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The Star Army setting has an enormous number of products in the setting! This list automatically includes any product marked with a price. Note that some products may have their availability limited to certain purchasers (e.g. the military) or factions.

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List of Products

Please note that only products with prices (in their struct data) will appear on this list. See Products Database.

#Product ImagePagePrice (KS)DescriptionManufacturerProduct Categories
201Star Army Rifle, Type 41750.00 KSOrigin Defense Manufacturingmilitary equipment, weapons: rifles
202Armor Service Gauss Rifle3 ,000.00 KSThe Armor Service Gauss Rifle is a sturdy, reliable, powerful and accurate weapon intended for mainline Power Armor service. It is decently powerful, with a good availability of different magazines, meant to tackle foes of nearly any size.Origin Armor Worksweapons: power armor
203Banshee-class Strike Frame140 ,000.00 KSNoval's first answer to the Variable Frame space, the Banshee-class is specifically designed to swiftly close on an enemy ship, deal large amounts of damage, and be out of range before the ship can retaliate. It is extremely fast, but offers little protection to its pilot other than its outstanding maneuverability.Noval Heavy Industriesmecha
204NH-H1 Hibiscus-Class Mobile Space Station8 ,500 ,000.00 KSThe NH-H1 Hibiscus-Class Mobile Space Station is designed to support corporate and manufacturing interests. Hibiscuses can be pre-built and deployed when necessary, simplifying the process of establishing a new outpost or corporate base within a given system. As with all Noval products, its interior is well-made and generally posh.Noval Heavy Industriesspace stations
205NH-O-1 "iBot" Maintenance Drone1 ,999.00 KSNoval Heavy Industriesrobots
206NH-M-M2 "Orchestra"1 ,500.00 KSThe Near-field Spatial Manipulator "Orchestra" is a device used to simulate a set of 'solar-system like' qualities around itself. The primary applications of this are holding objects in 'orbit' and changing the path of beam weaponry fired within the device's area of influence.Noval Heavy Industriestools
207NH-M-M3 "Crescendo"1 ,250.00 KSNear-field Power Transmitter "Crescendo" provides power to devices within range without requiring a physical connection.Noval Heavy Industriestools
208NH-Y2 Remora-class Utility Craft8 ,750.00 KSA shuttle-sized utility craft.Noval Heavy Industriessmall craft
209NH-Y3 Guppy-class Exploration and Utility Craft5 ,200.00 KSThe Guppy-class is a small craft made to give an operator access to places that a larger ship cannot reach. It is excellently equipped for exploring caves, derelict vessels, planetoids, and other large structures. It is also well-suited to mining, construction, and repair activities thanks to its set of manipulator arms and resourcing/repair equipment.Noval Heavy Industriessmall craft
210NH-T1 Dragonfly-class Shuttle25 ,000.00 KSNoval Heavy Industriessmall craft
211NH-Y-1 Mola-class Exploration Vessel105 ,000.00 KSThe NH-Y-1 Mola-class was designed by Noval to traverse dense asteroid fields and post-battle flotsam. Originally conceived for exploration, its role has grown to include search and rescue and deep space mining.Noval Heavy Industriesstarships
212Skel-class Frame32.50 KSA basic but easily customizable high-end frame from Noval.Noval Heavy Industriesmecha, military equipment, vehicles
213Jilanth T2 Military Shuttle6 ,000.00 KSNovaCorpsmall craft
214NMX Field Ration, Type 459.00 KSNMX-issued field ration meant for a day in the field. Includes canned meat and vegetables, a bag of hard tack, and some accessoriesNMXfoods
215BW-V-Starbreaker149.90 KSOne of the best Fighter craft in the NDC, and now the mining Guild Contingent.New Dusk Conclaverobots, small craft
216OLIVIA AI10 ,000.00 KSThe OLIVIA (Organic Life-Integrated Virtual Intelligence Assistant) is a personal AI assistant developed by the Nepleslian Reds as a response to the success of the SAVTECH JANENepleslian Research and Manufacturingcomputers
217Genesis Bioforge5 ,000.00 KSThe Genesis Bioforge is a self-contained cloning chamber designed to provide an optimal environment for the growth and development of clones and artificial Nepleslians. This advanced bioforge uses a combination of genetic engineering techniques and nanotechnology to facilitate rapid growth and development of clones.Nepleslian Research and Manufacturingmedical
218Protogenesis Fluid1.00 KSProtogenesis Fluid is a proprietary, nutrient-rich biogenic fluid and nanite medium used by the Nepleslian Reds in their development and growth of human clones.Nepleslian Research and Manufacturingmedical
219Type 46 "Medispectra" Medical Scanner2 ,000.00 KSNepleslian Research and Manufacturingmedical
220Red Mountain Class Multipurpose Corvette250 ,000.00 KSNepleslian Research and Manufacturing, Ryu Keiretsustarships
221NRM-J4 "Rudy" Combat Drone3 ,000.00 KSThe "Rudy" Combat Droid is a Nepleslian Red licensed copy of Shasta no Sekai's Mk II type tactical drone.Nepleslian Research and Manufacturingrobots
222SpectraGuard Visual Interface3 ,000.00 KSThe SpectraGuard Visual Interface is designed to mimic functionality of volumetric windows.Nepleslian Research and Manufacturingelectronics
223Falcon Light Tactical Vehicle10.00 KSThe Falcon Light Tactical Vehicle (LTV) is designed with mobility and protection in mind. While not designed for direct combat, it ensures its occupants get from A to B in all types of terrains a wheeled vehicle can reasonably navigate.Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing, Ryu Heavy Industriesvehicles
224Westech Trench Shotgun100.00 KSA basic, conventional shotgunNepleslian Research and Manufacturingweapons: shotguns
225Xenolite Rations25.00 KSStandard packs consists of 6 rods of Xenolite rations. Xenolite rations are compact and rod-shaped that slightly narrows at one end (and even both ends). It is designed to be a combat food ration and emergency writing tool.Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing, Advancer Enterprisesfoods
226Type 45 NRM Particle Beam Rifle2 ,000.00 KSReverse-engineered from the NMX Impaler Particle Beam Rifle, NRM's Type 45 Particle Beam Rifle is designed to be used as both as a designated marksmanship rifle and a light anti-material weapon.Nepleslian Research and Manufacturingweapons: rifles
227NAM Infantry Grenades12.50 KSNepleslian Arms and Munitionsweapons: grenades
228Droksin10.00 KSIncreases blood productionNepleslian Arms and Munitionsdrugs
229MT-G1-1A - Personal Holographic Computer (PHC)1 ,550.00 KSMurasaki Technologieselectronics
230Gemstone Orchid15 ,100.00 KSThe Gemstone Orchid is a masterpiece that showcases the beauty and elegance of nature. It features a dazzling combination of diamonds and amethysts, carefully crafted to resemble the delicate beauty of an orchid.Mining Guild Emporiummiscellaneous
231RECORM Bots250.00 KSRemote Controlled Robotic bodies created to enhance Employee safety, and efficiency.Mining Guild
232Mineral Scanner3.50 KSMining Guildtools
233Miner Undersuit50.00 KSMining Guildclothing
234Mole Claws50.00 KSMining Guildtools
235Plasma Cutter/Torch90.00 KSMining Guildtools
236ANT Power Armor250.00 KSMining Guildpower armor
237Tyr MK 1 Power Armor250 ,000.00 KSThe first Military power armor for criminal organizations with a higher backing.Mining Guildpower armor
238Dracrei Shipyards118 ,000 ,000.00 KSDracrei Shipyards is the Mining Guild's ship building company.Mining Guild
239Polaris-Class Ultra Carrier "Pioneer"200 ,000 ,000 ,000.00 KSThe mining Guild's first starship carrierMining Guildstarships
240Magpie-class Industrial Cargo shuttle10 ,000.00 KSAn Industrial Shuttle to transport ore and water.Mining Guildstarships
241Dragon-class Mobile Refinery1 ,194 ,444.00 KSA massive refinery ship. Its main purpose is to refine ore that was mined without the need for a stationary building.Mining Guildstarships
242Stork-class Personnel Transport400.00 KSMining Personnel TransportMining Guildsmall craft
243Sentinel Class Control Frigate5 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000.00 KSSentinel-class Control Frigate is the Mining Guild's first Frigate starship, and it is used as a means of improving Miner safety and efficiency.Mining Guild
244Knights Shield250 ,000.00 KSMining Guildsubsystems
245Ionix Vortex Engine7 ,000.00 KSMining Guild's First new Propulsion Engine.Mining Guild
246NanoInk Veil100.00 KSA body art concealment and creation tool.Lo'ken Institutecosmetics
247Dommuk Vuol10.00 KSLo'ken Institutemiscellaneous
248Skinseal Sunscreen3.00 KSNorian sunscreen meant to protect their skin from the effects of infrared radiation.Lo'ken Institutedrugs
249Lz-AC-02c Lazarus AutoComp12 ,000.00 KSFloating robot sphere with volumetric bodyLazarus Consortiumrobots
250Komorebi Foods Individual Sustainment Field Ration10.00 KSKomorebi Foods, Yugumo Corporationfoods

items/products.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/15 10:53 by wes