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Yuki Inihara

Yuki Inihara is a character played by GingerGlitch.

Yuki Inihara
sia ti1)
 Tsenlan Logo
Date of Birth: YE 27
Species Norian
Gender Female
Height 170 cm
Weight 60kg
Faction Yamatai Star Empire
Sub-Faction  Tsenlan Logo Tsenlan
Organization: Yugumo Corporation
Occupation: Deck Officer
Rank: Deck Cadet
Current Placement: ISS Evenstar

Physical Description

Yuki is a young female Norian, she is 170cm tall and weighs 60kg. She has intense blue eyes and pink hair. She tends to wear sleek fitting clothing, but is apt to choose more comfy styles when in need of comfort. Her hair is not kept in any one style for a particular occasions and therefore is susceptible to any number of things a young person feels.

Height: 170cm
Mass: 60kg
Measurements: B34-W23-H35
Bra Size: C
Build and Skin Color: Lithe, Pale White
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Pink


Yuki is an ENTP-T 2) personality type, which suits her status as a student very well due to having a curious and flexible thought process. She enjoys group activities, making new friends and comes off very playfully sassy. While she tends to lean towards thinking rationally, there are moments where she may emotions in favor of logic. Her prospecive leaning tactics of approach give much towards the, “adapt, improvise and overcome” attitude. She is a success driven perfectionist always eager to find ways of bettering herself.


Yuki Inihara was born on Noria in YE 27 to Andor and Erandar. Much of Yuki's early childhood unfolded during the turbulent years of the Umarian Wars. She did not know her father Andor during that time do to him serving with MERN at the time. Her father had gone to serve as one the scientists to research a facility found on the frontiers of the Yirune Arm. However, when the Umarians became hostile and violently drove the Norian Continuum out he did not survive. This left her on her own as a wee babe with her mother Erandar.

From YE 31 to YE 40 during the Void Wars things were rather unsure due to the ongoing uncertainties that the Asune technologies brought upon their people. While playing with childhood friends on Noria she would hear tales of the horrifying creatures others had seen. Eventually when Yuki began to bring these stories home to her mother, it made her mother more protective of the youngling. This of course led to less time outside with friends, as Erandar was unsure of what would happen to her child should one of these creatures snatch up the little Norian. Yuki took up art during this time, making little paintings of the scenery she so dearly missed and she was quite good for her age.

If her terrifying childhood had not been enough, the Craethel War and The Declaration of Null certainly ramped things up a few notches. Some family friends of hers had moved to Telgath shortly before events kicked off, much to their detriment. Telegath was the first of the Norian capital worlds to be destroyed during this chaotic unfolding of events. She barely had time to mourn the loss of her friends due to another attack that also took the life of Empress Sinith. In YE 44 as the survivors were being hearded on to the arks, Erandar pulled Yuki along with her.

The time spent on the arks resulted in the loss of many lives, one of which was her mothers. Her mother had sacrificed herself to give her daughter a better chance at survival, due to food constraints. During the Arrival of the Norians she felt a sense of relief and release when they had finally been saved. It became her personal mission to make the best out of her life with the chance that her mother and many others died for. She ended up going to Port Jiyuu to finish her education after the events of the Norian arrival settled down. Through the course of her schooling she met two new friends Motoyoshi Eidan and Motoyoshi Kuroko. Some time after her new friends went to the ISS Shiori she was asked and accepted the chance to join them as part of the advance scouts for the Colonial Alliance Initiative.

Sometime thereafter in YE 45 the crew of the ISS Shiori adventured to the Becurn system. This system at the time was home to the Cemlae and the Mocaidins. After some tense interactions egged on by a mysterious rogue AI that led to a nuclear war she had to fly the ISS Shiori to safety under very dangerous conditions. The stress in the immediate aftermath was a bit too much for her, which wound up with her being intimately comforted by Motoyoshi Eidan. In some ways this interaction turned a new leaf for her spurring future adventures with other crew, bringing her closer to Motoyoshi Kuroko in much the same manner as she had become with Eidan.

Plot and Threads


Yuki is or has been involved in the following plots:


Yuki is or has been involved in the following threads:

  • [ISS Shiori] Mission 2 (continued): A New Recipe For Desert.3) - PAST
  • [Motoyoshi Rising] To a New Star. 4) - PAST
  • [Motoyoshi Rising] What in the void filled hells?5) and its linked counterpart.6) - PAST
  • [Motoyoshi Rising] Gray Looms [OPEN]7) - PAST
  • YOI-NO-MYŌJŌ/EVENSTAR: Mission E01 - Maridor.8)- CURRENT
  • [Open] Tsukimi YE 46 - Never Again.9) - CURRENT

Skills Learned

Yuki has learned the following skills:

  • Communication - Yuki can communicate in Nira'las, Trade (language) and Yamataigo (邪馬台語).
  • Vesper Expression - Yuki's Vesper Links to those she cares about are known to be intense and he's mastered the ability to use images or projected thought spaces to participate in communication with others.
  • Painting - Yuki picked up painting as a hobby to vent the frustrations of her child. She is fairly good at painting most any nature scene and is working on her starship painting abilities.
  • Organization - Yuki has developed several methods to keep all areas of her life organized. This includes notebooks for keeping track of her tasks, organizers for personal belongings, and planners for personal or social events.

Social Connections

People Yuki is connected to:


Yuki Inihara's inventory.

Clothing and Standard Issue

Electronics and Other

  • Yuki's Maridor Inventory.10)
  • Notebooks, Planners, Organizers
  • Spider Plushie
Yuki's KAIMON Ascendant Companion
KAIMON/Ascendant Companion
Most use projection is a black and gold ancient looking mechanical spider. It is often seen perched on Yuki's left shoulder or collarbone. Yuki has named her companion Pitikini, which is a word she made up in her childhood. Pitikini's personality is bubbly and sassy, often known for always having a feisty response to just about anything.
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  • 29,750 KS

OOC Notes

GingerGlitch made this article.

In the case GingerGlitch becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? NO
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? NO
Character Data
Character NameYuki Inihara
Character OwnerGingerGlitch
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationISS Evenstar (Yoi-no-Myōjō)
Current Plot(s)Hinomaru Sunrises II
Approval Thread…
Government & Politics of the Yamatai Star Empire
Political PartyIndepdendent

characters/yamatai/yuki_inihara.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/16 20:46 by gingerglitch