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Star Army Glossary

The following is a glossary of Star Army of Yamatai terminology and slang. Since Yamataians speak Yamataigo (邪馬台語), it includes a lot of Japanese words.



  • AAR: After-Action Review
  • Abeam: At a relative bearing of 90 degrees (abeam to starboard) or 270 degrees (abeam to port).
  • Aboard: on or inside a ship
  • Actual: In military speak, “Actual” means the actual officer in charge. For example, “Eucharis Actual” would be Shôshô Ketsurui Hanako, commander of the YSS Eucharis. If you call the gunship Eucharis, you might be talking to a communications officer on the Eucharis, but if you call Eucharis Actual, that means you only want the actual captain of the Eucharis. The purpose is to differentiate between an officer and their radioman who is handling their traffic.
  • Adrift: not under power or control
  • Aft: to the rear of the ship
    • Abaft: further aft
    • After: furthest aft
  • Ahoy: A greeting to get attention. Originally a Viking battle-cry.
  • Aitsu あいつ: “this f–ker”
  • “All things cost blood:” The motto of the First Fleet. It means nothing can be created or accomplished without sacrifice, and probably violence.
  • Are あれ: that. Can also be used like “huh?!” when surprised.
  • Arms/Armament: weapons
  • ASAP: As soon as possible
  • Asoko あそこ: there.
  • Astern: Directly behind a ship
  • Athwart: At right angles to
  • Avast: Stop that!
  • AWOL: Absent without leave; unexcused absence. Warning: desertion can be punished by death.
  • Aye: Yes (understood)
  • Aye aye: (understood; I will comply); WILCO


  • Baba ばば: Old lady/hag
  • Baka ばか: Idiot!
  • Balls: Any time that starts with 00 (e.g. “Balls Thirty”)
  • Barrette: Internal turret cylinder armor
  • Battle Rattle: Body armor and gear (“Everyone suit up in full battle rattle!”)
  • Bear a hand: Help with
  • Bearing: See Bearing (navigation)
  • Belay: Cancel/Stop
  • Betsuni 別に: Nothin'/Not really
  • Big Momma Yam: The Yamatai Star Empire
  • Billet: Sleeping space on a ship; a person's position within a unit/crew
  • Board: To go aboard a ship; a meeting (e.g. promotion board)
  • Boomerang: Derogatory term for a soldier who betrayed the Yamatai Star Empire to join the United Outer Colonies and returned to the Star Army after the fall of the UOC.
  • Boot: New recruit
  • bow (nautical): The front section of a ship
  • Bravo Zulu: Well done
  • Break out: To remove supplies from storage
  • Brig: A compartment where prisoners are confined.
  • Broad: wide
  • Bulkhead: vertical partition in a ship; wall
  • Buoy: Navigational marker


  • Carry on: Continue what you were doing.
  • Century: A Star Army unit of 100 soldiers. See Star Army Century
  • Charlie Foxtrot: Clusterf–k
  • Chart: a map, to create a map of
  • Chiheisen (地平線): Horizon, skyline
  • chiho wo shimuru 地歩ヲ占ムル to gain ground
  • chiho wo ushinau 地歩ヲ失フ to lose ground
  • Chihô kanchô (地方官庁) local government
  • Chikusho (ちくしょ): “DAMN IT!”
  • Chotto matte ちょっと待って: Wait a sec.
  • Chow: Food
  • Chow Hall: Mess hall/dining facility
  • Chūi (注意): CAUTION
  • CIF: Central Issue Facility, a place where soldiers are issued (assigned) personal items and gear, such as uniforms
  • civvies: civilian clothing
  • CO: Commanding officer
  • COB: Close Of Business; the end of working hours
  • Commissary: grocery store
  • Commo: Communications section and/or communications officer
  • Compartment: Enclosed interior space in a ship
  • Concealment: Something you can hide behind, that hides you but can't block bullets.
  • Course: Ship's desired direction of travel
  • Cover:
    1. Something you can hide behind that blocks bullets
    2. To shoot at the enemy so their heads are down while your team moves forward (“Cover me!”)
  • Cow: Mess hall milk dispenser
  • Cruise: The period of time that a ship is deployed.
  • CQC: Close Quarters Combat


  • daijoubu (大丈夫): It's OK; don't worry
  • danyaku 弾薬 ammunition
  • Death Blossom: Shooting gratuitously in all directions
  • dekki (デッキ): Deck (of a ship); floor
  • denryoku kēburu 電力ケーブル: Power cable
  • Deployment: Positioning of soldiers and/or units for an operation
  • deteke. 出てけ。 “Leave.” (Command)
  • Dock: To connect to another ship or space station; To land the ship inside a docking bay.
  • Dog: Soft-serve ice cream dispenser in mess hall
  • dokuritsu 独立 independent
  • down: Non-functional, usually for maintenance
  • drill and ceremony: Troop formations and movements (e.g. marching)


  • ee ええ yes (more formal)
  • EI: Enemy Infantry
  • eihei 衛兵 guard
  • eiju 衛戍 garrison
  • eijuchi 衛戍地 garrison post
  • eisei zairyô 衛生材料 medical supplies
  • eiseitai 衛生隊 health and medical unit
  • eisha 衛舎 guard house (Note: place where the guard stays during its tour)
  • eisô 営倉 guard house
  • eiyô 栄養 nutrition
  • ekibyô 疫病 infectious disease
  • Embrace the suck: a military expression for when things are terrible but you somehow find amusement and/or strength in that
    • You should accept the difficulty of these circumstances; face your discomfort instead of avoiding it.
    • Of course the situation is bad. Deal with it anyway.
  • empei 援兵 troop reinforcements
  • empeibu 掩蔽部 dugout, shelter
  • empôjo 掩砲所 gun shelter
  • engeki 掩撃 sudden attack
  • enseigun 遠征軍 expeditionary force
  • enshô 炎症 inflammation (medical term)
  • enshû 演習 exercises, maneuvers
  • enshû shôsha 演習廠舎 training camp
  • EP: Extraction Point
  • erishō 襟章 lapel pin
  • EVA: Extra-vehicular activity; going out into space outside of a ship or shuttle.


  • field-expedient: Improvised
  • flat: partial deck like a grating or catwalk
  • fleet: a standing organization of starships and support facilities for operations
  • flight deck: A deck where starfighters and/or shuttles take of and/or land
  • FOB: Forward Operating Base
  • fore: Towards the front of the ship
    • fore and aft: Throughout entire ship
  • Fort Swampass: Fort Asura (it is in an equatorial rainforest)
  • FUBAR: F—ed up beyond all recognition
  • fubatsu 不伐 impregnable
  • fuen 赴援 relief, aid
  • fugô 符号 code signal
  • fuhyô 浮標 buoy
  • fuji chakuriku 不時着陸 emergency landing
  • fûkei 風景 landscape
  • fûki 風紀 discipline, morals
  • fûki eihei 風紀衛兵 barrack guard, quarter guard
  • fuku-shikikan 副指揮官 second in command
  • fukubôgyô 副防御 auxiliary defense
  • fukueki manki 服役満期 expiration of term of service
  • fukueki meibo 服役名簿 roster list, duty list
  • fukuhei 伏兵 ambush, ambuscade
    • fukuhei wo haichi suru: to lay an ambush
    • fukuhei ni ochiru: to fall into an ambush
  • fukuin 復員 demobilization
  • fukujû 服従 obedience
  • fukumu 服務 service; duties
  • fukumu kisoku 服務規則 standing orders; service regulations
  • fukuro 袋 bag
  • fukushû 復讐 retaliation, revenge
  • fukusô kensa 服装検査 dress inspection
  • fukusô teate 服装手当 clothing allowance
  • fumeiyo 不名誉 dishonor, disgrace
  • funazumi 船積 shipping, shipment (“Funazumi suru” = to ship goods or equipment)
  • fundoshi 褌: traditional loincloth undergarment. See Star Army Undergarments
  • funsen 紛戦 dogfight
  • funtô 奮闘 hard fighting, desperate battle
  • furi naru jôkyô 不利ナル状況 unfavorable situation
  • furyo 俘虜 captive; prisoner of war
  • furyo no jihen 不慮ノ事変 emergency situation
  • fûsa 封鎖 blockade
  • fuseikihei 不正規兵 irregular troops
  • fuseikisen 不正規戦 guerrilla warfare
  • fusetsukan 敷設艦 minelayer
  • fushimban 不寝番 night watch (inside)
  • fushô 負傷 wounded (eg: “Fushô suru:” to be wounded; to sustain injury; “fushô seshimeru;” to inflict an injury; to wound somebody)
  • fusoku 不足 shortage
  • futan 負担 burden, load (eg “futan suru;” to shoulder a load)
  • futatsu 布達 notification, proclamation
  • futekinin 不適任 unfit, incompetent
  • futô 埠頭 wharf
  • futsû bunkan 普通文官 civilian employee
  • fuzaisha 不在者 absentee
  • fuzoku suru 附属 belonging to, attached to (eg: assigned to First Fleet)


  • gaibu bôbi 外部防備 exterior defenses
  • gaihaku 外泊 overnight leave
  • gaikô 外交 diplomacy
  • gaikô kankei 外交関係 diplomatic relations
  • gaisei 外征 foreign campaign
  • gaisen 凱旋 triumphant return (Note: For example, as in “gaisengun;” returning victorious army)
  • gaishutsushô 外出証 one-day pass
  • galley: a kitchen space aboard a starship
  • gasu ガス gas
  • gator: Short for navigator
  • geka 外科 surgery
  • gekichin 撃沈 to attack and sink (an enemy vessel)
  • gekimetsu 撃滅 annihilation, extermination
  • gekisen 激戦 “gekisen wo majieru;” to fight fiercely/desperately)
  • gekitsui suru 撃墜スル to shoot down (an enemy craft)
  • gen'eki 現役 active service
  • gen'in 現員 troops present
  • genkyû 減給 stoppage of pay
  • genshoku 減食 reduced rations
  • gijutsu 技術 technique (in training and exercises)
  • gijutsuhei 技術兵 technical troops, specialist
  • gikei 偽計 false maneuver, feint
  • ginô 技能 ability, talent
  • girei 儀礼 etiquette, ceremony
  • giryô 伎倆 skill, qualification
  • gishi 技師 civilian engineer
  • gisô 偽装 camouflage
  • giyûhei 義勇兵 volunteer soldier
  • goei 護衛 guard, escort
  • goei hohei 護衛歩兵 infantry escort
  • goshô 護照 safe conduct
  • gosô 護送 escort (“Gosô suru;” to escort prisoners, convoys, etc.)
  • goyôsen 御用船 transport/troop ship
  • goyû 剛勇 valor, bravery
  • Green shirt: scientist
  • gumbi 軍備 armament and/or military preparation
  • gumpô 軍法 military law
  • gumpô kaigi 軍法会議 court martial
  • gumpuku 軍服 military uniform
  • gun 軍 army/military
  • gun'i 軍医 medical officer
  • gunbō 軍帽 military cap (e.g. Star Army Officer's Cap, Type 36)
  • gunji jôhô 軍事情報 military intelligence
  • gunji kunren 軍事訓練 military training
  • gunjihiyô 軍事費用 military expenditure (Note: Usually written just as “gunjihi” )
  • gunjin 軍人 soldier
  • gunjin 軍陣 field service
  • gunka 軍歌 war song
  • gunkan 軍艦 warship
  • gunki 軍旗 military flag
  • gunki 軍紀 military discipline (“gunki wo iji suru” = to maintain discipline)
  • gunkô 軍港 military port (starport)
  • gunpuku 軍服 military uniform (see Star Army Uniforms)
  • gunritsu 軍律 military regulations
  • guntai 軍隊 army; troops
  • guntai techô 軍隊手帳 military pocket book
  • guntô 軍刀 military sword
  • gunyô chitai 軍用地帯 military zone (eg: Nataria)
  • gunzoku 軍属 civilian employee working for the military
  • gyakutai 虐待 maltreatment, cruelty
  • gyokusai 玉砕 honorable death
  • gyolai 魚 雷 Torpedo
  • gyôsei 行政 administration


  • hahen 破片 splinter, fragment of shrapnel
  • hai はい yes
  • haiboku 敗北 defeat, reverse
  • haimetsu 敗滅 total defeat, annihilation
  • haisen 敗戦 defeat in battle
  • haishuku 配宿 allotment of quarters
  • haisô 敗走 to flee after defeat in battle
  • haizoku 配属 attachment (of person or suit)
  • haizoku shôkô 配属将校 officers attached to civilian schools
  • hakai 破壊 destruction
  • hakengun 派遣軍 expeditionary force
  • han 班 squad, group, section
  • “Hanako's Hips!” – an expression of surprise
  • hanchô 班長 squad, group or section commander
  • hand: crew member of a ship
  • hangeki 反撃 counterattack
  • hangyaku 反逆 treason
  • hankô 反抗 mutiny, rebellion
  • hanran 反乱 insurrection, uprising
  • happô suru 発砲スル to fire (a gun)
  • haretsu 破裂 burst, explosion
  • hata 旗 flag (See also “gunki” and “hakki”)
  • hatch: a square or rectangular access portal in a deck.
  • hatsudenki 発電機 electric generator
  • hatsuen shingô 発煙信号 smoke signal
  • head: restroom on a ship
  • heiei 兵営 barracks
  • heieki 兵役 military service
  • heieki kigen 兵役期限 term/duration of military service
  • heieki menjo 兵役免除 exemption from military service
  • heigaku 兵学 military science
  • heigaku kyôkan 兵学教官 military instructor
  • heigakusha 兵学者 military tactician, strategist
  • heijibu 兵事部 military affairs department
  • heiki 兵器 arms, weapons, ordnance
  • heikibu shôkô 兵器部将校 ordnance officer
  • heikishô 兵器廠 ordnance depot
  • heiryoku 兵力 military strength
  • High and tight: A military haircut that is a buzz cut on top and extremely short on the sides
  • himitsu 秘密 secret
  • himitsu meirei 秘密命令 secret orders
  • hisentôin 非戦闘員 non-combatant
  • hisshô 必勝 certain victory (Note: On the Yamatai Star Empire's flag)
  • hôfuku 報復 reprisal, retaliation
  • hôfuku hôgeki 報復砲撃 retaliatory fire
  • hôgeki 砲撃 bombardment, shelling
  • hôhei 砲兵 artillery
  • hohei 歩兵 infantry; see Star Army Infantry
  • hôka 砲火 artillery fire
  • hôkan 砲艦 gunboat
  • hôkyû 俸給 pay, salary
  • hokyû 補給 supply
  • hokyû gakari 補給掛 quartermaster
  • hôkyû shiharaibo 俸給支払簿 pay list, pay roll
  • hômengun 方面軍 area army
  • hompô 本棒 base pay
  • honbu 本部 headquarters
  • Honki-dori: good, enjoyable, pleasurable
  • hontai 本隊 main force
  • Hooah: An affirmative shout.
  • horyo 捕虜 prisoner of war, captive (See also “furyo”)
  • hoshiguntai 星軍隊 Star Army
  • hoshô 歩哨 sentry
  • hoshô shusoku 歩哨守則 sentry orders
  • hoshôken 歩哨犬 guard dog
  • hôshu 砲手 gunner
  • hôsô 放送 radio transmission/radio broadcast
  • hôtaihô 繃帯包 field dressing (Note: medical term)
  • hyô 表 table, list


  • Ice Lady: Kessaku Irim
  • ichi 位置 position, location
  • ichiranhyô 一覧表 table (of contents)
  • idô suru 移動スル to move, to shift location
  • ifuku 衣服 clothing (uniforms or civilian clothing)
  • ie いえ no (less formal)
  • iie いいえ no
  • ikaku 威嚇 threat
  • ikan 医官 medical officer
  • impei 隠蔽 shelter/cover
  • inryôsui 飲料水 drinking water
  • Imonbukuro 慰問袋 comfort bag / care package
  • IP: Insertion Point
  • iryô yôhin 医療用品 medical supplies
  • iryôka 衣糧課 clothing and provisions section
  • Ittô Hei 一等兵
  • Ittô Heisho 一等兵曹
  • Ittô Juni 一准尉
  • ITU: Initial Training Unit
  • iya いや nope. (less formal)


  • Java: Coffee
  • jihen/jiken 事変/事件 incident, occurrence
  • jika-tabi 地下足袋: See Star Army Jika-Tabi, Type 38
  • jikanhyô 時間表 timetable, schedule
  • jikyû 次級 second in command
  • jikyû jisoku 自給自足 self-sufficiency
  • jin'ei 陣営 encampment
  • jin'in 人員 personnel numbers
  • jin'in kensa 人員検査 muster/roll call
  • jin'inhyô 人員表 personnel list
  • jinchi 陣地 position
  • jinchi senryô 陣地占領 occupation of a position
  • jinjibu 人事部 personnel section
  • jinkei 陣形 battle formation
  • jinryoku 人力 manpower
  • jirai 地雷 mine
  • jirei 辞令 commission, warrant, appointment
  • jisshû 実習 practical instruction
  • jitchi kyôren 実地教練 field training
  • jôrei kisoku 条令規則 rules and regulations (see Star Army Regulations)
  • jôsen 乗船 embarkation
  • jotai 除隊 Military Discharge (from active service)
  • Jôtô Hei 上等兵
  • jûka 銃火 rifle fire
  • jûkikanjû 重機関銃 heavy machine-gun
  • jun'i 准尉 warrant officer
  • jun'yôkan 巡洋艦 cruiser


  • kabutsushô 貨物廠 freight depot
  • kaikyūshō 階級章 rank insignia (See Star Army Ranks)
  • kainan Kyuhjotei (海難救助艇): Life Boat
  • kanchô (艦長): captain (of a warship)
  • kanja 患者 casualty/patient
  • Kankyoh (艦橋 / かんきょう): Bridge (of a ship)
  • kantai 艦隊 fleet
  • kashikan 下士官 non-commissioned officer
  • keibatsu 刑罰 punishment
  • keibitai 警備隊 guard unit
  • keikai butai 警戒部隊 security detachment
  • keikikanjû 軽機関銃 light machine-gun
  • keikoku (警告): Warning
  • keikyû shingô 警急信号 alarm signal
  • keitai kahei 携帯火兵 small arms
  • ken 剣 bayonet
  • ken'eki 検疫 (medical) quarantine
  • ken'etsu 検閲 censorship, inspection
  • kenchiku butai 建築部隊 construction unit
  • kenjû 拳銃 pistol
  • kenjutsu 剣術 swordfighting/fencing
  • kenkô shindan 健康診断 medical examination
  • kenkô shômeisho 健康証明書 medical certificate
  • kenpeitai 憲兵隊 military police
  • kensa 検査 inspection (“kensa suru;” to inspect/examine)
  • kessen 決戦 decisive battle
  • kesson 欠損 loss or damage (of goods)
  • ketsuro wo hiraku 血路ヲ開ク to cut one's way through (Note: Literally, to “open a road of blood”)
  • kidô 機動 (military) operation
  • kiei 帰営 returning to barracks
  • kiken 危険 danger
  • kiken shingô 危険信号 danger signal
  • kikôchô 機工長 mechanic NCO
  • kilai: mine
  • kilai-Shikisetsusen: minelayer
  • kinko 禁固 confinement, imprisonment
  • kinmu 勤務 service; duty
  • kinmutai 勤務隊 duty unit
  • kinsetsusen 近接戦 close combat
  • kinzoku 勤続 continuous service
  • kiritsu 規律 discipline, order
  • kiroku 記録 file, written record
  • kishô 記章 medal
  • kitei 規定 rules/regulations
  • kizu 傷 injury, wound
  • kôdô 行動 movements
  • kôfujo 交付所 distribution point
  • kôfuku 降伏 capitulation, surrender
  • kôgeki 攻撃 attack
  • kôgeki butai 攻撃部隊 assault unit
  • kôgeki jinchi 攻撃陣地 offensive position
  • kôgeki taikei 攻撃隊形 attack formation
  • kôgun 行軍 march
  • kôhei 工兵 engineer
  • kôhô 公報 official report
  • kôka 考科 officer's service record
  • kôkin 拘禁 detention, internment
  • Kōkū 航空 aviation
  • kôkyû shôkô 高級将校 senior officer
  • kômei 抗命 insubordination/mutiny
  • konsei 混成 mixed
  • kôseki 功績 merit
  • kôshô 工廠 munitions workshop
  • kotei 固定 stationary
  • kuchikukan 駆逐艦 destroyer
  • kyôhan 教範 manual
  • kyûkei 休憩 rest, halt
  • kyûmeitei 救命艇 lifeboat
  • kyûryô 給料 salary. See Star Army Pay
  • kyûshû 急襲 raid, sudden attack
  • kyûsui butai 給水部隊 water supply unit
  • kyûyo genbo 給与原簿 payroll


  • Ladder: Steps on a ship; or an actual ladder
  • Landing craft: A ship-to-surface transport craft. Sometimes called a dropship.
  • Landing ship: a troop transport that can land on planets to disembark soldiers
  • Leave: Time off. See Star Army Leave.
  • Liberty: Leisure time in port while the ship is visiting. Not counted as individual leave.
  • Log: A record of events
  • LZ: Landing zone


  • Magazine: ammunition storage compartment
  • makuei 幕営 tent camp
  • mamoru 守ル to protect, defend
  • Mandatory fun: Command-created recreational activity where attendance is not optional
  • mankihei 満期兵 soldier whose compulsory service time has expired
  • mashoku 間食 extra rations
  • MDK: The Military District of Kyoto
  • meibo 名簿 Roster (list of names)
  • meichûdan 命中弾 direct hit
  • meirei 命令 order, command
  • meirei keitô 命令系統 chain of command
  • men'eki 免疫 exemption from service
  • Mess hall (also called just mess): A dining facility on a starship.
  • mihari 見張 lookout
  • minarai 見習 on probation
  • minato 港 harbor, port
  • “Minor inconvenience” - Fort Minori Reserve Center
  • mitsurei 密令 secret orders
  • mokuhyô 目標 target, objective
  • môretsu 猛烈 fierce, deadly
  • MOUT: Military Operations in Urban Terrain
  • mura 村 village, hamlet
  • musen 無線 wireless



  • ôen 応援 support, reinforcement
  • OTU: Occupational Training School
  • Orange shirt: A Star Army supply or logistics specialist
  • Oscar Mike: On the move; moving out; continuing our mission
  • Overhead: ceiling on a ship


  • Passageway: corridor on a ship; usually horizontal, unless it is a zero-gravity passage
  • PAX: Passengers
  • PFM: “Pure F—ing Magic” - It works, but you don't know how. Black box or complex technology.
  • POG: Personnel other than grunts (i.e. non-infantry)
  • Present arms: salute ( See Rendering Courtesy (Salutes and Bowing))
  • Prox: short for “approximately.”
  • PSF: Personnel Synthesis Facility, a factory that makes Nekovalkyrja soldiers
  • Pull a Rufus: Enter combat improperly dressed (e.g. in boxers). Named for Rufus Sydney
  • PZ: Pickup Zone (Where soldiers board a craft to be brought to the LZ/Landing zone)


  • QOL: Quality of Life
  • QRF: Quick Reaction Force, an on-duty force that is ready to quickly react to threats.
  • Quarters: Living space


  • rack: Bunk/bed
  • rakkasan 落下傘 parachute
  • reefer: large refrigerator or refrigerated container
  • red shirt: a Star Army technician
  • renpei 練兵 training
  • renpeikyû 練兵休 excuse from duty
  • rikusen 陸戦 land warfare
  • rikusentai 陸戦隊 landing party
  • rinji 臨時 temporary, improvised (adjective)
  • rirekisho 履歴書 record of service
  • ririku 離陸 take-off
  • roei 露営 camp
  • Running lights: Collision-avoidance lights on ship exteriors. All Star Army of Yamatai ships feature prominent running lights. See also: Side lights
  • ryôchi/ryôdo 領地/領土 territory/domain
  • ryôshoku 糧食 provisions, rations
  • ryûsandan 榴散弾 shrapnel
  • RX: Receive


  • Sack: bunk
  • sagyô 作業 work, labour
  • sakusen (meirei) 作戦命令 operation (orders)
  • sakuteki 索敵 searching for enemy troops
  • Santô Hei 三等兵
  • Santô Juni 三准尉
  • seiatsu 制圧 neutralization/subjugation (of the enemy)
  • seigan kyûka 請願休暇 special leave (Note: Refers to leave granted on urgent private affairs)
  • seiketsu kensa 清潔検査 sanitary inspection
  • seikinshô 精勤章 good conduct badge
  • seikyû 請求 demand, requisition
  • seimon 誓文 oath of allegiance (See Star Army Enlistment Contract)
  • seiseki 成績 performance/conduct
  • seishi fumeisha 生死不明者 missing in action
  • seito 生徒 student, cadet
  • sekkô 斥候 scout
  • sekkôtai 斥候隊 recon party
  • sen'eki 戦役 campaign
  • senchi 戦地 war zone
  • sendan 船団 convoy (of ships)
  • senjutsu 戦術 military tactics
  • senkan 戦艦 battleship
  • senkyô 戦況 strategic situation
  • senkyoku 戦局 phase of battle
  • senpaku 船舶 shipping
  • senpaku yusô 船舶輸送 shipping transport
  • senryaku 戦略 strategy
  • senryô 占領 occupation, capture
  • senryôchi 占領地 occupied area
  • sensha 戦車 tank
  • sentô joretsu 戦闘序列 order of battle
  • sentô shôhô 戦闘詳報 detailed engagement report
  • setsueitai 設営隊 construction unit
  • shakedown cruise: a testing and training cruise of a new ship
  • shamôdan 射耗弾 expended ammunition
  • shikan-Ichijishitsu (士官次室): Gun Room (junior officers' mess)
  • shikanshitsu (士官室): Wardroom
  • shireibu 司令部 headquarters
  • shitai 支隊 detachment, force
  • shô 廠 depot, workshop
  • Shoi 少尉 Ensign
  • shôkô 将校 commissioned officer
  • shôkôkei kahô 小口径火砲 rifle, small calibre gun
  • Shosa 少佐 lieutenant commander
  • Shôshô 少将 rear admiral
  • shôtai 小隊 platoon
  • shôtaichô 小隊長 platoon commander
  • shubitai 守備隊 garrison
  • shubitai shireibu 守備隊司令部 garrison headquarters
  • shûchû kôgeki 集中攻撃 concentrated attack
  • shuei kimmu 守衛勤務 guard duty
  • shukanpan 主甲板: Main Deck
  • shukei 主計 paymaster
  • shukun 殊勲 distinguished service
  • shukusha 宿舎 quarters (living/sleeping space, billet)
  • shuninkan 主任管 officer in charge
  • shûri 修理 repairs/maintenance
  • shûribu 修理部 maintenance section
  • shuryoku 主力 main force
  • shuryûdan 手榴弾 hand grenade (See Star Army Hand Grenades)
  • shusei 守勢 defense
  • shutsujin 出陣 “shutsujin suru” = to go to war)
  • shuttô 出頭 reporting for duty (“shuttô suru” = to report for duty)
  • shûyô 収容 collecting killed and wounded troops
  • sickbay: Ship's hospital/medical treatment compartment
  • Side lights: Red and green running lights on the sides of ships. Red on the right means the ship is facing you.
  • simulate: pretend (for training purposes)
  • skivvies: undergarments
  • so desu ne そうですね。 It is so (This is a way of saying “Yes, you're right.” or “That's correct.”)
  • sôchi 装置 mechanism, apparatus
  • sogekihei 狙撃兵 sniper
  • sôgi 葬儀 funeral ceremony
  • sôhei 捜兵 scout (also “sôsaku” and “sôsakutai”)
  • sôkaitei 掃海艇 minesweeper
  • sôkô 装甲 armor (for tanks, ships, automobiles, etc.)
  • sokumen 側面 flank, side
  • sokumen kôgeki 側面攻撃 flank attack
  • sonna baka na! そんなばかな! “That’s ridiculous!”
  • sonshitsu 損失 losses, damage
  • sôsaku 捜索 search, reconnaissance
  • sôsakutai 捜索隊 scouting party
  • sôten 操典 training manual
  • Soup Sandwich: Messed up; a clusterf–k
  • Space bear: A Kodian
  • Space legs: When you “have your space legs” it means you're accustomed to working in microgravity.
  • standing lights: red interior night lights on a ship
  • stern: aft (rear) of a ship
  • suirai 水雷 torpedo
  • suiraitei 水雷艇 torpedo boat
  • spook: clandestine intelligence agent; spy
  • Squid Girl: A Nekovalkyrja soldier who previously served in the NMX.
  • Swab: a mop; to mop
  • Synth: A person using a body of non-natural origin (eg: Yamataian or Nekovalkyrja)


  • Tabi tights: tights with divided toes for use with tabi shoes and jika-tabi
  • Taii 大尉 lieutenant
  • Taisa 大佐 captain
  • Taisho 大将 admiral
  • tanka 担架 stretcher
  • tasukete 助けて Help me!
  • TCN : Third Country National - A neutral contractor from another nation.
  • TCP: Traffic Control Point
  • teisatsu 偵察 reconnaissance
  • tenpan 典範 regulations
  • The Ass: Fort Asura
  • The Butcher: Taisho Kessaku Irim
  • Toaster: A GP-12 Phased Pulse Rifle (the battery is shaped like a bread slice and pops out upward)
  • TOC: Tactical operations center, the field command center of a unit
  • tôrei 答礼 to return salute
  • tosen 渡船 ferry (boat or spacecraft)
  • Transfer: soldier whose minds was transferred from another species into a Nekovalkyrja body
  • tsûhô/tsûkoku 通報/通告 message/notification/notice
  • tsûshin 通信 signal (communications)
  • tsûshin sesshu 通信窃取 signal interception
  • tsutomeru 勤める/つとめる to serve/fill a post/serve under/work/exert oneself/endeavor
  • tsûyaku 通訳 interpreter/interpretation
  • TX: Transmit (or transfer)


  • uchuugun 宇宙軍 Space Army; The fleet part of the Star Army of Yamatai
  • umeboshi: 梅干し pickled plums; dried plums


  • Volunteer (ボランティア): a soldier who enlisted of his/her own free will (also 有志/yūshi).


  • Watchi: Watch
  • WP: Waypoint
  • Wilco: I will comply
  • WO: Warrant Officer (准尉 Juni); see Star Army Ranks


  • XO: Executive officer; First Officer


  • Yamatai no Hoshiguntai 邪馬台 の 星軍隊 Star Army of Yamatai
  • Yamataigo (邪馬台語): The language of Yamatai
  • yare yare daze やれやれだぜ: This means something like “Gimme a break…” or “What a pain…” or “Good grief.”
  • Yontô Hei 四等兵: The lowest rank in the Star Army
  • yôrikutai 揚陸隊 landing party
  • YSA: Yamatai Security Agency, the YSE's customs and border law enforcement agency
  • YSE: Yamatai Star Empire
  • yûgeki 遊撃 diversion
  • Yui: The commander of the Star Army of Yamatai, Taisho Ketsurui Yui.
  • Yui's Blood: see Star Army Awards & Medals
  • yuukiwo dase 勇気を出せ! Be brave!


  • zakenna yo ざけんなよ。 “You gotta be f–king kidding me.”
  • Zero/Zeroize: To erase sensitive information from an electronic device
  • Zurakaru ze ずらかるぜ: “Let's get the hell out of here!”
  • zurui ずるい: “Sneaky!”

stararmy/glossary.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/18 04:56 by wes