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Kyn'ka (History)

Poku Afirmu (Clan Crest)

This page details significant historical events of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo.

Clan Year - Yamatai Year Event(s)
< 51 CY Prehistory
-50 CY YE -770 Preparation for the Norka (The Exodus)
-49 CY YE -769 Norka (The Exodus) and Destruction of the Otâgolisoy (Birth world)
0 CY * YE -719 Founding the Poku Saeruo Degonjo
1 CY YE -718 Beginnings
10 CY YE -708 Age of Rebuilding
25 CY YE -694 The Poku Movi Vamâqi (Clan Void Berth) becomes operational
26 CY YE -693 Building World Station
50 CY * YE -669 Kotoz Mui dies
126 CY YE -593 Completion of Sotâka Ruomâqi (World Station)
187 CY * YE -533 Separatist Movement
190 CY YE -529 Colony Destroyed
229 CY YE -490 Tabak'ka (Great Preserve) Established
325 CY YE -394 Year of Bad Blood
433 CY YE -289 Wunyaka (Cache) Established
530 CY YE -189 Wapointe Gean'te (Radiant Healing)
537 CY * YE -182 The Weakening decimates the Poku'vonai killing 15% of population.
631 CY * YE -88 Discovery of Uâo Wunyaka Vonai
690 CY YE - 29 Usonori Sate (Lean Times) Begin
710 CY YE - 09 The Prophet
715 CY YE - 04 Usonori Sate (Lean Times) End
716 CY YE - 03 The Reconciliation
736 CY YE 17 Dark Sword encounter
740 CY YE 21 Poku'vonai encounter Continuum Distortion Drive technology
744 CY YE 27 First Contact With A Nekovalkyrja
750 CY * YE 31 Defilers of the Dead
751 CY * YE 32 Second Clan World
751 CY YE 32 Year of Changes
752 CY YE 33 HS-SD1-1a Gulvi-ka Mui-Class Ship completed for Emissary
753 CY YE 34 Reaching out
754 CY YE 35 Start of the Otâgo'iâmai (New Worlds)
755 CY YE 36 Into the light
756 CY YE 37 Darkness within is revealed
757 CY YE 38 Consequences
758 CY YE 39 Working for Harmony
759 CY YE 40 Growing things
760 CY YE 41 The Gray Year
761 CY YE 42 Tesâo Âbi Dark Crisis
762 CY YE 43 Hunt
763 CY YE 44
764 CY YE 45
765 CY YE 46

* = Ida Siamaka (Eye of God) event, see Siama Kâur (Divine way)

Note: Clan years would actually be in Octal, but are listed here in decimal on the table for convenience.

Historical Events

- Hidden Sun Clan Prehistory

The Qaktoro and the Tula, genetic relatives, evolved on Otâgolisoy (Birth world) about 12,500 light years west of their current home in the Degonjo Saeruo (Hidden Sun System). More information on their development can be found on the Otâgolisoy (Birth world) page.

Once they mastered their home world they moved on to conquer several nearby planets. At their apex, the Poku'ka Qaktoro (Qaktoro Empire) population reached 12 billion. The Poku'vonai formed alliances with several of the races in that region. Those allies provoked a war by attacking a tremendously powerful species known as the Ryasou'temygo (Death Wraiths), and the Empire's alliance drew them into the conflict. The allies, and the Qaktoro Empire itself, were gradually and systematically decimated by the technology and power of the Death Wraiths. In time, the Poku'vonai faced the very real possibility of extinction. The enemy had weapons powerful enough to incinerate an entire world and none of the races in the alliances could stand against them.

- 49 CY Preparation for the Norka

As the war continued, Kotoz Mui the most powerful clan leader of the Qaktoro Empire convinced his people that their only chance to survive the apocalyptic advance of the Ryasou'temygo (Death Wraiths) was to abandon their Empire, their Allies, and their Otâgolisoy (Birth world). Kotoz called for his people assemble a grand escape, and to follow him on what would be called the Norka (The Exodus). For a little over a year, the crumbling Empire turned its industries to the task of constructing a fleet of great ships they called Wunyaka Vonai (Ark) that would take as many of the people and as much of their technology and culture with them. Each vessel carried 100,000 people.

-50 CY The Norka

The Norka (The Exodus) began as the last of the colony worlds beyond Otâgolisoy (Birth world) was incinerated. Fifteen Arks departed the home world with a fleet of support vessels. Approximately two million Poku'vonai left on the exodus; many more were left behind, either because they refused to flee the fight, or because they wanted the room on the ship to be taken up by those more worthy, or by their children.

The Qaktoro and Tula who remained mounted a desperate final battle for the home world, launching every fighting ship they could muster, even launching damaged and incomplete ships. The Poku'vonai sentiment was if this was to be their last stand, they were determined to make sure the enemy paid dearly. When these last defending ships could no longer fire their weapons, they plunged their own vessels into the hulls of the enemy ships, screaming their defiance to the end. After forty-eight hour of intense battle, the home system was conquered and the Otâgolisoy (Birth world) was blasted into rubble.

The Norka (The Exodus) Fleet, now all that remained of the Poku'vonai, plied its way through across the void using their Tinvyma Movidoanor (Tunnel Drive). The fleet traveled searching for a place to create a new home, sending out scouts along the way. These scouts searched for a suitable star system, and for the presence of other sentient species. The gatherers would go to nearby star systems looking for resources to resupply the fleet.

If other species were detected ,the fleet would move on. The clan leader, Kotoz Mui, wanted a place where his people would not be caught up in the destinies of others; this is what had drawn them into the war with the forces that had destroyed their Empire, and their birth world. During the Norka, three of the Wunyaka Vonai (Ark) were lost to hazards along the way. These were the Âdor-Pedavuome (Stormy sky), the Tyo'te-Pedavuo (Fire Storm), and the Kamâjosawy (Great Treasure).

The Norka went on for fifty years as the Clan wandered the galaxy, searching for the perfect place to call home.

0 CY Founding the Hidden Sun Clan

The Norka (The Exodus) had traveled far; nearly 13,000 lightyears had come between them and their destroyed homeworld. A day came when Kotoz Mui and others, peering through viewscreens and scanners at the universe around them, beheld an incredibly sight. On their galactic horizon they observed a great and profound light, shining like a lamp in the darkness… Or like the glowing eye of some incredible astral power. The Norka followed this light, traveling the distance between their fleet and its source, until they discovered a nebula which had formed in the wake of a star which had gone supernova. The star's system had once been a binary system; what was left of the surviving star took the form of a brown dwarf star, which the people called Ida Siamaka, or the Eye of God. The nebula was given the name Siama Rya or Soul of the Divine. Here, in this nebula, Kotoz Mui felt that the Norka had finally reached its destination.

He convened the Clan elders who had survived the Norka, and together they discussed how the Poku'vonai would survive in their new territory. The twelve Arks which had completed the interstellar journey were docked together for the first time in 50 years, and their great engines were completely shut down. As part of this new life, the people who were once of the Poku'ka Qaktoro reformed, and renamed themselves the Poku'vonai. Notably, the Poku Vit (Plant Clan) of the Tula retained its name and organization, out of respect for the sacrifices they made helping the clan to survive the Norka (The Exodus).

1 CY Beginnings

For a year, the Poku'vonai spent most of their time securing the Arks into what would become the core of the Sotâka Ruomâqi (World Station). Using materials and resources brought with them, a central module was planned to serve as a connecting point for the Arks, and to host facilities for the Tanoi (Council). While this monumental task was under way, others explored the Degonjo Saeruo (Hidden Sun System). They located two barren planets in the nebula which had survived the supernova event of Ida Siamaka, and reserved those planets for later development.

10 CY Age of Rebuilding

Kotoz directed the clan to begin construction of a facility to produce and maintain their ships. This facility would eventually be known as the Poku Movi Vamâqi (Clan Void Berth). Seekers searched the area for valuable resources, reporting coordinates to Gatherers for collection. Other Clan members formed Hunts to purge interlopers from their borders, and to harvest their remains for use.

25 CY Clan Void Berth Completed

The Poku'vonai completed construction of the Poku Movi Vamâqi (Clan Void Berth). It moved most of its industrial projects off of the World Station and to this new dedicated facility. This expanded their ability to maintain their ships and create new ones.

26 CY Sotâka Ruomâqi

With the completion of the Poku Movi Vamâqi (Clan Void Berth), ship construction began. The first new ships made after the completion of the Norka (The Exodus) were dedicated to scouting, and to the gathering of resources needed for the ongoing construction and improvement of the Sotâka Ruomâqi (World Station).

50 CY Death of Kotoz Mui

At the age of 150 years, Kotoz Mui passed away. He had been a living legend, and a guide for a people who had hardly expected to survive the destruction of their former empire. Upon his death, the clan entered a month-long period of mourning. All clan vessels returned to the Degonjo Saeruo (Hidden Sun System) to honor him. After the weeks of ceremony, his remains were placed upon one of the original fighter starships, a Blade, which itself had survived the Norka. This burial ship was escorted by vessels from every Ruoka (House) of the Clan to a point within 0.5 AU of Ida Siamaka. At that point, the ship proceeded on its own, plunging towards the star to be incinerated. As the ship approached, the brown dwarf star suddenly flared, and the small Blade vanished rather than be destroyed. This event led to the formation of the Sae Fuâmy'ai (Star Watchers), a religious sub-group within the Detis Goa'ai Jael (Faith Walkers Sect).

To honor Kotoz Mui, it was decided by the council that all future clan leaders shall be given the honorific of Mui to denote their status.

A legend also began around this time which suggested that Kotoz Mui would someday return to the people.

126 CY Completion of Sotâka Ruomâqi (World Station)

The massive structure of the Sotâka Ruomâqi (World Station) was completed. The Clan then had more room to develop new projects, and to flourish and grow even further.

187 CY Separatist Movement

During this year, a radical political movement grew and challenged the council and the clan policy of remaining in the Degonjo Saeruo (Hidden Sun System). After a great deal of agitation and protest, the members of this separatist movement were finally granted their request; 10,000 families left the World Station, and the nebula, on a fleet of ships. They successfully founded a fledgling colony, and with their permission, the Clan of the World Station sent messenger ships to them regularly to remain in communication.1)

190 CY Separatist Colony Destroyed

In this year, a scheduled messenger ship arrived at the separatist colony as usual, only to discover that the colony had been completely destroyed by forces unknown to the Poku'vonai. The news shocked and horrified the Clan to its core, and a day of mourning was called for all those lost in this catastrophe. The Clan withdrew from its furthest reaches even more, reaffirming the vital need for their people to stay in hiding, and to remain isolationist from a hostile and deadly universe.2).

229 CY Tabak'ka Established

The Otâmovi Wiy Jael (Silver Moon Sect) began to develop Ikatue, one of the two barren worlds of the Degonjo Saeruo (Hidden Sun System). First, they moved the planet to a rotational position nearer to their Sotâka Ruomâqi (World Station). They then organized the construction of a massive artificial environmental habitat which they called Tabak'ka, meaning Great Container. There, with the invaluable guidance of the Poku Vit (Plant Clan) and its Tula members, the habitats were filled with plants brought along the Norka from the birthworld. Farms were also established in the Tabak'ka, improving the quality of life of the Poku'vonai. After the farms were established, additional domes were created for domesticated animals, and then yet more were made house strange new animals brought back by Gatherers. Given the hunting culture of the Poku'vonai, as well as the hunting requirement of the Baqnor (move from youth), domes were also built and arranged to be as wild as possible. These hunting domes were populated with predators as well as prey animals.

325 CY Year of Bad Blood

Relations between two Ruoka'kai (Major Houses), the Panruo and Leyto Houses, escalated to the point of deadly violence. Ships owned by both Houses were attacking each other in space, and ugly fights broke out aboard the World Station, and even the Berth. Inter-House alliances were drawing other Houses into the conflict, and the risk of Civil War seemed great. The Tanoi (Council), practicing non-interference in House affairs up to that point, finally interceded and brought the Ta'a (speaker) for each Ruoka (House) before them. The Tanoi ruled that the matter between the two Houses would be solved by Syat Tâvygoai (Judge by Weapons), or else both Houses would be stripped of their status and ships.

After the Syat Tâvygoai Ruoka Leyto emerged victorious. In a move to prevent the same bloodshed from occurring again in the future, the Leader of House Leyto proposed proposed that a new Ruoka (House) be formed from younger Punlai (Families) of both House Leyto and House Panruo. It was believed that this kinship would cleanse both Houses of hate and desire for revenge, and allow the whole Clan to move forward. Ruoka Leypan was formed from this union of hope and peace. The events of the Year of Bad Blood further solidified the Syat Tâvygoai as a ritualistic means of resolving major issues within the clan.

433 CY Cache Established

The second barren planet in the Degonjo Saeruo (Hidden Sun System), Wunyaka, was moved to a more convenient location just like Ikâtue was two-hundred years prior. A series of underground storage facilities were created on Wunyaka. These facilities stored surplus equipment, salvaged materials and extra resources. The second facility, deeper still within the planet, stored for material and equipment that the clan could not yet use. These items are periodically reviewed by the Otâmovi Wiy Jael (Silver Moon Sect) do determine if they are still un-usable, or to research them in the hopes of learning their secrets.

530 CY Radiant Medicine

In this year, the research of the Otâmovi Wiy Jael (Silver Moon Sect) enjoyed a breakthrough in a new form of medicine which came to be called Wapointe Gean'te (Radiant Healing). for the Poku'vonai. Radiant Healing inspired a number of new devices that made use of its techniques.

537 CY The Weakening

Ida Siamaka flared this year, and a month later, a terrifying condition called Niumte (Weakening) threatened the Poku'vonai. It lasted for more than a year.

631 CY Discovery of Uâo Wunyaka Vonai

Jolur, the Ta'a of the HS-SE1-1A Ismâo'a (Searcher) - Class Ship Graz'ir conducting a long-range exploration of the distant west, woke from a disturbing dream. In his dream, he was trapped on a dead ship. After performing the Oma fofipa (Making self clean), he sought out the Faith Walker on his crew. The Faith Walker, after hearing his account, told him that his dream was a vision from Siamaka.

Jolur continued the mission of the Graz'ir, pensive about his disturbing vision. After the ship's next movidoanor (worm hole) transit, the ship's sensors detected a massive spatial event. A natural wormhole opened before the Graz'ir. For reasons he never explained, even in his private diaries, Jolur ordered the ship into the wormhole. When the ship emerged from the wormhole on the other side, they were 250 light years from their previous position. They received a Poku'vonai distress beacon. Maneuvering to the source of the call, the Graz'ir beheld a sight no Poku'vonai had seen in more than 500 years. The signal came from one of the original fifteen Wunyaka Vonai. This one was the Âdor-Pedavuome (Stormy sky), and it was floating in space.

As the Graz'ir approached the Âdor-Pedavuome, they could see that the ship was heavily damaged. There were lights on in many of the windows, and as they neared they could see movement within. The Graz'ir entered one of the landing bays ventured onto the ship. They were greeted by Poku'vonai from the Norka (The Exodus). For those aboard the lost ship, only five years had passed since the ship was lost. It came to light that while transitioning through a created wormhole, the Stormy Sky accidentally intersected with a natural wormhole. An incredible phenomenon placed the ship in a sphere of 'slow time', making 500 years into 5 years, and transporting the ship more than 250 light years from its original trajectory. The Stormy Sky was badly damaged, and its tunnel drives were ruined beyond repair.

The Poku'vonai launched the most extensive salvage operation the Clan had undertaken since they had held an Empire of their own. All ships capable of spaceflight came to the Stormy Sky's aid. The first priority involved the transfer of the survivors, and then the salvaging of the ship and its contents.

The introduction of almost 100,000 Poku'vonai who had missed the last 500 years of cultural development of the Clan had a profound effect on the society. These people had never seen the Siama Rya (Soul of the Divine), had not suffered the Weakening, had not known the pain of the loss of the Separatists. They were more traditional, and many still remembered living on the Otâgolisoy (Birth world). Their introduction to society led to a Traditionalist movement in the Clan which persists to the present.

Some Poku'vonai on the Stormy Sky joined the Houses of the Clan that matched their own, but some felt their Houses were now distinct in organization and values, and that their descendants had drifted too far from what was 'right and proper'. These 'original' houses delineated themselves by adding the suffix 'jo to their House name. For example, House Panruo is the House that made it aboard the 12 Arks to the Hidden Sun System. House Panruo'jo is comprised of the members of House Panruo who were lost aboard the Stormy Sky.

Jolur and the Graz'ir's discovery of the Stormy Sky was deemed to be the workings of Siamaka. A year long celebration period was held once they completed the salvage effort, and the date of the ship's discovery remains a joyful holiday.

690 CY Usonori Sate (Lean Times) Begin

This was the start of era the Poku'vonai refer to as the Usonori Sate (Lean Times).

710 CY The Prophet

A charismatic Kasâvyjo (Junior Master) Goa'a named Melnoa Aoimi starts a religious movement to bring down the then-current Mui named Beti Voigua, as well as the current Tanoi. See Usonori Sate (Lean Times).

715 CY Usonori Sate (Lean Times) End

Mui Beti Voiqua committed Sou Fofi (Cleansing Death), and all of the members of the Tanoi resigned and stepped down after the death of Goa'a Aomi Melnoa. Mui Tarbah Leyto was appointed, and a new Tanoi was seated. Their first order was to rescind the edicts of Mui Beti Voiqua; this series of events ended the Usonori Sate (Lean Times).

716 CY Reconciliation

The new Mui tarbah_Leyto struck down the hunting restrictions imposed by the previous leadership of the Clan. The Tanoi (Council) restored, where possible, the ships seized by the larger Ruokai. Where it was not possible, grants were given to allow the affected Houses to purchase new ships.

736 CY Dark Sword Encounter

A hunting group detected a huge derelict ship drifting in interstellar space. Initial scans showed the ship to be inactive and unpowered. Eighteen Clan vessels approached the derelict, their transmitted message saying “Approaching vessel, send harvester ships.” When the harvester ships arrived about an hour later, all of the hunting ships were found to have been destroyed, and the mysterious derelict they had reported was gone with out a trace. Sensor records from those times remain restricted to all but the highest ranked Clan personnel.

740 CY Encounter SAoY

The Hunters first encounter a group of Star Army of Yamatai ships. After a fierce battle all wreckage is gathered and taken back to the home system. The strange female warriors are deemed predators and clan vessels are advised to avoid contact when possible. The Otâmovi Wiy Jael (Silver Moon Sect) begins the work of studying the tech gathered, and reverse engineering it. The term used by the Poku'vonai for the SAoY is Loi Daho'a Poku (Female Warrior Clan).

744 CY First Contact With A Nekovalkyrja

A group of clan ships Harvested a battlefield in space, collecting parts from derelict ships. One HS-SE1-1A Ismâo'a (Searcher) - Class Ship discovered a functioning escape pod containing a living Female Warrior Clan member. The pod was returned to a Poku Movi Vamâqi (Clan Void Berth) and a scientist awakened the occupant and initiated first contact.

750 CY Defilers of the Dead

The Poku Saeruo Degonjo encountered the NMX for the first time. During battle, the Clan learned of the Mishhuvurthyar way of reanimating the dead, earning the Mishhu the Clan name 'Defilers of the Dead'. The first group of Clan ships sent a warning to their fellows, and then self-destructed rather than risk exposing other clan vessels to the monstrous scourge that was the Mishhuvurthyar.

751 CY Second Clan World

Despite the threat posed by the NMX, several Ruokai (Houses) express a renewed desire to establish a planetary colony. The desire to spread the Poku'vonai beyond a single system so that they could not be more easily exterminated was a major motivating factor. The Tanoi (Council) deliberated on the matter for 3 weeks, at which point the Ida Siamaka flared, prompting the Tanoi to consult the Vonai Jodau'tajo (Peoples Voice) for a referendum. The Poku'vonai voted overwhelmingly in favor of locating another world for colonization. The HS-SE1-1A Ismâo'a (Searcher) - Class Ships were dispatched to find a suitable planet.

751 CY Year of Changes

With the spreading of the Siama'bu Soujo (Defilers of Dead) the Clan stepped up Gathering so that ship production and the manufacturing of equipment remained steady. The Clan also enacted a new policy; any Clan ship encountering Siama'bu Soujo vessels were obligated to engage and destroy them, if they had the capacity, but no NMX ships would be harvested. Any ship showing signs of having been boarded by Defilers are also forbidden from being harvested.

752 CY Gulvi-ka Mui-Class Ship completed for Emissary

The HS-SD1-1a Gulvi-ka Mui-Class Ship was constructed for use by the Vonai-Rya'ka (Emissary). The ship was a unique design chosen by Kohaku Syali, the first Emissary, and wass built using salvage and new materials resulting in a design that combined both Clan and Star Army of Yamatai design elements.

753 CY Reaching out

This was the year that the Poku Saeruo Degonjo chose to reach out and make formal contact with the Yamatai Star Empire.

754 CY New Worlds

The Clan negoiated a treaty with the Yamatai Star Empire at the start of the year. This marked the first time since the Norka (The Exodus) that members of the clan, let alone the the Mui (Clan Leader), visited another species. As part of the treaty, the clan defined its sovereign Lumujo Saei (Territory). The HS-ST4-1a Kâur Ruomâqi (Way Station) came online, the first structure built to accommodate non-clan members since the Norka (The Exodus).

This treaty marked a brave new era for the Poku Saeruo Degonjo. This era was called Otâgo'iâmai (New Worlds). It also saw the formation of the Wotanu Abokatinka Poku (Clan Defense Fleet) and the production of the Goa'ismâ (Scout) Stako Yanuto.

755 CY Into the light

This year was called 'Into the Light' because the clan began marked this year as the beginning of the full scale colonization of two planets in their territory; Âmuar (Dream) and Âtoma (Heart).

756 CY Darkness Within Is Revealed

This year was so named because it was a time of learning and contending with changes in the clan.

757 CY Consequences

This year started with tarbah_leyto in critical condition after an attempted assassination.

758 CY Working for Harmony

This year was so named because it was marked by turmoil in the region, changes within the clan have settled and a period of growth is in effect.

OOC Notes

Note by Hollander: Nashoba appears to have never specified which system this colony was founded on. I'll keep checking. We may need to decide on this ourselves later. It's not any of the three systems the Poku later colonized, nor is it the one that was illegally colonized in the 30's.
Need to create a mourning day for this event

faction/hidden_sun_clan/history.1712172666.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/03 12:31 by hollander