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Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Standard Housekeeping Lockers
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45

Kuvexian Hybrid

A hybridization between the Kuvexian and Human genotypes, Kuvexian Hybrids are synthetic, chimeric clones that exhibit a phenotype that is an amalgamated intermediate of the two. They were created to more easily blend in with the native inhabitants of the Kikyo Sector. As of YE 43, all Kuvexian Hybrids have been created in Kuvexian synthesis tubes by Quallox Vaibal.

In Kuvexian, they are known as Aealim1), which translates roughly into Trade as 'half-children'. It is a neologism in their language, and was not extant before their creation.


Since the very first contact with the Yamatai Star Empire in YE 37, the xenobiologists and geneticists of the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia had been curious about the natives of the Kikyo Sector. The Kuvexians possessed highly advanced biotech, and the more or less total lack of bioethics in the Kingdom let their scientists indulge their curiosity on any samples they could get.

The abundance of humans and human variants througout Kuvexian space meant the species and close relatives were very familiar to Kuvexian science. Possessing very similar synthesis tubes to that used by Yamatai2), as well as Soul Transfer technology, it was not difficult for Quallox Vaibal to reconcile the two similar technologies to facilitate the construction of hybrid species once they had a captured, working example to compare.

In YE 40, when the plan to develop a neutral buffer zone was developed as a contingency for the Kuvexian War, the idea of a hybrid species between the Kuvexians and Human-like inhabitants of the Kikyo Sector was formed shortly thereafter. The idea was that such hybrid beings could more freely cross the boundaries between the nations and reduce customer apprehension about dealing with Kuvexians. The plan bore fruit in YE 42, and the Quallox Vaibal corporation began mass producing them to populate its border settlements, primarily the neutral trade port of Sood Zadra.


Kuvexian Hybrid physiology is, as expected, mammalian and intermediate between Kuvexian and Human. They lack the secondary ears of a Kuvexian, so their three-dimensional positioning and ability to discern the source of a sound from its echo is not quite as sensitive as in a baseline Kuvexian. However the proportionally-large size of their ears gives them acute, unidirectional hearing comparable to an Elf, or a Nekovalkyrja or Minkan with elf-style ears.

The hybridization process stressed picking the best from each donor species, and in terms of speed, reflexes, flexibility and endurance, the Kuvexian side won out, as well as the better baseline low-light vision as their large eyes suggest. They also have suction pads on their hands and feet, though they are much less pronounced than those of a true Kuvexian. From the Human side came more robust, stronger builds and better tolerance of colder temperatures, as well as a better propensity and capacity for empathy and cooperation (though they're usually raised in an environment that doesn't necessarily reinforce prosocial behavior). Each of the others' respective susceptibilities to disease and genetic disorders was carefully purged from the unified genome.

Kuvexian Hybrids are roughly the same height as a Human, but somewhat more gracile in build, often accurately described as lanky or willowy. They have typically dark hair, usually black, dark brown, dark blue, or deep purple, and their eye color encompasses the Human gamut as well as the yellow tones typical of a Kuvexian. Their skin tends to have a bluish tone, but less saturated and warmer than that of a Kuvexian. Kuvexian Hybrid blood is, as is that of a Kuvexian, purple in color.

Engineered to have a Digital Mind like that of a Nekovalkyrja or Minkan, rather than the fully analog-organic mind of a baseline Human, Kuvexian Hybrids are easily transferred and resleeved using either Yamataian Soul Transfer, or its Kuvexian equivalent. They are also created with a neural interface system that is compatible with both SPINE along with its civilian equivalents such as SQUID, as well as Ejes Virein Tasu, the Kuvexian equivalent.

Interestingly, due to the specifics of the process, Aealim are always created in pairs that have the characteristics of sesquizygotic twins.

Kuvexian Hybrid Abilities

Further modifications grown inside Kuxvexian Hybrids as they develop have given them abilities roughly equivalent to that of Nekovalkyrja for military Hybrids, which may be downgraded by Quallox Vaibal to match the civilian level, more or less like those of a Minkan.


As the Kuvexian and Human species have similar foraging, omnivorous frugivorous ancestry in their respective evolutionary trees, Kuvexian Hybrids are unsurprisingly similar to both in their wide-ranging diets.


Kuvexian Hybrids are found anywhere that is amenable to humanoid life. Thanks to their Human genes, they are more tolerant of cold temperatures than a Kuvexian.

Life Cycle

The lifespan of a Kuvexian Hybrid, given their improved potential and genetic optimizations, is somewhat greater than that of a baseline Human or Kuvexian, and more in line with a Minkan or Nekovalkyrja. They are typically grown rapidly, like the latter, but may be induced to develop more slowly like a Minkan.


Kuvexian Hybrids, too young and too purposed a species to have developed their own culture, participate in that culture in which they live. Designed to bridge the gap between Kikyล natives and Kuvexians, they live in places where the two cultures meet and mingle, and thus often exhibit a blended baseline culture. Ambitious, intelligent, and more than a little libertine, the average Kuvexian Hybrid is very cosmopolitan and open to new experiences and integrating the cultural practices of others.


Kuvexian Hybrids borrow and mix freely from Kuvexian, Yamataian, and Nepleslian styles. They often share the Kuvexian predilection of dressing to impress via conspicuous displays of wealth.


As most Hybrids inhabit areas of cultural overlap, they are comfortable with the Yamataian-ized Kuvexian cuisine developing in the border areas. They also tend to be rather fond of indulging in Nepleslian Food as well.


Kuvexian Hybrids speak the languages of the culture in which they live. Most are native Kuvexian speakers and bilingual in Trade, and fluency in Yamataigo is not uncommon.


Kuvexian Hybrids tend to have a Kuvexian name, and a Yamataian or Nepleslian alias, very often presenting a Kuvexian family name and a given one in Yamataigo or Trade.


Kuvexian Hybrids are, by their nature, not beings who have their own political, economic, or other social structures. They are a recent creation, made for the sole purpose of inhabiting the buffer zone between political spheres. In general, they have been raised and educated in a Kuvexian political climate.


As denizens of the overlap between Kuvexian and Kikyo Sector cultures, Kuvexian Hybrids are comfortable with the technology level of the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia, the Yamatai Star Empire, and the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia. Although Kuvexian Hybrids are bioroids like Nekovalkyrja, Kuvexians do not share the Yamataian disdain for cybernetic augmentation, at least not as far as their Hybrids are concerned.


Similar to Kuvexian Hybrid politics, the liminal existence of the young species means they do not have their own economy. However, most are within the Kuvexian economic sphere, and their purpose being trading with the Kikyo Sector natives, means their dominant economic memes are ultracapitalistic.

OOC Notes

yuuki created this article on 2021/11/11 11:02. Approval Thread

Species Categorysynthetic

species/kuvexian_hybrid.1699850517.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:42 (external edit)