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Shimizu-Motoyoshi Akiko (清水本吉明子)

Akiko is a player character played by Miyako. Her orders thread can be found here.

Shimizu-Motoyoshi 'Tomoko' Akiko (清水本吉明子)
Species & Gender: NH-33 (Tennyo) Female
Date of Birth: YE 30
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Clan: Shimizu Clan, Motoyoshi Clan
Occupation: Star Army First Officer
Star Army SAIC Pin Giretsu Qualified
Rank: Taisa, Motoyoshi/Shimizu Princess
Current Placement: YSS Tokyo1)

Preferred Plots: N/A

Physical Description

Akiko was born with purple hair, a combination of one of her mothers having blue hair and the other having a kind of primary color red. When she became a NH-33 (Tennyo) in YE 35, she added some color to her hair and made it much shorter than before to keep it more manageable.

The somewhat tall Nekovalkryja has somewhat dark hyacinth purple hair cut into an asymmetrical pixie cut. The longer side can cover one of her eyes if not kept in check by product or a hair pin, but is naturally soft and bouncy. It is very thick and reaches down just past her jawline, which dips into white accents along the bottom on that side. Her eyes are silvery white, and shaped like her mother, Katsuko's. The Neko's features are pretty, though statuesque rather than cute. It makes looking serious quite easy for her.

Her ears are both furred on the back, and press out from either side of her head. She does not have a tail, but her features put her in the taller and more curvaceous region when compared to other Nekovalkryja. Of the triplets Akiko was born a part of, she is the second most filled out.

The sound of her voice is cool and cutting, which sometimes leads to misunderstandings.

Her scent is a modern perfume that mixes floral scents with more mature and abstract notes.

  • Height: 154cm
  • Mass: 54kg
  • Measurements: 36-30-36
  • Bra Size: 36DD



Of the many things said about Tomoko, she is known foremost for being determined and ambitious. She sees it as her responsibility to follow in 'the family business' and is very career focused as a result, when not 'on the clock'. She is often known to skip social events to train, or study for extra qualifications and their exams.

She is quick to change her mind when presented with enough evidence, and views being fluid as the most important thing when deciding how to approach a conflict or most problems. Perhaps learning from her parents, all of her relationships have come from within the Star Army of Yamatai, without exception.

Akiko has yet to realize that learning more military arts does not count as having a hobby.


  • Training!
  • Military Science
  • Classical Music
  • Modern Shamisen
  • Plucky Lady Detectives
  • Aquariums / Marine Biology


  • Documentaries
  • The Cold
  • The Oboe
  • Origami


Akiko is the eldest daughter of three triplets born to Shimizu-Motoyoshi Akina (清水本吉明菜) and Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko in YE 30 aboard Pisces Station, during the International Relations Conference of YE 30.

Sky Marshall Robert Davis named her “Tomoko” (wise child) when she was born, a name she used throughout her time before joining the Star Army, a name she still uses with pride depending on the circumstances. (That RP is Here! )

To commemorate her birth a Star System in the then eastern expanse of the Yamatai Star Empire was named after her. She is a princess of the Motoyoshi, Ketsurui(through Katsuko's adoption and thus hers into the clan), and Shimizu. This doesn't afford her any high place in any succession currently, even among the eldest clan descendants.

She participated in the Second Mishhuvurthyar War as a cadet in YE 34.

Akiko participated in the Kuvexian War from start to finish.

Akiko has trained and fought with Star Army Rikugun and naval infantry forces various times between YE 38 and YE 42. This was invaluable to teach her how to coordinate between different styles of infantry, and to give her practical experience on assault (ship to planet, ship to ship, planet to ship) operations.

In YE 39 Akiko attended the Kyoto War College, and studied advanced fleet strategy and tactics, and cross-trained in planetary assault operations before and after graduation, putting it to use while trying to clear worlds of the invaders.

In YE 40 Akiko graduated from the Star Army School of Advanced Infantry Combat at Fort Ingestrie, Tatiana earning her Giretsu qualification.

In YE 44, she was assigned to serve aboard the YSS Tokyo, to assist the commander of that battle group, Motoyoshi-Yamada Ayano as a Star Army First Officer.

Skills Learned

Akiko has the following notable skills:

Social Connections

Akiko is connected to:

Inventory & Finance

Akiko has the Star Army Standard Issue Items.

Akiko also has:

Giretsu Trainee Issue

Akiko is a Taisa. As a thirteen year veteran, she receives a salary of 13075 per month (117675 per year) into her account.

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
3000 KS Starting Funds
36600 KS +33600 Shimizu Allowance
132900 KS +96300 Pay - YE 31-YE 35
789675 KS +656775 Pay - YE 35-YE 44.8

OOC Information

In the case Miyako becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? YES
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? NO
Character Data
Character NameShimizu-Motoyoshi Akiko
Character OwnerMiyako
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationGemini Star Fortress
Approval Thread…
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankTaisa
SAOY OccupationStar Army First Officer
SAOY AssignmentYSS Tokyo
SAOY Entry YearYE 31
DOR YearYE 43
Government & Politics of the Yamatai Star Empire
DistrictJiyuu System
Political PartyBellflower

characters/yamatai/shimizu-motoyoshi_akiko.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/18 11:55 by yuuki