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Star Army is huge universe with over 600 unique places to visit, including star systems, planets, cities, military bases, shops, and many more locations. This page is the hub for finding them.

Note: Currently the staff is working on a vast quality update for all Star Army places, including using the new Places Template, which adds information about the local population, an automated list of characters in the location, RP Opportunities, and local rumors. If you'd like to help ith this, contact Wes on the forum.

List Filters

You can filter the list of places below by using these tag clouds to filter by faction or location type.

Places should be categorized by what they actually are, not what they happen to contain. For example, just because a planet or a military base has a restaurant, does not make those places a restaurant.

List of Places

This is a list of canon places in the Star Army universe. You can filter it using the search boxes at the top of each column.

Filtered by "Faction" equals "Yamatai Star Empire"

#Place ImagePagePlace CategoriesFactionParent PlaceRisk Level
1Bard Clusterregion, star clusterYamatai Star Empiresafe
2The Catchy CafecafeYamatai Star EmpireKyotosafe
3Central UesureyacityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
4Chen NebulanebulaYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sectorsafe
5Chisou NebulanebulaYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sectorsafe
6Campus BelmontresidenceYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
7Desperados RestaurantrestaurantYamatai Star EmpireUesureyan Fieldssafe
8Ecstatic PonybarYamatai Star EmpireLibra Star Fortresssafe
9Reikan Parkgovernment facility, parkYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
10Fujiko RegionregionYamatai Star EmpireSamurai Sectorlow
11FukuokacityYamatai Star EmpireFort Hankousafe
12GenseirincityYamatai Star EmpirePlanet Kotorisafe
13Great Southern NebulanebulaYamatai Star EmpireKikyo Sectorlow
14Hanako Military MuseummuseumYamatai Star EmpireKetsurui no Iorisafe
15HeavenscityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
16HellregionYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
17HimeshimacityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
18Hoshi no Iorispace stationYamatai Star EmpireYamatai Star Systemhigh
19Ice Queen Mountains Test Range Complexmilitary facilityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)moderate
20Imperial Archivesgovernment facilityYamatai Star EmpireKyotosafe
21ItadakicityYamatai Star EmpirePlanet Kotorisafe
22JoukaicityYamatai Star EmpireDaichisafe
23Kakushi NekobabarYamatai Star Empiresafe
24Keiyล CitycityYamatai Star EmpireShugosha Ilow
25Ketsurui Academygovernment facility, schoolYamatai Star EmpireKetsurui no Iorisafe
26Ketsurui no IoricityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
27Ketsurui Prisongovernment facility, prisonYamatai Star EmpireNew Vicky (UX-19)moderate
28Ketsurui Sanctuary PalaceresidenceYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
29KitanomarubusinessYamatai Star EmpireKyotosafe
30YC-04-Proclycon Systemstar systemYamatai Star Empirehigh
31Kyoto Academy for the ArtsschoolYamatai Star EmpireKyotosafe
32Kyoto Tower HotelhotelYamatai Star EmpireKyotosafe
33KyousoucityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
34MalifarcityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
35MasayumecityYamatai Star EmpireMinatosafe
36Mayame Officer Schoolmilitary facility, schoolYamatai Star EmpireFort Hankoulow
37MeicityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
38Satoh Doeringu (Satoh Apartments)residenceYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
39Miharu Shrinecemetery, park, place of worshipYamatai Star EmpireKyotosafe
40Nataliacity, military facilityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
41Nataria Cemeterycemetery, memorial, military facilityYamatai Star EmpireNatariasafe
42Tamahagane Corporation Citadel (Nejiro) Towerbuilding, businessYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
43IchidoucityYamatai Star EmpireMinatosafe
44NishitamacityYamatai Star EmpireJiyuu IIIsafe
45NorfrostregionYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
46Onigashima (Planet)planetYamatai Star Empiresafe
47Ouchi Memorialcemetery, memorialYamatai Star EmpirePlanet Kotorisafe
48Ouchi Prisonmilitary facility, prisonYamatai Star EmpirePlanet Kotorisafe
49Pagoda No UesureyacityYamatai Star EmpireYamatai (Planet)safe
50Port Dongfengspace stationYamatai Star EmpireTange Systemlow

places.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/28 09:01 by wes