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Mashiro, Egil

Mashiro, Egil is a player character played by Krious.

Mashiro, Egil
Species: Minkan
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Height: 5'7“ (170cm)
Weight: 150lbs (68kg)
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Star Army Information Technology
Rank: Santô Hei
Current Placement: YSS Eucharis
Orders: Orders

Physical Characteristics

  • Height: 5'7'' (170cm)
  • Mass: 150lbs (68kg)

Build and Skin Color:

Eyes and Facial Features: It's quite obvious that a lot of his mother's genetics influenced his appearance. He has a square jaw, nicely rounded cheekbones and a medium sized nose that is just slightly uplifted at its tip. A set of full eyebrows cover his large round dark green eyes.

Ears: Normal sized humans ears.

Hair Color and Style: Egil's black hair is kept in a medium length style cut just above his jawline. It's very layered on the back and his bangs are swept to one side, hiding part of his forehead but not hindering his eyes.

Distinguishing Features: None.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: At first glance people would call Egil shy. This really isn't the case, he merely prefers other people taking the initiative and only does so himself when he has a reason to or when he's among those he trusts. Don't get him started about one of his hobbies or passions though, as he's unlikely to stop unless explicitly told so.

His passion for running stems from a need for speed. He likes everything that goes fast and gets the adrenaline going, such as piloting his Power Armor. He also performs well under pressure, be it combat, peer pressure or a deadline.

He has a very serious attitude towards his work and expects others to behave in the same manner. He also puts a lot of value in protocol and formality. Outside of work he's usually very friendly and helpful but at times he can be a bit sarcastic.

  • Likes: Rice, spicy foods, AI's, variety in his work, state of the art technology, individuality, running, speed and occasional alone time.
  • Dislikes: Smoking, loud or unnecessary noise, unorganized and sloppy people.
  • Goals: Work with the latest and most advanced technology available. Protect Yamataian interests.


Family (or Creators)

Lena Olsen-Mashiro (Mother)

His mother would be described as a fair maiden with her long blonde hair and feminine features. She's from a Nordic heritage and is the person Egil inherited his Norse features from. She's exceptionally kind and well mannered and enjoys making people feel happy and at home. She was the parent most present in the house while Egil was growing up, taking care of most of the household and ensuring Egil grew up into a fine citizen. She works part-time as an office clerk for a large local raw material supplier and handles paperwork and organizing exceptionally well. She enjoys having people over and likes travelling to interesting places and meeting new people.

Setsuke Mashiro (Father).

Egil's father is a Yamataian of asian heritage, evident by his black hair and more rounded face as well as his height, as he's shorter than his mother. He has a passion for his work as an AI developer and is very focused and devoted to it when at work and it's best not to disturb him. Over the years Egil became more proficient in this area of expertise and he was allowed to help out under the strict supervision of his father a few times. When not working he generally spends time with his family, shares his passion with his wife and son or works on miniature starships and vehicles.


Egil led a mostly uneventful life until he was old enough en enlist in the military. He was born a Human on the Yamatai (Planet) as a son to an AI developer and office clerk. His family got by nicely and had the opportunity to upgrade to newer models as they were released, currently inhabiting the NH-31 series since late YE 33. The only thing he could actually complain about was his life being a bit bland.

In order to do something about this he turned towards his passion for technology. He wished to follow into his father's footsteps and work on the most sophisticated AI's and computer systems. On top of that he wanted to be able to work with the latest technology available in the universe, which the military could supply. This would also allow him to pilot a suit of power armor, another dream he had ever since he laid eyes upon the miniatures his father liked to build, and explore the universe with all its wonders.



Basic operation of radio and similar equipment, along with the proper request and response procedures. He is quick to understand orders and does not shy away from improvising on them if the situation asks for it. His reports are clear and to the point and he is able to keep a levelled head under stress. He is fluent in Nepleslian(English) and Yamataian (Japanese) in both their verbal and written form.


He wasn't really a fighter before entering service, but basic training fixed that in a matter of weeks. He knows the basics of hand to hand and melee combat, weapon handling and is a skilled PA operator. He prefers medium to close range combat but is otherwise fairly flexible.

Technology Operation

Egil's niche was obvious even before enlisting. He knows the ins and outs of many complex systems on the market, not just Yamataian, and is able to operate and instruct them with the utmost efficiency. He has taken most of the basic and advanced classes available in this area ranging from simple AI operation to cyber warfare. To improve on his already impressive technological skills he occasionally recruits an AI to aid him.


Next to understanding the basics of mathematics Egil is skilled in the following advanced areas: Algorithmic Theory, Statistics and probability, Mathematical logic and optimization.


Egil has developed a passion for running and he tends to spent a lot of his free time on the track. It clears his head, occupies him on slow days and keeps his body fit and nimble.


Mashiro, Egil has the following items:


Mashiro, Egil is currently a Santô Hei in the Star Army of Yamatai.

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
8442 KS +221 Salary for February
8221 KS +5000 Gifts from Takeyu
3221 KS +221 Salary for January
3000 KS Starting Funds

OOC Discussion

Somewhat tailor made to suit the Eucharis. If this placement is not possible I'll probably want to edit him a little.

5 Skills is intentional.

Character Data
Character NameMashiro Egil
Character OwnerKrious
Character StatusInactive Player Character
Approval Thread…
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankSantô Hei
SAOY OccupationStar Army Information Technology
SAOY AssignmentYSS Eucharis

characters/yamatai/mashiro_egil.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/12 00:52 by andrew