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Fujiko Region

Self-proclaimed by the Nepleslian Reds with their resurgence in the form of the Fujiko Development Corporation in YE 44, the Fujiko Region is an unrecognized region of space within the Samurai Sector. It is located to the north of Valentine.


The first usage of the term “Fujiko Region” occurred roughly around the same time as the establishment of the FDC in late YE 44 and its Territorial Administration Services in early YE 45 1). Prior, the Nepleslian Reds that found refuge on Fujiko and Rufusland were a loose confederation of unorganized territories ran by militias created from the remnants of old Nepleslian Red units that arrived in YE 29. Reds started to arrive in large numbers on Ukmirt in YE 39 when the system was annexed into the Yamatai Star Empire to benefit from more hospitable conditions compared to Fujiko and Rufusland.

In YE 46, the FDC and the Reds as a whole began to migrate into the Arzank System after the signing of the Fujiko Development Corporation/Mining Strategic Framework of YE 46 2).


The Fujiko Region consists of the following systems within the Samurai Sector:

Flag System Name Population
Fujiko 11,507,000
Rufusland 2,609,521
Ukmirt 18,865,000

The Reds also consider the following as extensions of the region:

Flag System Name Population
x Arzank Nothing found
x Kimirthro Nothing found
X Nellrun Nothing found
X Refidh Nothing found


Historically, the region has not been a priority for connection to the network of PAINT routes. However Rufusland is located on a major spacelane between Yamatai and Valentine, making the establishment of PAINT routes easy. In the meantime, travel to and between systems is taken care of by privately own vessels and charted lines.


The vast majority of the population within the region are members of the Nepleslian Reds. This includes a majority being cloned Nepleslians, but also former NMX Nekovalkyrja (known locally as Bakeneko), cryosleep awakened Helashio, former Separa'Shan refugees, and disgruntled Elysians. An additional minority of Nekovalkyrja and Minkan are also present, concentrated on Ukmirt. Other species can be found having residency within the region, but their numbers are too low to count as a distinctive group of individuals.

The following information is in relation to populations within the region that have formed their own distinct cultures.

Nepleslian Reds

The Nepleslian Reds, who form the backbone of the Fujiko Region's population, are genetically engineered for strength, resilience, and adaptability, with cloning technology sustaining their numbers since their fragmentation and exile. While outsiders often assume that extensive cloning devalues individual life, the Reds view each clone as an iteration of the same individual, continuing the self across lifetimes. This belief in continuity shapes their pragmatic views on death, where the loss of one clone is not feared, but seen as a necessary pause before the next iteration.

Culturally, the Nepleslian Reds balance individual freedom with collective duty, fostering a society that is militaristic but also rich in arts, leisure, and intellectual pursuits. Their population is diverse, with clones representing various genetic phenotypes from Nepleslian heritage, such as Solterran and Pacifian (as labelled by the Reds). While most Reds find their roles as soldiers, engineers, and laborers, they are encouraged to pursue personal growth beyond their original purpose, combining military discipline with a deep respect for individualism. Despite this, many clones grapple with identity challenges, striving to define themselves apart from their progenitors while maintaining ties to their kinNet.

Furthermore, the Reds' extensive use of empathic augmentations among their population strengthens emotional bonds and trust among clones. These augmentations allow for direct emotional sharing, deepening interpersonal relationships in ways that traditional communication cannot. Physical gestures, such as grabbing each other's arms and touching biceps, have evolved as a form of expressing deep emotional trust and are seen as equivalent to a hug among those without augmentations.


A group of Nepleslians who settled the Ukmirt system sometime after YE 30, the Koerlanders are an agrarian society rooted in Nepleslia's tradition of rugged individualism. Inspired by an ancient text found on Nepleslia, they chose a “natural” lifestyle that prioritizes sustainability and a deep connection to the land. Their focus on simplicity and autonomy is a deliberate departure from the industrial chaos of their origins, guided by a belief in harmony with nature over technological excess. Koerlanders organize into semi-autonomous agricultural communities, uniting only for defense or specialized tasks like space trade. Productivity is a core societal value, with unproductive individuals expected to conform to collective needs or face exile.

The Koerlanders’ interactions with other populations in the Fujiko Region reflect their values of independence and communal responsibility. With Nepleslian Reds, they find common ground in self-reliance, though their agrarian focus may differ from the pragmatic views of their counterparts. Initially cautious of the Bakeneko, Koerlanders might collaborate with Bakeneko militias if trust is earned. They empathize with the Helashio, willing to integrate them into their communities based on shared values.

Relations with the Separa'Shan and Elysians are more reserved. The Separa'Shan, despite cultural differences, could be allowed to integrate or do business with, while Elysians' intellectual elitism often clash with the Koerlanders' egalitarian ethos. However, pragmatic alliances might emerge through trade, particularly with the Elysians and Yamataians, exchanging food and resources for technological expertise.

Former NMX Nekovalkyrja (Bakeneko)

The Bakeneko, former NMX Nekovalkyrja, have found a place in the Fujiko Region, though their integration is fraught with challenges. Initially created as soldiers for the Mishhuvurthyar NMX forces during the Second Mishhuvurthyar War, these cat-eared, biological gynoids now exist in a state of semi-rehabilitation since their capture by the Star Army of Yamatai. While some Bakeneko might continue to harbor loyalties to their former masters, most have sought to rebuild their lives in the post-NMX universe, adapting to new roles in the Fujiko Region.

Bakeneko culture retains militaristic discipline and a fierce sense of co-dependence. They are highly loyal to those they trust, but many struggle with the remnants of their former allegiances. As a result, Bakeneko are often viewed with suspicion by the Nepleslian majority that are not witin their circle of trust, and their roles within the region reflect this divide.

Many serve as members in militias, bodyguards, and laborers, using the skills they were bred for to earn their place. Others take on more civilian roles, though they still face discrimination and are often kept at an arm's distance. Many struggle to prove they are more than just tools of war, seeking personal growth and a stable life.

Helashio (Lemur-Eared Humans)

The Helashio are a small but distinct population in the Fujiko Region, known for their humanoid appearance but marked by their characteristic lemur-like ears. Once enslaved by the Lorath, many Helashio were freed from their subjugation, and those who found their way to the Reds now serve in a variety of roles. Renowned for their adaptability and keen senses, Helashio often take on positions as scouts, artisans, and logistics workers, ensuring the smooth operation of industries in harsh environments like Fujiko or Rufusland.

Culturally, the Helashio maintain a strong sense of freedom and resistance to authority. Their history of enslavement has led to a communal culture focused on mutual support and solidarity. Many Helashio live in close-knit groups, helping one another survive the challenges of their new life. Their integration into Nepleslian society has been relatively smooth, as their work ethic and community-oriented mentality align well with the Reds' survivalist culture.

Despite this, Helashio continue to struggle with the trauma of their past enslavement. Some find it difficult to adjust to the Nepleslian military hierarchy, while others face occasional discrimination due to their alien heritage. The decision to create cloned versions of the Helashio has had mixed reactions from their natural born counterparts.


The Separa'Shan, have a significant presence in the Fujiko Region as refugees seeking stability after fleeing the invasion of their homeworld during the Kuvexian War. Their impressive stature and snake-like lower bodies make them visually distinct, yet their skills have earned them respect within the Nepleslian Reds’ community.

While the Separa'Shan maintain much of their native culture, including a highly spiritual outlook to life and a deep connection to nature, they have made efforts to integrate into the Reds' society. Many find roles as bioengineers, medics, and craftsmen, utilizing their expertise to help their new home flourish. However, they are often regarded as outsiders due to their physical differences, preferring to form close-knit communities with each other where they support one another. Their spiritual and communal nature contrasts with the more militaristic and pragmatic Nepleslian society, leading to occasional friction.


The Elysians, winged humanoids known for their intellectual prowess and spiritual pride, are a minority in the Fujiko Region. Many Elysians arrived in the region seeking refuge from what they deemed as a fallen Elysian Celestial Empire or falling out of favor with more powerful factions. However, their elitist attitude and strong sense of self-worth have made it difficult for them to fully integrate into the rough-and-tumble culture of the Nepleslian Reds.

Elysians (particularly Patricians) often take on roles that align with their strengths, serving as diplomats, administrators, scholars, teachers, and priests. Their intellectual capabilities make them invaluable in civilian leadership and advisory roles, but their integration into the Nepleslian society has been rocky. Elysians often form exclusive social circles and can foster quiet resentment toward the less refined aspects of Reds culture. This division sometimes leads to tension within the region and political intrigue from Elysians is not uncommon, with some seeking ways to regain their former prestige, even if it means going against the established order of the Nepleslian Reds.

Minkan and Nekovalkyrja

The Minkan and Nekovalkyrja (together known as Yamataians) populations are small but notable within the Fujiko Region due to seeing it as an unfavorable place to live. Excluding Star Army of Yamatai stationed in all systems, Yamatians are found primarily in the Ukmirt System where agriculture is the primary industry. Many Minkan serve as civilian administrators, engineers, and scientists, acting as cultural liaisons between the region and the broader Yamataian systems.

Nekovalkyrja, on the other hand, have additional opportunities presented to them in addition to the same roles as Minkans. Due to their combat experience, they are highly valued as military instructors within both militias and the FDC. However, Nekovalkyrja face challenges adapting to the rugged version of the regimented lifestyle they are used to, especially those with deep-rooted loyalty to the Ketsurui Clan and the Yamatai Star Empire. This conflict of loyalty creates internal tension as they navigate their place within the region.

RP Opportunities

Here are some recommendations and ideas for roleplay within the Fujiko Region:

  • Fujiko and Rufusland are known for their harsh environments. Characters could be settlers, explorers, or survivalists attempting to tame these worlds. They might struggle with hostile wildlife, difficult terrain, or limited resources, while building new communities for the Nepleslian Reds or some other group.
  • Players could take on the role of corporate representatives, miners, or engineers working for the FDC or another organization. They might be tasked with establishing new mining operations in remote areas of systems like Arzank or Rufusland, dealing with environmental challenges, sabotage from rival factions, or unexpected discoveries (like alien ruins or ancient tech).

Local Rumors

Here are some of the most recent rumors heard about the Fujiko Region:

  • There are whispers of a hidden military research facility somewhere in the Refidh system where the Nepleslian Reds are developing advanced weaponry and cybernetic enhancements. Some say they're experimenting with dangerous alien tech salvaged from long-forgotten ruins.
  • Some former NMX Nekovalkyrja, now integrated into society as Bakeneko, are said to be plotting a revolt. Disgruntled with what they think is second-class status and still harboring loyalty to their former Mishhuvurthyar masters, some believe there is a secret network of Bakeneko insurgents gathering weapons and preparing to strike.

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2024/08/29 02:11 using the namespace template.

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places/fujiko_region.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/07 05:04 by demibear