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Kyūen School (Combat Search and Rescue School)

In the years leading up to the formal creation of Star Army Special Operations in YE 43, members of select Combat Search and Rescue units (Known as “Rescue Jumpers”) were sent to the Star Army School of Advanced Infantry Combat to learn and then disseminate advanced infantry tactics and mindsets to their fellow troops. After the official inclusion of the CSAR MOS into SASO as part of their “Spear’s Tip” Echelon, it was decided that a more formalized training and selection process was required. SASO in conjunction with Star Army Medical Administration designed a training program to create soldiers capable of providing advanced medical support to tip of the spear units and finding missing personnel in the most hostile of environments. Graduates are awarded a pin sporting three botan (peonies) over a EMS green diamond. Soldiers who were part of CSAR units before YE 43 were grandfathered in and granted the right to wear the peonies even if they had already earned the Giretsu sakura blossoms.

The Training:

The program is broken up into four legs. The first and final legs: Rescue Jumper Selection and Operational training were initially both held at Fort Ingestrie on Tatiana. This allowed them to share instructors and facilities with Giretsu School. After Giretsu school was reorganized to have a less centralized training structure in YE 44 the first and fourth legs were moved to Fort Hikari on Virginia. The technical legs: Advanced Medical Training and EMS/SAR School are usually held at Star Army Academy on Yamatai (Planet), but Trainees might be ordered to report to any ship or instillation hosting basic medical or EMS courses depending on availability. Since the reorganization, more classes are held at Ft. Hikari.

  • Rescue Jumper Selection (8 weeks/1.6 Months)
    • Based off of Giretsu training. Designed to weed out soldiers who can’t make the cut and to instill mindsets and skills needed to survive as a Rescue Jumper. Graduates of this program are awarded an Safety Green diamond pin without flowers. Each leg of training earns the trainee a single flower.
  • Advanced Medical Training (9 Months)
    • The Trainee is now sent to Star Army Medical training. If they are already medically qualified, they can skip this part of the training. Medical Officers are encouraged to take trauma medicine refresher courses. During technical legs of Kyūen school, trainees are expected to keep up their physical fitness to SASO standards.
  • EMS/SAR School (4 Months)
    • The trainee is enrolled in training with the Star Army Emergency Services with a focus in Search and Rescue. Like Advanced Medical training trainees who were previously EMS trained can skip this leg.
  • Operational Training (1.6 months)
    • The trainee begins the final leg of training where they put all their newly acquired skills together and carry out a string of simulated rescue missions in simulated combat zones. This concludes with a graduation ceremony where the new Rescue Jumpers are given a pin sporting the customary SASO triple flower emblem. Theirs is three peonies mounted to a Safety Green diamond, often called flowers on a field of green.

While Star Army Personnel Command attempts to prioritize SASO trainees for placement in classes, trainees might not immediately be placed in the next leg of their training. In these cases, trainees often use any accrued leave while waiting for the next leg of training, or act as teaching assistants to the cadre at their last training leg. EMS/SAR School and Advanced Medical Training can be attended in any order as determined by availability. Assuming no delays, Kyūen school takes 16.2 months or nearly two years to complete.


Application to the Kyūen school is done in one of three ways: Infantry just out of basic training can opt in to try their hand at the program; existing soldiers can volunteer of their own free will to strike for it; or a soldier's commanding officer can 'recommend' them for the program.

During their training all attendees are referred to as Kenshūsei or Trainee regardless of what rank they may have had prior. Trainees are not even allowed to wear their ranks. The only seniority that matters is the number of peonies a trainee has earned. All trainees are automatically placed on the Yamatai Prestige System for the duration of their training.


Graduates of the School typically receive a promotion to a minimum rank of Ittô Hei, or a one rank promotion for officers. Generally, new RJs report to dedicated CSAR units such as the 171st Combat Rescue Squadron, but they can also find themselves assigned as SOFT medics or serving in mixed special taskforces.

Wash Out

Any soldier who fails to graduate has two options. They can attempt to retake the course, or they can be returned to general service with no penalty.

Note: Those without a Star Army Enlistment Contract cannot join the Star Army or be trained.

Skills Taught

In addition to the Star Army Common Skills, an Rescue Jumper's skills may vary based on their proficiencies.

Here is a list of additional skill areas an infantry person may have:

  • Knowledge (Search and Rescue)
    • A Rescue Jumper is first and foremost a search and rescue specialist. They are trained to observe clues left behind to track lost people. They are skilled at effectively finding and rescuing people in various types of planetary environments such as deep forests, mountain trails, lakeshores or even ruin ships or space stations. They must even be able to perform their duties in inhospitable locations or low to zero-g environments. All Rescue Jumpers receive Hazardous Materials training: how to deal with chemical leaks, certain biohazards, and more.
  • Knowledge (Medical)
    • Graduates of the Kyūen school are familiar with standard emergency medical procedures, including first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). They are trained to efficiently deliver a (7-Line) Request For Medical Assistance and soberly perform Triage according to Star Army regulations. Note: Rescue Jumpers often operate by a Triage Rule-Zero. Prioritize mission critical personnel first. On a spaceship, prioritize personnel who keep the ship moving. Save a helmsman before saving a Taisho because a rudderless ship means a dead helmsman and a dead Taisho. Rescue jumpers are expected to be able to carry out these tasks under stressful conditions or with minimal facilities. Additionally a Rescue Jumper should be able to respond to emergency communications, assess patients and provide emergency treatments, dress wounds, provide continued care in the field, and safely transport patients.
  • Fighting
    • Graduates of the school are trained in a variety of combat methods above and beyond the standard SAoY Basic training, including: hand to hand fighting inspired by Martial Arts of Yamatai; the ability to consistently and accurately place shots using all of a Power Armor's weapons; proper swordsmanship and knife fighting; and the proper use of a shield.
  • Survival & Military
    • Graduates of the Kyūen school have all received extensive training in wilderness survival and stealth, escape and evasion of a superior enemy force during combat operations, and proper commando and stay-behind operations.
  • Physical
    • The school has trained all who graduate it about the abilities of the body, and worked to help them break down any mental barriers they have against using their body's abilities to the maximum capacity.
  • Maintenance & Repair
    • All CSARS graduates are capable of performing repairs on their weapons and armors, both in the field and in proper facilities.
  • Leadership
    • The Kyūen school trains officers and officer candidates who attend in proper small-unit leadership and tactics, with an obvious emphasis on operating in unusual situations or direct assaults and to coordinate complex medical evacuations. Medical officers who complete the program are trained to run field hospitals in austere conditions.

A new Rescue Jumper has around four of the above, while more advanced characters will have more. A graduate must at least have Knowledge (Medical) and Knowledge (Search and Rescue). There are other possibilities for skills depending on your character's history and interests.

Rescue Jumpers are expected to continue their education throughout their careers. A Rescue Jumper should look for opportunities to improve the above listed skills or cross train with other units to learn skills such as demolition, advanced marksmanship, land vehicle operations, or more individualized skills such as rogue help prepare themselves for irregular warfare.

Issued Inventory

Trainees receive a subset of the Star Army Standard Issue Items. The following is the Trainee issue:

Trainee Issue


During the rare times a full Rescue Jumper finds themselves in Class As or Class Bs they wear EMS Green chest panels however, officers who hold medical degrees are permitted to wear Medical Teal. All RJs can and often do choose to wear their Medic Diamonds. The flower of the RJ is the Peony which symbolizes good fortune, bravery, and honor. RJs often get bright, intricate tattoos that prominently include the flower.

Notable Cadre

Name Specialization School
Rohan Saphura Shoi Rikugun Search and Rescue Operative EMS/SAR School

OOC Notes

Locked 0ut created this article on 2022/09/16 12:47.

Approved by Wes here.

stararmy/training/kyuen_school_combat_search_and_rescue_school.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/18 07:25 by