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Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Yuko

Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Yuko is a player character played by Charaa1).

Ketsurui-motoyoshi Yuko
Species & Gender: Nekovalkyrja
Date of Birth: 9日 6月 YE 44
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai,Motoyoshi Clan
Occupation: Medic
Rank: Santo Hei
Current Placement: YSS Mazu

Physical Description

As a Nekovalkyrja she has a mixture of genes relating to both her parents as she was created differently from most Nekovalkyrja. Her head is covered in short black hair, which resembled her mother’s style, and she had her mother's dark brown eyes. While she inherited her ‘father’s’ Blue color skin. Her parent’s diligence has made it so that her hair was properly cleaned and washed as to not leave a look of oiliness to it.

Because of how controlled her hair was, she had Neko type ears covering what would normally be her Minkan ears. Visible under the hair, dark-shaded eyebrows, with a particularly sophisticated thin arch. Her eyes were Yamataian though a bit rounder, due to both parent’s influence same with her facial features. She was an inch shorter than her mother, but taller than her ‘father’, her ‘father’s shortness only caused the one inch shortness.

She inherited her mother’s legs, as such they didn’t look alien, but she did inherit her ‘father’s long prehensile reptilian tail, which she sometimes used to carry her bags so her arms are free.

Additional info

Neko-type ears: Able to hear whispers and detect certain words at a great distance from her

Tail: prehensile can be used as an extra limb if Yuko needed it and it might be able to be used as a Whip.

Bra Size: B

height: 5'2


Like most children, especially Nekovalkyrja younglings her biggest influence would have to be her parents, in young Yuko’s case, its Tachiko and Yue. Their influence has caused her to be as quiet as they were. Yue tends to not talk unless it was something she really wanted to say, and it appeared that Yuko had inherited this. While through her mother Tachiko she inherited her mothers, curious and inquisitive nature.

As a youngling, while her mother Tachiko was on duty, she hung out with her ‘father’ but even so,Yue did teach her special lessons about bushidō and tried to influence her towards her mother’s Shintoism. But of course, as a Motoyoshi. She also taught her about their clan’s way.

In Yuko’s ‘teen’ years she worked in the Soggy Hole for extra cash in which she could buy what she wanted. This had a big influence on her as she saw how the polite members of the crew treated the waitstaff. It also allowed her to develop into a polite young Neko.


While Port Jiyuu was in transit on the Colonial Initiatives journey, Yuko came into existence as part of the special mandate as set forth by Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko. Yue being a Minkan and thus not immune to the drug Kaserine, had consumed the drug to help her love, Tachiko to give birth to their daughter. Yuko grew up in Asagumo-jo a castle, Co-designed by her ‘father” and great aunt and uncle. Here she was immersed in Motoyoshi Clan traditions and customs, as well as that of Yamatai, the nation the clan, was the most loyal to.

As an infant, she had hoards of willing babysitters and minders, including her parents, to make sure she didn’t get hurt. As she entered the Nekovalkyrja equivalent of school age. She got to use Asagumo-Jo’s extensive educational programs, where she learned only what an elite member of society could learn. Things that the Motoyoshi Clan’s heir was able to learn, though she wasn’t an heir.

Her Mother Tachiko had begun teaching her daughter about her love of cooking and had participated in a session with her mother and with her mother’s help she made treats for her “father” who had been extremely busy at Yugumo Corporation. As a result of her father’s connections, she got to be one of the first to hear new Midnight Infinity Songs.

To get her used to socializing with others2) she was taken3) to where the other kids congregated and she got to play with other kids some not related to the Motoyoshi clan. Unfortunately, due to the station being in transit, she was not able to experience a planet, like those within the system they used to inhabit.

As Yuko entered her “teens” she started getting some independence from her parents, though the guard did continue since she was a Motoyoshi. She started working in places throughout Asagumo city and managed to get placed on the YSS Mazu to work with Mazumi in the Soggy Hole

She used these opportunities to earn money, as she thinks about what she should do. Despite being Yue’s daughter there had been no word if the same prevention that her “father” had for not joining the military would be extended to her as well, as the result, she had to think about what she wanted to do as part of her military occupation.

once she became fully matured, she and her cousin, attended the war college, remotely. This would allow her to raise in rank dramatically.

Skills Learned

Yuko has the following notable skills:

Social Connections

Yuko is connected to:

Group Connections

Yuko's Immediate family

Extended Family

Extended Family 2 (Yuko hasnt met yet)

Inventory & Finance



Art by Charaa using copilot

OOC Information

This article was created on 2023/04/15 22:40 using the namespace template.

In the case charaa becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameKetsurui Motoyoshi Yuko
Character OwnerCharaa
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationAsagumo-jo
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankShoi Kohosei
SAOY OccupationStar Army Medical
SAOY AssignmentYSS Mazu
Assigned QuartersCabin 3
BattlestationMedical Bay
CallsignBlue Mercy
SAOY Entry YearYE 45
SAOY Entry Month3
Yuko art by Charaa using Copilot
out of concern for her quiet nature
under strict guard
Her parents are wrapped around her fingers
Aunt Katsuko is wrapped around her fingers

characters/yamatai/ketsurui-motoyoshi_yuko.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/16 17:22 by