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Kisaki - Command Module

The purpose of the Command Module is the general operation of the Kisaki Starbase. All the systems of the other modules are tied into the Command Module. It is from this module that the station is flown to new locations and docking and launching of ships is guided.

Statistical Data


Organizations Using Module: Scientific Studies Service (SSS), Star Army of Yamatai Class: Command Nomenclature: Ke-H4-M3100 Type: Kisaki-Module

Crew and Accommodations

Crew: 50

Inside the Command Module

Deck Sections
One Avionics, Drone / Probe bays, Shuttle bay
Two Avionics, Drone / Probe bays, Shuttle bay,
Three Armory, Bridge, Crew quarters (50), Life pods (10), Wardroom
Four Armory, Computer room, Transit station, Astrometric bay
Five Computer room, Transit station, Lounge, Laundry room (2)
Six Engineering
Seven Engineering


This is the armory for this module. It is located on decks three and four. For SSS installations it contains (SSS) - Standard Armory Inventory. Military installations would have a different inventory

Astrometric bay

This section is for deep space observation. It features a series of high powered telescopes that cover the following spectrums:

  • Visible light Observatory of Cassegrain reflector design.
  • Gamma Ray Observatory
  • X-ray Observatory
  • Ultra-violet light Observatory
  • Infrared light Obervatory

Note: The Astrometric bay can also tie-in to the stations avionics.


This is the primary avionics for the Kisaki Starbase. and are located on decks one and two, and contains the following sensors:

Passive Omni-directional Sensors

Active Omnidirectional Sensors

Uni-directional Sensors (Passive)


The primary bridge for Kisaki Starbase is a Standard Medium Starship Bridge it is located on deck three in this module. It is always manned.

Computer Room

The Kisaki Starbase has a Standard Computer Room. It is located under the bridge on decks four and five.

Crew Quarters

There are quarters for fifty personnel. The Kisaki Starbase command crew stays in Standard Officers Quarters. Other personnel have quarters in the various other modules of the starbase.

Drone / Probe bays (2)

The Kisaki Starbase carries an assortment of probes and drones. The first bay is to maintain and launch. The second bay is for recovery. Both bays are on decks one and two. The recovery bay also contains equipment necessary for decontaminating recovered drones and probes.


This module of the Kisaki Starbase has a standard engineering section it supplies power and life support for the module. It is located at the base of the module on decks six and seven.

Laundry Room

The command module has two Standard Laundry Rooms located on deck five.


The Command Module also features a Standard Lounge. It is located on deck five and has access to the Transit station.

Passage Ways

The Command Module uses Standard Passageways through out. Access between levels is primarily done by stairways or ramps, although there are open maintenance passages with ladders that run the height of the module.

Shuttle Bay (4)

The Kisaki Starbase carries four standard shuttle bays. They are located on decks one and two. This allows the Kisaki Starbase to launch and recover shuttles at the same time without having to worry about collisions.

Transit Station

The Command Module has a Transit Station that allows rapid travel to other sections of the Kisaki Starbase. It is located on decks four and five, personnel enter on deck five.


The Command Module has a Standard Wardroom, command crew personnel normally dine here at the start of their shift but they can eat at other facilities on the starbase. It is provided here as a convenience. It is located on deck three.

Module Systems


The key substance that makes up the 1.25-meter-thick hull of the ship is Yamataium. The frame of the ship is Durandium Alloy. All windows on the Command Module are made of Transparent Durandium.

Combined Field System

The Command Module has an excellent Combined Field System that can protect against damage in either kinetic or energy form.

Computer and Sensors

The Command Module uses the MEGAMI Integrated Electronics System package and is also equipped with a Psionic Signal Controller.

In YE 34 all Command Modules were updated with access to SYNC for civilian communications. This access replaced the PANTHEON except on Star Army of Yamatai stations.

Emergency Systems

The Command Module has the full compliment of Star Army Standard Starship Emergency Systems.

Life Support

The Command Module uses Star Army Standard Life Support Systems.

Power Systems

The Command Module main power source is a high-output Aether generator. Emergency power is provided by fusion reactors in engineering.


The Command Module has only Ketsurui Fleet Yards Maneuvering Thruster clusters for station keeping.

Vehicle Complement



Star Army of Yamatai

stararmy/starships/kisaki/command.1581163686.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:33 (external edit)