data
Character NameCheza Evans
Character Ownersyaoran
Character StatusInactive Player Character

List of Archived Plots

These are plots that are no longer active.

For plots currently running, see active_plots.

History of Star Army
2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014


Please sort plots by their start date.

Plot Name GM Faction Type Started Ended Fate
YSS Yui Wes/ kim Star Army SP/JP 01/26/03 08/21/03 Moved to YSS Seigi
YSS Nozomi Wes Star Army JP (YIM)) Sep 23 2004 May 31 2005 Moved to YSS Sakura
YSS Sakura Wes Star Army JP July 25, 2005 June 8, 2007 Concluded
YSS Miharu Fred, Doshii Star Army SP/JP Aug 2006 December 31, 2011 Concluded
YSS Plumeria Wes Star Army JP (YIM) After Apr 2007 Before Oct 2007 Concluded (TPK)
cirrus_station moonman Nepleslia SP Dec 2007 June 19th, 2012 GM Abandoned
YSS Asamoya Soresu Star Army JP August 28, 2007 April 11, 2008 Moved to UOC
hnms_eidolon kim Independent SP Jan 3, 2008 Dec 2, 2008 Died
21st Squadron nashoba Star Army SP Jan 16, 2010 Oct 23, 2014 Died
land_of_dreamers bilgecrank/soresu Independent SP May 2010 March 2012 Inactivity
The Space War (plot) Tony gartagen SP May 2011 September 7, 2011 Died
yss_anoiktos aendri Star Army SP Jan 2012 April 11th, 2012 GM abandoned


These plots need to be added to the chart in the preceeding section.

  1. Horizon City: Conspiracies (YSS Horizon/NovaCorp)
  2. ISC Last Star
  3. Shadow's Horrors (YSS Ongaku)
  4. Fifth Expeditionary Fleet (YSS Akuro, YSS Yukika, YSS Akuro II, YSS Yugumo)
7SF's Toushi Squadron B andrewStar Army JP and SPJune 2011 Slow Closed Talk, 18+ Forum
7SF's Command Plot B andrewStar Army JP and SPJune 2011 Slow Closed Talk, 18+ Forum
tiavareth ? ssharp NMX SP/JP Sep 2011 Medium Open 18+, Talk Forum
yss_genesis A kai Star Army/Origin SP June 2011 Slow-medium 10 Full Talk Forum
LSDF Trishka Fail doctomoe Lorath/LSDF SP/JP Sep 2008 Slow ? Open +18 Forum
bahram_wing B Exhack/Soresu Astral Vanguard SP Feb 2009 Very Slow ? Open Talk Forum
Taking It Back A Lam Independent SP Feb 2011 Slow 8 Full N/A Forum
yss_sakishima N/A gamerofthegame Star Army SP March 2013 Fast 5 Open Talk Forum
7th Fleet NA andrew/christina Star Army SP/JP Jan 2013 Slow 8 Open Talk, Int Forum Deleted
Operation Kōzan A raz Star Army Infantry SP Oct 2012 Slow 3 Open Talk Deleted
nss venus A Sigma & ShotJon Navy SP/JP Jul 2012 Medium 5 Open 18+, Talk, Vet Forum
Unit Four D Tom Police SP Apr 2012 Starting 4 Open Talk, Int Forum
nss_altomir A moonman Nepleslia SP Apr 2012 Fast ? Limited Talk, Int Forum
147th Kith A tony RRF JP Medium 10 Limited None Forum
The Lady(Plot) B shammy RRF JP Medium 10 Limited None Forum
oif_atuan_ii A cadetnewb/kai Origin SP/JP Jul 2009 Slow 5 Open Talk Forum
Ryuusei A Star Army SP Apr 2012 Medium 12 Full Talk, 18+ Forum
bastardpiece_theater N/A cadetnewb SP May 2013 Slow-Medium 6 Open Talk Forum
cavaliers - Sigma SP/JP Jul 2014 Medium 6 Open Talk Forum
task_force_lantern A bilgecrank SP Apr 2012 Medium 9 Full Talk, 18+ Forum

69th Paramilitary Squad

The 69th is a State-sponsored Mercenary Squad from the Foreign Service run by Faction Manager Matthew that began on August 18, 2010. An action/adventure plot, the 69th is primarily a Single Post plot with some possible joint post sessions if everyone is available. Adult access is required to view.

Forum Link 69th Paramilitary Squad
Type Play-by-Post/Joint Post
Faction Abwehran Star Empire
Game Master matthew
Pacing Medium
Number of Players 4
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements 18+, Talk to GM


Infantry/ship based plot, where Ex-Captain Bates is on the run with his trusty team of ex-Commandos, as they try to find a place where they won't be hunted for the bounties the Imperium has placed on their heads.

Forum Link
Type Play-by-Post
Faction asteria
Game Master acewing13
Pacing Weekly posts at a minimum
Number of Players 4
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements 18+ Contact acewing13

LSDF Val'ta

Looking through the unknown in space and moving with grace made conglomerate , the experimental Lorath flagship Val'ta is wandering through the stars with a mission to explore unknown planets in and around the Lorath Matriarchy's borders to deliver information based on launched probe and ground team observation reports where possible, report back to the Matriarchy, and be away from friendly contact with self-sufficiency for extended periods. The Val'ta's unique functionality is thanks to the DATA Coalition's ability to unite nations. To some extent, the Val'ta owes its life to it.

Forum Link LSDF Val'ta Forum
Type Play-by-Post, Occasional Joint Post
Faction lorath_matriarchy, DATA
Game Master Luca
Pacing Slow: Once a week at minimum
Number of Players 9
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements Contact Luca, Talk

Black Vipers

The Black Vipers plot follows the adventures of a rag tag group of pirates lead by the nefarious Rogyr “Iron Giant” Dorkley, and his daughter Abigayl Dorkley. The plot will center around the freedom and lack of rules that pirates are known to have, and will include a variational amount of things from Colony Raiding, to Slavery and beyond. The possibilities are endless!

Black Vipers Logo
Forum Link Forum OOC Thread
Type Play-by-Post & Joint Posting
Faction independent
Game Master Semjax
Pacing Slow: Once a Week
Number of Players 11
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements 18+, PM Semjax

YSS Anoiktos

This plot chronicles the adventures of the YSS Anoiktos, a ship created for one thing: Colonization. The ships intent is to go out and explore the vast universe with the intent to give the Elysians their own Faction over the course of time. The Anoiktos is ran by Captain ambriel_cinna and her first officer Charalampos_Ambrosia, interested in aiding in the big movement? Make an Elysian character and join the crew now!

Forum Link OOC forum
Type Play-by-Post
Faction star_army_of_yamatai
Game Master Semjax
Pacing Slow: Once a Week
Number of Players 5
Accepting Players? Y
Joining Requirements Must be Elysian, PM Semjax

YSS Soyokaze

The Soyokaze's motto is “Interpretatur Purificatio ire viam, de omnibus terris ad ablutionem peccatorum,” meaning “To walk the path of the cleansing, to wash the sins from our lands.”

YSS Soyokaze
Forum Link YSS Soyokaze
Type Play-by-Post
Faction Yamatai Star Empire
Game Master Yoshi
Pacing At least 1 post ever 3 days
Number of Players 12
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements Talk

OIF Salvation

Origin Industries first dedicated Search and Rescue ship, with an equally unique crew of full time employees as well as contracted workers. Making use or various pieces of Origin technology new and old, they work to save those in need, and maybe make a little salvage money on the side.

Oif Salvation
Forum Link Adult Open Roleplaying
Type Play-by-Post
Faction origin
Game Master Syaoran
Pacing Post every 5 to 7 days
Number of Players 3
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements Speak with GM (18+)

Service to the Free State

In peace, in war, and in reality, there is a need for security. What happens when a pacifist picks up a gun? Does a gun really provide security? The 4th Fleet Marines don't care. Those Marines assigned to patrol duty in the Free Spacer system of Null and Void have two tasks. Ensure the system's physical security by identifying, intercepting and eliminating every threat to the Imperium and the Free State and look good doing it. Pirates, smugglers, and Nekos beware! The Marines are in town and looking to prosecute with extreme prejudice with the help of their Navy and IPG friends!

service to the free state
4th AASP Fleet
Forum Link Service to the Free State
Type Play-by-Post
Faction Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia
& The Free State
Game Master lam
Pacing Medium
Number of Players 11
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements Murder or have murdered one of the existing players

Aquila Flight

Aquila Flight is a Nepleslian plot centered around the 78th Tactical Battalion's best unit. The Aquila's are the best Ace aces from all across Nepleslian space. They are lead by Captain Nero Vega and Commander Jayden Solaris. The plot will focus on the creating the best squadron of aces the galaxy has ever known.

Forum Link Forum OOC Thread
Type Play-by-Post & Joint Posting
Faction Nepleslia
Game Masters Gunhand4171 and Archander
Pacing Slow: Once a Week
Number of Players 8
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements 18+, PM Gunhand4171 or Archander

Bounty Hunter Series

This Bounty Hunter Series follows the action of the bounty hunters within the Iron Ferret, a formerly pirate ship, and their exploits throughout the known sector, seeking fame, fortune, and action.

Forum Link Plot Forum Page
Type SP and JP
Faction Indenpendent
Game Master foxtrot813
Pacing 3-4 Days
Number of Players 8
Accepting Players? Limited
Joining Requirements Talk to the handsome Foxtrot

Orochi Squadron

Basing off of the venerable warhorse Irim-class Heavy Gunship, this plot's feel aims to capture the classic SARP action of yesterday, when PA combat was the focus of any space engagement. It serves as a great introduction to some of the most dramatic space combat elements that the Star Army of Yamatai faction has to offer, and a good jumping off point to more seasoned canon plotships. Newbies to SARP are also highly encouraged to apply, since the Open RP format makes it easy to create a fresh Nekovalkyrja infantry character and jump right into fighting the renewed NMX raider threat!

Forum Link Open Roleplaying
Type Play-by-Post
Faction Yamatai Star Empire
Game Master paladinrpg
Pacing Slow: Once a Week
Number of Players 7
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements Speak with GM

Bloody Claws

(Civilian Plot) The Bloody Claws is a recently reorganized class of students in the kingdom_of_neshaten, learning about the Kingdom and going through everyday civilian life, while also taking part in war games that help hone their skills as Citizens and teach them valuable lessons in how to fight and protect themselves.

Forum Link Bloody Claws
Type Play-by-Post
Faction kingdom_of_neshaten
Game Master kyle
Co-Game Master semjax
Pacing One post every ten days
Number of Players 6
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements Contact Kyle

SNV Gam'trosha

The Gam'trosha is one of several exploratory vessels of the kingdom_of_neshaten, tasked with exploring beyond the Kingdoms' borders for planets to colonize and to find new life in the universe.

Forum Link SNV Gam'troha forum
Type Play-by-Post
Faction kingdom_of_neshaten
Game Master kyle
Co-Game Master nashoba
Pacing One post every ten days
Number of Players 9
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements Contact Kyle

YSS Heartbreaker

The newly repaired and refitted Heartbreaker is on an exploration and intelligence gathering mission into unexplored space, following data left behind by Uesu's Fleet. Officially Yamatai has had no contact with ketsurui_uesu or his followers, and they have been tasked with discovering their fate. Secretly, Uesu has been in contact with Yamatai and the Ketsurui Clan for years, and yui has started to worry about the new empire he may be constructing. Considering the two-time Emperor's connection to ketsurui_himiko, she has concerns he may attempt to retake the throne yet again, or otherwise use his connections and holdings to upset the balance of power.

YSS Heartbreaker
Forum Link YSS Heartbreaker Forum
Type Play-by-Post
Faction Yamatai Star Empire
Game Master reynolds
Pacing Requires a post every 5-7 days
Number of Players 6
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements Contact Reynolds

YSS Imperator

A veteran ship of the star_army_of_yamatai, yss_imperator stretches out her arms of war against the Kuvexians and their allies in the push into Kuvexian Space. Using grantedly superior firepower in the form of the third division of the First Expeditionary Fleet, Imperator and crew sail for victory, and into the enemies of the Star Army.

Forum Link OOC Thread
Type Play-by-Post
Faction Yamatai Star Empire
Game Master hamnjam
Pacing Requires a post every 5-7 days
Number of Players 9
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements Contact HAMnJAM

Figments of Fantasia

It is a high fantasy MMORPG virtual reality game created by the ????? Company. It uses the concept of the VCE, while creating a modified helmet which acts as a gaming system. From knights in shining armor to kings high up on thrones, to a lowly peasant farming fields. Everything is possible in Figments of Fantasia, where players shape the world. It is a realm of strife and conquest, heartache and battles. From humans to orcs, goblins and elves- who will you become? Come save the fantasy world of Kami in its brand new adventure.

Forum Link Figments of Fantasia
Type Play-by-Post
Faction Independent
Game Master zekec
Pacing Every 6 days
Number of Players 6
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements PM Zekec

YSS Junpu

Following a series of harrowing incidents, the YSS Junpu, a Special Personnel Project ship pursuing the shadowy force known as the “Umbral”, has found itself stranded in unmapped and dangerous territory. Its Captain dead, the former sprite and newly minted Shoi Miharu Yuzuki and her crew of shellshocked specialists gaze into the darkness, only to find that the darkness gazes back.

Will they blink?

YSS Junpu
Forum Link YSS Junpu Forum
Type Mixed JP/SP
Faction Star Army of Nyanmatai
Game Master gallant
Pacing Medium
Number of Players 4
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements 18+, EULA

Dream World

A newly made city in Azorean space named kyopelinvuori is a place for Iromakuanhe and other races to coalesce in politics, trade, and socializing. The majority of Dream World players have some sort of tie to their faction— either by being FMs or having strong knowledge of the faction they are representing. Those that wish to join that are newer to the site may choose to be assistants, followers of the resident bandit prince, liaisons, friends, traders, anything! Dream Consorts are popular, as well, and wholly beneficial.

Forum Link OOC Thread
Type Play-by-Post,Joint Posts
Faction Iromakuanhe, though every faction is welcome!
Game Master ametheliana
Pacing Twice a week
Number of Players Fluctuates
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements Contact Ametheliana

Fort Hajime

fort_hajime is a boot-camp plot geared for new players and new characters in the Star Army of Yamatai. It is an excellent primer course for players that are unfamiliar with the setting, history, and military roleplay. The plot offers a highly individualized and personal experience, and is set up to allow new players to advance to a plot ship speedily, after their characters graduate.

Forum Link N/A (In Open Roleplaying)
Type Play-by-Post
Faction Yamatai Star Empire
Game Masters GM: Ametheliana Co-GM: immortal_cyan
Pacing Fast-Paced, 1-2 Days
Number of Players 1
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements Talk to Ametheliana or immortal_cyan on SARP or Discord

Aquila Flight

Finally the flight has returned… Aquila has risen from the ashes after a year of backdoor politics and underhanded schemes grounded the flight. However, they are but a shell of what they once were. Will the Aquilas be able to claw their way back to the top or will they take their last breath?

Aquila Flight is an Ace Combat inspired plot where you take the role of fighter jock in the Nepleslian Star Navy.

Forum Link
Type Play-by-Post
Faction Nepleslia
Game Master Gunhand4171
Pacing once a week
Number of Players 5
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements 16+


Ragnarok is an independent plot based around the humble beginnings of the Private Military Corporation (PMC) Ragnarok. The players will shape how Ragnarok grows.

Forum Link OOC Ragnarok
Type Play-by-Post
Faction Independent
Game Master Gunhand4171
Pacing Moderate (every 5 days)
Number of Players (5)
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements Just PM Gunhand4171 or ask on the OOC

YSS Wyvern

The YSS Wyvern is a vessel operating under the Star Army Military Police and all her crewmembers are inducted into the investigator as well as their chosen specialty. Their missions include reclaiming mutinied ships, running down deserters, Yamatai/Elysia border patrol, raiding terrorist cells, detective work, planetary policing, VIP escort and most importantly anti-espionage - perhaps even anti-corruption work - as well as all the duties of a normal Star Army warship.

Forum Link Forum
Type Play-by-Post
Faction Yamatai Star Empire
Game Master ethereal
Pacing Monthly posting minimum
Number of Players 6
Accepting Players? Np
Joining Requirements N/A

Knights of Asteria

The Azalea Free Company of Asteria, led by none other than Creature and his group of aberrant and rag-tag lieutenants, is an Asterian free company motivated by their desire for knightly honor, a roof over their heads, basic necessities, and a lover's embrace! Throughout their adventures, they will fight unscrupulous bandits, hell-bent armies, and all manner of existential dangers to Asteria. Regardless of whether or not they emerge victorious in these encounters, the men and women of the Azalea are united in their will and purpose!

Forum Link Knights of Asteria
Type Play-by-Post
Faction asteria
Game Masters GM: tony Co-GM: immortal_cyan
Pacing Fluid, Plot is JP-based
Number of Players 7
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements 18+, PM tony on SARP or Discord

ISC Lindorm

isc_lindorm is a roleplaying plot created Nov 4, 2017 by GM kim. Operation Radiant Serpent launches deep into an unknown operational environment to investigate the growing threat of the Valmet Self Governing Colonial Region of the Colonial Pact (VSGCR) nestled beneath the Chen Nebula. A crew of undercover Star Army Intelligence Operatives pose as Oshima National Industries contractors aboard the ISC Lindorm to gather intelligence on the PACT on the surface of Helka-Alpha II and try to maintain their cover without being discovered by the PACT's intelligence agencies. Spies, intrigue, and cultural misunderstandings abound.

Forum Link ISC Lindorm Forum
Type Play-by-Post / Joint Post
Faction Yamatai Star Empire
Game Master kim
Pacing At least 1 post per week following a GM post; or JP
Number of Players 4 + GM
Accepting Players? No, see Crew Roster and Available positions
Joining Requirements 18+, active love of puzzles and willingness to face a mental challenge

HMS Nemesis

A 6th rate Frigate in the Royal Navy of Ersetu, the Nemesis patrols the northern trade lanes of Ersetu space, hunting pirates and seeking prize money and glory among the stars.

Forum Link OOC Thread
RP Type Play-by-Post
Faction Constitutional Dominion Of Ersetu
Game Master gunsight1
Pacing Requires a post every week
Number of Players 8
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements Talk to gunsight1

Song of Whitemeadow

It is a spiritual successor to Scythe.

A charter was granted to one of the Mikado's nephews; Lord Anise Whitemeadow was given land holdings on the new planet to found an outpost and begin to colonize the new holding with a mind for turning it into a rich resource for the expanding state. Colonists of all sorts piled upon the ASV Deluge, a converted civilian cruise liner, to stake their claims and make their way upon truly unclaimed land.

But Whitemeadow, who is still quite close to his minority, is a fledgling at best, and like the colony he and his foundling Knights and Retainers must grow to brave the unknown hills and valleys of their new home with wisdom and courage, proving themselves, in the Asterian way, “Noble by prowess, brave and true,” as the fate of a world and the success of the colony rests in the attempt.

Forum Link The Scythe
Type Play by Post
Faction -asteria
-Morioka no Yousai
Game Master gallant
Pacing Flexible: See plot page.
Number of Players 5
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements 18+


sukan follows arta and her unit of Rapid Reaction Force and civilians as they arrive to investigate a new joint colony that features different species. The world has mysterious stopped communicating. But something dark lurks on the little colony. Can they survive the terror that lurks in space? Or in them selves?

Forum Link Su'Kan Forum
Type Single Posting
Faction gartagen_union
Game Masters tony, GrammarPaladin - CoGM
Pacing Fast: Single post, when ever is necessary
Number of Players 6
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements PM tony

HMS Harleach Castle

A 2nd rate Line of Battleship in the Royal Navy of Ersetu

Forum Link OOC Thread
RP Type Play-by-Post
Faction Constitutional Dominion Of Ersetu
Game Master gunsight1
Pacing Requires a post every week
Number of Players 6
Accepting Players? No
Joining Requirements Talk to gunsight1

Crimson Corsairs

The Crimson Corsairs continues the story of several marines from the NSS Sledge Mama as they leave the military and rejoin civilian life. As pirates. However, events far outside of their control conspire to pull them, kicking and screaming, right down the rabbit hole as events on the national scale slowly but inevitably come to a head. What starts out as a simple job will quickly spiral into a story concerning the fate of interstellar empires.

Forum Link Right Here!
Type Play-by-Post
Faction asteria
Game Master cadetnewb
Pacing 3-5 Days
Number of Players 5
Accepting Players? Totally
Joining Requirements PM Cadet

YSS Sakishima

The yss_sakishima ND-S10-577 is a Chiaki-class (1B) Escort Destroyer commissioned and assigned to the Tenth Standard Fleet in early YE35. While possibly the least important ship in the navy she set forth with her small and unique crew for many adventures on the far edge of Yamataian space.

Forum Link YSS Sakishima
Type Play-by-Post
Faction Yamatai Star Empire
Game Master paladinrpg
Pacing Requires a post once every week
Number of Active Players 6
Accepting Players? Yes
Joining Requirements 18+, Contact Paladinrpg

Squad Thirteen: "Unluckies"

Squad Thirteen is perhaps the unluckiest squad in the Fifth Fleet. As part of First Division, Fourth Company, Second Platoon, its immediate predecessors were all annihilated in combat…and in one particularly unfortunate instance, out of combat. As a result of this terrible curse, those of Squad Thirteen, the “Unluckies”, can expect to see the Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the downright Weird sides of military life.

Forum Link 5th Fleet
Type Play-by-Post
Faction Yamatai Star Empire
Game Master cadetnewb
Pacing 3-5 Days
Number of Players 6
Accepting Players Sorry!
Joining Requirements Ask Cadet


The plots below were not part of the Star Army setting.

Plot GM Type Notes
D&D Gabriel D&D 3.5
Pathfinder: The Depths of Golarion Gallant Core Pathfinder

guide/list_of_archived_plots.1524154975.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 15:51 (external edit)