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The Star Army setting has an enormous number of products in the setting! This list automatically includes any product marked with a price. Note that some products may have their availability limited to certain purchasers (e.g. the military) or factions.

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List of Products

Please note that only products with prices (in their struct data) will appear on this list. See Products Database.

#Product ImagePagePrice (KS)DescriptionManufacturerProduct Categories
351EM-K4-1a "Zephyr" Consumer Air Car13 ,500.00 KSA civilian use Zephyr pattern aircar.Emrys Industriesvehicles
352EM-K4-2a "Zephyr" Law Enforcement Air Car10 ,000.00 KSA police use variant of the Zephyr air car.Emrys Industriesvehicles
353EM-O1 "Tadayou" Series Drones1 ,250.00 KSEmrys Industriesrobots
354EM-G8 Type 33 Datapad50.00 KSCivilian portable computer/data padEmrys Industriescomputers, electronics
355EM-G11 "Explorer" Field Communicator350.00 KSEmrys Industriescomputers, electronics
356EM-G16-1A/1B Medical Kit1 ,750.00 KSEmrys Industrieskits, medical
357EM-G16-2a First Aid Kit10.00 KSBasic consumer first aid kitEmrys Industrieskits, medical
358EM-G17-1a Basic Tool Kit350.00 KSEmrys Industrieskits, tools
359EM-G19 - Survival Kit2 ,500.00 KSEmrys Industrieskits, survival
360EM-J4 MARI Series Drone275.00 KSEmrys Industriesrobots
361EM-J5-6a - FARS GP650.00 KSEmrys Industriesrobots
362EM-K6 "Kouteki" Grav-Bus7 ,500.00 KSA simple anti-gravity busEmrys Industriesvehicles
363EM-O3 "Hirakeru" Communication Satellite100 ,000.00 KSGeshrinari Shipyards, Emrys Industrieselectronics, space stations
364EM-W4 Stun Baton150.00 KSEmrys Industriesweapons: melee
365Otomo Hover Tray100.00 KSA hover tray for serving food.Emrys Industries
366"Ernie" Protection Robot1 ,800.00 KSEmrys Industriesrobots
367EM-J6-1 "Rayleigh"12 ,000.00 KSEmrys Industriesrobots
368Type 45 FSDF Dress Uniform300.00 KSDuty uniform for the Fujiko Self Defense Force/Nepleslian Reds.Fujiko Development Corporationuniforms
369Enhanced Mobility Armor1 ,750.00 KSGalactic Horizonpower armor
370Galactic Six Munition Fabricating Compact Assault Rifle3 ,500.00 KSCovert Assault RifleGalactic Six, Galactic Horizon, Section 6 High Explosive Grenadeweapons: rifles
371Ge-H2-1a - Amatsu-Class Spaceport75 ,000 ,000.00 KSA spaceport.Geshrinari Shipyardsspace stations
372Ge-L7-1a Ekitai-Class Liquid Freighter Ship300 ,000.00 KSLiquid Freighter ShipGeshrinari Shipyardsstarships
373Ge-V1-W3301 - Defensive LASER1 ,500.00 KSGeshrinari Shipyardsweapons: starship
374Ge-C1-2a - Ookami-Class Light Cruiser1 ,500 ,000.00 KSCivilian Market Cruiser.Geshrinari Shipyardsstarships
375Urufu-Class Light Cruiser1 ,800 ,000.00 KSUrufu-Class Light CruiserGeshrinari Shipyards, Ketsurui Fleet Yardsstarships
376Kagai-Class Assault Ship1 ,800 ,000.00 KSAn assault ship designed to carry and deploy a Star Army CenturyGeshrinari Shipyardsstarships
377Ge-F7-1B - Jinsoku Cargo Runner40 ,000.00 KSA cargo runner ship.Geshrinari Shipyardsstarships
378Ge-L4-1a - Sessou-Class Medium Freighter150 ,000.00 KSA medium freighter.Geshrinari Shipyardsstarships
379Ge-L5-1A - Issoku-Class Cargo Runner60 ,000.00 KSA Cargo Runner ship.Geshrinari Shipyardsstarships
380Ge-L8-1a - Jōkyaku-Class Passenger Ship100 ,000.00 KSPassenger ShipGeshrinari Shipyardsstarships
381Ge-T1-2a - Hikiuma-Class Shuttle24 ,000.00 KSA reliable shuttlecraft.Geshrinari Shipyardssmall craft
382Ge-T1-1A - Transatmospheric Shuttle16 ,000.00 KSA basic high-capacity, FTL-capable trans-atmospheric shuttleGeshrinari Shipyardssmall craft
383Ge-T2-1E "Kuma" Medevac Shuttle18 ,000.00 KSA civilian medical evac shuttleGeshrinari Shipyardssmall craft
384Ge-T2-1C - "Kuma" Shuttle18 ,000.00 KSA civilian shuttlecraft.Geshrinari Shipyardssmall craft
385Ge-T3-1a - Raba-Class Work-Pod8 ,000.00 KSThe can be used to ferry small groups of personnel to a location. By attaching a pair of manipulators, the Raba can be used to move objects or even perform cutting operations keeping the operator safe.Geshrinari Shipyardssmall craft
386Ge-T5-1a Cho-Class Shuttle10 ,000.00 KSA small shuttlecraft.Geshrinari Shipyardssmall craft
387Ge-T6-1a - Sukuu-Class Lifeboat35 ,000.00 KSA lifeboat craft.Geshrinari Shipyardssmall craft
388Ge-V1-1a - Hoshou Fighter24 ,000.00 KSA civilian fighter craft.Geshrinari Shipyardssmall craft
389Ge-X3300 - Type 33 Escape Pod10 ,000.00 KSAn escape pod.Geshrinari Shipyardssmall craft
390Ge-Y2-1a - Hanto-Class Starship76 ,250.00 KSA specialty Starship.Geshrinari Shipyardsstarships
391Ge-Y1-2a - "Henkei" Cargo Runner28 ,000.00 KSA Cargo Variant of the Henkei Starship.Geshrinari Shipyardsstarships
392Ge-Y1-3a - "Henkei" Passenger Variant31 ,000.00 KSPassenger Variant of the Henkei StarshipGeshrinari Shipyardsstarships
393Ge-Y1-4a - "Henkei" Prospector33 ,000.00 KSA Prospector Variant of the Henkei Starship.Geshrinari Shipyardsstarships
394Ge-Y1-5a - "Henkei" Patrol Variant35 ,000.00 KSA Patrol StarshipGeshrinari Shipyardsstarships
395Ge-Y1-1a - Henkei-class Starship20 ,000.00 KSA barebones starship designed for customizationGeshrinari Shipyardsstarships
396Ge-H1-7A - Kōdaina Minato-Class Orbital Installation925 ,000 ,000.00 KSA massive space station.Geshrinari Shipyardsspace stations
397Kodoku-Class Mining and Processing Facility1 ,350 ,000 ,000.00 KSA Mining and Processing StarbaseYugumo Corporation, Yugumo Fleetworksspace stations
398Ge-H4-1a - Hachinosu Rescue Station75 ,000 ,000.00 KSGeshrinari Shipyards
399Ge-H3-1a - Sanza-Class Shipyard5 ,000 ,000.00 KSA shipyard.Geshrinari Shipyardsspace stations
400Ge-L6-1a - Taishita-Class (Heavy Freighter)300 ,000.00 KSA heavy freighter.Geshrinari Shipyardsstarships

items/products.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/15 10:53 by wes