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YSS Yukika II

The YSS Yukika II is a Nozomi II-class Scout with Imperial Registry Number (IRN) NS-X5-1212 in the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet of the Star Army of Yamatai. It is the plot ship for the YSS Yukika II: A Classic SARP Adventure plot by Yuuki.

The YSS Yukika II
YSS Yukika II Patch
YSS Yukika II Patch
Ship's Motto “”
Imperial Registry Number (IRN) NS-X5-1212


Commissioned and launched in YE 46, the YSS Yukika II is one of the first Nozomi II-class Scout in the Star Army of Yamatai. It was laid down and launched from Gemini Star Fortress. Its first commander was Motoyoshi Tachiko, her first command. She was previously Chief Medical Officer of the original YSS Yukika1).

Standard Operating Procedures

The YSS Yukika II Standard Operating Procedures describe the basic procedures and rules for operations on the ship.

Design Modifications

The YSS Yukika II has been modified somewhat from its original specifications:

YSS Yukika II Upper Deck
YSS Yukika II Main Deck
YSS Yukika II Sub-deck


Although the Nozomi II-class Scout already uses a modified version of the Star Army Internal Small Starship Bridge, Type 40, the Yukika II's bridge has further modifications. The command station is moved forward slightly, and two more seats are placed to either side and a bit forward of it. The Starboard is typically used by the first officer if both they and the captain are on the bridge at the same time, while the port one is typically reserved for a guest such as a counselor or diplomat, situationally. The standing stations at the rear have swivel-out seats with most of the functionality of the primary ones, albeit a bit more stripped down. These seats stow beneath the station console and are out of the way.

Due to miniaturization of electronics since the original Nozomi-class Scout while keeping the interior more or less the same, there are many small spaces for customization available between bulkheads. Built into the corridor bulkhead surrounding the bridge, near either entrance, is a Caretaker's Station with a kitchenette-wet bar including a sink, refrigerator, freezer, wine cellar, bar wand, microwave, and a coffee and tea service station. There is also storage for snacks, paper items, drinkware, tableware, serving trays, linens, pillows, CMO-approved quick-relief over-the-counter medications, cleaning supplies, and other tools of the caretaker's trade. Each one also features storage for a push cart for the caretaker's convenience in bringing items onto the bridge.

Captain's Suite

The Captain's Suite on the Nozomi II-class Scout is a variant of the Star Army Standard Captain's Suite, rearranged to fit the shape of the space. The Yukika II's is further modified for its sleeping area to be a traditional Yamataian room, similar to that of Motoyoshi Tachiko's cabin on the YSS BACC, but smaller. It differs from that room in rather than having traditional futon for sleep, it has a Star Army Nekovalkyrja Nest/Life Raft, Type 40, the newest version of the Traditional Nekovalkyrja Nests. A pair of Type 45 Bunks are built into one wall, used for storage and privacy, and disguised as paneling with Omnihue. Two stacks of Star Army Bunk Bed, Type 40 are stowed collapsed above the two desks/drawers.

Ponics Bays

The Expansion Areas on the sub-deck have been converted for small-scale, sustainable, near-closed-loop horticulture and aquaculture using space-efficient hydroponics, aeroponics, and aquaponics technologies. The bays include sprinkler systems, advanced temperature and humidity control systems, modified spectrum lighting, and storage areas for fertilizer, soil, and seeds. It was designed to provide fresh food with crew morale, long-term mission sustainment, and possible survival situations in mind.

The starboard bay is designated a production bay, with space maximized for yield, but also arranged as a sort of garden or park for the crew to visit for contact with nature in the artificial environment of the ship. The port bay, on the other hand, is designated a research bay. There are several sealed chambers with separate environmental systems for the growing of newly discovered species in quarantine. These sealed chambers can have separate lighting, temperature, humidity, and water cycles, as well as different gravity and atmospheric compositions. The research bay also has a well-equipped laboratory space for research in the life sciences.


The YSS Yukika II has some additional sensor capability installed:


The YSS Yukika II has several shrines for the practice of the Yamataian version of Shintoism, specifically as practiced according to the Culture in the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector, and thus the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet2) of which the Yukika II is a part.

The entrance to the Computer Room from the Engineering, as well as the entrance to the ship's main armament maintenance area are decorated by Torii gates that surround the actual entrances, spiritually defining and protecting the space in the same way the Forcefield-Nested Isolation Doors do for the physical.

The shrine surrounding the main gun is dedicated to Yumiko, the mythic kami of Archery and War. The maintenance area is the haiden, the hall of worship, while the Ke-D2-W4000 Shock Cannon itself is considered the honden, or the sanctuary that houses the kami itself.

The other is dedicated to the ship's MEGAMI itself as the machine-kami of the Yukika II. As it cannot normally be entered by anyone except the commanding officer, the IT technician, or crew qualified and assigned as a miko for the shrine, it is considered an unapproachably sacred. Doubly so, for the object of reverence itself physically dwells there.


On the bulkheads in the corridors opposite the entrances to the bridge are smaller shrines– large, permanent kamidana, to very important kami. The port side is devoted to the living kami and former empress Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko, while the starboard is devoted to the Kinjō Heika (今上陛下)—the current ruling imperial sovereign as a concept.


On the bulkheads in the pylon corridors leading into the ship from the airlocks are a pair of memorials. The port side memorial is dedicated to those lost in the Battle Of Taiie and the ensuing destruction of the system, and prominently features scenes of the lush landscapes of Taiie IV and the 34skyline of its capital. The starboard memorial is to an individual– Corro Adlich, a former commander of the YSS Yukika, the Yukika II's namesake, who perished fighting the Mishhuvurthyar during the Battle of Murf.


The YSS Yukika II is staffed by high-performing but young and fresh officers and crew:

Player Characters

The officers of the YSS Yukika II are Player Characters. The YSS Yukika II uses the Officer Berths standard to the Nozomi II-class Scout. An Officer typically shares a Berth with an Officer of the same occupation, but who works a different shift.

NPC Crew

Given the Troupe-Style play of the YSS Yukika II: A Classic SARP Adventure plot, NPC Crew are in common for all players to use in their stories:

Ship's Avatar

The MEGAMI AI Avatar of the YSS Yukika II is named Yukika Futaba, and has the rank of Taii and is classed as a Star Army Starship Operator. She appears as a lithe, pale Nekovalkyrja with snow-white hair bearing ice-blue highlights, and ice-blue eyes to match.

Yukika Futaba has a “Kuudere” personality type, and seems somewhat aloof, distant, and a bit cold, but with a warmer, softer interior that occasionally surfaces. She is utterly dedicated to the well-being of her crew and the accomplishment of her mission, whoever and whatever they may be. She does have some unnerving quirks such as suddenly and silently materializing nearby and just out of one's field of view, beginning to speak immediately, or appearing to pass through walls as the projectors in various compartments hand off the task to the next one on the other side. It's almost as if she were some sort of spirit haunting the ship.

While the clothes of her projection are also themselves projected, they may appear as anything, but generally stick to the appropriate situational choice out of the ship's authorized crew uniforms. The exception to this is that Futaba is often seen in a formal kimono whose layers are various shades of purple, from lavender, to puce, to royal: vibrant and deep to so pale or dark they're nearly grey or white or black. The patterns on the layers that have them are of symbolism important to the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet, such as the fleet's emblems of the hummingbird and the globe of Taiie IV. Likewise, the accompanying hairpiece is a stylized Nozomi II-class Scout, gold and set with purple and black stones.

In the computer room, she keeps an Android avatar using a KAIMON/Ascendant Consort body, stored in the usual coffin-like bed. Additionally, a Yugumo Standard Anthroform Drone Berth has been installed, along with two of the optional storage units, one to either side, that hold real, physical versions of the oufits above. Additionally, the units store the rest of her Star Army Standard Issue Items, the same as any other crewmember. The KAIMON Adapter for the MEGAMI system ensures the drone body's tight integration with, and constant connection to, the ship's systems.


The Drone Complement aboard the ship serve alongside the crew, assisting them with their mission.

Ship Inventory

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2024/02/25 13:10 by Yuuki.

Map Locations
Map to UseKosuke Sector
Map Display NameYSS Yukika II
Map ImportanceMinor RP Location
Map Tooltip ContentYSS Yukika II NS-X5-1212
Show label?yes
Places of the SARPiverse
Opened/Settled (YE)YE 46
Place Categoriesstarship
Risk Levelhigh
Year CommissionedYE 46

stararmy/starships/yss_yukika_ii.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/16 07:02 by yuuki