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Star Army is huge universe with over 600 unique places to visit, including star systems, planets, cities, military bases, shops, and many more locations. This page is the hub for finding them.

Note: Currently the staff is working on a vast quality update for all Star Army places, including using the new Places Template, which adds information about the local population, an automated list of characters in the location, RP Opportunities, and local rumors. If you'd like to help ith this, contact Wes on the forum.

List Filters

You can filter the list of places below by using these tag clouds to filter by faction or location type.

Places should be categorized by what they actually are, not what they happen to contain. For example, just because a planet or a military base has a restaurant, does not make those places a restaurant.

List of Places

This is a list of canon places in the Star Army universe. You can filter it using the search boxes at the top of each column.

#Place ImagePagePlace CategoriesFactionParent PlaceRisk Level
401kuirenasova_sector.jpegKuirenasova Clusterstar clusterKingdom of NeshatenKikyo Sectormoderate
402Ne'ushaecityKingdom of NeshatenNetoshenlow
403She'na AcademyschoolKingdom of NeshatenNe'ushaelow
404Shi'tee Kree'aarestaurantKingdom of NeshatenNe'ushaemoderate
405Tri'crova Palacegovernment facility, residenceKingdom of NeshatenNetoshenlow
406Xui’varan Training Centermilitary facilityKingdom of NeshatenNesha Systemmoderate
407Levia (Planet)planetKingdom of NeshatenNesha Systemsafe
408Nesha Prime (Planet)planetKingdom of NeshatenNesha Systemlow
409Bai'yusaenahe'mahstar systemKingdom of NeshatenKagami Galaxysafe
410Jui'varenstar systemKingdom of Neshatenlow
411Ki'kayshea'nestar systemKingdom of NeshatenKikyo Sectorlow
412Nesha Systemstar systemKingdom of NeshatenKagami Galaxylow
413No'menshanstar systemKingdom of Neshatenlow
414She'sha'sho Systemstar systemKingdom of NeshatenKagami Galaxylow
415U'iastar systemKingdom of Neshatenlow
416U'varunstar systemKingdom of NeshatenKagami Galaxylow
417Lorath Reikan Park Embassyembassy, government facilityLorath MatriarchyReikan Parksafe
418Biesi Systemstar systemLorath Matriarchylow
419Occhestia Systemstar systemLorath Matriarchysafe
420Amit Basemilitary facilityNew Dusk ConclaveSX-01 “Vale”safe
421Dawn CitycityNew Dusk ConclaveSirris VIsafe
422draco_star_2.jpegDraco Eridanus Systemstar systemNew Dusk ConclaveKikyo Sectorsafe
423DX-01 “Newhaven”star systemNew Dusk ConclaveKikyo Sectorsafe
424Mining Guild SettlementNew Dusk Conclavesafe
425Nyx's Private LandresidenceNew Dusk ConclaveSirris VIsafe
426Obsidian CitycityNew Dusk ConclaveSirris VIsafe
427Pine-Oaklen BioSynthetic Foundation Laboratorymilitary facilityNew Dusk ConclaveSirris VIsafe
428Station Decacronspace stationNew Dusk Conclavesafe
429Nyx's Villabuilding, residenceNew Dusk ConclaveSirris VIsafe
430Sirris VIplanetNew Dusk ConclaveSanctumsafe
431Sanctumstar systemNew Dusk ConclaveKagami Galaxysafe
432SX-01 “Vale”star systemNew Dusk ConclaveKikyo Sectorsafe
433SX-02 “Nephis”star systemNew Dusk ConclaveKikyo Sectorsafe
434Mâqisumanâ (Forge)cityPoku Saeruo DegonjoÂmuar (Dream)safe
435Mâqisumanâ'ka (Greater Forge)cityPoku Saeruo DegonjoÂmuar (Dream)safe
436Weâmtesa (Haven)cityPoku Saeruo DegonjoÂtoma (Heart)safe
437PoarycityPoku Saeruo DegonjoNew Geiessafe
438QamiscityPoku Saeruo DegonjoNew Roisiasafe
439Tioasme (Unity)cityPoku Saeruo DegonjoÂmuar (Dream)safe
440Pilano (Betrayal)planetPoku Saeruo DegonjoÂyemovi (End of Space)safe
441Âmuar (Dream)star systemPoku Saeruo DegonjoKikyo Sectorsafe
442New GeiesplanetPoku Saeruo DegonjoVonaâsiâi (Twins)safe
443Âtoma (Heart)planetPoku Saeruo DegonjoÂtomatula (Tula heart)safe
444New RoisiaplanetPoku Saeruo DegonjoVonaâsiâi (Twins)safe
445Âmuarpoku (Clan Dream)star systemPoku Saeruo DegonjoKagami Galaxysafe
446Degonjo Saeruo (Hidden Sun System)star systemPoku Saeruo DegonjoSiama Rya (Soul of the Divine)safe
447Rabaal Systemstar systemPoku Saeruo DegonjoKikyo Sectorsafe
448Âyemovi (End of Space)star systemPoku Saeruo DegonjoKagami Galaxysafe
449Âtomatula (Tula heart)star systemPoku Saeruo DegonjoKagami Galaxysafe
450Vonaâsiâi (Twins)star systemPoku Saeruo DegonjoKagami Galaxysafe

places.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/28 09:01 by wes