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The Star Army setting has an enormous number of products in the setting! This list automatically includes any product marked with a price. Note that some products may have their availability limited to certain purchasers (e.g. the military) or factions.

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List of Products

Please note that only products with prices (in their struct data) will appear on this list. See Products Database.

#Product ImagePagePrice (KS)DescriptionManufacturerProduct Categories
401EM-K4-2a "Zephyr" Law Enforcement Air Car10 ,000.00 KSA police use variant of the Zephyr air car.Emrys Industriesvehicles
402"Tachikaze" Point Defense Cannons Type 433 ,500.00 KSA point defense plasma cannon system.Yugumo Corporation, Yugumo Fleetworksweapons: starship
403BW-HPT "Dragon's Breath"1 ,000.00 KSA Plasma ThrowerBlack Wing Enterprisesweapons: flamethrowers
404heater.jpgBW-HU-1A100.00 KSA plasma space heater.Black Wing Enterprisesmiscellaneous
405Torrent MPR7 ,500.00 KSA plasma repeater designed to be handled by mechaBlack Wing Enterprisesweapons: vehicle mounted
406S6-P1150.00 KSA pistol.Black Wing Enterprises, Department Of Engineeringweapons: pistols
407Talon TSP450.00 KSA pistol produced by Cranth.Cranth Munitions and Servicesweapons: pistols
408Contraveisalgia Tablet2.00 KSA pill to cure a hangoverEmrys Industriesdrugs
409Ge-Y1-5a - "Henkei" Patrol Variant35 ,000.00 KSA Patrol StarshipGeshrinari Shipyardsstarships
410Zhenren Human Upgrade Package22 ,000.00 KSA package of cybernetic implants and gene therapy for human and most human-derived species.Advancer Enterprisescybernetics
41115.00 KSA novelty mug made with borosilicate glass beaker-style. Add Ship Logo for +5KS. Comes default with Hinomaru.scientific
412ke-t10_shuttle.jpgKe-T10 "Fukuro" Multi-Role Shuttle200 ,000.00 KSA new multi-role shuttle with variable configurations became available in YE 43.Ketsurui Fleet Yardssmall craft
413Yomawari-Class NavComm Buoy12 ,500.00 KSA navigation and communications buoy.Yugumo Corporation, Yugumo Fleetworksmiscellaneous
414Nephilim Defense System8 ,000.00 KSA nanoforge defense system.Iron Companysubsystems
415Surface Penetrator-Artificial Diamond Rod50.00 KSA munition for FMS graviton weapons that channels their pulse into a diamond penetrator to allow the weapon to penetrate light cover and heavy armor.Frontier Manufacturing Serviceweapons: ammunition
416Starshield Programmable Matter Multitool75.00 KSA multitool produced by the Yugumo Corporation in late YE 45.Yugumo Corporationtools
417KAIMON/Ascendant Companion8 ,500.00 KSA multifunction assistant drone issued to Yugumo Corporation employees.Yugumo Corporation, KAIMON/Ascendantrobots
418Magathiel Mini-Missile Cell1 ,000.00 KSA multi-purpose mini-missile launcher system, designed to be make modular launch systems such as multi-cell vertical launch systems.Ryu Heavy Industriesweapons: missile launchers
419S6-MWS1-MAVERICK300.00 KSA modular weapon system.Black Wing Enterprisesweapons: rifles
420K-1 Bulldog/Type 41 Main Battle Tank30 ,000.00 KSA modern Main Battle Tank capable of carrying an infantry complement.Osman Heavy Industriesvehicles
421"Suzukaze" Mini-Missile Launchers Type 434 ,500.00 KSA missile launcher system and missilesYugumo Corporation, Yugumo Fleetworksweapons: missile launchers
422Shoulder-Fired Launcher, Anti-Armor Missile, Type 302 ,000.00 KSA missile launcher for shooting down fast-moving power armorKetsurui Zaibatsuweapons: missile launchers
423Kodoku-Class Mining and Processing Facility1 ,350 ,000 ,000.00 KSA Mining and Processing StarbaseYugumo Corporation, Yugumo Fleetworksspace stations
424OHI Mini Missile2 ,000.00 KSA mini-missile packing anti-mecha firepower, with surprising range.Osman Heavy Industriesweapons: missiles
425Yūgure-class Merchant Destroyer500 ,000.00 KSA merchant destroyer class ship; for pirate hunting and asset protectionYugumo Corporation, Yugumo Fleetworksstarships
426Ge-L4-1a - Sessou-Class Medium Freighter150 ,000.00 KSA medium freighter.Geshrinari Shipyardsstarships
427Seiza-Class Cargo Hauler (1B)530 ,000.00 KSA medium cargo hauler. A refit of the original Seiza Hauler.Yugumo Corporation, Yugumo Fleetworksstarships
428Cranth Medical Field Kit4.99 KSA medical kit by Cranth.Cranth Munitions and Servicesmedical
429Fantastic Media Drone2 ,000.00 KSA media drone for news agencies and entertainment groups. (SANDRA, YINN, YTP)Yugumo Corporation, YTP Entertainmentrobots
430Sakura Type 43 200mm Heavy Railgun5 ,500.00 KSA mecha-grade handheld weapon designed for orbital bombardment and fires missions that do not require high mobility. Can be installed into starship turrets and into vehicles.Sakura Machineryweapons: vehicle mounted
431M19 Ryoko Mecha50 ,000.00 KSA mecha developed for the Star Army of Yamatai, designed primarily for fire and close air support roles.Ryu Heavy Industries, Ketsurui Fleet Yardsmecha
432Njord Slayer's Mead35.00 KSA mead made by Tacho for the Knuckleheads in the Iron Company.Iron Companydrinks
433Ge-H1-7A - Kōdaina Minato-Class Orbital Installation925 ,000 ,000.00 KSA massive space station.Geshrinari Shipyardsspace stations
434Dragon-class Mobile Refinery1 ,194 ,444.00 KSA massive refinery ship. Its main purpose is to refine ore that was mined without the need for a stationary building.Mining Guildstarships
435Zen .45 Kendo Special750.00 KSA magnum handgun capable of firing both regular .45 caliber rounds as well as the longer .45 Kendo Express ammunition, a heavy pistol with a lot of stopping power.Zen Armamentsweapons: pistols
436Tsuki Blades3 ,000.00 KSA limited production weapon for the Motoyoshi Clan and the First Expeditionary FleetYugumo Corporation, Ketsurui Zaibatsuweapons: melee
437Ge-F6-1A - Light Freighter10 ,000.00 KSA light freighter.Geshrinari Shipyardsstarships
438Ge-T6-1a - Sukuu-Class Lifeboat35 ,000.00 KSA lifeboat craft.Geshrinari Shipyardssmall craft
439Chōuryū Subsurface Torpedo/Sensor Platform12 ,500.00 KSA launch and control system for subsurface torpedoesYugumo Corporationsubsystems, weapons: torpedoes
440Island Class Mobile Colony40 ,000 ,000.00 KSA large mobile space colony designed for settling systems with few or no habitable planets.Conclave Ship Works, New Dusk Conclavespace stations
441Hephaestus Class Industrial Vessel1 ,500 ,000.00 KSA large industrial starship able to mine and refine ores as well as produce goodsOsman Heavy Industriesstarships
442Caravan Heavy Freighter600 ,000.00 KSa large freighter designed for carrying bulk goods vast distancesOrigin Industriesstarships
443Star Army Science Pad and Kit Type 438 ,200.00 KSA kit for Science Officers in the Star Army of Yamatai.Ketsurui Zaibatsuelectronics, kits, military equipment, scientific
444ks.jpgBW-KAS "Hailstorm"500.00 KSA kinetic rail shotgun, more often used by Power Armor soldiersBlack Wing Enterprisesweapons: power armor
445EM-K1 Emrys Industries Hydrogen Car6 ,000.00 KSA hydrogen powered car.Emrys Industriesvehicles
446Hawk Guide Craft8 ,000.00 KSA hunting hovercraft.Davey Boone Outdoor Solutionssmall craft
447Otomo Hover Tray100.00 KSA hover tray for serving food.Emrys Industries
448KAIMON/Ascendant Consort45 ,000.00 KSA highly advanced near-sentient anthroform drone. Out of production but not officially discontinued.Yugumo Corporationrobots
449Ursarus Heavy Support Drone8 ,000.00 KSA Heavy Support DroneBlack Wing Enterprisesrobots
450SiZi Model 38 Special Duty Revolver1 ,100.00 KSA heavy plasma revolver intended to provide its user with powerful anti-power armor firepowerSitanin Zbrojovka Unlimited, Saiga Psychogenetics Research Laboratoriesweapons: pistols

items/products.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/15 10:53 by wes