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Itatski Sachiko

Itatski Sachiko is a player character played by Charaa.

Itatski Sachiko
Species & Gender: Nekovalkyrja, Type 33
Date of Birth: YE 40
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai/Yugumo Corporation
Occupation: Star Army Combat Engineer/Head of a division
Rank: Nitô Hei/Shachō
Current Placement: Fort Victory Reserve Center/Yugumo Corporation

Past Plots YSS Shiroyama

Physical Description

Height: 6'3 Weight: 107 Lbs

The color that the strands that made up Sachiko’s hair were a single shade of a Darker cyan color, which she had kept in two pairs of thin ponytails, two at the back, which was kept short since she didn’t want it to touch her back. Her hair was kept in a spiral, like a screwdriver. She also had a few strands of hair in front of her face a little, which she sometimes played with while thinking and focusing. Visible under the hair, dark-shaded eyebrows, with a particularly dramatic dramatic2) arch. Under her eyebrows were the pair of Golden colored eyes. From Zoe, she received the facial features of a soft chin, peachy cheeks and a gentle, petite nose and soft, narrow thick lips. from Setsuya she received her curved and beautifully rounded face to fit the other features in. The ears that allowed her to hear the sounds of her environment were a pair of pointed and definitely elf-like ears, however, there was a bit of fur growing at the back a little. The fur was matte black colored.

The skin that covered her body was pale shade. Although somewhat slender, she had an hourglass-shaped figure, which at the top ended in a D bust. Due to the training she had undergone, she tends to walk upright, and when she stands or sits she tends not to slouch. Because of the exercise and training, she has had to endure. With thicker legs with pronounced muscles both on her upper thighs and her lower legs. Her abdomen is also visibly muscled, a chiseled and trained body. Her arms followed, with visible, outlined muscles. Behind her at the end, was a medium length black fluffy feline tail.

On the rare chances she actually feels she has something important to say, her voice comes out as soft-spoken, but it wasn’t quiet either that she couldn’t be heard, but it wasn’t loud either.

Her uniforms are ironed and kept very neat with no speck of dust or dirt at all on her clothes, her hands had calluses due to working on machinery that the Star army needed, also some relatively minor hardly visible burns.


Sachiko is motivated by an interest in learning things, and understanding, she was interested in learning how the technology worked and how to repair it or to make it better, as a result of her actions. She liked working with technology, so she decided that she will do her part, for her mother, and her people as a technician.

Because the good influences she was polite to those she meets, and she too was disciplined, in that as a youngling she didn’t act like a spoiled brat, but like a nice and polite young lady. Sometimes, though, her mind is at times distracted by thoughts on technology that she doesn’t realize she should be adding something to a conversation she might have been having.

She’s a very dutiful girl, willing to do her duty without complains knowing that her work helps her people, though sometimes while her mind is distracted she forgets to do things, like getting dressed. As a polite young lady, she generally acts kind and polite around the children, since she remembered what it was like, and around elderly people, she makes sure they are alright, ad if they need help she will help them. To anyone else, it will likely depend on how they treated her.

Sachiko is a bit of a savant when it comes to working with technology, but though she is very skilled she doesn’t act prideful or behave in a way that makes others think she’s better than they were.


Pre-rp History On a certain day for a certain month, in YE 40, Itatski Sachiko, came into the world, like a screaming lunatic unhappy with the situation the infant found herself in, namely leaving a warm enclosed space to a wider, colder one made of various metals encased in the vast expanse of space. Like the life of old, through the use of procreation, her parents had worked tirelessly to give form to their creation, their biological offspring, who Setsuya would name Sachiko. She emerged on board a starship her mother had been serving on, while separated from the other who had greatly helped her, Zoeichi 'Bastion' Saksen-Coburg.

Setsuya had chosen not to transfer anything military related to her daughter at a crucial time, in hopes of it allowing her daughter to develop her own personality. Sachiko did try to stay out of the way of few of the personnel, but she began learning things related to machines. She started to develop technical skills, and she soon gained a proclivity for technology. As she continued to mature, her mother told her about Zoe, about who she was, and especially who she was in relation to Sachiko too. She got to see pictures her mother had of Zoe, and when she had been able to, she was able to ‘Facetime’ with Zoe, so that Sachiko could meet her.

Unfortunately, because of situations, she couldn’t meet Zoe face to face, so she settled for that Facetime and virtual reality. Eventually, as the three months passed, she finally became a mature Nekovalkyrja. However, there were laws in place, laws that required her to serve in the military for three years. The former youngling had chosen to join as a technician/Engineer, willing to serve her empire by working on the technology.

Fortunately, she was able to serve the Ship where she literally grew up, and sometimes on the ship that her mother was currently serving on as well. She began hearing of an offer that people in her occupation had, on becoming a Combat Engineer. She knew what it meant, but she was uncertain if she wanted to do that. So after seeking advice from those she trusted, she returned to get specialized as a Combat Engineer. Once trained, she chose a new posting, that of the Space station Shirayama where she chose to join as a Ranger. She still liked working with machines and repairing them, but she decided to see what her time would be like before she decided anything more.

Her mother was kind enough to take her to the station, where it turns out she had an aunt serving there.

RP History

Having arrived, at her new placement she found herself in love with the Space station, it’s a technological marvel that she hadn’t actually been able to stay in for a longer period. So the former youngling was happy that she would be able to stay in this place, and she would be able to interact with her aunt Suzume. She was concerned at first that her aunt wouldn’t like her, but in the end she needn’t worry, Suzume was nice, very nice, and so after saying farewell to her mother time she got herself ready for her duties.

Time passed on the Shiroyama station, and between meeting the Ranger Commander of the Station and the leader of the base, she’d made a new friend in the form of Shasse, a small Miniature Neko able to knock her over. Her first mission had been infiltrating a supposed derelict, something she’d hoped that the leadership would let her take a look at, and maybe take apart. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen, which had upset the tall Cyan haired Neko. To placate her, some Station crew gave her a piece of technology she could tinker with and explore. She hoped that she did both her Aunt and her Leader proud.

With the continued tinkering, and the gathering of [s]“junk”[/s] Technology, she was given a place where she could not only store technology but also tinker, which she did as a hobby. It was here where she created the software for the Virtual Home Sleep. She’d had the help of the Medical staff to make it work well. She was pleased how it would help those on long flights get some sleep. She'd also reunited with her friend Shasse and they shared a pudding together.

Later on while off duty, she discovered damaged schematics of what appeared to be a robot dog, and with some tinkering, she figured out how to complete the schematics and how to create a unique robotic dog. She’d added an experimental AI she’d created to its mind, then gave it a Flamethrower weapon, and sharpened its teeth, and gave it a system that allows the dog. She soon named Whiskers to use it like a saw. She also added a hidden blade in her tail.

After putting other technology that allowed her to smell like a dog, and hear as they did, she had it covered up in fake fur. She took the dog with her everywhere, and she got it certified for combat too. The second mission on the Station would be a Whiskers’s first mission, especially since she was permitted by her leader too.

Sachiko was proud of her pet and proud that she could provide some info on Terra multa and they were able to find out what was happening there. Though it felt uneventful but not as eventful as the time she’d met Vivi, her first love. Vivi had escaped Vice and had found herself at the heap, a junkyard on Terra Multa being chased by her enemies. Whiskers was kind enough to help them to ascend to a new plane of existence, namely ash. Sachiko got the pink-haired human back to the station for medical treatment, where it appeared Vivi would need to lose a limb with how damaged it was.

Sachiko created a cybernetic limb for her, and the two hung out and dated before Sachiko had to leave because the messages she’d been sending to her mother and chosen father were not being responded to. She’d gotten a gut feeling that something bad was happening. Unfortunately, something bad had happened. Her mother had been captured, but Suzume had made sure she didn’t learn of this out of a desire to protect her. Vivi knew she was capable of strength, so she told her she should go, so Sachiko made sure Vivi was safe before her trip.

Sachiko and Whiskers joined her Aunt in a rescue mission, where Whiskers was labeled as a demon dog for her “fire-breathing“ Sachiko herself used her knowledge of technology to cause problems. 1)

Skills Learned

Optional section. Itatski Sachiko has the following notable skills:

Social Connections

Itatski Sachiko is connected to:

Group connection

individual connection

Inventory & Finance


  • Package of Nepleslian Music Disks/crystal​
  • 12 x Small Wooden Chest (10 lb)​
  • SSCC-XL containing water​
  • 40 x Tiny Lead Box (5 lb)​
  • Anti-Insect Remote (YE 42 Giveaway, TC: 93-37, IC: 3498-279-119)
  • Shipment of Computer/Video Games (YE 42 Giveaway, TC: 70-59, IC: 4117-529-121)
  • Padded wooden crate full of mangoes, papayas, starfruit, and kiwis (YE 42 Giveaway, TC: 45-90, IC: 4062-867-130)
  • Small Jewelry Box (Expensive Jewelry) (YE 42 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 67-58, IC: 3876-6379-117) - 5000 KS
  • Large box full of blankets, sheets, and pillowcases (YE 42 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 55-41, IC: 2257-5018-90)
  • Handheld communicator/camera with photos and diary stored on it (YE 42 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 38-86, IC: 3325-17945-120)
  • Ke-M2-W2908 Offensive Augmentation Pods (YE 44 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 3-47, IC: 198-8000-50)
  • Foam Nekovalkyrja nest pit, round (YE 44 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 56-81, IC: 4593-13827-131)
  • Single Instruction Book (“Mothers, Fathers, and Cigars” - Learn Basic Humanities Concepts!)
  • 5 Huge Bags of Yamataian Rice
  • Lorath hand-cannon

Itatski Sachiko currently has 3000 KS.

owned locations Sachiko's Tinker Space

Vehicles: Sachiko has created a hovering vehicle from scavenged parts, which she has chosen to nickname the Heap Runner.

OOC Information

This article was created on 2019/02/04 15:55 using the namespace template.

In the case charaa becomes inactive:

I'd let the players of her family, handle things

Character Data
Character NameItatski Sachiko
Character OwnerCharaa
Character StatusActive Player Character
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusReserve
SAOY RankNitô Hei
SAOY OccupationStar Army Combat Engineer
SAOY AssignmentFort Victory Reserve Center
DOR YearYE 44
The rest of what happened will be added later

characters/yamatai/itatski_sachiko.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/05 05:19 by