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Amatsuotome Expeditionary Command Cruiser

The Amatsuotome Expeditionary Command Cruiser was designed in YE 34 to replace older flagship designs with a powerful ship that was capable of tending to its fleet without the need of a starbase. It was designed and built as a joint project between Origin Industries and Ketsurui Fleet Yards.

About the Ship

The Amatsuotome was originally conceived as a replacement for the Takumi-Class Expeditionary Command Cruiser, but it soon became more than a simple replacement. Drawing on resources from both KFY and Origin, the ship quickly evolved from a simple command ship to what was essentially a miniature starbase. The addition of an Ayame-like docking ring to what was turning into another forgettable battleship suddenly made the idea much more useable and capable in its role as a fleet's command vessel.

Key Features

The key, and most distinguishing feature of the Amatsuotome-class, is the large, circular docking ring around the rear third of the ship, which gives it the ability to tend and support a fleet without the need for a starbase in most situations.

Mission Specialization

  • Fleet command
  • Fleet support


The Amatsuotome looks like a pillar laid on its side, with a disc stuffed through the middle of it horizontally. Near the back is a large cluster of systems, including the four main thrusters. Attached to these thrusters via a system of supports and elevators is a vast docking ring which has 8 ship hangars and 8 large docking structures. The sides of the ship are covered in gimbal-mounted turrets, and there are numerous spikes and fins poking off the ship at different points.

History and Background

The Amatsuotome-class is based upon an older design that had never even made it to the prototype stage, due to Origin's shift of focus to smaller ship classes. However, in YE 34, the Star Army Fifth Fleet approached Origin with several proposals, ranging from simple weapons all the way up to a new ship class. The old design was dusted off, and brought back into the fold, where some of KFY's engineers suggested adding on to the design, and rearranging the layout. These suggestions were taken into consideration and eventually added in, creating what would become the Amatsuotome-class.

Statistics and Performance



  • Crew: 10,000
  • Maximum Capacity: There are accommodations for 12,000 crew, and 100,000 infantry. About 2 million people can fit aboard in an emergency, but the ship would be cramped.


  • Length: 2,000 meters
  • Width: 1,200 meters
  • Height: 1,200 meters
  • Crew Decks: 5

Propulsion and Range

  • Continuum Distortion Drive: 2.5 LY/hour
  • Hyperspace Fold Drive: .75 Ly/minute
  • Sublight Engines: .375c (~112,422 kilometers per second)
  • Range: Two years before resupply is needed
  • Lifespan: Indefinite
  • Refit Cycle: Indefinite

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

  • Hull: 50
  • Shields: 50 (Threshold 4)

Inside the Ship

Deck Layout

  1. Observation Deck (30m)
  2. Recreation deck/Crew Deck 1 (10m)
  3. Command/medical deck (10m)
  4. Crew deck 2 (10m)
  5. Crew Deck 3 (10m)

Compartment Layouts



Captain's Suite

Because of the size and volume of the Amatsuotome, it is very luxurious inside. Intended as a fleet's flagship, it contains quarters for both the Admiral and the Captain

Cargo Storage Areas

The Main cargo area of the Amatsuotome is located in the belly of the ship, accessed on either side by the massive forward-facing hangar openings beneath the central disc. The Cargo bay is 350x800x100 meters

Standard Star Army Cargo Area

Living and dining areas

The Amatsuotome has several kinds of crew cabins, for enlisted, officers, and, essential for ground operations, barracks for Infantry. Decks four and five are entirely devoted to housing infantry, while Deck two contains a ring of crew cabins around the recreation areas. Spread about each of the crew decks are a number of accommodations, including dining areas.

Crew Recreation

Observation Deck

The Observation deck is, essentially, three things. A park, a mall, and an observation deck, being covered with a 100m x 50m transparent Zesuaium bubble. It is part of the recreation available for the Amatsuotome, though naturally it is evacuated in the case of a battle.

  • Park: The central floor of the observation deck contains a large park, roughly 500 meters long by 200 meters wide. The park contains a multitude of flora, including trees, grasses, flowers, and bushes, along with a number of gravel paths, paved walks, and several ponds with fountains. The park also contains the fauna necessary to make the park a working, self-sustained Ecosystem.
  • Mall: The mall rings the park, and consists of three concourses, one atop the other, each with shops contained within. Clothing stores, restaurants, department stores, athletic stores, and the like all exist here, as well as, naturally, an Origin outlet. While on longer missions, the inventory of these stores may be fixed, but during shorter missions and periods of inactivity, the stores usually have up-to-date inventories of the latest fashions, dishes, and other goods and services.
  • Observation deck: A floating, transparent concourse is suspended from the third concourse, and leads forward to the Observation bubble, allowing crew members to observe the views out in space, or towards whatever celestial body the ship happens to be pointed.


The Amatsuotome's engineering main space is sandwiched between the cargo bay and the massive hydrogen tanks which power the ship. This main space has passageways leading from it to each of the four enormous fusion power-plants, to all the weapons systems, and to the computer cores. There are also a number of damage control stations spread about the ship.

Maintenance Conduits

The Amatsuotome has a hybrid of KFY and Origin-style maintenance conduits; the conduits are the larger, 1m square Origin-style conduits, which have gratings covering the systems to keep them in place and protect the engineers, but they also, like the KFY-style tubular conduits, now have padded floors and ceilings, with bulkheads every 10 meters, and strapping to aide movement in low-gravity conditions.

Medical Center

The Amatsuotome's main medical center is a Star Army Standard Hospital Center, located centrally in the ship. Supplementing this hospital center are ten Sakura-type Medical laboratories, increasing the capacity of the ship's medical capabilities, and shortening the distance between an injury and its treatment.


  • Standard Passageways: Most passages in the Amatsuotome are of this type.
  • Palace-Style Passageways: The Command deck features this style of passageways.
  • Standard Lifts: Standard lifts allow easy access between decks. There are about 250 of these, spread about the ship. Also, four standard lifts exist within each of the six supports linking the docking ring to the main hull.
  • Cargo Lifts: There are cargo lifts which lift bulk supplies from the cargo bay to the docking ring, via the six supports that connect the ring to the main hull.
  • Standard Star Army Airlock: There are numerous small airlocks placed around the ship to allow passage from the inside to the outside, and vice versa.

High-speed Transit system

A system of small tram cars which run on lines traversing either side of each of the inhabited decks, except for the Observation deck.

  • Tram Cars: The tram cars measure roughly three meters wide, three meters tall, and eight meters long. they can carry 50 people comfortably, though up to 150 people can cram into them at a time. Each tram is made up of four connected cars.
  • Tram stops: Each Tram stop is composed of two platforms, one on either side of the tram, which allows the loading and unloading of passengers. Tram stops are supplied with benches, wastebaskets, and a tram schedule, as well as having the designation of the stop clearly marked. The Tram stations also have several foot bridges allowing people to travel from one side of the stop to the other without being hindered by the trams.
  • Tram Lines: The Tram lines are monorail magnetic-levitation lines, and mostly run in tunnels within the ship, except for when they reach a tram stop. These tunnels traverse either side of each deck, and run directly above/below one another. Each tram line actually has two monorail lines, one going in either direction. They are connected to maintenance tunnels, allowing maintenance to be performed on the lines.
  • Tram Hub: At either end of the tram lines, there is a tram hub, which is where unused trams, or trams in need of maintenance are stored. The hubs each have a tram lift, which allows trams to be transferred from deck to deck as needed.

Power Armor Bays

  • Standard Star Army Power Armor Bay: There are a thousand of these bays, five hundred on either side of the ship. They are accessible from the inside by passages connected to the Infantry decks. these passages have numerous bulkheads to prevent intrusion from the outside. The Armor bay doors are capable of allowing shuttles to dock and load infantry.

Hangar Bays

There are three types of Hangar bays on the Amatsuotome; Standard hangars, housed in the main hull, and support hangars, housed in the docking ring. Both of these types hangars can internally micromanage the level of gravity, allowing easier lifting of heavy objects, or allowing people to comfortably work in normal gravity. They all also contain all the necessary tools and equipment to repair and maintain starships. On top of this, there are numerous shuttle bays.

  • Standard hangars: There are two of these, in the main hull of the Amatsuotome. They are approximately 600 meters long, shaped like a half-circle, and are 300m wide at their widest point. There is a recessed docking area within, which allows the docking of nine Courier-class cargo craft within the bay, as well as room on the ground to land a tenth. This gives the Amatsuotome a total capacity of 20 of these or similarly sized ships. This hangar also has enough room on the main deck to accommodate several hundred shuttles in addition to what the shuttle bays can handle.
    • Support Hangars: There are eight of these, arrayed around the Docking ring. Each bay is 200 meters long, and 100 meters wide, and 50 meters tall. They have doors at either end, allowing ships longer than 200 meters to dock within them, though part of the ship would be sticking out.

Construction Bays

The Amatsuotome has two construction bays, which are capable of building starships. 600 meters long, and 300 meters at their widest point, these semi-circle bays can create most ships of the Plumeria-class and smaller. The top of the bay is normally covered, but can retract to allow constructed ships to deploy. Only one type of ship may be built at a time.

Docking Points

The Amatsuotome's docking ring contains eight docking points, allowing for larger ships, such as the Sharie-class, to dock with the Amatsuotome, for the transfer of supplies and personnel. These tunnels can be extended to fit different ship classes, and the gravity within can be controlled in order to easily facilitate the passage of personnel and goods between the craft.

Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

The Amatsuotome's superstructure is composed of three main parts. The innermost part is a fine Zesuaium latticework, providing the backbone for the ship, creating a rigid structure onto which everything else is mounted. The middle layer is composed of ten meters of Yamataium, making up the bulk of the ship's physical defenses. Encasing the entire ship is a third layer of armoring, made from five meters of Endurium, which adds another layer of defense to keep the internals of the ship safe.

Computers and Electronics

The Amatsuotome is an odd ship in that it has two computer cores, of different design and manufacture, which work in unison (usually) and account for one another's weaknesses, making an overall more effective system.

  • MEGAMI: The Megami performs most of the tactical, battle-related functions that the ship requires, as well as makes up the primary form of sensors and communications used by the Amatsuotome class.
  • Destiny KING suite: The Origin Destiny KING system performs most of the administrative functions on board the ship, taking priority on the daily running of the systems and personnel, as well as fleet management duties. Its sensors and communications are secondary, used mainly as a backup system in case the Primary MEGAMI systems become damaged or otherwise inoperable.

Life Support Systems

Matter Collection System

The Amatsuotome has a Matter Collection System, allowing it to take in resources from space, usually by flying through Nebulae. As opposed to simply using the four relatively small opening located at the front of each of the massive fusion engines, the Amatsuotome's MCS can project larger virtual 'scoops' using the shield system, to increase the area from which the ship can collect matter.


The ship has three methods of Propulsion, for various conditions.

  • Heavy Fusion Thrusters: Four absolutely massive fusion thrusters draw from an equally massive fuel tank, providing the ship with propulsion in just about any condition.
  • Hyperspace Fold: a Hyperspace fold drive allows the rapid travel between systems. This Fold Drive is capable of carrying the ship itself, as well as all docked ships, and about ten other escort sized ships along with it.

Power Generation

The Amatsuotome has two main types of power generation: Aether, and Fusion.

  • Aether: Mainly used to power the Aetheric weapons systems, the Aether generators can also be used to create fuel for the fusion engines via energy to matter conversion.
  • Fusion: The main source of power for the Amatsuotome, the Fusion thrusters are connected to large fusion power generators, which power the systems of the ship, even when Aether cannot be used.

Shield Systems

The Amatsuotome carries four kinds of shielding. The shields generators are buried in the hull of the ship, with four large shield deflectors built onto the hull, arranged around the middle of the ship.

Combined Field System

Electromagnetic shielding

Electromagnetic shields: The shield creates a bubble which encompasses the entire ship. Combined threshold 4

Gravitic shielding

Gravitic shielding: This creates a shield bubble that encompasses the entire ship. Combined threshold 4

Navigational shielding protects the ship against navigational hazards, and allows the ship to run with a smaller sensor signature. This shielding system, however, does not help much against weapons. Threshold 1 (non-stacking)

Weapons Systems

Vehicle Complement


The Amatsuotome's cavernous hangars in the main hull allow for even full-sized starships to dock internally. While it is capable of being reconfigured, the standard configuration of the Amatsuotome has docking spaces for 20 Courier freighters, ten in either of the two hangars.


The Amatsuotome can support about 1000 shuttles at any given time. Typically they are Kuma T8 shuttles.


The Amatsuotome has two main fighter types on board, one for space combat, and one for general purpose and defensive work.

Power Armor

The Amatsuotome carries two types of Power Armor, the ubiquitous Mindy for space operations, and the sturdier Daisy for ground operations. As most space-borne combat is handled by fighters, the number of Mindy armors is much smaller than the number of Daisy Armors.

OOC Notes

Star Army Logistics
Supply ClassificationClass A - STARSHIPS
First UsedYE 34
Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesstarships
Product NameAmatsuotome Expeditionary Command Cruiser
ManufacturerOrigin Industries
in 28 dual-linked ball turrets

stararmy/starship_classes/amatsuotome_expeditionary_command_cruiser.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:02 (external edit)