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Uehara Miiko

Uehara Miiko is a player character played by Eistheid.

Uehara Miiko
Species: NH-33M (Miniature)
Gender: Female
Age: 3 Years 1)
Zodiac: Scorpio
Height: 15cm (5.9in)
Weight: 3kg (6.6lbs.)
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: 05D Chief Engineer
Rank: Nothing found
Current Placement: YSS Takamagahara

Preferred Plots:

Physical Characteristics

Build and Skin Color: Lithe in build without any muscle definition of note and featuring notably narrow shoulders, Miiko's one grace is that her features lend to an overall elegant frame as well as, well shaped legs giving her a slight fragile beauty. Her delicate form is clad in pale almost porcelain skin that further emphasizes the illusion of fragility that her body suggests.

Eyes and Facial Features: Miiko has wide eyes with slit-like pupils surrounded by large silvery-white irises. Her face features an oval facial structure with high cheek bones and gentle curves helping to subtly emphasize and draw attention to her soft pale rose lips.

Ears: On the side of her head are a pair of silken furred, fluffy, pale mint-green, triangular cat ears that capable a wide range of expressive motion.

Hair Color and Style: Her head features a long wash of largely straight ankle length pale mint-green hair. Her face is obscured by a long fringe that is typically styled in such a way as to provide enough volume to keep it from hanging as a single curtain over her features. Typically the majority her hair is left to flow down her back before being gathered into a shiny green ribbon just before it terminates to keep it from fanning out too much. When working in areas where her hair might get caught she habitually throws it around her neck much like a scarf and tucks the end into either the coils of hair or whatever clothing she is wearing so that it rests close to her chest minimizing the danger of getting caught on things.

Distinguishing Features: Notably tiny even for a miniature Nekovalkyrja, Miiko's shorter height than most of her peers coupled with her slight build makes her appear absolutely tiny. To offset her diminutive physical traits she has a bright almost ethereal mane of hair that is rather eye catching. Curiously Miiko also naturally smells and tastes of spearmint.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Possessed of an outwardly emotive and capricious nature Miiko can be uncomfortably unpredictable at times responding to situations with laughter or anger seemingly without rhyme or reason. While normally a sign of mental instability Miiko has demonstrated that her whimsical nature does not shackle her, allowing her to maintain control and instead applies her unpredictability to learn about those around her seeing how they respond to the unexpected giving her valuable insight into those she meets whether casually or in a working relationship.

While her capricious nature usually keeps others distant Miiko is capable of displaying surprisingly sensitive behaviour allowing her to provide a comforting shoulder for others when appropriate. Content to provide support and encouragement when it is called for, she is however sensitive to attention seeking behaviours in others who might seek to exploit her kindness; as such her emotional support is not to be relied upon.

Beneath her more apparent traits at the very core of her being Miiko is a creature of unshakable self-confidence mated with ambition, drive, and desire to constantly make progress in the pursuit of improvement. Her driven nature as well as the extent of her capability to focus on that which drives results in Miiko behaving in ways that may be callous toward others ignorant of their needs as she looses herself within her own goals and motives.

  • Likes: Larger Neko, success, being taken seriously, fish, being warm, the NODAL system.
  • Dislikes: Nepleslians, mud, rain, chewing gum, being demeaned, steak, manual work, a lack of options.
  • Goals: Prove that she can achieve things despite her size.



Miiko was Manufactured at Fort Hankou in YE34 for the Ketsurui Zaibatsu for the SAoY


Decanted into the world Miiko was shuffled along with many of her sisters into a system designed to train and ready them for a world that at the time she was struggling to comprehend. Others like her, and others that were very different eased the process, reducing the difficulties she faced and eventually allowing Miiko to embrace her whims and be who she wanted to be, while also giving her a series of goals to pursue.

Her first experience of delight came during her initial socialization training where in she learned of how varying responses produced different reactions each person and each scenario giving her something new to see. This lead to her adopting an rather unpredictable, whim driven nature taking delight in the way others would respond when something that she had previously liked was vehemently scorned or something that had been taken badly was accepted with laughter. She rationalized this decision as her not wanting to inspire complacency in others, often pointing out that with her tiny stature that complacency could prove dangerous.

During combat training Miiko proved a startlingly effective team player given her capricious nature turned her love of the unpredictable toward keeping her foes off balance. As her training progressed and she learned the basics of what was expected of her kind however, Miiko found that the standards and options encouraged were relatively lacking. Setting her driven mind to the task presented before her Miiko considered and weighed the capabilities of her eventually coming to the conclusion that despite her diminutive stature, a melee approach was all she had available. This encouraged her to set to work optimizing herself as an ambush hunter, taking advantage of her diminutive stature, coupled with her natural optical camouflage capabilities, and gravitic manipulation to manoeuvre unseen before suddenly closing the gap to assault vulnerable points on her foes with the intent of disabling or outright killing larger enemies.

As her basic training drew to a close Miiko made a choice that came as a surprise to those who knew her. Instead of focusing on pursuing a warrior's path to further refine her combat capabilities, when given the option Miiko instead opted into the Star Army's engineering training. Loosing herself within a world of mechanical and technological wonders before delving deeply into the intricacies of the SAoY's Nodal system. Fascinated by the nuances and wide variety of options that the system presented.

Graduating from training with a bright future before her, Miiko was transferred to the Tenth Fleet in the latter half of YE35 and spent her first tour aboard a Midori-Class Scout Ship scout ship. There she applied herself tirelessly training herself as she learning the basics of engineering work in the field. Through her unceasing efforts she slowly progressing in rank managing to impress her crew with her dedication during their exploratory mission. Managing to earn a position as an NCO shortly before the end of her tour Miiko was transferred off of the small ship that had been her home, relocated to spend a brief time aboard Leo Station in early YE37.

Unsatisfied with being idle, even temporarily Miiko did her best to supplement the engineering staff aboard Leo Station, while dedicating her free time to research with the intention of keeping her skills current as well as providing more utility to her next vessel. Her desire to move forward was granted upon receiving the order to transfer to a new ship, listed as a Sharie-class Battleship where her career was to continue.



Trained in the basics of Star Army communications Miiko is capable of basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other characters through headsets, starships, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. Fluent in both Yamataigo and Trade she is capable of speaking and writing for the purposes of delivering reports, filling forms, as well as issuing orders either casually or under pressure.


Miiko received hand-to-hand combat training, followed up with a rigorous training program. She is skilled and experienced in combat both in Yamatai-like conditions and in zero-gravity, with and without weapons. Weapons she is trained in include energy pistols, knives, and NH-33M compatible armors. Of special note Miiko is a skilled ambush hunter having trained to stalk prey and strike suddenly to debilitate or kill unsuspecting foes when she finds herself without access to a heavier weapons platform.

Technology Operation

Skilled at operating any computer system that uses the Kessaku OS, found on all Star Army starships, Miiko is proficient in entering and/or searching for information as well as using system resources to develop schematics and functions used in the fabrication process using either the Nodal system or more traditional construction methods.


Having received basic mathematics training, to including up to algebra and trigonometry Miiko has proved adept at manipulating mathematical systems to make her life easier which has allowed her to branch off into more application specific fields that allow her to better function as an engineer.


Primarily trained in the field of nano scale or smaller engineering Miiko possesses a background body of knowledge that allows her to develop plans to fabricate or construct a myriad of things from tools and computers, to buildings and even specialized structures such as power plants.

Maintenance and Repair

To support her engineering skills Miiko is familiar with the operation of tools and resources used in the repair, maintenance and construction of both starships and equipment allowing her to with proper reference and support restore damaged systems and replace components to ensure proper operation of the systems she works with or constructs.


Primarily specialized in the application of nano scale or smaller systems such as the Nodal system Miiko is able to quickly and efficiently set systems in place to ensure the production of anything that she has the schematics for. While her primary focus is on the small scale she has the skills to use larger tools to produce products that would take an excessive quantity of time to produce with nano or femto constructors alone giving her flexibility in the scope of what she can feasibly produce.



Uehara Miiko is currently a Nitô Heisho in the Star Army of Yamatai.

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
3000 KS Starting Funds


Miiko was created 2015/07/31 21:18 by Eistheid and is not up for adoption.

Approved 2015/04/26 11:36

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Manufactured November 28th YE 34

characters/yamatai/uehara_miiko.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/24 08:20 by wes