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Ninth Fleet

The Ninth Standard Fleet of the Star Army of Yamatai was created in late YE 30 and is commanded by Taisho suigetsu_kyoku. It consists of 264 starships and is currently managed by ametheliana.


The Ninth Standard Fleet is designed to specialize in flexible, reactionary engagements, in addition to having a significant intelligence and reconnaissance capability. Because of this, the Ninth is both an ideal counter-insurgent and raiding force. Hokusai-Taisho made sure that SAINT personnel and ships were more integrated into normal fleet operations than recent history had proven them to be, and operations within the Ninth are routinely performed as shared tasks between the regular Star Army and their SAINT counterparts. Although it has units specializing in planetary subjugation, because the fleet is one of the new, small YE 30-era fleets, it is incapable of fighting a drawn-out campaign spanning more than a few worlds.

In YE 34, the fleet was restructured under Taisho Hokusai Akiyo to bolster the patrol forces in the galactic north of Yamatai. Transferred were 10 Irim-class heavy gunships, 10 Plumeria-class light gunships and 80 Yuuko-class gunboats. Replacing them are 20 Urufu-class light cruisers and 80 Chiaki-class escort destroyers. As well, three Heitan-class carriers were brought in, while three Odori-class freighters were removed.

In YE 36, the 9th fleet welcomed its newest commander yukiharo_kinsaka, Kinsaka choose to reassign the fleets current operations to the galactic south west, in addition to its original mission the Taisho added a new mission to the fleets operations which consisted of it going after worlds once taken by the NMX and then freeing those worlds. Because of this, 10 Urufu, 12 Plumeria, 2 Nibasha, and 1 Super Eikan were added to the fleet and two new groups were formed. However, although its AO has changed, this change is one that'll be slowly put into effect.

During this year the 9th's newest commander authorized the construction of a new headquarters on a different part of as a headquarters expansion Tami's surface, picking a location of canyons and mountains that would make attacking by ground a rather dangerous task. The canyons were chosen due to their width, allowing most kinds of small ships such as the Plumeria and Urufu to easily pass through and into the ninth's newly constructed hanger bays. Hangars were built into the sides of mountains to allow for much larger ships. Kinsaka also authorized the construction of an orbital station to house the 9th's much larger ships in YE 36.

At the start of YE 37, the 9th Fleet reorganized its forces and took the Odori class of freighters out of service and replaced them with the Nibasha.

In the middle of YE 39, Taisho suigetsu_kyoku took command of the Ninth Fleet. She moved the fleet's strategic initiative to the far galactic NorthWest in YE 40, where the YSS Hana had discovered an Elefirn installation in YE 39.

Legions and the Ninth

Although the Star Army began forming its ground forces into Legions in YE 32, the Ninth Fleet made a strategic decision to retain its two Subjugation Groups as a naval infantry/marine formation. The fleet's 8,000 soldiers are veterans of the Second Mishhuvurthyar War and many weathered the occupation of Tami, fighting an insurgency there. Unlike the Legions, the Ninth's mandate does not include using its infantry as an occupying force. Rather, they are used for invasion and shipboard combat operations.

Roster (by ship type)

9th SF Units

Under Construction

Additional Resources

stararmy/fleets/ninth_fleet.1568469171.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:18 (external edit)