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Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Daisuke (泰佑)

Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Daisuke-shinnō is an Active Player Character played by iaincarter.

Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Daisuke-shinnō
Species & Gender: Male, NH-31M Minkan (Upgraded)
Clan: Motoyoshi Clan
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: SAoY First Officer
Rank: Chui
Current Placement: YSS Yukika II, 5XF
Orders: Orders

Physical Description

  • As a NH-31M Minkan, Daisuke appears as a well-formed human male in his late teens/early twenties, with shoulders slightly broader than the waist. He has a slender build, but possesses the sort of toned musculature often associated with athletic disciplines such as swimming. Daisuke stands at 173cm (5ft 8in) and weighs 86kg (190lbs) in 1G environments.
  • Daisuke has the sort of pale pink skin tone often referred to as 'peaches and cream'. His skin is smooth, unblemished and shines with health and youthful vigour. His SPINE interface is visible as a series of pink dots on his back. Daisuke has no body hair below his head, choosing only to keep his eyebrows.
  • Possessing similar almond-shaped eyes to those of his father, Daisuke's expressive, deep violet eyes have streaks of lighter and darker shades within and have in the past been compared favourably to sparkling amethysts. He keeps his deep violet hair to mid-back length and it is usually kept tied back in a simple ponytail with a few loose strands allowed to fall free towards the front. Daisuke has normal, human style ears.
  • Daisuke favours a cologne named 'Peony Passion' that contains notes of suede leather, enhanced by the sensuality of iris and sweetened by peony blossom. His voice is a soft, clear and melodious tenor that lends itself well to public speaking and singing.


  • Being an ENFJ type personality, Daisuke is a warm and personable young man. He enjoys helping others, has strong personal values and believes it is better to do that which is right over that which is easy.
  • While he has his own views and opinions Daisuke is always willing to listen to those of others, even if conflicting with his own. While he believes everyone has the right to an opinion, Daisuke makes no promise that he will respect the opinion itself. With a staunch belief in personal honour, Daisuke is a reliable individual whose word is very much his bond. Daisuke is a passionate young man, not afraid to experience new activities or abandon those that bring no pleasure any more. He has a deep desire to become a force of positive change to the world around him. Daisuke is also charismatic and capable of inspiring those around him, often falling into leadership roles.
  • Daisuke, believing he can better the world, sometimes sets his goals a little too high when he would better be served in focusing on less grandiose but much more easily achieved targets. Having been exposed to people of similar moral fibre for most of his life, Daisuke is a little too idealistic at times and still struggles with accepting that there are those who genuinely don't believe in allowing concepts like duty, honour and honesty to shape their lives and actions. When particularly passionate about a subject, Daisuke can come across as arrogant and patronising, especially should he bulldoze over arguments he considers facetious or ridiculous. He can also push those around him too hard when making an effort to drive them to make choices and decisions that Daisuke believes to be best for them. Daisuke also has to keep an eye out in case he should take on too much, for if left unguarded his compassion and altruism would have take all the world's problems upon his shoulders - only to be crushed underneath the weight.
  • When it comes to romance, Daisuke has an appreciation for beauty as much as anyone, is outgoing and can be flirtatious. While physical appeal might be enough for a wild night or two, that isn't enough to keep his interest in a potential partner as Daisuke has high standards and no intentions of settling for less. When he does fall for someone though, Daisuke falls hard and is not afraid to let that person know his feelings on the matter even if there is no sign they are reciprocated or even welcomed.


Having spent the past decade being exposed to them on a daily basis, Daisuke has adopted the philosophy and virtues of the Motoyoshi Clan for himself and tries to honour these precepts in his everyday life. This has had a profound impact on him and is reflected in his chosen goals:

  • To promote the growth and development of the Motoyoshi Clan, it's interests and it's members.
  • To help bring about the decline of democracy within the great Yamatai Star Empire and a return to imperialism with a recentralisation of power to the throne and the Star Army of Yamatai.
  • To grow as much as he can as an individual and reach as far as he is able.
  • To find a life partner with whom he can form a genuine partnership and eventually contribute to the next generation of the Motoyoshi Clan.

Likes & Dislikes

Much as any other living being, Daisuke has found there are many things that he feels strongly about, both positively and negatively:


  • The Motoyoshi Clan
  • The Yamatai Star Empire
  • The Star Army of Yamatai
  • Imperialism
  • Self-Improvement
  • Getting to know people
  • Helping others
  • Coffee, especially trying new blends
  • Martial Arts
  • Hoverboards
  • Swimming


  • The Mishhuvurthyar
  • The Kuvexians
  • Democracy
  • Wasted potential
  • Dishonesty
  • Static Meditation
  • People who only try to see him as his rank/position
  • Overly-seasoned or meat-heavy food
  • Overly loud and/or aggressive music (e.g. Aethersperm)
  • Unfair criticism of the Motoyoshi Clan, especially his close family and friends


Daisuke was born on 07日 04月 YE 22 at the Imperial Hospital of Geshrinopolis, on the planet Yamatai. The unplanned son of Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Taro and Kato Ritsuko, he was the natural result of a night of uninhibited passion between the two. Daisuke was born as a NH-1 Geshrin.

Pre-RP History

YE 22 => YE 24

  • With his mother serving as an active duty member of the Grand Star Army, Daisuke spent most of the first two years of his life being raised by his maternal grandparents who lived in Geshrinopolis. In the early months of YE 24, his mother received a promotion and was posted to Nataria to work with the terraforming processes being performed there and was able to take Daisuke with her.

YE 24 => YE 32

  • The lives of Daisuke's maternal grandparents were lost with the destruction of Geshrinopolis by the Elysians during the Fourth Elysian War. Although he was too young to really understand, Daisuke would often hear his mother crying and try to comfort her. She would later claim that his first sentence was 'Momma no be sad!'
  • Daisuke's mother Ritsuko was promoted to Warrant Officer in YE 28 and, shortly after his sixth birthday, both Daisuke and his mother were transferred into new NH-22C Yamataian bodies.
  • In late YE 29, Ritsuko was transferred to Star Army Logistics Command, based out of Uesureyan Fields on planet Yamatai.

YE 32 => YE 33

  • In late YE 32, Ritsuko was transferred to the Nougaku-Class Agricultural Vessel, the YSS Houfu, under the command of Hashimoto Rie. Daisuke, despite wanting to go with his mother, was forced to remain on Yamatai. Part of Task Force Torch, the YSS Houfu was lost with all hands during an ambush by the NMX in the Mitsuya system.
  • After his mother's death, and being a minor, Daisuke needed a responsible adult to become his guardian. Having no relations remaining on his mother's side, the decision was made to attempt to track his father. With no information to go on, his mother having always changed the subject of his father until he learned not to ask anymore, Daisuke's genetic profile was analysed and compared to those on record.
  • Suffice to say, Daisuke had not expected to be adopted by the former Empress Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko and delivered into the care of his father Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Taro. Fortunately, he hit the ground running, so to speak and was transferred to a new NH-33M Minkan body a few days later on his eleventh birthday, the day he officially left Kato Daisuke behind and became Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Daisuke.

YE 33 => YE 40

  • Adapting to life in the Motoyoshi Clan wasn't the easiest task for Daisuke, who initially felt like a complete outsider and often wondered if he truly belonged amongst them. But, with the support of his adopted family and the clan retainers present within the Clan Palace of Motoyoshi-jo, he would come to truly accept his new position. Driven to prove his worth, Daisuke took to his lessons with a passion and quickly came to appreciate the Motoyoshi Clan.
  • Receiving significantly more focused, individual attention and support than he had previously experienced, Daisuke's academic progress rapidly accelerated. He was introduced to the philosophy, values and politics of the Motoyoshi Clan and found much to be praised within. Daisuke was surrounded most of the time by retainers of the clan, but would often meet with his father Taro who he grew much closer to. Although he would see his adopted mother Katsuko, she remained distant and cool.
  • One day, in YE 37, after being dismissed by Katsuko, Daisuke confronted Taro over his fears that the Clan Matriarch regretted adopting him. Taro quickly explained the heartbreak arising from the betrayal of Motoyoshi Kiyoko and Motoyoshi Tio that had so emotionally ravaged the former empress. Daisuke's response was to visit the palace gardens, select the most beautiful peony blossom he could find and, over the space of two weeks, carefully preserve it using a combination of chemicals to replace the water within the flower and lightly coat the exterior. Finally, he sealed the preserved peony blossom within a clear, vacuum-sealed case upon which he etched in Yamataigo kanji: 'Katsuko, my mother, as long as this blossom retains its beauty, so shall my great love for you endure'. He had the gift delivered anonymously.

YE 40 => YE 44

  • By YE 40, Daisuke had developed a deep love for the Motoyoshi Clan. Having an interest in both its political and economical power, he made the decision to study a Bachelor's degree in 'Political Science and Economics' through the Social Sciences School of the Gakuin Academy. Daisuke would live and study remotely, thus retaining access to the Motoyoshi Clan's resources and, perhaps more importantly, its people who had a wealth of real-life experience he could draw upon.
  • Throughout his time studying at Gakuin, Daisuke developed a reputation as a solid, dependable student. Thanks to being surrounded by the Motoyoshi Clan on a daily basis, he remained focused on his goals, only putting aside a minimal amount of time for socialisation with his fellow students. Having consistently excellent grades on assignments and such a solid grasp on the fundamentals, Daisuke often found that students from classes he had completed would reach out to him for assistance. He had no idea that such was orchestrated by the Faculty, but found enjoyment in helping other students overcome roadblocks to their own understanding and development.
  • While attending Gakuin, alongside of his studies, Daisuke also was working towards the Clan's future by making note of students who showed they could be people of interest. He was also working on building a network of contacts and feeling out people of similar political leanings to himself. All this information was passed surreptitiously along to the Clan for future monitoring and/or recruitment purposes.
  • For his final year project, Daisuke decided to remain true to the Clan's and his own beliefs, researching and writing a thesis paper titled: “Democracy: The Death Knell of our Empire”. His thesis was a harsh, uncompromising attack on the principles of democracy as they had been applied to the Yamatai Star Empire. Backed with the appropriate political and economic research, his thesis' logical conclusion was that the only way to safeguard the future of Yamatai without destroying its very soul, was to return to an earlier, imperialistic model of governance where power would rest with the Imperial Throne and the Star Army of Yamatai. Needless to say, once submitted at the start of YE 44, the nature of his thesis and identity of its author quickly drew attention to him from those in power, both for better and for worse. Before things could get too out of hand, the decision was made to quietly graduate Daisuke, several months ahead of schedule.

YE 44

  • Now graduated from Gakuin Academy, Daisuke owed four years of service in return for his degree so, as previously planned, he joined the Star Army of Yamatai. Between his raw aptitude scores, academic prowess and achievements, in addition to the Motoyoshi name, Daisuke found himself fast-tracked. He spent several months in intensive training, covering the Star Army basic training, officer training and occupational training for the starship operator specialisation.

With his intensive training over, Daisuke received orders in YE 44.8 to report for active duty aboard the YSS Tokyo, where he would take up duties as a SAoY Starship Operator.

YE 45 (WIP)

In YE 45, Daisuke was given orders to report to the YSS Mazu as a SAoY Mission Operator.


YE 46 (WIP)

In YE 46, Daisuke was promoted to Chui. He also received orders to report to the YSS Yukika II, NS-X5-1212, as it's First Officer SAoY First Officer.


  • Day x - Events (Will be updated as IC events unfold)

Skills Learned

Growing Up

  • General Yamatai Education - including fluent speech of Yamataigo and Trade.
  • Clan Motoyoshi - Organisation, Important Members, Principles, Values, Politics, Economy, History

Academic Studies

  • Bachelors Degree in Political Science and Economics

Star Army Training

  • Basic Training
  • Officer Training
  • Starship Operator (MOS 09) Occupational Training
    • Starship Operations
    • Maintenance and Repair
  • Technician (MOS 05) Occupational Training
    • Daisuke has acquired the necessary distance-learning material needed to qualify for this specialisation from SATA and is currently studying it when able, approximately 50% completed.
  • First Officer (MOS 10B) Occupational Training

Hobbies & Interests

  • Martial Arts - Daisuke is trained in a soft style for meditation/exercise purposes and a hard, offensive style for combat.
  • Swimming - Daisuke swims as a form of relaxing exercise
  • Hoverboard - Daisuke enjoys riding his extreme hoverboard whenever he gets the chance. He has also come to enjoy tinkering and tweaking his board's systems with the help of his cousin Yue.
  • Applied Engineering - Having always had an appreciation for technology thanks to his time with the Clan, Daisuke has recently found a hitherto unknown passion for engineering, fostered in no small part by informal lessons from his cousin Yue while tinkering with his hoverboard. His interests so far lay with the practical applications of the subject rather than the more theoretical.


Order Previous Rank Current Rank Date
Orders Shoi Chui YE 46.7.2
Orders Shoi Kohosei Shoi YE 45.7.2


Item Description Reason Date
Exploration Award Awarded for Completing an Exploration Mission Hinomaru Sunrises II - Mission 1.1 Just More Questions Awards YE 46.7
Service Award Awarded for Successful Mission Completion Hinomaru Sunrises II - Mission 1.1 Just More Questions Awards YE 46.7

Multiple Awards Note: N/A

Social Connections

In no particular order of importance, Daisuke is currently connected to:

Daisuke is potentially connected to:

  • Members of the Motoyoshi Clan
  • Clan retainers at the Motoyoshi-jo Palace on Yamatai between YE 33 and YE 45
  • Classmates, especially those reading Political Science and Economics at Gakuin Academy between YE 40 and YE 44
  • People who have read/studied his political science Thesis: 'Democracy - The Death Knell of our Empire', published YE 44.2
  • Colleagues from the SAoY Basic Training, Officer's Program and Starship Operator Occupational courses he attended as part of his fast-track program
  • Crewmates from the YSS Tokyo between YE 44.8 and assignment to the YSS Mazu in YE 45.


As a member of the Motoyoshi Clan, Daisuke has quite a number of relatives:




Extended Family

Friends and Colleagues

Inventory & Finance

Daisuke has the following equipment:

Daisuke has the following personal property:

  • XM3-48 Extreme Hoverboard, longboard variation, in Motoyoshi-clan colours with dark violet casual lighting kit and decals of the Motoyoshi peony Mon and the Clan Motto: “Seishin no chuujitsu” in elegant, cursive, golden script.
  • Pictures of Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Taro and Motoyoshi Katsuko, small, portrait-style, in foldable, standing display case.
  • Certified copies of personal-achievement documents: Bachelor's Degree, Officer Commission, MOS Qualifications

The Financial Assets of Daisuke:

  • Current bank balance of: 35,000 KS
  • Current monthly income of: 4675 KS - O2 - SAoY Chui

From Halloween Salvage Giveaway 2023: 1. Intact aether generator, ship size 2. Electrical cabling. 5m 3. Apparently a sizable amount of zombies were in this shipment? Hundreds? *gunshots* Shit, there's too many, aurrghhhh!!

OOC Information

This page was created by iaincarter on the 24th August 2023 at 1452.

Artwork for Daisuke created on by iaincarter

Daisuke's Forum Colour Text is: 81007F in bold

In the case iaincarter becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? Yes
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? Yes
Character Data
Character NameMotoyoshi-Ieyasu Daisuke
Character Owneriaincarter
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationYSS Yukika II
Character's HomeAsagumo-jo
Current Plot(s)YSS Yukika II: A Classic SARP Adventure
Plots (All)Hinomaru Sunrises II, YSS Yukika II: A Classic SARP Adventure
Approval Thread…
Harm Limitinjuries only
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankChui
SAOY OccupationStar Army First Officer
SAOY AssignmentYSS Yukika II
Assigned QuartersXO
Battle BuddyMotoyoshi Tachiko
SAOY Entry YearYE 44
SAOY Entry Month3
DOR YearYE 46
DOR Month7
Awards RecievedExploration Award, Service Award

characters/yamatai/motoyoshi_daisuke.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/05 01:20 by