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Yamamoto, Trowa

Trowa is a player character played by Cowboy and is currently involved in the YSS Resurgence roleplay.

Trowa Yamamoto
Species: Nepleslian
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Height: 5'11
Weight: 170
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Star Army First Officer
Current Placement: YSS Resurgence
Orders: Orders

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'11“ Mass: 170

Build and Skin Color: In shape, but not really buff. White skin.

Facial Features and Eye Color: One dark blue right eye, the left eye is an cybernetic emplacement covered by a black eye patch. Has a neat trimmed beard and mustache.

Hair Color and Style: Black hair, Military style cut, but a little over regulation size.

Distinguishing Features: Black eye patch over cybernetic eye. Has a friendly lopsided grin.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Trowa is a man who loves life. He is a man his friends can depend on to give good advice, help out with problems, and buy the next round. He loves doing impersonations of people, usually high ranking officials, and telling stories and singing songs at any tavern or inn. He is hardworking and wants to someday make a name for himself as a Captain of a warship. But Trowa also has a darker side. Being part Nepleslian, Trowa has a bit of a violent temper. He is very careful not to let it show but sometimes, when he is pushed to far, Trowa explodes. He has a personal code he lives by which is that all life forms deserve the chance to earn respect, anyone who abuses those who cannot defend themselves are scum, and that you stick by your friends no matter what others may think.

Getting married and starting his own family has taken quite an edge off his former rogue self, but Trowa still lives by his own personal code.

Likes: Big Warships, guns, knives. His family, a good drink, loyalty, smoking his pipe. Recently Trowa has taken up the fiddle and is learning to play.

Dislikes: Those who go against his personal code.

Goals: He wants to one day command his own warship.


Family (or Creators)

Father Geshrin (Tadao) and Mother Nepleslian (Catherine)

Wife: Estrella Yamamoto Daughter: Elanor Aeon Sister-in-Law: Sanda Hoshi

Cousins: Caffran Canterbury, Thomas Canterbury, Jacob "Lucky Jack" Canterbury II


Trowa lost the an eye just after boot camp. He was both subconscious and proud about his cybernetic eye, being part Nepleslian. Since Yamataian culture frowned on cybernetics, Trowa as though others looked down on him. But at the same time, he was proud because it made him unique and he was never one to care what others thought of him. So, at the suggestion of his mother, Trowa kept his cybernetic eye covered by a black eye patch made of a translucent martial. Trowa can see out of it, but no one can see his cybernetic eye, unless one looks very closely.

Trowa's first assignment was aboard the YSS Aeon, a ship that had such an impact on him that he named his daughter after the ship. He took part in several credible actions in the Aeon including the Second Mishhuvurthyar War. However, a training exercise injury, and some miss filed paperwork, led to Trowa being stationed at a defense post while the Aeon continued fighting the war without him.

During this time Trowa meet a beautiful, dark-skinned woman called Estrella. The young rogue fell for her and fell hard. He gave up his all night drinking, his bar-room brawls and his womanizing to be with his “Star” as he called her. They were married in the the Year 36 and set up a home near the base Trowa was assigned. Though a first class ship pilot, Trowa kept getting passed over on new assignments and with the Aeon fighting the war deep in uncharted space, there was no way he could get a transfer to her.

Over the next 5 years Trowa kept up to date of the Aeon's movements, celebrating her victories. He was especially proud when he heard his old Taii Ise Katae had been promoted to a Taisa. He even named his first daughter after the ship, Yamamoto Elanor Aeon. That was why he took the news of the destruction of the Aeon so hard. Trowa felt a huge regret that he had not been there when the ship went down. When he heard that the Aeon II was being constructed, he used all his influence to get reassigned to her.

Yamamoto Trowa


YE 31

  • Joined YSS Aeon NG-X1-409
  • Promoted to Ittô Hei

YE 32

*Promoted to Jôtô Hei

YE 33

  • Promoted to Nitô Heisho

YE 34

  • Promoted to Ittô Heisho

YE 35

  • Promoted to Jôtô Heisho

YE 36

  • Got injured
  • Transferred to a home assignment
  • Got married

YE 37-YE 41

  • Worked a desk job
  • Had a daughter

YE 42

  • Had opportunity to return to active combat aboard the YSS Aeon II

YE 43

  • Promoted to Chui.
  • Promoted to First Officer of YSS Aeon II

YE 44

* Promoted to Taii. * Had a son

YE 45

*Transferred to YSS Resurgence *Promoted to Shosa



Trowa is a fun guy who loves to entertain people with jokes, songs, stories and impersonations. He has a knack for imitating accents. Most of what he learned was from when he traveled with his mother. She taught him how to fill many rolls on stage and many times Trowa would imitate an accent of some of the other actors.


Trowa is fiercely loyal to his friends and shipmates. It is a quality he holds very high. He will stand by his friends no matter the odds.


Trowa is a descent fighter. His reflexes are quick but he lacks style. He learned basic hand to hand combat from his father which helped a lot when he went to basic training, followed up with a rigorous training program. Trowa learned many a knife trick from his mother, who used to perform in the circus. He always has a “pencil sharpener” (throwing knife) and a boot knife on him. Trowa became skilled and experienced in combat both in Yamatai-like conditions and in zero-gravity, with and without weapons during boot camp. His training included energy pistols, knives, and power armor. Trowa also has a fascination with weapons. His favorites are revolvers, which he likes to wear in a cross-draw holster.

During his “desk job” period, Trowa stayed up to date with his hand to hand combat skills and even some special forces training, as well as becoming a proficient marksman.


Trowa is familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other characters through headsets, starships, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. Trowais fluent in both Nepleslian and Yamataian. He can speak and write both correctly and efficiently and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc. He also has an ear for accents and can, with a little practice pick up on dialects and accents and mimic them.


Trowa is very observant and a quick learner. Growing up, when he heard a new accent, he would listen to it as much as possible, then go home and practice speaking like that for hours. After a few days he would go and try it out on a native speaker. Sometimes he was able to fool the native speaker, other times he was way off. But he’s very persistent at it. He is fluent in both Nepleslian and Yamataian, which he learned from his parents.

Technology Operation

Trowa is capable of operating any computer system that uses the Kessaku OS, found on all Star Army starships. He is proficient in entering and/or searching for information. Trowa has also studied basic cybernetics and is capable of doing his own repairs and modifications, to a point, on his cybernetic eye.

Starship Operations

Trowa received basic Starship Operations training. His real skill comes from his time serving aboard the Aeon. Trowa is a gifted pilot and can really make starship dance.



Each soldier is issued the following:

Personal Items

  • Contraband/Black Market Cybernetic augmentations
  • Computer Components
  • Big Box of Knives & Swords
  • 30-centimeter-long, straight-edged, silver-plated dagger


Cybernetic Enhancements/Upgrades

  • Cybernetic Eye
    • Standard vision
    • Display screen
  • Computer/Starship/Power Suit Interface
    • Allows for improved performance with Computers/Starship/Power Suit
    • Technical data, view screens, damage reports etc. show up on Cybernetic eye display screen
  • Left shoulder/arm
    • Replaced with Cybernetics

Power Armor


Pistol Belt

  • 1 pistol belt, leather, dark gray, with holster for service pistol

All items in the section below come with a belt pouch, case, sheath or holster as applicable.

Personal Hygiene

These items are expendable and can be reissued whenever needed. These will not need to be returned.

  • 1 Black waterproof shower kit bag with detachable shoulder strap
  • 1 bottle of shampoo
  • 1 bottle liquid body soap
  • 1 toothbrush
  • 1 tube of toothpaste
  • 2 washcloths, white
  • 2 towels, white
  • 1 stick of deodorant (for non-Nekovalkyrja)
  • 1 hairbrush, round type
  • 1 pair nail clippers


Something special! Contact your GM! (YE 42 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 38-99, IC: 3819-2136-133)


*Ship's wardroom table

Single Instruction Book (“Theological Technological - By Truth Occhesta” - Learn Basic Technology Operations Concepts!) (YE 42 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 69-43, IC: 3024-5260-104)

Lorath Psionics Scrambler Device (YE 42 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 79-23, IC: 1795-10821-93)

Box of 20 Type 30 Tear Gas Grenade (Yellow stripe) (YE 42 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 20-38, IC: 817-12027-56)

Acoustic Guitar with broken neck (YE 42 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 92-2, IC: 149-133-83)

Lion T3 Transport Shuttle


Sawn off shotgun

Crate of Lorath Missiles - S-Size

Autonomous Massage Unit

This seems to be a lost prototype mecha that was being secretly developed, but was lost at the battle of Glimmergold. Though it's rather large, it's also quite fast.


Item Description Reason Date
War Medal Second Mishhuvurthyar War YE 31
Training Medal On board the Henry Chen YE 31
Service Award Completing a Mission YE 31
Exploration Awards Exploration Award AX-01 YE 33
Notable Career YE 31 - 33 YE 33
Exploration Awards Exploration Award AX-02 YE 34
Experience Completed more than 5 missions YE 34


Trowa is currently a Jôtô Heisho in the Star Army of Yamatai. He receives a monthly salary of 4800 KS per month.

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason Date
3000 KS Starting Funds
1500 KS 1500 KS Purcuse of Items
2000 KS 500 KS 10 weeks pay
3000 KS 1000 KS 20 weeks of pay
4000 KS 1000 KS 10 weeks of pay
4500 KS 500 KS 5 weeks of pay
5000 KS 500 KS 5 weeks of pay 09/28/10
12948 KS 7969 KS 10 months of pay 12/31/10to12/28/11
17376 KS 4428 KS 4 months of pay 01/01/12 to 04/01/12
20697 KS 3321 KS 3 months of pay 05/01/12 to 07/01/12
22911 KS 2214 KS 2 months of pay 07/01/12 to 08/31/12
20000 KS 2911 KS Spend on shore leave 09/01/12
20000 KS LOA 09/01/12 to 09/31/13
23542 KS 3542 KS 2 months of pay 10/01/13 to 11/31/13
27084 KS 3542 KS 2 months of pay 12/01/13 to 01/31/14

OOC Notes

Cowboy's first character in the Star Army. Originally inspired by Trowa Barton from the anime show Mobil Suit Gundam. This character was submitted by Cowboy in this thread and it was approved by Wes in this post.

Character Data
Character NameTrowa Yamamoto
Character OwnerCowboy
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationYSS Resurgence
PlotsResurgence Of Yamatai
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankShosa
SAOY OccupationStar Army Starship Operator
SAOY AssignmentYSS Resurgence
Assigned QuartersOfficer Cabin 2
SAOY Entry YearYE 31
DOR YearYE 45
DOR Month3

characters/yamatai/yamamoto_trowa.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/20 08:20 by wes