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Raptor-Class Expeditionary Ship

The Raptor-Class military scout ship is a vessel designed by the Lorath Matriarchy to serve as an advanced scout to seek out new territories, or to probe suspected hostile space. Due to the size and armament of the ship, it has been classified as a Gunship, yet it is referred to as a scout due to the nature of its assignments.

About the Ship

The Raptor-Class expeditionary scoutship was designed to serve as a deep-space scouting vessel with the capability to defend itself and the Matriarchy.

Key Features

The Raptor-Class expeditionary scoutship was designed utilizing the newest range of Lorath technology, and the technology of their UOC allies. Shields, engines, and weapons were the key points of interest for this ship.

Mission Specialization

The primary use and function of the Raptor-Class is long-distance exploration, anti-armor, and anti-starship.


History and Background

In YE 28 the Lorath's first contact took place with an alien species. This contact was carried out through the use of one of the Lorath's earliest space exploration vehicles, the Star Seeker. In short order, it was made apparent that the operation was a successful failure. The Star Seeker was lost, the contacted alien species dominated the Lorath, and there was little to nothing which could have been done about the matter.

In YE 29, relations with the Yamatai Empire resulted in a series of events which forced apart the Lorath, causing a large portion of the Occhestian caste to leave Lor on hostile terms with a sizable fleet of Yamataian ships. The resulting situation was a humiliation for the Lorath people, and a stain upon their united history. However, this situation was a turning point for the Lorath which remained with the Matriarchy, it served as a guiding event which gave the Lorath two goals; become stronger, and seek revenge.

YE 30, the Lorath Matriarchy has managed to escape the rule of Yamatai, and has found itself prospering as part of the United Outer Colonies. The result was the Lorath satisfying one of their goals; to become stronger. However, another goal was left unfulfilled.

The 'Expeditionary Military Scoutship' program was founded to deliver a starship design which would be able to grant the Lorath the ability to seek out and chart undocumented starsystems while being able to defend the Lorath Matriarchy from threats which may arise simply due to this exploration process. In mid-YE 30, the Fyunnen Princess, Lumuham Lrnec'Cdyn "Obelisk" Fyunnen, took control of the project. Her orders from the royalty were simple; Find a ship to command for the task of seeking out those who wronged the Matriarchy, and bring word so they can be brought to justice.

Design features of the Raptor can be traced to various sources of technology. QnS, United Outer Colonies, KHI, and even NovaCorp technologies have their roles within the Raptor.

Statistics and Performance


Class: LM-GSH-EXS-001 1) Type: Scouting Gunship Designers: Lorath Matriarchy, Lumuham Lrnec'Cdyn "Obelisk" Fyunnen Manufacturer: Lorath Matriarchy, United Manufacturing Cooperative, United Outer Colonies Production: Mass Production Fielded by: Lorath Matriarchy, United Outer Colonies Peacekeepers


Crew: Commander: 1 Command Staff: 3 Secondary Staff: Up to 6 Pilots: Up to 20 Crewmen: 30 2) Infantry And Reserve Pilots: 200 3) ARIA: Minimum of 1, 2 preferred Maximum Capacity: 300 sustainable, up to 600 for three days.


Length: 375 meters Width: 67.5 meters Height: 67 to 90 meters (Slope) Decks: 6 regular decks, one flight deck, one storage deck (4.75 meters regular decks (including maintenance shafts and utility layers), 22.5 meters for storage and flight decks)

Propulsion and Range

Hyperspace Fold Drive: .75 LY/Min Enhanced Subspace Wave Drive: 15,000c Wormhole Capacitor Drive: One wormhole every 15 minutes, up to 10 LY range Magneto-Plasma and Fusion Drives: .375c Gravitic Drive: .25c Range: The Raptor has a compliment of supplies which would be able to sustain the vessel's function for up to three years of continuous operation. Lifespan: Twenty years service duration is expected. Refit Cycle: Whenever new technology is available and the ship is available for maintenance.

Inside the Ship

Deck Layout (Major Locations)

Deck 1 Flight Deck, Vehicle Maintenance, Topside Turret Control, Escape Pods, Vehicle Weapon Armory
Deck 2 Crew Quarters, Recreation Room, Gym, Galley, Mess, Baths, Primary Latrine
Deck 3 Bridge, Wardroom, Primary Armory, Medical Bay, Stellar Cartography, Mid-Level Turret Control, Quartermaster Office
Deck 4 Engineering, Secondary Medical Bay, Laboratory, Nanoconstruction Bays, Utilities
Deck 5 Cryonic Storage Pods, Prisoner Storage, Secondary Quarters
Deck 6 Additional Vehicle Storage, Cargo and Supply Storage, Lower Turret Control, Escape Pods, Livestock Quarters

Compartments & Layout Information

Deck 1

Flight Deck

The flight deck of the Raptor-Class is designed to be utilized as a launching bay for power armor, fighters, and large scale mecha. The flight deck is often kept clear of personnel and is also kept clear of objects which may get in the way of vehicles launching or landing. Two grooves run along the deck of the flight deck, these grooves serve as guide rails for a pair of electromagnetic catapults. The flight deck is fifteen meters in height, and thirty meters in width. The dimensions of the flight deck allow for the launching of two Whirlwind or four Hawk Fighter Bomber at one time.

Along with the flight deck's launching features, the flight deck includes solid Duremium Alloy space doors, and multi-layered forcefields which protect the launch bay from the hazards of space or intruders.

Vehicle Maintenance & Loading Bay

Located forward of the flight deck, this fifteen meter tall, thirty meter wide, forty meter long room allows for the repair and resupply of small craft which are to be launched from the Raptor. This room is complimented with a wide range of tools, equipment, and load-bearing devices which aid in the repair of the ship's small craft. Additionally, this room is also forcefield protected in the event of catastrophic vehicle reactor failure.

Two sections of deck-plate actually serve as covers for the inter-deck vehicle lifting and moving system which the Raptor-Class utilizes to move vehicles from storage to the launch bay.

Topside Turret Control & Launch Control

Located to the right side of the flight deck, this room handles coordinating launch procedures for the flight deck, maintenance orders, and vehicle moving orders. Along with the vehicle related duties which are carried out in this room, this room serves as a control point for the top-side turrets which are often used as cover for craft which are to be launched.

This room requires security clearance to enter, and is protected by neural lock, pico-jelly key, biometric sensors, and a password system. These safeguards must be unlocked to allow an individual to enter the room. Alternatively, the lock system can be overridden from the bridge.

Pilot Ready-Room

This room is located adjacent to the right side of the flight deck. The pilot ready-room is a multi-section area which has showers, lockers, a light armory, a supply of common gear needed by pilots for missions, and a briefing area which would be used to brief pilots on mission objectives prior to deployment.

This room has several doors, four doors for exiting, four for entering. Doors which connect to the flight deck and are intended to grant pilots access to the room are designed in an airlock like manner, and include a wide variety of scanning and sterilization equipment. Doors which are intended to allow pilots to exit to the ship in proper are also designed in the same manner. The other doors however are a simple 'hatch' type of doorway which have been designed to deal with intense pressure shifts. One exit and one entrance also lead to the maintenance area.

Upper Escape Pods

The upper escape pods are located at the forward and rear top sections of the Raptor-Class. These escape pods are essentially converted Harbinger-Series Drop Pod. These pods can be accessed from the flight deck, maintenance area, and pilot ready room and adjoining passageways.

Vehicle Weapon Armory

The vehicle weapon armory is a storage area intended to house vehicle-based weapon systems such as the L-Mark-Two and other similar weapons. To conserve space, weapons stored in this room are in a partially disassembled state. To aid in assembly, and to prevent scalar damage, the vehicle weapon armory has its own gravity field generator system which can reduce or increase gravity as needed. This room also includes a nanoconstruction system and an antimatter shell filling tap.

This room requires security clearance to enter, and is protected by neural lock, pico-jelly key, biometric sensors, and a password system. These safeguards must be unlocked to allow an individual to enter the room. Alternatively, the lock system can be overridden from the bridge.

Along with the standard hatchway, this room includes a conveyor belt system which allows for ordinance and equipment to be quickly moved to the vehicle maintenance area.

Deck 2

Crew Quarters

The Raptor-Class' primary crew quarters are located on deck two and are a prominent feature upon the deck due to the space they consume. Each crew quarters is complimented with the following;

  • One pit-style bed capable of comfortably accommodating five individuals.
  • Two desks
  • Four sets of storage cabinets
  • Two communications and computer network terminals
  • Two pico-jelly dispenser nozzles
  • One refrigeration unit (small)

Additional amenities can be added to the room's design by the request of the occupants. Each room is capable of housing up to six individuals, yet often only five are assigned to a room at a time. There are ten of these rooms upon this deck.

Recreation Room

One of the most interesting rooms aboard the ship would be the recreation room. This room was requested specifically by Lumuham Lrnec'Cdyn "Obelisk" Fyunnen. The room's design incorporates soft paneled walls and ceiling which have been treated with an OLED material which allows for all the walls and the ceiling of the room to display a multitude of images. The floor of the room is composed of metallic pico-jelly which is capable of retracting into the walls.

The room's primary function is to be utilized as an art and entertainment room. The OLED walls are capable of being utilized as a canvas through the use of a computer-interface stylus. Visual and audio equipment have also been installed into the room which allows for the input and retrieval of data, thus allowing for visual and audio presentations to be developed, viewed, and manipulated in this room.

Beneath the retractable flooring a layer of high-nutrition soil has been installed which allows for this room to be utilized as a garden. The soil is tended to by an automated simulated sunlight source, nutrient injection tubes, and engineered waste disposal bacteria which remove dead foliage.

This room also includes a pair of pico-jelly dispensers and a low-clearance computer interface terminal.

Gym & Training Facilities

A vital part of the Lorath's culture involves the fitness of body along with mind, thus a vital component to any Lorath ship is a facility meant for the betterment of the soldier.

A portion of deck two has been dedicated to a multi-room training and exercise facility which provides the means for crew to go about physical training and the expansion of familiarity with aspects of their duty. The rooms in the gym and training area have been outfitted with neural interface components, OLED displays, volumetric displays, pico-jelly dispensers, and gravity control systems which allow for individuals to be fully immersed in a simulated training environment. Along with the rooms themselves, props can be provided to individuals to aid in training, such as simulated firearms which mimic actual firearm recoil and function to allow for crew to gain familiarity with weapons which may be deployed in combat.

Along with the complex training equipment, exercise equipment is also available to allow for physical training regimens to be carried out. There are four rooms in total available for use. Settled between these rooms is a training mat which also serves as a sparring arena. A Lorath First Aid Kit of the cabinet variety is mounted on the wall next to the entrance to the room.



The kitchen of the vessel is located adjacent to the mess hall. The kitchen primarily relies on a Emfratec "Galley Master". The kitchen also includes a stainless steel cooking surface/counter (Think sushi bar.), and an all-in-one blender, food processor, and rapid food dehydration unit.

Energy to Matter Device - Galley Edition

The galley includes an energy to matter converter designed to create organic compounds to be utilized in the organic tissue culture chamber. The energy to matter device also produces water for crew consumption.

Organic Tissue Culture Chamber

The Raptor's galley is complimented with a Organic Tissue Culture Technology

Small Organic Tissue Culture Unit

The smaller organic tissue culture unit is utilized for producing various organic compounds in small quantities, such as spices, sugars, and other such materials.

Emfratec Stove

The galley includes a 'Galley Master' variant of the Emfratec Stove.

Refrigeration Unit

The galley includes a walk-in refrigeration and freezing unit where Food can be stored for later usage. The walk-in unit also includes an emergency door-release on the inside.

Often a pair of pre-trained Helashio handle the serving and preparation of meals, these Helashio are trained in preparing traditional Lorath cuisine, and are often provided with comfortable quarters in the cargo section of the Raptor. (Additional note, workers aboard LSDF vessels are paid for their employment. So they are not slaves ^^; ).

In some cases, the galley is manned by Lorath crew. The galley requires at minimum two people to operate it for a standard size crew. Additional crew members can work the galley if food demands become critical.

Food Storage

The fresh Food supplies of the vessel are stored in the bottom cargo deck of the vessel, the food storage area includes a walk in freezer and refrigerator, and several large kegs used for storage of alcoholic beverages and other fluids intended for crew ingestion.


The mess area of the Raptor-Class is located adacent to the galley on deck two. The mess area is often complimented with a series of long tables with individual chairs lining the length of the table. The decks of the galley area are coated in magnetic reactive materials, chairs and tables have magnetic tips upon their legs to prevent the tables and chairs from leaving the deck in the event of gravity failure. A 'window' of sorts is located on the bulkhead which is adjacent to the galley, this window allows for serving staff to serve food to individuals through the window as they walk past.

Most Raptor-Class ships have a compliment of stainless steel eating wear, including plates, bowls, cups, and flatware.


The baths located on deck two are designed more for relaxation than function. The baths consist of four large tubs capable of accommodating ten individuals in each. Each bath is complimented with its own gravity control unit, a vacuum assisted drain, temperature control, and pressurized jets. The bath area also includes a small sauna chamber which is capable of accommodating five individuals at a time. Also included in the bath area is a washer-drier unit which is utilized to wash and dry towels after use. A series of cabinets have been included along the wall which are used to place towels, belongings, clothes, and other items during bathing.

Additional design features may be added by the discretion of the vessel commander.


The deck two showers have been designed to be a contrast to the recreational baths, the showers have been designed to be as efficient as possible in comparison to the luxury of the baths. The showering area is a large room which has twenty seperate stalls, each stall is complimented with an overhead, front, left side, right side, and floor mounted shower head. Temperature regulation is handled through the use of a dial upon the wall located at average Lorath eye level. Soap and skin conditioning chemicals are pre-added into the water which is sprayed from the shower heads.

After the showering process, the shower heads also double as air jets which utilize compressed warm air to dry the individual.

Primary Latrine

The primary latrine of the Raptor-Class is located on deck two near the shower and bath areas. The primary latrine has thirty toilets, twenty of which are located within stalls. Priority is given to individuals of higher rank for stall usage. Each toilet is complimented with a built in bidet. The toilets utilize a minimal water usage flushing system in combination with a low pressure vacuum which allows for waste to be pulled down the drain in the event of gravity failure.

A series of water taps are located along the wall along with a long sink which serves as drainage for all the taps along the wall. A self-cleaning revolving towel system is mounted near the doorway to the latrine.

Deck 3


The bridge of the Raptor-Class is located on deck three and is nestled within the middle of the ship. The bridge has been designed in this case to be the safest place aboard the vessel, while offering a high degree of access to adjacent sections. The bridge's standard layout consists of a six wall console and two stand-alone console configuration. Each console has its own operator seat, each seat is complimented with a neural interface system which allows for the operator to directly connect to the Raptor's systems. The command chair has a centralized location at the middle of the bridge.

The command chair has been constructed from solid duremium with a pico-jelly cushion system. A system has also been enclosed in the chair which allows for the chair to be rapidly converted into a cryonic storage pod, which would allow for a commander to preserve themselves in the event of a ship wide catastrophe. The command chair has been tested to be able to endure a ship-destroying power core melt-down.

Capitan's Office

The Capitan's office is located adjacent to the bridge, and the Capitan's Quarters. The Capitan's office has been designed to include a large desk, a chair, a couch, and a small galley. Additional features are added by the designation of the ship's commanding officer.

Capitan's Quarters

Much like the Capitan's office, the Capitan's quarters are located near the bridge. The Capitan's quarters have been outfitted with a doorway which leads to the galley section of the Capitan's office. The quarters are usually complimented with a bed, desk, table, communication terminal and computer interface, and a large storage area for personal belongings. Additional items can be added to the quarters at by the commanding officer.

A restroom area and bath can also be added at the commander's request.


The wardroom has been placed on deck three to easily facilitate the need for command staff to be able to meet and speak of mission related issues in an environment suited for presentation and discussion. The wardroom has been designed around a centralized table. The table placed aboard each Raptor is sized to allow for the proper seating of twelve individuals.

Built into the wardroom table is a pico-jelly based three dimensional model system, a volumetric display system, and twelve data access and input terminals. A small food preparation area has also been included in the wardroom, but has little more than a 'zapper' emfratec stove, a beverage maker, and a small refrigeration unit.

Primary Armory

The primary armory for the Raptor has been placed upon the third deck to allow for the rapid armament of command staff and key personnel in the event of a battle situation or prior to deployment. The primary armory has been designed to include its own forcefield projection system, gravity regulator, nerimium blast shutters, and a security system which utilizes a biometric scan, pico-jelly key, and password.

Due to the nature of the Lorath, each Raptor-Class is complimented with varying load outs due to command staff preference, however, the standard load out for each primary armory consists of the following;

Weapon Compliment

Contained inside of the heavy armory are the following:

Quartermaster Office

The ship’s quartermaster’s office is adjacent to the primary armory, the quartermaster’s office can be isolated from the surrounding areas by the use of it’s own environmental system along with a set of bridge and quartermaster controlled blast shutters, this is to allow for the isolation of the ship’s primary armory from intruders in case of boarding. Usually, the blast shutters are kept open, allowing for officers to pass through the quartermaster office, which stands between the corridor and the primary armory.

Additionally, the quartermaster's office includes a control system which is capable of instructing the other armories aboard the Raptor to enter a 'lock down' mode which prevents entry into the armory through the use of blast shutters.

Medical Bay

The medical bay located on deck three has been designated as the primary medical facility aboard the Raptor-Class. The medical bay includes ten Treatment and Examination Bed units and ten conventional beds which are kept in storage.

The equipment included in the medical bay is extensive, spanning well beyond mere first aid, yet including a Lorath First Aid Kit cabinet and a compliment of portable Peacekeeper Field First Aid Kit and Lorath First Aid Kit units. Along with the first aid supplies, the Raptor-Class includes a stationary nanomachine compound workstation and additional nanomachine programming and administering units. Also included in the medical bay's compliment is a full range of cybernetic component installation and maintenance tools and supplies which allow for the treatment of not only the biological, but also the mechanical.

To aid in sterilization, a feature has been included in the isolated life support of the medical bay which allows for a nanomachine mixture to be added into the atmosphere of the medical bay which sterilizes surfaces and aids in the suppression of harmful airborne pathogens. Additionally, when the medical bay is clear of crew, a low-intensity plasma wash can be activated which can cleanse the room of any pathogens which may be present. Also included in the medical bay is a pressurized alcohol wash system which can be used to clean surfaces and instruments.

Some of the more prominent items in the medical bay include organic pico-jelly dispenser taps, a compliment of the recently developed Osmotic Patch, and a storage area for Remote Medical Drones.

Of course, the medical bay also includes conventional medical technologies such as the every-day bandage and splint.

Stellar Cartography

The Raptor includes a stellar cartography room which has been designed to aid in the charting and analysis of astronomical phenomena, tactical analysis, and basic star mapping.

The stellar cartography room accomplishes it's task through the use of volumetric projectors, OLED screens, and zero-gravity fields in combination with pico-jelly three-dimensional models.

Stellar cartography can be used for the following:

  • Starship coordination and tracking
  • Astronomical body review and analysis
  • Star mapping
  • Astronomical phenomena observation
  • In-depth sensor analysis
  • Three-dimensional modeling and simulations

Mid-Level Turret Control

Deck three turret control serves as the primary control point for the Raptor's turrets and coordinates the turret control systems found on the Raptor's other decks. This turret control room allows for operators to handle target designation, target tracking, weapon loading, weapon discharge, weapon diagnostic, weapon repair, and weapon function.

The Mid-Level turret control room is protected by pico-jelly key, biometric scanning, password protection, and bridge confirmation of access. The room itself is kept protected through the use of duremium shutters with forcefield augmentation.

Deck 4


The most prominant feature of deck four is the engineering section. The engineering section consists of several rooms and work areas which house the Raptor's primary systems which include main power, propulsion systems, the MIKO, the primary ARIA interface, and coordinates the function of nearly every component of the ship.

The primary work area of the engineering section consists of a central control room which utilizes a series of specialized transparent duremium windows to provide safe visibility to all sections of the engineering section, in the event of an emergency, these windows can be covered through the use of forcefields and duremium shutters. Placed in the middle of the primary work area is an interface table which is approximately a meter in height, ten meters in length, and five in width. This interface table utilizes volumetric projections, pico-jelly assisted three-dimensional displays and interfaces, OLED screens, and customizable interfaces to allow for engineering crews to gain in-depth detailed information in relation to the function and status of the Raptor.

While the central engineering room is kept orderly at all times, the other portions of engineering may seem to be a quagmire of cables, coolant lines, data-cables, and other such components. However, while appearing 'gritty', the engineering section is a place of orderly chaos, where all components serve a purpose, even if they seem terribly disarranged.

Secondary Medical Bay

The secondary medical bay has been placed on deck four to allow for rapid access to medical treatment in the event of an emergency in the engineering section or laboratory. The secondary medical bay is complimented with a full range of equipment which is comparable to the primary medical bay, yet its compliment is numerically inferior due to having only three Treatment and Examination Bed units, and a quarter of the supplies which could be found in the primary medical bay.


The laboratory found on deck four has been designed to be a self-contained environment which is kept isolated from the rest of the Raptor through the use of airlocks, forcefields, and solid nerimum bulkheads.

The laboratory has been designed to include the full range of interface components which are available aboard the Raptor to aid in interface and data gathering. Due to the varying nature of the experiments which may be conducted within the laboratory, a definite listing can not be made in regard to the equipment present, and the equipment present varies depending on the mission profile of the Raptor, however, additional equipment can be fabricated at the nanoconstruction bay.

The laboratory also includes a specimen storage area which can double as prisoner storage.

Nanoconstruction Bay

The nanoconstruction bay found on deck four is a thirty five meter long and twenty meter wide room which is used for the production of equipment, weapons, supplies, and other items through the use of nanoconstruction drones which utilize precision controlled nanites to construct items from raw materials. Materials are provided through a controlled energy-to-matter reaction system which can produce raw materials from the power supplied by the Raptor's reactors. Due to the energy intensive process, unstable chemicals can not be manufactured within the nanoconstruction bay.

Utility System Rooms

Located adjacent to engineering, these rooms are utilized to house vital components such as waste disposal, material recycling, hazardous material treatment and disposal, power relay, cooling systems, data system relay, and other vital utilities which run throughout the Raptor. The conditions in each room vary depending on the task which is being carried out within the room.

Deck 5

Cryonic Storage Pod Chambers

Much like the Zahl-Class, the Raptor utilizes cryogenicly frozen supplimental soldiers and pilots to augment the ship's available combat force. An additional two-hundred individuals can be thawed from cryonic storage within one minute and fielded effectively in combat. An additional one-hundred pods have been added in this area to allow for the storage of additional individuals if required.

Prisoner Detention Area

The Raptor-Class includes a prisoner detention area which is capable of containing five conscious individuals, and twenty individuals in cryonic storage. Each prisoner detention cell consists of a nerimium box which is forcefield augmented. Each cell has its own waste management system, power supply, and life support system. Food is supplied through a dispenser tube which ejects a solid lump of nutritional supplement material. Nutritional needs can also be tended to through the use of airborne chemicals.

Secondary Quarters

The secondary quarters found on deck five have been included to grant a living space for individuals who have been thawed from cryonic storage, or space for additional passengers. The secondary living quarters have been designed in a spartan sense, utilizing single-person bunks much like the Zahl-Class crew quarters. Each crew quarters includes a wall mounted data access and input terminal, a wall retractable table/desk, and wall mounted cabinets. Each room is capable of supporting ten individuals. There are a total of twenty rooms.

Deck 6

Additional Vehicle Storage

Located in the bottom deck of the Raptor is an additional vehicle storage area. Vehicles such as shuttles and fighters are stored upon wall mounted or suspended racks where the vehicles are stacked as if being placed upon a shelf. AMX-102 WINTER units are also stored in much the same manner. Unassembled Whirlwind units are also stored upon this deck.

The vehicle storage area manages to rapidly load and unload vehicles through the use of a mechanical arm system which can quickly move a vehicle from storage to the lift-system which would be used to move the vehicle from the sixth deck to the first.

Cargo and Supply Storage

This section of the Raptor is dedicated to the storage of cargo, supplies, equipment and other similar items. Cargo, supplies, and other items are stored within UOC standardized containers when possible. The cargo section has been designed to include its own atmospheric control.

Much like the vehicle storage, a mechanical arm system is utilized in moving payloads within this area.

Lower Turret Control

The lower turret control room serves as the command and control location for the turrets located on the belly of the Raptor. Not only does this room coordinate command and control, but it also serves as a monitoring room to monitor weapon status.

Lower Escape Pods

Placed upon the sixth deck of the Raptor are a series of Harbinger-Series Drop Pod designed to be utilized as the escape pods for the lower decks. There are twenty-five pods in total upon the sixth deck.

A loading system has also been included which is capable of moving cryo-storage pods from the fifth-deck to the lower escape pods where a mechanical lifting system loads the cryonic pods upon the harbinger pods for ejection. The loading procedure requires one full minute to be completed.

Livestock Storage

A storage area has been included in the Raptor which allows for livestock to be stored and cared for. The livestock storage area includes a specialized vacuum assisted drainage system which aids in waste management, an automated washing system, and an automated feed delivery system which utilizes an organic-material culture unit to supply feed.

Up to three heads of Lor cattle can be stored in the livestock area.

Lower Hatchway

Located at the rear belly of the Raptor is a ramp-like hatchway which allows for the easy loading of cargo, or the rapid deployment of soldiers from the Raptor. The lower hatchway is defended by a pair of Compressed Packet Rifle dual-mounted turrets and a pair of FMS-1 Linear Rifle "Stalwart Special" tri-mounted turrets.

Multi-Deck Locations

First-Aid & Break Rooms

On each deck of the vessel, there are “Break Rooms”. These rooms are used as a first aid station, and as a place for crew members to seclude themselves if they require rest, or a moment of solitude.

Typical break rooms incorporate a single adjustable bed, able to be configured into a sitting, laying, and inclined position, a metal chair, a small desk, and a wall mounted first aid cabinet.

Small Arms Storage

There are several small arms storage rooms aboard the vessel. Pistols, rifles, and smaller crew served weapons are stored in these rooms. The weapons themselves are located inside of lockers that are sealed with a nerve impulse recognition lock. These locks operate on the principle of each individual’s brain wave pattern being different than any other individual’s; the mechanism is used by placing the user’s palm against a panel that reads nerve impulse patterns through the skin. These palm scan panels also perform a scan of the user’s palm print, pulse, blood pressure, and DNA.

If a high blood pressure is detected in a non-combat status situation, the lock mechanism will trigger a computer prompt for a PIN which can be input through a number pad located next to the lock.

Per Small Arms Storage

Inter-Deck Ladders

Several ladders are placed throughout the vessel; these ladders are used to move between the six crew habitable decks of the vessel. At each deck there are blast shutters placed at the opening to the deck. These blast shutters can be manually activated at the opening, or can be activated from the bridge’s security station. The blast shutters are also set to automatically seal off the deck when decompressions or explosions are detected. When sealed, these blast shutters can only be opened after entering an access code, and pumping a handle on the blast shutter three times to ensure that the blast shutter is not accidentally opened. Each blast shutter has a monitor device embedded in it that displays the temperature and air pressure on the other side of the shutter. To ease the movement of materials from one deck to another, a small motorized platform can be attached to the shaft’s ladder, allowing the shaft to be converted to a lift.

Internal Lift System

Three two-meter in diameter shafts have been placed inside of the Raptor. Two of these shafts are in a vertical arrangement, one is in a horizontal arrangement. Placed within these shafts are a pair of lift-pods. These pods utilize a series of rails and mechanical rollers to propel the pod and those who travel in it through the shaft system. This lift system allows for crew and small cargo to rapidly be moved between locations in the Raptor. Also placed in these shafts are small 'stop off' points which allow for a lift-pod to be moved out of the travel-area of the shaft which allows for a second pod to move past.

In each shaft there are also emergency ladders in the event of the pod-system being halted due to power failure. The shafts are also kept in a zero-gravity state to allow for easier travel, however the travel pods themselves are kept at 1g.

Vehicle Lift System

A twenty by ten meter shaft has been placed throughout the height of the Raptor, this shaft is utilized for the rapid moving of vehicles from the vehicle storage area to the flight deck. Hawk Fighter-Bombers and Whirlwind units are placed upon this lift in a vertical position which has allowed for the conservation of space for the shaft. To prevent damage to the vehicles due to orientation issues, a gravity plate has been included upon the lift platform which allows for objects placed upon the platform to be under the platform's gravitational effect, thus effectively causing what seems to be tilted sideways according to observation to actually be placed at a normal orientation.


The airlocks of the Raptor have been designed to be compatible with UOC standard airlock systems. The airlocks aboard the Raptor are located below the port and starboard flank gunports also known as deck three. Each airlock is defended by a Lorath Plasma Arc Disruptor strip. Airlocks are also constantly monitored and can be treated with a nanomachine bath to purge diseases from individuals boarding the Raptor.

When not in use, airlocks are concealed behind a layer of structural mesh.


Placed throughout the Raptor are a number of single-person restrooms which are designed for efficiency and not comfort. Each latrine utilizes a probe device or vacuum tube device to form a seal with the user's waste oriface and extract waste from the user. A sink has also been included for hygienic purposes.

Probe devices are kept clean through the use of a nanomachine wash and autoclave system.

Computer Access Rooms

On the first through fourth decks of the vessel, there are two computer access rooms on each deck intended for use by individuals whom require the capability to rapidly access and send data. Also these terminals can be used to program computer functions. These terminal rooms are sealed and require a crew member’s access code to enter. The terminals functions are limited depending on who is accessing the terminal. Only the ship’s commander can make any alterations to the computer’s normal operations.

Laundry Rooms

The ship’s laundry rooms are located on the second and fifth decks. The laundry rooms are equipped with basic washers and dryers, but also includes a clothing decontamination machine, intended to remove harmful materials from contaminated clothing.

The decontamination machine operates through the use of non-lethal radiation, high pressure steam, various cleaning solutions, and a soak in a NBC (Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical) neutralizing agent.

Utility & Maintenance Supply Rooms

Placed throughout the Raptor are a number of small rooms which could essentially be called 'Janitor Closets', each room is filled with various maintenance equipment and supplies which are relevant to the operations conducted in the area of the room. Due to the varying habits of maintenance personnel, its not possible to create a definitive list of what each room has at it's disposal.

Locker Rooms

The locker room consists of a dozen two meter by one half meter lockers which have a depth from opening to rear of one half meter. The locker room has a pair of benches used for comfort while removing or putting on clothes. Often the locker room is decorated by the pilots or soldiers who use the room often.

Decontamination Rooms

The decontamination and locker rooms are a pair of rooms which are separated by a stone thread mesh laminated high strength plastic wall. The decontamination room consists of a shower system which uses basic water, combined with a mixture of nanomachines designed to neutralize nuclear, biological, and chemical threats. The airlock which separates the two rooms also includes a sensor system that detects microbial threats, radiation, and harmful chemical compounds. Contaminated uniforms are placed into a sealed canister which can be taken to the decontamination machine in the laundry room. This canister can be placed into the machine and opened and processed inside of its durandium and lead airtight confines.

Waste Disposal Rooms

Located on each deck are several rooms dedicated to the disposal of materials. Each waste disposal room has a hatch which covers a waste disposal chute. Waste is placed into the chute, where it is routed to a plasma accelerator furnace where the waste is incinerated and converted into plasma energy.

Munition Construction Rooms

Located on deck one, deck three, and deck six are specialized nanoconstruction rooms which utilize energy-to-matter technology, nanoconstructors, antimatter fuel taps, and plasma fuel taps to construct and fuel munitions which are to be loaded into the various weapon systems of the Raptor. Each munition construction room also has a specialized mechanical conveyor system which moves the constructed munitions from the room to the weapon magazines.

The 'Half-Decks'

Maintenance Shafts

Located between each deck of the Raptor are one and a half meter tall maintenance shafts which house the various relays and lines which allow for the Raptor's utilities to be delivered to the various points of the ship. These shafts also provide access to the various components which allow the ship's functions to take place. Maintenance shafts are monitored by a complex series of motion, light, sound, quantum, and psionic sensors. Shafts are also kept secure through the use of plasma venting strips which can be utilized to clear shafts of undesirable occupants such as vermin or intruders.

Utility System Chambers

Located between decks are rooms which prove to be some of the most undesirable portions of the ship to ever be in. The utility system chambers house various components such as waste management relays, heating systems, cooling systems, power distribution systems, computer data relay systems, gravity regulator systems, and various other utilities. Often, these rooms smell terrible, are dangerously warm or bone-chillingly cold, dark, and noisy.

Emergency Supply Storage

Located on every deck no further than twenty-five meters apart are emergency supply storage rooms. Each storage room serves to supply emergency supplies such as first aid kits, M37/38 Environmental Battledress Uniform, rations, filled Lorath Standard Issue Canteen Kit units, medicines, and emergency maintenance supplies. Each storage room also houses an independently powered short-range communication device which allows for inter-deck communications to be maintained even in the event of a communication system failure.

The 'Nooks'

The nooks are small chambers between the primary decks of the Raptor-Class which have no assigned usage. These small chambers can be used for anything from storage to maintenance crew break rooms, the nooks also serve as an access point to the maintenance shafts, and as a bridge point between various points in the maintenance shaft system.

Ship Systems

Space Frame and Hull


The frame of the Raptor is made primarily of Duremium Alloy The use of Duremium was decided on the inherent strengths this most unusual or materials offers. The Frame has been augmented in design by using a truss reliant frame. This was chosen as a way to strengthen the overall frame design, and allow it to offer greater strength, and survivability of the frame in the event of major stress and or attack.


The Raptor utilizes a multi-layered hull, the reasons being to offer the greater protection against space borne nuisances, as well as attacks from hostiles.

Outer Hull

The outer most layer of the hull is composed of Structural Mesh, followed by the second layer, a layer of Type-A Structol with the last layer being composed of Duremium Alloy plate. This initial multi-layer offers a great defense against attack should the shields fail.

  • Outer Hull Feature: An additional feature of the outer hull includes a series of power taps which are placed in various locations throughout the hull to allow for exterior components to be plugged into the ship's power supply, or for vehicles to tap into the ship's power supply. When not in use, these power taps are sealed over by a layer of Structol.

Armor Rating: SP DR 20

Inner Hull

The Inner Hull is what protects the crew the most from radiation and so on. The Inner Hull also serves to act as the setting for a majority of the ships systems. The initial layer is composed of a boron carbide, backed, and reinforced with a layer of Structol A&B. The final layer is another of Duremium Alloy plating.


The Raptor uses the highly capable ARIA System as its primary computer for tactical with a series of Neural Processor Packs acting as secondary processors and data storage mediums. The MIKO Computer Suite and Scouting Module was also utilized in the Raptor's design to work in tandem with ARIA.


The Raptor has a full range of Communication Packages at its disposal.


The Raptor also has at its disposal a complete, and up to date set of Sensor Packages and sensors included with the MIKO Computer Suite and Scouting Module

Power Systems

To power the Raptor, High-Powered Anti-Matter, QNC and Energy to Matter systems were used to supply all of the ship's power requirements effectively, and efficiently. Also Included are a series of internal and external multi-compatible power taps.

Emergency Systems

Emergency Threat Containment Feature

Each section of the Raptor is able to be isolated from the rest of the vessel when proper authorization is given. This feature is intended to allow crew members to isolate themselves from potential threats which may come aboard during combat. The isolation feature utilizes internal forcefields, boron carbide/duremium blast shutters, and isolated environmental systems.

Internal Turret Systems

The Raptor includes internal turrets in corridors, airlocks, and vital control areas. Turrets are to be controlled from the bridge by command staff, or from engineering by individuals of sufficient rank. Turret controls require neural-scan, retinal scan, and fingerprint confirmation.

Internal turrets which are deployed vary between Power Armor Grade Combined Particle Cannon Technology, Quad mounted LSDF “Ek'yra” Railgun Service Rifle with 40mm grenade launcher, or duo-mounted LSDF “Hik'id” Plasma Assault Rifle and FMS-2 Plasma Thrower 'Stalwart Suppressor'.

Turret systems can also be designated to be operated by stable ARIA units.

Escape Systems

Harbinger-Series Drop Pod units have been included in the Raptor as one option of escape pod, there are enough harbinger pods 4) to facilitate 240 individuals. A pair of Journey-Class Shuttle units have been placed at the rear of deck three, and are designated as officer escape pods and other key staff.

Graviton Beam Projectors (8)

Capable of producing graviton beams and fields which can be used to tow other spacecraft or shuttles. The projector is ineffective against ships using gravitic shielding.

Placement: One bow side doral, one bow side port, one bow side starboard, one bow side ventral, and the same layout for the aft section.

Life Support Systems

The Raptor is equipped with temperature control, air pressure regulator, air recycling, water recycling, organic matter recomposition and recovery, and stasis condition activation device (Ship wide freezer). Each deck has their own environmental systems package, allowing for each deck to remain isolated from the other decks of the vessel. An additional feature of the environmental system is a system which allows the introduction of chemical compounds, medicines, and micro/nano machines into the air supply of the vessel, allowing for rapid response to the spread of disease through the ship, or other situations where an airborne solution would serve best. Included in the Raptor is a system which treats recycled atmosphere with a plasma-wash which removes contaminants such as biological agents, chemical contaminants, and nanomachines.


The Raptor's engine systems were specially designed for maximum performance and speed to allow the ship to get to Point A, to Point B in the best possible time allowed with current Lorath Propulsion Technologies.

The Raptor uses a high performance Magneto-Plasma/Fusion Drive for sublight propulsion. Also along with the Plasma/Fusion Drives is a Gravitic Drive system to allow the Raptor to be highly maneuverable, and able to dog fight with the best of them if need be.

A unique system was also added, giving the Raptor limited wormhole jump capabilities, this drive system was derived from the technical schematics of the |The Maras to allow the Raptor limited wormhole capabilities. Due to the design a wormhole may only be utilized once every fifteen minutes.

Conventional Faster-Then-Light is handled with the new, and improved Enhanced Subspace Wave Drive which manages it's 15,000c capability by utilizing a capacitor system which is utilized to augment the power delivered from the Raptor's generator system. Through the use of multiple capacitors working in a rotation, the Raptor is capable of maintaining it's speed.

A recent and allbet late addition to the design was a Onslaught Style Fold Drive

Psionic Scrambler

Interdiction Field

A interdiction field unit was also installed within the Raptor as a means of redundancy, this field has an effective 1 AU range with anything further having no effect. In the event of an enemy interdiction field, this system can also be used to counter it to a limited degree and offer limited conventional FTL capability.

Shield Systems

The Raptor-Class utilizes Lorath Shield System Technology, including plasma, magnetic, and gravitic shields. The shield generator units for the Raptor-Class are in a four-unit Regenerative Shield System configuration. These shields are also capable of utilizing the combined shield system for ten minutes every hour.

Damage Rating: SP 16

Shield Systems

One of the few technologies which the Lorath have been unable to improve upon.

Kinetic Energy Barrier

This shield system is a standard kinetic energy barrier projected by coils under the skin of the ship. This field is flooded with high energy particles that have a dual effect of providing a hard surface to stop incoming projectiles as well as destroying them with heat energy. Because of the location of the shield generators the field can be set to generate flush with the hull of the ship reducing the over all amount of power needed to run the field and lowering the total surface area of the field to increase its strength.

Radiation Nullification Field

This system deals with radiation and other harmful forces, keeping them out of the ship and allowing the crew to work safely in even the most harmful of natural space environments. This field is projected in a bubble around the ship and can be used to screen other craft as well.

Subspace Decay Field

This field deals with subspace weaponry, causing a rapid decay of subspace fields as they approach, forcing weapons that destroy subspace to loose their power and weapons that are encapsulated in subspace to loose their capabilities This field can also be expanded to disrupt the FTL abilities of other starships within a one AU radius of the starship. This field is precisely controlled by the ship’s computer so as not to interfere with its own actions by modulation where the field is projected and when it is activated.

Ablative Armor Projection System

The Raptor-Class is the first Lorath vessel to utilize the Ablative Armor Projection System. The Raptor is also equipped with a series of mounting ports for the created armor. The mounting ports also include an electromagnetic 'ram' which is utilized to eject the projected hull materials when they are not required anymore.

Electron Countermeasures

Thanks to the Lorath's affilation with the United Outer Colonies Peacekeeper forces and Shichou Yuriko, the designers of the Raptor have been able to obtain documentation on the Electron Countermeasure technology developed by the 5th Expeditionary Fleet. Through the use of the obtained documentation, the electron countermeasure system has been adapted for use aboard the Raptor and is primarily utilized to break up and neutralize positron packets which have been destabilized by the Raptor's subspace decay field.

Point Wormhole Defense System

During the battle which took place while the Lorath conducted their exodus from their homeworld, a battle within the battle took place as The Maras conducted its escape from the system. During their escape, they utilized a unique wormhole application which allowed for incoming weapons fire to be intercepted by precision projected wormholes which served to intercept incoming fire and redirect it to another point or at the enemy. This same system has been implemented aboard the Raptor and is capable of intercepting and redirecting incoming weapons fire up to thirty meters in diameter for ten seconds, or intercepting incoming weapons fire up to five meters in diameter for a minute. The system requires five minutes to recharge after use.

Pico-Jelly Circulation System

The Raptor utilizes a specialized system which pumps organic, plastic, and metallic pico-jelly throughout the interior of the ship and can even pump quantities to the exterior of the ship. The pico-jelly circulation system is utilized as a utility for crew use to create temporary equipment and other items, and can also be utilized as a repair tool which can be used to patch hull breaches or mend damaged utility relays. The pico-jelly circulation system also serves as means of providing intricate 3-D modeling in certain displays aboard the Raptor.

Nanomachine Production and Distribution System

A limited grade nanomachine production system has been included in the Raptor. This machine is capable of producing Lorath Medical Nanomachine Compounds and Lorath Assault and Recombination Nanoscopic Probes for a variety of uses. This distribution system is tied into environmental systems, waste utilities, and the medical rooms of the Raptor and provide a vital means of combating biological threats aboard the ship.

Gravity Regulator Systems

A series of gravity field regulator systems have been included in the Raptor. These gravity regulator systems provide the Raptor with artificial gravity and protection from scalar based weapon systems.

Troop Storage

Much like aboard the Zahl-Class cruiser, the Raptor utilizes a series of cryonic storage containers which allow for the ship to support a small standing military group which allows for the Raptor to combat sizable armed opposition or to replace fallen crew. The troop storage systems rely upon time-tested cryonic storage technology which has been refined in the recent years of Lorath development.

Airlock Systems

The airlocks of the Raptor have been designed to be compatible with UOC standard airlock systems. The airlocks aboard the Raptor are located below the port and starboard flank gunports. Each airlock is defended by a Lorath Plasma Arc Disruptor strip. Airlocks are also constantly monitored and can be treated with a nanomachine bath to purge diseases from individuals boarding the Raptor.

When not in use, airlocks are concealed behind a layer of structural mesh.

Forcefield Enhanced Blast Doors, Shutters, Doors, and Bulkheads

A design feature borrowed from Motoyoshi Fleet Yards, the forcefield assisted shutter technology utilizes a solid barricade consisting of a slab of duremium alloy. A forcefield is then projected over the slab which provides an increased degree of protection and survivability.

Blast doors, shutters, and doors which are protected can be disengaged through the use of a neural command override transmitted to the Raptor's computer, or can be disengaged from the bridge.

Landing Struts

Six mechanical struts can be deployed on the belly of the Raptor to aid in planetary landings. The struts are constructed much in the same manner as the legs of the Whirlwind yet are shorter, thicker, and utilize a rounded foot-pad.

Cargo Management System

On the sixth deck of the Raptor, a cargo management system has been implemented which utilizes a series of low-power gravitic projectors, deck-mounted conveyor belts, and mechanical lifting arms which can be utilized for the rapid loading and unloading of cargo. The cargo management system allows for cargo to be rapidly moved between the cargo area, vehicle storage area, livestock area, and the lower hatchway area.

Stealth Assist Systems

Unlike the majority of Lorath-made starships, the Raptor-Class has been designed to utilize a degree of stealth in its operations.

Exterior Projector System

The exterior of the Raptor includes a series of volumetric projectors which are capable of projecting false images over the exterior of the ship to confuse optical identification methods. Along with the volumetric projector, the hull of the Raptor has been treated with a radar absorbing material. An OLED material has also been included which can be utilized to project images upon the Raptor's surface.

Retractable Sitearium Sheet

A series of small ports upon the Raptor allow for a layer of sitearium to be deployed upon the hull of the Raptor. The sheet consists of a sitearium foil backed with a pico-jelly coating which is utilized to 'scoot' the foil layer over the exterior of the Raptor. Due to the fragile nature of the foil, it is not able to survive weapons fire of any kind or high-speed atmospheric maneuvers.

Cooling System

A series of tubes have been laid out beneath the hull-layer of the Raptor. A super-cooled fluid mixture is pumped through the tube system, the tubes serve to cool the Raptor's exterior and prevent the detection of the bleed-off of heat from the Raptor. The liquid is cooled through the use of a magnetic refrigeration process 5).

An additional measure to reduce the heat thrown off by the Raptor is the inclusion of a simple water circulation system around high-heat areas. Water heated by the cooling process is circulated to a simple electrical turbine system which utilizes the heated water as a steam power source.

Exhaust Masking

Due to the Lorath utilizing a magneto-plasmic reaction to propel their vessels, a strong heat signature is produced by the ship. To mask the heat trail produced by the propulsion system, a series of vents have been placed near the engines which eject a steady stream of super-cooled fluid which is sprayed into the ejected plasma from the engine. The resulting interaction rapidly cools the ejected plasma and results in the cooling material being rapidly turned into vapor which is indistinguishable from most ambient matter.

Electromagnetic Dampening

To assist in the prevention of the Raptor being detected through it's electromagnetic signature a series of systems have been implemented to absorb ambient EM.

Faraday cage

Bulkheads around systems which produce high levels of EM have been specially designed to function as a faraday cage which prevents the produced EM from being projected beyond the bounds of the surrounding bulkheads.

Plasma Insulation

Between the exterior and interior hull of the Raptor, a low-temperature plasma is circulated near high EM output areas of the ship to defect and absorb projected EM.

Gravity Field Masking

All objects produce a gravitational field, this is true also for starships. To prevent the Raptor from being detected by its own gravitational field, a gravitic projector system has been included on the Raptor which has been designed to balance the Raptor's gravitational 'footprint' to correspond with the surrounding gravitational environment. This system is unable to be utilized while the gravitic engine is in use or while gravitic shields are active.

Aether Dampening Field

Weapons Systems

  • Adjustable Pylon Mounted 200mm Subspace Assisted Railgun: 8, DR varies by ammunition
  • Adjustable Pylon Dual-Mounted L-Mark-Two Turrets: 2, DR varies by ammunition
  • Retractable M-Size Missile Launcher Racks: 4, two rear facing, two front facing, 50 missiles each rack, various DR
  • Flank Gunports, 6 L-Mark-Two, 16 turreted Compressed Packet Rifle, 4 S-Size Missile Launcher Racks (20 Missiles Each): 2, Tier 8 or Tier 9, Medium Anti-Mecha or Heavy Anti-Mecha (FIXME: Staff needs to determine which) for rifles, various DR on L-Mark-Two and Missiles

Vehicle Complement

Shuttles & Pods



Lorath Matriarchy - Gunship - Expeditionary Scout - 001
This role can be served by willing Helashio servants
Kept in cryogenic storage, can be filled in with Helashio

faction/lorath/starship/raptor-class.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/28 11:40 by wes