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Star Army is huge universe with over 600 unique places to visit, including star systems, planets, cities, military bases, shops, and many more locations. This page is the hub for finding them.

Note: Currently the staff is working on a vast quality update for all Star Army places, including using the new Places Template, which adds information about the local population, an automated list of characters in the location, RP Opportunities, and local rumors. If you'd like to help ith this, contact Wes on the forum.

List Filters

You can filter the list of places below by using these tag clouds to filter by faction or location type.

Places should be categorized by what they actually are, not what they happen to contain. For example, just because a planet or a military base has a restaurant, does not make those places a restaurant.

List of Places

This is a list of canon places in the Star Army universe. You can filter it using the search boxes at the top of each column.

#Place ImagePagePlace CategoriesFactionParent PlaceRisk Level
51YSS Battle of BecurnstarshipYamatai Star Empiremoderate
52izanagi_001.jpgYSS Battle Of Natariamilitary facility, starshipYamatai Star Empirelow
53YSS HeitanstarshipYamatai Star Empirelow
54YSS MazustarshipYamatai Star Empirehigh
55YSS ResurgencestarshipYamatai Star Empirelow
56YSS TeisenjoustarshipYamatai Star Empirehigh
57izanagi_001.jpgYSS TokyostarshipYamatai Star Empiremoderate
58YSS WakabaYamatai Star Empiresafe
59YSS Yukika IIstarshipYamatai Star Empirehigh
60The AlyelumestarshipUnited Norian Imperiumhigh
61Ketsurui-no-ArashistarshipYamatai Star Empirehigh
62ECS PanoptelesstarshipElysian Celestial Empiresafe
63ISS ExpatriatestarshipIndependentsafe
64ISS Haru No HanabiYamatai Star Empiresafe
65ISS ShioristarshipYamatai Star Empirehigh
66ISS SobekstarshipIndependentmoderate
67SS MishenstarshipIndependentsafe
68The Synth-Class Corvette Night Starstarshiplow
69Ship-faced NutcrackerstarshipIndependenthigh
70YCS Bastion of WinterstarshipYamatai Star Empirehigh
71YCS Midnight ExpressstarshipYamatai Star Empirehigh
72SS Yugamisafe
73Adir Star Systemstar systemInterstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexiasafe
74EX-2 Agathestar systemElysian Celestial Empiresafe
75Akestar systemYamatai Star Empiresafe
76Alixxionstar systemIndependentlow
77EX-4 Asteustar systemElysian Celestial Empiresafe
78Biesi Systemstar systemLorath Matriarchylow
79Bridge of Sighsstar systemIndependentsafe
80Bufarksasteroid beltYamatai Star Empiresafe
81Cavalonstar systemIndependentlow
82Delsauriastar systemDemocratic Imperium of Nepleslialow
83Drib Star Systemstar systemInterstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexiahigh
84E-12 Beta Rhoinebulalow
85Elysia Novus Systemstar systemElysian Celestial Empiresafe
86Essia Systemstar systemYamatai Star Empiresafe
87ether.jpegEtherplanet, star systemlow
88EX-9 "Eudokia"star systemElysian Celestial Empiresafe
89EX-8 "Euthalia"star systemElysian Celestial Empiresafe
90Fhashostar systemInterstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexiahigh
91Freehold Factorystar systemDemocratic Imperium of Nepleslialow
92Fujikostar systemYamatai Star Empirelow
93Great LighthouseplanetIndependenthigh
94Gryzcikistar systemDemocratic Imperium of Nepleslialow
95Hanako's Starstar systemInterstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexiasafe
96Heled (Lkihujngfv)star systemlow
97Hetrastar systemlow
98Higaflanstar systemInterstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexiahigh
99Himmel Der Bergleutestar systemAbwehran Star Empiresafe
100Hope (P1-3)star systemDemocratic Imperium of Nepleslialow

places.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/28 09:01 by wes