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Star Army Bases & Facilities
TypeFleet Depot
LocationCentral Uesureya
DescriptionManufacturing & Logistics
OrganizationStar Army Logistics
Contact PageNakeysha Smalls
Places of the SARPiverse
Place Categoriesmilitary facility

Star Army Museum

The Star Army Museum is a museum of military history operated by the Star Army of Yamatai. It was constructed on planet Nataria in YE 34 and opened in YE 35. The museum is the only part of planet Nataria open to civilians, and tourists are assigned escorts.


The museum's main attractions are its collection of decommissioned starships and its displays of military artifacts.

Main Exhibits

  1. Star Army Uniforms - The museum keeps examples of every uniform and uniform piece ever made.

Starfighters and Small Craft


Tours are available for a selection of historic starships located on the groups and in orbit.

Starships On the Surface

Starships In Orbit

The following ships are in orbit and are reached by shuttle.


The museum offers some bars, restaurants, hotels, and gift shops for visitors.

Food and Drink

On-Base Food and Drink Options

Options for food and drink on this base.

Tokyo Brewing Company BrewPub

This Star Army Bases has an on-site vetted employee location of the Tokyo Brewing Company. It is a BrewPub location and it's current menu is the Tokyo Brewing Company BrewPub Menu (YE 43). The location opened in YE 43.

Kikyo Pie Company

This Star Army Bases has an on-site vetted employee location of the Kikyo Pie Company. They offer delivery anywhere on base.

Military Stores


The Star Army Museum has a train station offering Type 32 Rail Train service to the Nataria Cemetery, the Nataria Fleet Depot, and Fort Minori Reserve Center.

OOC Notes

Article written by Wes.

Places of the SARPiverse
Place Categoriesmilitary facility, museum

stararmy/museum.1613413608.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:49 (external edit)