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Formed in YE 29. The Bakafu Security and Intelligence Agency was the former Intelligence branch of the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet that served the Motoyoshi Bafuku and protected Taisho Motoyoshi Katsuko and other important Motoyoshi clan families. Security required that Bakufu leadership ranked Taisa and above must have protection when serving aboard starships.

The Fifth Expeditionary Fleet ship, Ascendancy was created with a BSIA station so that agents could report back to BSIA headquarters.

They were nicknamed “Blackcoats” due to their use of all Black Star Army of Yamatai Intelligence uniform before the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet and the usage of all black United Outer Colonies Peacekeeping Forces after the Yugumo Cluster Colonies succeeded from Yamatai Star Empire in YE 30. Mostly using the Blackcoat 'Shroud' Suit to remain undetected.

The Tange clan took total control of the BSIA after Hanabusa Miho made an attempt on Tange Misato's life and betrayed the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet to the nightmare-type_mishhuvurthyar Angelica at Hotaru Star Fortress.

The BSIA became the core of the United Outer Colonies Peacekeeping Forces Intelligence branch, loyal to Tange Misato and advised by Motoyoshi Tio.

There was also information stating that Black Coat forces were raiding UOC cargo shipments and blaming it on pirates in order to justify more UOCPF ship building. This rise in pirate activity led to the formation of the Pirate Task FOrce.

During the Second Mishhuvurthyar War, in YE 32, the Tange led Black coats abducted United Outer Colonies Prime Minister Tange-Katsura Ayana and her infant son, Tange-Katsura Edmond to keep her from surrendering the UOC to Melisson. Many Tange controlled forces left the UOC and caused the UOC Black out that caused chaos in the region to cover their withdrawal.

Some Black Coat forces remained on Jiyuu System and were embroiled in a civil war for control of the region as the SMX loomed overhead.

Those blockades we saw earlier… She thought inwardly, as she spotted groupings of personnel that did not wear the usual Peacekeeper attire, but instead wore completely black variants. Those were the trouble-makers no doubt. This was only confirmed as she peered off down one of the streets, spotting a grouping of proper Peacekeeper personnel, hunkered down, and assuming a position for defense against the grouping of black-uniformed personnel. She knew at that point, the Trishka had stumbled into the middle of a civil war, or a coup d'etat. Eying the situation closer, Se'len could see that the black uniform clad personnel were the ones which were going to win out if there was no interference in the situation. Their equipment was well distributed, their tactics seemed solid, and they also seemed to have the advantage of communication since they were able to establish such well placed blockades… blockades which she knew they would have to deal with.1) ~ ruby_fyunnen

BSIA Significant Events

stararmy/fleets/fifth_expeditionary_fleet/5xf_motoyoshi_bakafu/bsia.1696625400.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:46 (external edit)