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YSS Yukika II Standard Operating Procedures

This article covers the rules and standard operating procedures aboard the YSS Yukika II, which are based on the YSS Resurgence Standard Operating Procedures. They are standing orders from the captain. Crew members who violate these rules may be subject to punishment under the Star Army Articles of Military Justice.

Chain of Command

As with the rest of the Star Army, the chain of command must be respected.

The chain of command on the YSS Yukika II is that each department has a head person, usually an officer, who reports to the First Officer, who then reports to the captain. Enlisted personnel should be bringing matters to the attention of their respective department heads. This means the crew should not directly call the captain.


The ship's departments are as follows:

  • S1: Personnel & Admin (clerks)
  • S2: Intelligence
  • S3: Operations
    • Combat Arms
    • Flight Deck Operations
    • Mission Operations
    • Starship Operations (Bridge crew)
  • S4: Supply (Logistics)
  • S5: Engineering
  • S6: Communications/Information
  • S7: Science
  • S8: Medical
  • S9: Crew Support (caretakers and cooks)

Ship Rules

  1. Crew members are prohibited from entering departmental work-spaces without being invited by those who work there, prior authorization by the commanding officer, or directed to do so by the Security Officer in performance of their duties.
    1. Armory
    2. Cargo Bay and Storage Areas
    3. Engineering
    4. Fabrication areas
    5. Galley and Food Storage
    6. Medical Lab
    7. Science Lab
  2. No shuttles or other small craft may launch without permission from the bridge
  3. Do not open fire without orders
  4. No POVs on the ship
  5. No pets or animals without permission
  6. Personally owned weapons must be stored in the armory at all times, and may only be kept aboard or removed from the armory with permission of the commanding officer
  7. Issued service sidearms will be worn at all times while on duty, except during physical training, as outlined in Uniforms

Away Team Rules

  1. Away team members may not operate alone; they must stay with a battle buddy


  1. The authorized primary duty uniforms (and their authorized accessories):
  2. The Star Army Exercise Uniform, Type 40 worn during physical training sessions may also be worn off-duty.
  3. The Star Army Coverall, Type 36 is authorized for:
    1. Personnel working in:
      1. Engineering
      2. Armory
      3. Small Craft Bays flight line
      4. Power Armor Bays flight lines
      5. any workshops or maintenance bays associated with the above
    2. Specific work details as authorized
  4. Away missions are authorized, as appropriate:
  5. The Star Army Duty Uniform, Type 35 is only authorized for dress and formal occasions.
  6. The Star Army Duty Uniform, Maternity, Type 43 requires authorization by medical personnel.
  7. Any other uniforms require specific authorization by the ship's commanding officer.
  8. Civilian clothing is not allowed except:
    1. When on leave
    2. Is expedient for mission success, force protection, or personal safety
    3. When otherwise specifically authorized by the commanding officer
  9. All personnel are required to wear their issued service sidearm at all times while on duty and in a duty uniform, unless:
    1. It is an immediate or specific hazard or encumbrance to duty
    2. During physical training
    3. The personnel is in quarters, medbay, or confinement
    4. When so directed in the performance of their duty by the:
      1. Security Officer
      2. Chief Medical Officer
      3. Armorer
      4. Intelligence Officer
    5. When otherwise specifically authorized by the commanding officer

Launch Authorizations

The KFY Type 27A Torpedo Tube is capable of launching torpedoes and other ordnance. Bridge stations and personnel other than Command are only authorized to launch ordnance germane to their duties:

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2024/03/12 20:23 by Yuuki.

stararmy/starships/yss_yukika_ii/sop.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/16 07:35 by yuuki