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Star Army is huge universe with over 600 unique places to visit, including star systems, planets, cities, military bases, shops, and many more locations. This page is the hub for finding them.

Note: Currently the staff is working on a vast quality update for all Star Army places, including using the new Places Template, which adds information about the local population, an automated list of characters in the location, RP Opportunities, and local rumors. If you'd like to help ith this, contact Wes on the forum.

List Filters

You can filter the list of places below by using these tag clouds to filter by faction or location type.

Places should be categorized by what they actually are, not what they happen to contain. For example, just because a planet or a military base has a restaurant, does not make those places a restaurant.

List of Places

This is a list of canon places in the Star Army universe. You can filter it using the search boxes at the top of each column.

#Place ImagePagePlace CategoriesFactionParent PlaceRisk Level
451Gui'adahe'yutshe PrisonprisonKingdom of NeshatenNesha Prime (Planet)high
452The SwampprisonDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaKagami Galaxylow
453Bard Clusterregion, star clusterYamatai Star Empiresafe
454Fujiko RegionregionYamatai Star EmpireSamurai Sectorlow
455Hanako Clusterregion, star clusterKikyo Sectorlow
456HanyaregionDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaPlanet Neplesliamoderate
457HellregionYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
458HX Series Star SystemsregionKikyo Sectormoderate
459Ketsurui Military SectorregionKikyo Sectorlow
460NorfrostregionYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
461Rokin IslesregionDemocratic Imperium of NeplesliaPlanet Nepleslialow
462Uesu Sectorregionmoderate
463UX Series Star SystemsregionKagami Galaxylow
464ainu_orchards.jpegAinu OrchardsresidenceYamatai Star EmpireJiyuu IIIsafe
465motoyoshi_palace.jpegAsagumo-joresidenceYamatai Star EmpirePort Jiyuulow
466Campus BelmontresidenceYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
467Hanako's PalaceresidenceInterstellar Kingdom Of KuvexiaHanako's Worldsafe
468Ketsurui Sanctuary PalaceresidenceYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
469Satoh Doeringu (Satoh Apartments)residenceYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
470Nyx's Private LandresidenceNew Dusk ConclaveSirris VIsafe
471SaleloriaresidenceYamatai Star EmpireKyotosafe
472Shiro Suzume CastleresidenceYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
473Desperados RestaurantrestaurantYamatai Star EmpireUesureyan Fieldssafe
474Ki'nene RestaurantrestaurantKingdom of Neshatenlow
475Samurai SectorrestaurantYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sectorsafe
476Shi'tee Kree'aarestaurantKingdom of NeshatenNe'ushaemoderate
477The Admiral's GrillrestaurantYamatai Star EmpireShinjuku Market Districtsafe
478Fujiko UniversityschoolShenhong Citysafe
479Kyoto Academy for the ArtsschoolYamatai Star EmpireKyotosafe
480She'na AcademyschoolKingdom of NeshatenNe'ushaelow
481Rikugun UniversityschoolYamatai Star Empiresafe
482Amatsu-Daichispace stationYamatai Star EmpireDaichisafe
483Amatsu-Kotorispace stationYamatai Star EmpireKotori Systemsafe
484Amatsu-Motoyoshi "Port Hachidori"space stationYamatai Star EmpireNatariasafe
485Amatsu-Novaspace stationYamatai Star EmpireKohana Cloudsafe
486Amatsu-Yamataispace stationYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
487Dawn Stationspace stationKikyo Sectorsafe
488Detritus Stationspace stationIndependentHX-17moderate
489Hoshi no Iorispace stationYamatai Star EmpireYamatai Star Systemhigh
490IIS Avalonspace stationIndependentAX-03safe
491Kumo no Kagayaki Stationspace stationYamatai Star EmpireJiyuu Systemsafe
492Port Dongfengspace stationYamatai Star EmpireTange Systemlow
493Port Jiyuuspace stationYamatai Star EmpireSharie Systemhigh
494Port Sirenspace stationYamatai Star EmpireSharie Systemhigh
495Ryu Keiretsu Port Jiyuu Operationsspace stationsafe
496Shuristaspace station, star systemYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sectormoderate
497Station Decacronspace stationNew Dusk Conclavesafe
498Station Omacronspace stationDraco Eridanus Systemsafe
499Sunrise Stationspace stationYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sectorsafe
500White Harbor Stationspace stationYamatai Star EmpireAnisa Systemsafe

places.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/28 09:01 by wes