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Operation Jinsokuna Enjo (迅速な支援 Rapid Assistance)

Join the the first operational Rikugun Regiment Task Group 46th Legion Command Group as they're scrambled to bolster the security of a Scientific Studies Service (SSS) and Yamatai Department of Diplomacy joint mission to [world name] in the remnants of the shattered Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia.

In the wake of the Battle Of Glimmergold as the military began to fragment, Kuvexian reform factions allied with the oppressed natives of [world name] to overthrow the local Barron and replace his rule with an idealistic republic. However, [faction name]'s dreams of becoming a respected member of the galactic community are at risk from all manner of threat foreign and domestic, even more so in the lead up to the first open election since the Kuvexians came to the planet. Tensions run high in the humid [world name] streets and there have already been several attacks on local officials. Neither the local government nor the Yamatai Diplomacy Department want to call off the elections though.


While the entirety of Regiment Task Group 1, A Brigade of the 46th Legion Command Group will be deployed to [world name] in various forms, the plot will focus around the exploits of Mizu Century from 1st Infantry Battalion. The plot will blend slice of life elements from an extended deployment with the occasional bit of direct action. Most of the plot relevant RP will be done through SP but I do intend to do the occasional JP for certain plot points or missions that can be handled in one sitting. Players are encouraged to make their own threads about what their characters get up to when they aren't on mission.

Play Details


  • Not too rushed, but I would like to get a GM post in every other week.


  • L3 (profanity is permitted but not forced just do what feels right
  • S2 (non-explicit sexual content)
  • V3 (can be super graphic if necessary but I don't plan to make a gory edge fest)

General notes

  • Don't be afraid to contact me if your character is scouting or investigating about what your character discovers if you want to RP out discovering the thing.

Dramatis Personae

Yamatai Diplomatic Mission

Local Security Forces

  • Diamond Access Security: the local Kuvexian security firm hired by the Yamatai Diplomatic Mission to handle site and personal security.
    • Quelban Doon: Diamond Access Security PMC and translator. Point of Contact between DAS and RTG1's 1st Infantry Battalion.1)
  • Local Police
  • Local Military

Ruling Faction (Need to name)

  • Leader
  • Ambassador

Mizu Century

Because Legion Command Groups use Keiko Thought Armor, all Expeditionary soldiers are issued a Nekovalkyrja, Type 332) or Minkan for the duration of their training and five month tour. They may choose to return the body at the end of the tour. Some soldiers may qualify for cybernetic upgrades using the Advancer TIN System instead. Most of the military characters will be apart of Mizu Century's 1st Platoon or Mizu 1

Mizu Actual (Headquarters Platoon)
Rank Name Position Player Notes
Taii Centurion NPC
Chui Executive Officer NPC or PC
Ittô Heisho Senior Enlisted Advisor NPC or PC
Star Army Medical NPC or PC can have more than one
Star Army Technician NPC or PC can have more than one
Star Army Armorer NPC or PC can have more than one
Star Army Unit Supply Specialist NPC or PC can have more than one
Star Army Intelligence Analyst NPC or PC can have more than one
Star Army Clerk NPC or PC can have more than one
Star Army Caretaker NPC or PC can have more than one
Star Army Cook NPC or PC can have more than one
Mizu 1 Command
Rank Name Position Player Notes
Shoi Platoon Commander NPC or PC Priority
Ittô Heisho Senior Enlisted Advisor NPC or PC Priority
Platoon Designated Marksman NPC or PC Priority
Star Army Medical NPC or PC Priority
Mizu 1-1
Rank Name Position Player Notes
Nitô Heisho Fireteam Leader NPC or PC Priority
Star Army Infantry PC Priority
Star Army Infantry PC Priority
Star Army Infantry PC Priority
Mizu 1-2
Rank Name Position Player Notes
Nitô Heisho Fireteam Leader NPC or PC
Star Army Infantry NPC or PC
Star Army Infantry NPC or PC
Star Army Infantry NPC or PC
Mizu 1-3
Rank Name Position Player Notes
Nitô Heisho Fireteam Leader NPC or PC
Star Army Infantry NPC or PC
Star Army Infantry NPC or PC
Star Army Infantry NPC or PC
Mizu 1-4
Rank Name Position Player Notes
Nitô Heisho Fireteam Leader NPC or PC
Star Army Infantry NPC or PC
Star Army Infantry NPC or PC
Star Army Infantry NPC or PC
Various other personnel
Rank Name Position Player Notes
Star Army Combat Engineer NPC or PC Priority
Star Army Military Police NPC or PC Priority
Star Army Communications Specialist NPC or PC
Star Army Information Technology NPC or PC
Various Civilians NPC or PC Ask in DM or on Discord
  • Infantry can instead be ranger MOS but more will be expected of them. Characters outside of Mizu 1-1 who aren't in combat or combat support MOSs won't be seeing any action unless action comes to find them.
  • Soldiers in the HQ platoon or Various other personnel exist to allow a wider variety of players to become engaged in the plot but usually aren't as priority spots to fill.


OOC Notes

Locked 0ut created this article on 2022/12/17 10:23.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

specifically Mizu Century

wip_2023_or_older/plots/operation_jinsokuna_enjo.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/01 09:16 by