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Kibou no Hoshi "Star of Hope" Class Medical and Rescue Ship

The “Kibou no Hoshi 1)” Class Medical and Rescue Ship (abbreviated as MRS) is a cutting-edge mobile hospital and rescue vessel dedicated to providing critical medical care and aid in emergencies across the cosmos. The Kibou no Hoshi was introduced in YE 46.


Motoyoshi-Igarashi Yue embarked on the design process for the MRS-class Kibou no Hoshi, or Star of Hope, in early YE 46, drawing upon her experience from creating Daikoku-Class Agricultural Ship. Recognizing the complexity of the project, she enlisted the expertise of Sachiko itatski, a renowned technological savant, to collaborate on the design. Together, they sought additional support from Ryu Kotone, the Shacho of Ryu Heavy Industries whose recent acquisition of Advancer Enterprises, a leading company in pharmaceuticals, positioned them as a crucial partner for integrating advanced medical technologies into the starship's design.

Yue, holding a Shacho rank within Yugumo Corporation, and Kotone meticulously evaluated the hull types available from both companies to determine the most suitable design for the Mobile Hospital and rescue ship. Leveraging their respective expertise in shipbuilding and technology integration, they analyzed the structural integrity, adaptability, and spatial configurations of each hull type to ensure it could accommodate the multifaceted requirements of the project.

Concurrently, Sachiko, an integral part of the team, contributed her insights into emerging technologies and collaborated closely with Yue and Kotone to refine the design concepts. Sachiko's expertise extended beyond technology; she also provided invaluable input on the optimal hull type, considering factors such as maneuverability, stability, and efficiency in both medical and rescue operations. Through this collaborative effort, the team aimed to create a starship that seamlessly combined cutting-edge technology with a robust and versatile hull design, ensuring the success of its mission to provide critical medical care and aid in emergencies across the cosmos.

In the final stages of the design process, the team, driven by the imperative to maximize available space for medical facilities, made the bold decision to opt for a hull design closely resembling that of a dreadnought. This choice, while unconventional for a medical and rescue vessel, ensured ample room for versatile medical setups and equipment, allowing the Kibou no Hoshi to effectively address a wide array of medical emergencies. As construction of the starship commenced, anticipation grew within the interstellar community, as it was destined to become a cornerstone of Expeditionary Fleets from various nations, bolstering their capabilities in remote medical assistance and emergency response.

To complement the starship's capabilities, additional support ships akin to The The 505 Emergency Medical Vehicle were acquired, providing auxiliary aid and enhancing the overall effectiveness of the fleet's medical operations. Furthermore, modular shuttles were meticulously reconfigured to serve as ambulance-like vehicles, facilitating rapid response and transportation of patients in emergencies. With these preparations in place, the Kibou no Hoshi and its supporting fleet stood poised to embark on their noble mission, offering hope and healing across the vast expanse of space.


The Kibou no Hoshi, or Star of Hope, stands as a pinnacle of innovation and purpose-driven design in the realm of medical and rescue starships. This colossal vessel, boasting a hull reminiscent of a dreadnought, commands attention with its imposing yet graceful presence.

At its heart lies a sprawling expanse of medical facilities, meticulously crafted to accommodate a diverse range of healthcare needs. From fully equipped surgical suites and diagnostic imaging centers to specialized treatment wards and intensive care units, the ship offers a comprehensive array of medical services capable of addressing virtually any emergency or ailment.

What truly sets the Kibou no Hoshi apart, however, is its unparalleled dedication to versatility and adaptability. Modular design elements allow for swift reconfiguration of interior spaces to suit evolving medical demands, ensuring optimal efficiency and responsiveness in the face of crises. Advanced technology permeates every aspect of the ship, from state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment to cutting-edge telemedicine capabilities, enabling seamless collaboration among medical professionals and facilitating remote consultations with experts across the galaxy.

But the ship's mission extends far beyond the confines of its hull. As a beacon of hope in times of distress, the Kibou no Hoshi serves as a hub for humanitarian efforts, offering refuge and assistance to those in need across the cosmos. Supported by a fleet of auxiliary vehicles and modular shuttles, it stands ready to deploy at a moment's notice, delivering life-saving aid to the farthest reaches of space.

Mission Specialization

Here are two potential specializations for the Kibou no Hoshi:

  • Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Missions: The ship can be deployed to regions of space affected by natural disasters, providing critical medical assistance to survivors and coordinating relief efforts.
  • Interstellar Medical Research and Exploration: Equipped with cutting-edge laboratories and research facilities, the ship can conduct pioneering medical research in space, exploring the effects of zero gravity, cosmic radiation, and prolonged space travel on the human body. Its ability to deploy specialized medical teams and equipment to remote planets and space stations makes it ideal for supporting scientific expeditions and colonization efforts.


The Kibou no Hoshi has a sleek and imposing silhouette cutting through the void with purposeful grace. At first glance, the ship's exterior appears formidable, with a hull crafted from reinforced alloys and shimmering in the distant starlight. It boasts a streamlined profile adorned with subtle accents of celestial blue. Solar panels line its surface, harnessing the energy of nearby stars to power its myriad systems and facilities.

Massive bay doors dot the lower side hull, providing access to hangars and docking bays where auxiliary vehicles and shuttles stand ready for deployment. Arrayed along its flanks are clusters of sensor arrays and communication antennas, ensuring seamless connectivity with distant outposts and command centers.

Towards the bow of the ship, towering spires rise majestically into the void, housing observation decks and command bridges from which the ship's crew oversees its operations with unwavering vigilance. Luminescent markings and insignias adorn its exterior, proudly declaring its identity as a beacon of hope and healing amidst the infinite reaches of space.

Statistics and Performance

General notes about ship stats and performance


General Statistics for the Kibou no Hoshi CLASS
Year Introduced YE 46
Class/Nomenclature Yu-Y1-1a
Alternative Nomenclature RHI-Y1-1a
Designers Yue Igarashi-Motoyoshi, Sachiko Itatski, Ryu_Kotone
Manufacturer Yugumo Corporation, Ryu Heavy Industries
Fielded By Yamatai Star Empire, Independent, Colonization Initiative Alliance fleet
Range several months to a year or more2)
Maintenance Cycle frequently
Pricing 3,000,000 KS


Crew: 500 personnel are recommended, 100 personnel are required.

Maximum Capacity: There are accommodations for 5,000 people. About 10,000 people can fit aboard in an emergency, but the ship would be extremely cramped.


  • Length: 300 meters (984 feet)
  • Width: 80 meters (262 feet)
  • Height: 60 meters (197 feet)
  • Decks: 14 (4 meters each, Deck 9 is 8 meters)

Propulsion and Range

  • Continuum Distortion Drive: 15,000c
  • Hyperspace Fold Drive: 0.25ly/m
  • Sublight Engines: 0.30c
  • Range: Unlimited
  • Lifespan: 30 Years
  • Refit Cycle: 5 years

Damage Capacity

Inside the Ship

The following provide information on what is within the Kibou no Hoshi class.

Deck Layout

Deck 1
Captain's Quarters
Executive Officer's Quarters
Communications Center
Navigation Room
Observation Deck
Deck 2 Database
Training Facilities
Research Libraries
Deck 3 Medical Services
Surgical Suites
Intensive Care Units
Diagnostic Imaging Center
Medical Supply Storage
Deck 4-5 Patient Wards
General Wards
Pediatric Ward
Obstetrics and Gynecology Ward
Psychiatric Ward
Rehabilitation Center
Deck 6-7 Crew Quarters and Recreation
Crew Quarters
Mess Hall
Recreation Areas
Crew Lounge
Deck 8-9 Storage
Cargo Holds
Deck 10 Engineering and Maintenance
Engineering Control Room
Power Generation
Propulsion Systems
Life Support Systems
Maintenance Bays
Fabrication Workshops
Deck 11 Support Services
Waste Management
Environmental Control Systems
Decks 12-13 Emergency Services
Emergency Medical Response Center
Disaster Relief Equipment
Search and Rescue Drones
Emergency Vehicles
Evacuation Pods
Deck 14 Hangars and Shuttle Bays
Main Hangar
Shuttle Bays
Docking Ports

Interior Compartments

Please enter the following page for more detailed information on compartments, Healer Interior.

Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

The Kibou no Hoshi-class utilizes a primarily Yamataium 3) hull structure. All windows and viewports utilize Transparent Durandium, and most have a retractable armored exterior covering for opacity against beam weaponry.

Kibou no Hoshi-class Hull and Frame Assembly
Primary SpaceFrameForcefield Reinforced Yama-Dura Major Truss
Secondary SpaceFrameYama-Dura Secondary Truss and Rod Assembly
Outer PlatesSitearium coated Yamataium Plate with Omnihue matrix
LiningYarvex Lining

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers is also extenstively used extensively in non-load bearing structures.

Computers, Electronics, and Sensors

Kibou no Hoshi-class is equipped with a KAIMON-Super Gate suite integrated with its own communications and KAIMON Kagami sensors. It also has an uplink and PANTHEON/SYNC connect module. Auxiliary antenna arrays may be extended from the wings, along with the radiators, solar panels and Solar Sails.

Emergency Systems

Kibou no Hoshi-class is equipped with emergency systems that were contracted out to Yugumo Corporation.

Emergency Lockers

There are more than enough damage control alcoves, first aid lockers, armories, and survival lockers easily accessible at key points throughout the ship, all fully-stocked, for any emergency.

Additional Emergency Systems

There are enough Ikigai Escape Pods to cover the max number of individuals supported by the life support system. The pods are placed into RHI Type 44 Escape Pod Adapters, 6 to an adapter. The pods can be further dispersed if it increases their occupants' chances of survival.

Life Support Systems

Kibou no Hoshi-class is equipped with Yugumo Standard Life Support Systems.

Cooling System

All major heat-generating pieces of equipment, as well as the ablative plates on the armor, are paired with appropriately-sized heat sinks, liquid cooling systems, and radiators, which rapidly and effectively absorb waste heat and convert it to usable energy. Much of this heat is fed back into the plasma system to decrease the energy requirements to maintain a plasma-supporting temperature in the system. Some is sent to heat the onsen. Emergency radiators, as well as emergency solar panels, antennae, and solar sails, may be deployed from the tips of the “wings” if necessary.

Atmospheric Systems

The oxygen supply system onboard the Kibou no Hoshi combines oxygen generation technology with carbon dioxide recycling capabilities to create a closed-loop life support system that maximizes resource efficiency, minimizes waste, and ensures a sustainable source of breathable oxygen for long-duration space missions.

Oxygen Generation Machines: The starship is equipped with advanced oxygen generation machines capable of producing oxygen through chemical or electrochemical processes. These machines utilize raw materials, such as water or carbon dioxide, as feedstock to generate oxygen through electrolysis, chemical reactions, or other methods. Oxygen generated by these machines is purified, compressed, and distributed throughout the starship's life support systems to maintain breathable air quality in habitable areas.

Carbon Dioxide Recycling System: The carbon dioxide recycling system plays a crucial role in supplementing the oxygen supply by capturing exhaled carbon dioxide from the ambient air and converting it back into breathable oxygen. The system employs a series of carbon dioxide scrubbers, filters, and chemical reactors to extract carbon dioxide molecules from the air and separate them into their constituent elements. Specialized catalysts or absorbents are used to facilitate the conversion of carbon dioxide into oxygen and other byproducts through chemical reactions or thermal processes.

Oxygen Separation Technology: The carbon dioxide recycling system incorporates oxygen separation technology that selectively separates oxygen molecules from the captured carbon dioxide stream. This technology may utilize membrane separation, pressure swing adsorption (PSA), cryogenic distillation, or other separation techniques to isolate oxygen molecules from carbon dioxide and other trace gases present in the air. The separated oxygen is then purified, compressed, and reintroduced into the starship's breathable air supply, while the remaining carbon dioxide and byproducts are safely stored or vented into space.

Continuous Monitoring and Control: The oxygen supply system is equipped with sensors, monitors, and control systems that continuously monitor air quality, oxygen levels, carbon dioxide concentrations, and other environmental parameters throughout the starship. Automated control algorithms regulate oxygen generation, carbon dioxide recycling, and air circulation processes to maintain optimal air composition, pressure, and quality within habitable areas, ensuring the health, safety, and comfort of the crew and passengers during space travel.


The ship uses a specialized water system, similar to most ships, waste water goes through multiple nanite filtration filters that extract the most harmful chemicals before they reach a small water treatment plants located around the vessel. At the water treatment plants, nanites extract excess water from the sludge of organic material that isn't needed for material's recycling process.

When there is deficient levels of water, stored hydrogen is burned in chambers containing oxygen to generate water. In addition, the patient beds, have a special water reclamation system, that handles sweat this is transferred to pipes in the beds, which takes it to the other systems.

Artificial Gravity

Built into the floors of most floors of the ship, graviton generators are distributed evenly to allow artificial gravity on the ship. The artificial gravity system also does a good job of dampening the inertia of the ship.

Propulsion and Power

Kibou no Hoshi-class uses Kaminari Quantum Foam Generators with an integrated capacitor system to provide secondary power. Secondary Power can last 5-7 days in an emergency.

Emergency Power System

The Omnihue may be configured to allow the hull surface to convert photons from stars into power. Additionally, emergency solar panels may be deployed from the tips of the “wings,” along with the emergency radiators, antennae, and solar sails.

Yue-Type Redundant Power Systems

On the off chance for power failure, or malfunctioning Omnihue the ship is also fitted with a Yue-Type Redundant Power Systems in the form of a Hydro-electricity system that uses water either generated by the systems, or captured from the patient beds.

Stirling Engine-Based Redundant Power System

Kibou no Hoshi-class uses an additional Stirling engine-based power system as an additional redundant system. This type of technology, converts the extra heat generated into mechanical work and, in turn, generate electricity. This is done as explained below.

  • Heat Source: Utilizing the ship's existing heat dissipation system as a heat source for the Stirling engine. During normal ship operation, excess heat is generated, which can be harnessed for this purpose. Additionally, it can be coupled with the emergency radiators for increased heat availability during emergencies.
  • Stirling Engine Generator: The ship has installed Stirling engines with high efficiency and reliability. Stirling engines can run on temperature differentials, making them suitable for utilizing the excess heat generated by the ship's systems. These engines can be connected to generators to produce electricity.
  • Energy Storage: the ship incorporates an energy storage system, such as advanced batteries or supercapacitors, to store the electricity generated by the Stirling engines. This stored energy can be used as a backup power source during primary system failures or emergencies.
  • Automated Switching: the ship has Implemented an automated switching system that can seamlessly transition between the ship's primary power system, auxiliary power system, redundant and the Stirling engine-based system as needed. This switching system is capable of prioritizing power sources based on energy availability and system status.
  • Monitoring and Control: The ship has Implemented a sophisticated monitoring and control system to oversee the Stirling engine's performance and overall power distribution. This system can ensure optimal usage of resources and prevent overloading or inefficiencies.


For propulsion, like many Yugumo designs, the Kibou no Hoshi-class uses a modified Mizu II Series - Umi II CDD which maximizes the CDD performance at 16,500c. Distortion coils are located in the wing pods on both sides of the craft.

In addition to the CDD, the Kibou no Hoshi-class is equipped with four Hoshi III Series Multi-stage Turbo Plasma Drives for sublight speed. They are located in the central region of the pylons. Sublight performance for this craft usually can withstand 0.275c. Maneuvering Thrusters (ion thrusters) and the Plasma Projection System are used primarily for attitude adjustment, docking, and station keeping. The pps renders the vessel to be extraordinarily (relative to its size) agile and nimble even without any inertial dampening or gravitational manipulating systems active.


For hyperspace fold, the Kibou no Hoshi-class uses a Yumeoibito - Max Hyperspace Fold Drive.

Emergency solar sails may be deployed from the tips of the wings, along with emergency solar panels, antennae, and radiators, for efficient, if not fast, sublight travel if the engines are offline.

Shield Systems

Mizu II Series - Umi II CDD is equipped with a (Civilian) Combined Field System, supplementary shields, and navigational shielding. The primary shields create a six-faced barrier.

Supplementary Shielding

For times when the (C)CFS is unavailable or its operation is undesirable such as when sitearium is energized. Running both supplementary defensive systems at the same time does not increase the effective tier of the barrier, rather, they are used against different threats and the responding selected in realtime after threat analysis by the computer. As the supplementary shields do not contribute to the ship's defensive profile when the (C)CFS is active, it is wasteful to have the supplementary shields active while the primary shields are as well.

Electromagnetic shielding

The Electromagnetic shields are particularly good at deflecting the charged particles in many beam weapons. The shield created is a six-faced barrier.

Gravitic shielding

Gravitic shielding are effective against kinetic weaponry and collisions. This shield also serves the special purpose of counteracting graviton beams. The shield created is a six-faced barrier.

Not intended for, or effective at, defense against starship weaponry, navigational shielding protects the ship against navigational hazards, such as fast-moving small masses and slow collisions with large masses. The deflectors allow for safe maneuvering without raising the profile of its sensor signature as much as the defensive shielding.

Weapons Systems

As a Hospital ship, the Kibou no Hoshi-class prioritizes the safety and well-being of its crew, patients, and humanitarian mission over offensive capabilities. While it is not designed as a military vessel, it is equipped with a defensive arsenal to deter and neutralize potential threats encountered during its humanitarian missions.

  • Point Defense Weapons: Tier 6 The starship is outfitted with a network of 100 point defense weapons strategically positioned along its hull to intercept and destroy incoming projectiles, such as missiles, asteroids, or debris, that pose a threat to the ship's integrity. These point defense systems may include rapid-fire laser cannons, railguns, or particle beam emitters capable of engaging multiple targets simultaneously with precision and accuracy.
  • Electronic Countermeasures (ECM): The Kibou no Hoshi is equipped with advanced electronic countermeasures (ECM) and defensive jamming systems designed to disrupt, disable, or deceive hostile sensors, communication networks, and guidance systems employed by enemy vessels or missiles. ECM technologies may include signal jamming, decoy deployment, frequency hopping, and spoofing techniques to confuse and neutralize incoming threats.
  • EMP Field Generator: A specialized electromagnetic pulse (EMP) field generator is integrated into the starship's defensive systems, capable of emitting a powerful electromagnetic pulse that can disrupt or disable electronic systems, circuits, and sensors onboard enemy missiles or spacecraft. The EMP field generator serves as a non-lethal defensive measure to neutralize incoming threats without causing physical harm or collateral damage to surrounding environments.

Additional Info

  • Active Defense Measures: In addition to passive defense systems, the Kibou no Hoshi employs active defense measures, such as maneuvering thrusters, kinetic energy interceptors, and ablative armor, to evade, intercept, or mitigate incoming threats through evasive maneuvers, trajectory adjustments, or physical shielding. These active defense measures enhance the starship's survivability and resilience in hostile or high-threat environments encountered during humanitarian missions.
  • Rules of Engagement: While equipped with defensive weapons and countermeasures, the Kibou no Hoshi adheres to strict rules of engagement and humanitarian principles that prioritize non-aggression, neutrality, and the protection of civilian lives and infrastructure. Defensive weapons are employed solely for self-defense purposes and are not used offensively or in aggressive military actions. The starship operates in accordance with international law, treaties, and conventions governing the conduct of hospital ships and humanitarian operations in times of conflict or crisis.

Vehicle Complement

The vehicle complement of the medical configuration shuttles aboard the Kibou no Hoshi-class is tailored in extending the reach and capabilities of the Kibou no Hoshi's medical facilities, enabling rapid medical response, patient evacuation, and transport support in remote, challenging, or crisis-affected environments encountered during humanitarian missions in space and beyond.


The Kibou no Hoshi-class can accomendate a variety of smallcraft designed to act as Medical Evacuation, Emergency Response, and Patient Transport shuttles. The following numbers is if the hangers are full of only that type of craft.

==== = OOC Notes

Charaa created this article on 2024/05/08 13:31.

希望の星 - “Star of Hope”
Advanced recycling and regeneration systems for water, air, and food may further extend its endurance
Yugumo Corporation is a major corporation in the Yamatai Star Empire with authorization to produce products with this material.

ryu_keiretsu/ryu_heavy_industries/starship/hope_class.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/16 17:52 by