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Star Army Logistics
First UsedYE 46
Last ReviewYE 46
Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesmiscellaneous
Product NameKe-P8-R4600 Teleportation Pad
ManufacturerKetsurui Fleet Yards
Year ReleasedYE 46
Price (KS)1โ€ฏ,000โ€ฏ,000โ€ฏ,000.00 KS

Senate of Yamatai

In YE 30 the senate saw a change in the Empress; as well as, participated in an international_relations_conference_of_ye_30 with delegates from Elysia, Nepleslia, Kohana and even, Melisson representing the SMX. An Imperial Decree from Empress Motoyoshi Katsuko removed the Senates ability to effect matters directly concerning the Star Army of Yamatai. Later, the senate was expanded to include all Yamataian Citizens, but this was later rescinded via Proposal 104.

The current Imperial Premier is ketsurui_yuumi, as played by doshii_jun.

Current Senators

Taken from every empire system with a total (non-refugee) population of one million or higher and any special exceptions.

As a player, you may claim any unclaimed worlds by posting in the OOC thread and then being granted it by Wes. There is the following criteria for approval; You have to like Yamatai, don't go trying to sabotage it from the inside. You're a elected official, have some sense. You will be expected to be the curator for your chosen world and may be prompted to add content to it. After you are approved, you can bring a relevant character, if any, or create a new NPC. New NPCs must be approved, still, however the process is much more lenient. Once done - Welcome to the Senate! Don't forget to edit the information into this page when you're done.

Former Senators

Previous Senate Proposals

These are the proposals the senate has voted on.

Number Title Result Notes
1 Imperial Advisor Act1) Passed
2 Imperial Voting Procedure Act2) Passed Updated by Proposal #32
3 Basic Laws Act3) Passed
4 Star Army Military Laws4) Passed Became part of Star Army Regulations
5 Star Army Signatures Act5) Passed
6 Corporate Support Act6) Passed
7 Corporate Government Act7) Defeated
8 Living Property Act8) Passed Overturned (slavery banned in YE 30)
9 GSA-OAM Treaty9) Passed
10 GSA-Federation Treaty10) Passed (From Python Fleet crossover)
11 Corporate Economics Act11) Defeated
12 (Treaty)
13 Right to Life Act Passed
14 Defeated
15 Rape Act Passed
16 GSA-OAM 2nd Treaty
17 (Treaty)
19 (Treaty)
20 Torture Act Passed
23 (Treaty)
24 Creation of Star Army Awards Passed
25 Prisoners of War Act Passed
26 Limitation of Inter-crew Fighting Passed
28 Soldier to Soldier Combat Passed
29 Currency Passed Created KS
30 Currency in Circulation Passed
31 Effect of Law Passed Prevents laws from being retroactive
32 Update to Imperial Voting Procedure Act Passed
33 Drug Act Passed Later modified by #53
34 Malingering Passed Became part of Star Army Regulations
35 Stealing Passed
36 Misbehavior Before the Enemy Passed Became part of Star Army Regulations
37 Spies Passed
38 Kessaku Electronic Systems Passed
39 Restrictions on Cloning and ST Passed
40 Qel'noran Shipyards Passed
41 Treaty with The Republic Of Delvenus Passed
42 Kessaku annexation by Qel'noran Shipyards Defeated
43 Qel'noran Shipyards loss of Major Corporation Status
45 Privacy Act Passed Overturned by #47
46 War with the Jaaq'tah Alliance Passed See: Enemies of Yamatai
47 Removal of Proposal 45 Overturned #45 (Privacy Act)
48 Slavery in the Star Empire Passed Overturned (slavery banned in YE 30)
49 Possessions of the Dead Passed
51 Sexual Relations Defeated
52 Marriage Act Passed Re-proposal of #50
53 Correction of Law #33 Modified #33 (Drug Act)
57 Treaty with Gashmere Passed
58 Nekovalkyrja Re-Integration Plan Defeated
59 Treaty with the Ixari Passed
60 Treaty with the Neocron Ascendancy Passed
61 Unified Law Act Passed
62 Species Management Plan Passed Was revised version of #58
63 Unified Law and Military Regulations Passed
64 Electronic Funds Passed Eliminated KS Coins in favor of the KS Card
65 Nanotechnology Restrictions Defeated
67 military_centralization_act_of_ye_28 Passed
68 Request for Fenyar's Admission to the YSE Passed They are no longer part of the YSE
69 Treaty with Ohara Passed
70 Special Investigation Into the Empress's Death Passed Overturned by #71
71 Cancellation of #70 Passed
72 Trans-Universal Corporate Expansion Defeated
73 Border Protection Act Defeated
75 Amendment to Treaty with Ohara Passed
76 (1) Request for relief support for Lor Passed
76 (2) Military Decentralization Act Defeated
77 (1) Proposal for Unified Salvaging Regulations Defeated
77 (2) Military Privateer Act Defeated
78 (1) Lorath Starfleet Passed
78 (2) Cloned Humans Ban Act Passed
79 System Defense Forces Defeated
80 (1) Nepleslia's Ultimatum Defeated
80 (2) Reorganization of Phodian Defense Forces Passed Created the Ohara Planetary Defense Militia
81 (1) Repealing of Taisho Yui's Species Restriction Vetoed
81 (2) Establish Diplomacy with the SMX Passed
82 (1) Extradition Policies Defeated
82 (2) Armed Forces Reporting Act Passed
83 Proposal #83 Amendment to the Imperial Voting Act Passed
83 (2) definition_and_rights_of_the_individual_act ?
85 First Contact Procedures Act Passed YSE's ratification of the rights_of_early_contact
86 (1) Temporary cease expainsion act Defeated
86 (2) Star Army Marriage Act Defeated
87 Amendment to Senate Voting Procedure Passed
88 Marine Life Protection Act Passed
89 Anti-Cannibalism Act Passed
90 Anti-Price Gouging Law Defeated
91 Cultural Preservation Act Defeated
92 Protection of AI Withdrawn
93 Freedom Act Defeated
94 Amendment to Voting Procedure Defeated
95 (1) Protection of Artificial Intelligence Passed
95 (2) Clarification to Neko Law Passed
96 Return to old voting procedure Vetoed
97 Amendment of Voting Procedure Withdrawn
98 Motion to overturn veto of #96 Defeated
99 Senate Voting Fairness Act Passed
100 Nekovalkyrja Are A Species Defeated The Empress later declared the Nekovalkyrja a species
101 Nekovalkyrja Law Clarification 2 Passed
102 Restoration Legislation Defeated
103 Cultural Foodstuffs Preservation Act Defeated
104 Restoration of System Senators Passed
105 Clarification Amendment Regarding Military Senators Passed
106 Administration of the Senate and its Proceedings Passed
107 Stolen Valor and Government Impersonation Passed
109 Tobacco for Export Act Defeated
110 Love Day Passed Created the Feb 14 holiday
112 Ratifying DATASS Defeated

faction/yamatai/senate.1502558373.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:47 (external edit)